Monster Apartment

Chapter 5

Gu Bai woke up in a daze.

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It was stuffy under the quilt, and the phone was still held tightly in his arms and was vibrating at the moment, with the 7am alarm clock on the interface.

I actually fell asleep?

Gu Bai got up abruptly, opened the quilt, and looked around the room with his hair curled up in many small tufts.

Nothing has changed, and there is nothing unusual.

Gu Bai was confused for a while wearing his Doraemon pajamas and looked down at his phone, which already had a signal.

Gu Bai, whose sense of security was instantly restored, rolled over and got up. He looked down at his slippers, thought better of it and stepped on the carpet with his bare feet, approached the doorway silently with his arms locked, and caught the door handle.

Gu Bai regrets a little that he forgot to ask Zhai Liangjun for the property number yesterday.

What if the burglar is still in the house today?

Gu Bai stood in the doorway with bare feet, his hand resting on the door panel in hesitation.

Eventually, Gu Bai took a deep breath and slowly turned the door handle, quietly pulling open a crack.

The light from the living room pours in brilliantly and brightly.

There is no unusual movement.

Gu Bai carefully opened the door of the room, poked his head to look around. He got out of the not-so-wide gap, and passed through the living room lightly.

The living room was the same as yesterday. No trace of rummaging, not even the tissue papers that had been casually thrown on the coffee table before going to bed yesterday, had moved out of place.

Gu Bai was still unsure. He walked into the kitchen, then pulled out a fruit knife, gestured twice, looked at the cold light of the blade and felt a little bit not quite right, then put the knife back gently. He grabbed the mop on the side and stepped up to the first floor with light steps.

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He moved so gently that even the sound of his clothes rubbing together seemed a little louder at this point.

Gu Bai poked his head out of the stairwell carefully, and scanned the entire second floor with his eyes.

There is no one.

Those paintings of his had not been destroyed either.

Gu Bai’s vision scanned carefully over the two rows of paintings he had hung and eventually saw two empty clips at the end of the first row.

Gu Bai was instantly alert and went thumping up the stairs carrying a mop. Underneath the two clamps, he then found a small clump of charred ashes on the floor.

Gu Bai looked at the painting next to him and recalled what was originally hanging here, and couldn’t help but fall into contemplation.

This thief entered the door… and burned the tissue signed by Mr. Zhai…?

Is this a new career in the entertainment industry?

Gu Bai is incredulous.

The most valuable thing that Gu Bai has now is these paintings. The paintings are still well placed here without any problem. Gu Bai breathed a long sigh of relief, put the mop on the floor and swept the pile of ashes clean, then carried the mop downstairs, washed up and changed his clothes. He then prepared to go out to find the property to investigate the surveillance.

It’s not quite right to call the police in this neighbourhood, but it’s not like there isn’t another way.

It’s one thing that he wasn’t financially damaged, but the community property has to take responsibility for the burglary of the flat owners.

…Although he is not the owner.

However, with the affordability in this community, the property is not so low-end as to ignore the complaints of the tenants.

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Gu Bai had just reached the door when he heard an unusually familiar “clanging” sound, which was extremely similar to the sound of Ms. Huang beating Mr. Zhai yesterday.

Gu Bai froze in the foyer, thinking to himself that this kind of drama was an everyday occurrence

With all the commotion outside, he was a little hesitant to go out now.

…Why don’t I go back to the house and have breakfast first?

Gu Bai thought this way, turned his toes, turned towards the kitchen, and then turned back.

Mr. Zhai is a good man, and it is too pitiful to be beaten all the time.

When Gu Bai pulled open the door a little, the noise from outside became instantly obvious and clear.

“Zhai Liangjun, you’ve grown up! How dare you hang a duster on someone’s door to protect me against me?!” Ms Huang ploughed through the same mop from Gu Bai’s house and chased Mr Zhai, who was clutching his head around the sixth-floor corridor.

However, Mr. Zhai was quick to react to the situation and did not get hit.

A bunch of people from the flats upstairs and downstairs that Gu Bai hadn’t seen before had come out of their houses. They were snorting and cursing, shouting that they would be late and running wildly towards the lift with toast in their mouths, full of the lively atmosphere.

Ms. Huang became even more angry: “Stop right there!”

“He’s just a little cub! What are you doing scaring people in the middle of the night!” Mr. Zhai and Ms. Huang faced each other across a skylight.

Mr Zhai was still not satisfied when he finished and said to Ms Huang, ” If you have the ability to attack at night, you dare to come at me!”

“Coming at you, huh?” Huang Yining was so angry that she raised her eyebrows, and the mop in her hand was like a javelin thrown at Mr Zhai across the hall, “I’ll come at you if I have to!”

Mr Zhai let out a “shit”, rolling and crawling to avoid the flying mop. He turned his head to look at the mop in the entrance hall, then at the door number, and then with a desperate look on his face, he said fuck again.

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“Where are you throwing it?” Mr Zhai collapsed.

Ms Huang also raised her head and glanced at the house number, her arrogance deflated at speed visible to the naked eye.

“What are you waiting for!” She rushed to Mr Zhai’s side in her high heels, pulled the mop with one hand and carried the man with the other, then ran back into her house with the man and the mop at a speed that would make anyone’s eyes drop, and closed the door with a bang.

The noise upstairs and downstairs was hushed, and then all went back to their homes and jobs, pretending that nothing had happened.

Gu Bai, who witnessed the whole thing:”…”

Was the real set-up of Ms Huang originally a female strongman?

What is going on in this building?

Gu Bai was full of shock as he looked at the hole in the door of the home across from him marked as room 663, thinking that the people in the entertainment industry were really unpredictable.

Gu Bai waited until the people who had just watched the fun had left and the whole building had completely calmed down before he slowly changed his shoes and walked out.

Just as Gu Bai turned to close the door, the neighbour across the hall, who had suffered an undeserved disaster, also slowly opened the door.

Gu Bai turned his head to look over there. The man walking out from inside was wearing a proper white shirt and silver-grey suit trousers, with a pair of polished black leather shoes on his feet, and was tugging at his tie with a slight frown.

The man is handsome, in the conventional sense of being loaded with masculine good looks, without a hint of creaminess. He has well-defined eagle eyes and sword brows, a full head of hair, and a standard men’s business haircut.

The whole man exudes the air of a successful man from top to bottom, inside and out.

Simply put- the smell of money.

He closed the door just in time to see the hole in it, and the crease between his brows tightened for a moment.

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He turned his head to look at Gu Bai. That look was like a blade with a cold glint, scraping one’s skin raw.

This person was very displeased.

Gu Bai shrank his neck, wimped out for a second, and said in an incomparably small voice, “Not…Not me!”

As soon as he spoke, the door to the next flat 665 suddenly opened a crack, and in the next instant, it was slammed hard again.

Gu Bai did not even dare to turn his head to look, and the man standing straight across from him had already rushed over with big strides, swept past him, stopped at the door of 665, lifted his foot, and directly kicked the chained door with a “bang” to open.

Gu Bai looked at the successful person who opened the door and rushed in, and then looked at the scrapped door lock beside him.

A part grumbled and rolled to his feet before lightly hitting his toes.

Gu Bai returned to his senses with a shiver.

Anti, anti-theft door!

This is a theft proof door!

How did he kick it off?

Gu Bai is about to crack up.

What the hell is wrong with this apartment! What’s! the! matter!

The author has something to say:

Gu Bai: Can you respect your image?!!

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