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18. Happiness of the Family

Synopsis of the previous chapter:

The final battle of the first volume.



Chapter 18.


“Lily! Rose!”


I caught the two ‘Monsters of my Family’ that came flying into me from the front.


To be exact, it could be said that I was ‘pushed down’.


My hands were still glued to the floor and, without being able to move my body, I could only remain hugged by them as I fell on my bottom.


“I’m sooo relieved that you’re fine…”

”We have been worried, Master.”


The two of them clung to my chest, ecstatic at our reunion.

Of course, I was happy. However, it didn’t just stop at that.


“O-ouch! T-the both of you, please calm down a littl-.”

”Ah, yes. Master, you weren’t injured, were you?”


When I shouted out in pain, Lily immediately activated her recovery magic for me.

In the meantime, Rose freed me, cutting my binds of spider threads with a small knife that was hanging from her waist.


“Sorry. We were just too happy. So…”

”Nah. Don’t mind it.”


It just meant that they were that worried about me.

Just by knowing that, my heart warmed up, and even my pain didn’t bother me that much anymore.


My body feels bubbly and warm.

It was because my injured body was healed with recovery magic.

That said, it still took several minutes before I was able to move.


That was the limit of Lily’s recovery magic. I can’t complain about it.

Besides, it was not like I was in a situation where I can whine about my injuries.


Both Lily and Rose, were in a really appalling state.


Due to receiving a large amount of damage, Lily’s mimicry ability was affected. The majority of her body and half of her face melted and returned to that of a Slime. Thanks to that, she wasn’t completely nude, so it wasn’t lewd, but it was still a ghastly sight.

Even the hand gently touching my broken right arm was completely transparent; not even a finger could be discerned from it.

…Occasionally falling, her body fluids dripped onto my arm and flowed down. Because she could barely maintain her human form currently, I could see that she was at her limits.


Speaking of Rose―she lost an arm. When she was thrown against the pillars and floors numerous times, one of her leg joints seems to have been hurt as she had been dragging her foot behind her when she came running over.


The worst injury was probably the crack running through the torso. It was probably from the sudden, last kick of that spider leg while she barely avoided taking a direct hit, she seemed to have been hit in the side instead; a deep radial crack ran from her shoulder.


It was indeed a body riddled with wounds.

If anything went wrong, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that their lives would have been forfeit.


Even so, the both of them came to rescue me.


“Thank you. The both of you. I’m really thankful…”


Other than these words, I had no better words to express my feelings.


…If it had ended like this, it would unmistakably be the ideal ‘happy ending’.

The reason why it wasn’t was because reality was cruel.


”Wherefore… do ye rejoice?”


A voice of resentment called out towards us who were being joyous.

When it raised its head, we were met with a pair of scarlet eyes, full of fury.


The White Arachne, who was of great health, glared at us.


“With such trifling wounds, didst ye thinketh that ye hath prevailed against me?”


The White Arachne who said this in a low, threatening voice, didn’t seem to have taken any damage against Lily’s magic at all.

What was more shocking was that the blisters on its face that were there moments ago were nowhere to be seen. It seems that ‘High Monsters’ were monsters with high recovery abilities.


Compared to that, it was clear that on our side, Lily and Rose are no longer in a state to fight.

Just for the sake of arriving at my side alive, they have already spent all that they had. They did not even have a fragment of strength left to fight.


In other words, this was the end for us here.


I was unbelievably calm, taking the despairing situation in stride.


The reason? It’s obvious enough without bothering to search for it.

If I am to perish here with Lily and Rose, I thought that it’s not that bad after all.


On that matter, just the two of them embracing me granted me such a feeling of peace.


Compared to a solitarily life spent trapped in these spider threads, it was definitely much better to die here with Lily and Rose.

I spontaneously thought so.


Besides possessing me, I doubt that the White Arachne’s aim will include killing me... If it comes to that, I can only bite off my tongue.

<TL note: If you didn’t get it, he just said that he’d rather die than live on alone without them. -Blesser>


“Wait, Master”


Just as I determined myself to do that, Lily's hand in liquid form enveloped mine.



"It's still too early to give up."


Lily shouted out.


What did she mean?

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The current situation was clearly a ‘checkmate’. No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible for them to physically turn the tables around from this point.


Even though that should be the case, Lily, who only had half of her face left, showed an expression full of confidence towards the White Arachne that started to approach.


“Soon, I shall shatter that body of thine, and retrieve that which is mine.”


With sharp clinking sounds produced by its spider legs, the White Arachne drew near.

The reason why it did not use its fully-charged and fearsome jumping power to strike, was probably because she didn’t want me to get caught up in it. She was certainly still intending to finish off Lily and Rose once and for all.


“Ye hath struggled and toiled in vain. It is I who shall be the victor.”

"What are meaningless, are your actions, aren’t they?"


The person that replied with those words was Kato-san, who appeared in the space between us and the Arachne.

She was the same as Lily; they had still not given up.


As I looked in that direction, I locked eyes with Kato-san, and just for a little, a broad smile was seen.


It was a natural smile.

As though she was happy from the depths of her heart that I was fine.



It appeared just for an instant.

Kato-san immediately put away that smile and turned a steely gaze towards the White Arachne.


"Going on a rampage and throwing a tantrum... So, did you get what you wished for, White Arachne-san?"

“I shall soon snatcheth it back. Silence, wench!”

"Snatch it back? You sure say some funny things. Surely, something like that is impossible for you?"

“What didst thou say?”


Perhaps not allowing those outrageous words escape, the White Arachne turned towards Kato-san’s direction.


"Art thou addled? Look! Strength hath they all spent. This will be their deathbed."


Even though a killing intent that would have crushed a timid person was turned against her, Kato-san remained calm.


"Well, that might be the case."


After Kato-san immediately affirmed the words of the White Arachne she shook her head.


"However, this and that are different matters. Upon killing Lily-san and the others here, you will never again attain what you have wished for, you know. ...Rather, you have never once attained what you wished for."

"Haven't you realized it yet?"


In place of Kato-san, this time, Lily spoke out instead.


"You have been mistaken all this time."


I couldn't understand what those girls were saying.

Well, I think the same can be said of the White Arachne.


At least, until that moment.


“Mistaken, thou sayeth? What...”


The words that the White Arachne was about to say, stopped unnaturally.

I didn't know what Lily did, but the White Arachne cut off its words and fully widened its eyes.


Reflected in her scarlet eyes were me, her Master, and the two other ‘Monsters of my Family’, nestled against me.


Lily sat, softly placing her hand upon my arm. The area around my shoulder was covered with her flaxen hair as she nestled even closer against me.

And my other hand was being gripped by Rose's doll hand.


At the sight of the two ‘Monsters of my Family’, the White Arachne looked on with a frozen expression.


Looking at that frozen expression on the Arachne's face, Lily spoke.


“...It seems that you have finally noticed. Then you should understand, what I meant by you misunderstanding.”


Half of her face had reverted to that of a Slime and an unhealthy expression was on her face.


“Having your own will? Attaining an ego? Those are certainly good things. Yes. Even I can remember those. That instant, when colours manifested in my world.”


Those were the same things that the White Arachne had talked about.

Originally, monsters do not possess self-awareness. In that case, the moment they attained it, they should have shared in the irreplaceable vivid experience that was as what my Family have felt.


“Master has bestowed awareness unto us. Master is like a ‘mother’ to us in human terms――No. He is a special existence, something above that. Well, it’s not as if I cannot understand your desire to monopolize and kidnap him.”


All three Monsters of my Family have different stances regarding me as their Master, but they all share a common point.

Just like how Lily gave the metaphor of a mother, each of them hold special emotions towards me, this should also be the same for the Arachne who abducted me. Rather, it was precisely because she held such feelings that she went to the extreme actions of abducting and confining me.


“However, there’s no point in only keeping Master to yourself. You were mistaken in that area.”

Lily, who was holding my hand, squeezed it.


“We hold Master in the highest regard and importance. Master as well, cares deeply for us. I believe that this is an insurmountable and irreplaceable happiness.”


With a body so transparent that it didn’t have a shadow, Lily placed her hand on her broken chest, yet she had an extremely contented look.

She wordless expressed that she bore her wounds with pride.


Lily is in a state of blissfulness.

The same can be said of Rose who was glued to my side.

I, who was with the two of them, was the same as well.


This was the situation that everyone had bet their lives on creating.


“Hey, this happiness of ours… you can feel it conveyed to you as well, right?”


My Family and I are connected heart to heart through the path between us.

That of course, is no exception for the White Arachne.


It’s too hard to to glean complex pieces of information by transmitting through the path. But, on the other hand, it’s possible to convey what cannot be conveyed in words.


We can directly convey to each other feelings and things that even a thousand words cannot express.


In other words, the emotions that Lily, Rose and I are feeling right now, can be completely and transparently transmitted to the White Arachne.


For example, the sense of fulfilment from working hard for sake of your loved ones.

For example, the joy of loving, and the joy of being loved.

That which cannot be attained alone, the real meaning of insurmountable bliss.


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And so, all of these were to become a clobbering hammer, a piercing spear, against the White Arachne.

That’s because she is also a ‘Monster in my Family’.


Originally, she should have existed together with us as a ‘Monster of the Family’, as well as a beloved comrade.

Then, she would have obtained the same ‘unsolitary bliss’ that I am feeling right now.


However, she can no longer obtain it.

Even if she could not obtain happiness, she had never considered it as an issue.

It was because she did not know what true happiness was, until now.


She did not know and became unreasonable.


However, through the path connecting our hearts, it was possible to directly transmit the feelings of bliss that she has never experienced before to her.


Thus, the White Arachne came to know of bliss.

Something that felt as though it was unrelated to her.


After knowing that this was the highest form of bliss, she understood that it was something that she could never attain by herself, nor experience again with her own strength.


If her heart still did not break under this, the White Arachne would truly be a monster in the real sense.

<TL note: As in an unfeeling beast. -Blesser>


“Uuu, ah…”


Yet, that shouldn’t be the case.

She, who had just received a heart, was purer than anyone; is just like a newborn child. The one who gifted her a heart was me, who is only an ordinary man.


In a certain sense, this was ironic.

If only she did not attain the heart she had been constantly longing for, she would have remained an invulnerable existence against such hurts.


“I, I… I was…”


No matter how how hard the exterior is, no one can withstand stabs against the soft, inner layer.


Thus, the violent white spider that had been unrivaled broke down.





“It’s good that you’re alright, senpai.”



With Lily' recovery magic, Kato-san was able to walk for now, she neared me and welcomed me back with a slight smile.


Everyone were unsteady on their feet, but Kato-san, who didn’t even fight, had an unhealthy complexion, it was probably from feeling too much tension.


“Was Kato-san the one who came up with the strategy?”


I asked the question that has been bugging me.


Even though I don't have conclusive evidence, I felt that that methodology of doing things wasn't Lily's or Rose's style.

Putting aside that I was saved, I thought that her expression is a little… But it would be too rude to say it out loud.


That level of thinking cannot possibly come from my ‘Family of Monsters’, who were simple creatures.

It is a human concept.

Sure enough, Kato-san nodded.


"I don't know what reason why that spider kidnapped Mashima-senpai. However, I understood something from the fact that it had taken senpai away."

“That she was obsessed with me?“

“Yes. At the very least, I understood that senpai is a special existence to her. And so. even when she created a mess, I deduced that she could be a part of senpai’s Family. If she’s a part of senpai's Family, she should have the same kind of origin similar to Lily-san and Rose-san. In that case, I thought that there was a way to exploit it.”

“No matter what kind of intention she had when she kidnapped me, that has nothing to do with it."

"Yes. Towards senpai, who was the Master, being believed in, trusted in, replied on and loved by... Those are things that bring happiness, aren't they?"

“…I wonder if that's true?”

“It is.”


Kato-san showed an extremely lonely smile.

“Lily-san and Rose-san wanted to arrive at Mashima-senpai’s side alive. Those were the conditions for victory.“


Before I said anything, Kato-san retracted her smile and continued speaking.

“Those were quite the difficult conditions, but those two fulfilled it splendidly.”


The strategy was for Lily and Rose to bet their lives challenging the Arachne, while doing that, whomever that survives was to arrive by my side by any means.


Against an opponent that you don't have any methods of winning in combat, this was the only way.


“After that, all that's left is to tell that White Arachne of her situation. ...However, to do so requires us to draw her into conversation with us. This was my responsibility. She was extremely strong, and I, was extremely weak. If such an opponent walked out nonchalantly, her interest would be piqued. Besides, since I can be killed anytime, killing me then and later would have been the same. In that sense, I was the best candidate for this job."


“Even so, it wasn’t as if there was no danger to your life.“


More importantly, the White Arachne could have decided to kill her indiscriminately on a whim, she was really walking on a tightrope with her life at stake.

“Besides, didn’t you come out once before that as well? While we were in the midst of fighting.“


Lily cut in while Kato-san shrugged.


“To move in order to create an opening, well, that was ad-libbing. It would have become an impossible situation otherwise.“

“That was too reckless. I thought that my heart was going to stop.“

“Doesn’t Lily-san not have a heart right now?“

“Aren’t the two of you starting to get along pretty well while I was not around?“


Interjecting between those two who were bantering, the slight traces of a bitter smile could be seen on Kato-san while Lily showed an uncomfortable face. It seems that something happened between the two of them after all. I was curious but I'll ask about the details later.


"Still, that was a strategy that makes me break out in cold sweat just hearing about it."


When I murmured that, Kato-san tilted her head.


"Yeah. If the discussion didn't go well, in the worst case, there was the possibility of the White Arachne arriving at a completely different reasoning from the other ‘Monsters of the Family’, right?"

"Ah. That's certainly true."

Perhaps Kato-san had already considered that possibility as well, she expressed agreement with my opinion.

"It was a gamble we took. Well, because there were no other solutions, we simply had to do it... However. I thought that it was a bet that didn’t have bad chances.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Because I know Lily-san and Rose-san.”


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Kato-san glanced over at Lily who was completely glued to my back.

"For example, Lily-san has a side of her that is highly skeptical…"

“Ahh, wait, Kato-san!?”

“...And that Rose-san is a serious person.”


Kato-san easily ignored Lily's protest.

Looking at this hierarchical back-and-forth banter, I inferred that something had happened while I was away. I wonder what had really happened.

I'm worried about it after all, Making a note to ask the details from Rose later, I prompted Kato-san to continue the story for now.


"It's certainly probable that it’s just as what Kato-san has said. So, what was it about the characters of these two?"

”I have been thinking about it, and this is just my hypothesis but somewhere, a part of senpai's Family is affected by senpai's character.”


Kato-san's reply caught me off guard.



"Yes. From what I heard, before meeting senpai, the ‘Monsters in the Family’ did not originally possess a heart. In that case, it wouldn't be that strange if there was such a side to it, would it?"


As I listened to Kato-san, I recalled the conversation I had with the White Arachne regarding the power I held.


The seeds of awareness started to sprout because my Family came in contact my heart,

Of course, that should have influenced them greatly. Even if a part of their character shows that, it wouldn't be a strange matter at all.


”That’s why I thought that even that white spider's heart shouldn't be in Since she is also a part of senpai's Family after all."

Without thinking, just as I was about to leave the Arachne's nest, I turned around.


In the middle of that huge space, the spider sat with its legs folded.

The girl with a spider's body hung its head in shame.

With her long, white hair covered her face, completely hiding her expression from view.


She no longer had the energy to stand against us, those feelings were transmitted through the path.


What was there, was only a pitiful life form that felt everything that should have been in her hands fall away, waiting to waste away alone.


She had been alone.

Since then and even until now.

Most likely, from now on as well.




In this open-aired space that was without walls, somehow I suddenly felt as though I was enclosed, shut into a deep cavern.




Perhaps realizing that something was off with me, Lily called out.




I also called out her name.


That was the only thing I did. Yet, with just that, Lily seemed to have noticed something and opened one of her eyes on her half-broken face.


She let out a small sigh, disturbing the air.


"Master, you’re really..."

"My bad, The one who injured you guys is..."

"It’s okay. I like this aspect of Master as well."


Lily let out a wry smile that seemed to say: it couldn’t be helped.

With a smile on a half-broken face, it was the smile of a monster.


However, to me, I thought that it was a smile more beautiful than any goddess’.


"Just like how Master likes my imperfect form, I too, love that sweet side of Master. That's why, it’s okay. Master should just do whatever Master likes."


Saying that, Lily gently left my side.

I approached the spider who broke down, wanting to give her some encouragement.


"Master? What are you..."



Rose and Kato-san still didn't seem to understand.

Well, they probably wouldn't understand. Even I, myself, think that it's a foolish thing to do.




The girl that was growing on the spider jerked in shock.

Her silky hair swayed, revealing her crimson eyes as she looked up at me.


Just from looking into her eyes, it can be seen that she had lived far longer than me. However, looking at her current figure, she only looks like a child to me.


"Do you wanna come along as well?"


The Arachne's crimson eyes widened.

Also, those behind me started to show signs of panic.


"Master!? What are you speaking of?!”

"Y-yeah! Senpai!"


Rose and Kato-san pretty taken aback, but the one who was most shocked, was probably the White Arachne in front of me.


“Do thee… jest? Milord."

"We are connected by the path, so you should know."

“... It doth appear so.”


The white girl looked at me with disbelieving eyes.


“I have assaulted thee, Milord.”

"Yeah, that's right."

“And… wounded thee greatly.”

"That’s just as you’ve said as well."


Putting aside my wounds, the inflicting of Lily's and Rose's heavy wounds were, frankly, more aggravating to me.


"But thinking about it, your awareness should have been awakened by coming into contact with my heart."


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Waking up the seeds of awareness that was originally virtually non-existent inside a monster by coming into contact with my heart. That was what my ability, [Monster Tame], does as said by the White Arachne.


When they come in contact with my heart, the girls in my Family receive my wishes.

Lily who saved me from drowning in my despair.

Rose who protects me as I resolved to survive in this alternate world.


The spider in front of me should not be an exception.

This one had also touched my heart and should have received my wish.


And so, looking back on it, there was indeed an occasion that came to mind.


――“I hath power. Might that concedes not to any other. I shall wield this as I will! With this ego I hath attained!”


Those were the words of the White Arachne.

Recalling such an arrogant exclamation, it left a bitter taste in my mouth when I thought of it.


Ever since I came into this alternate world, I've experienced things that could have distorted my perception.

The day the Colony collapsed, I’ve been hurt, and had thoughts that crushed my sense of values I’ve had until now.

I was wandering alone in the dangerous forest for three whole days, I had also almost died in solitude.

Besides that, there was the latest incident with Kaga, where I committed an act I never wanted to associate myself with; I dirtied my hands killing a human.


In any case, if only I had overwhelming power to overcome these harsh conditions, I could have escaped these situations.


――If only I had strength.

Even I, am human. If I said that I didn’t think that way, I'd be lying.


Thinking this way was an extremely dangerous thing.

That's because, this way of thinking will eventually lead to arrogance like: 'If I have strength, I can do anything'.

The White Arachne in front of me is such an example.


I’m sure that that desire for strength has always been buried somewhere deep within my heart. Tonight, this white bundle of violence has taken its form and bared its fangs.


"The one who granted you a heart, was me. So, a part of the responsibility of you running amok belongs me as well. It’s unreasonable for me to put the entire blame on you for that."

"Amok I ran, of my own intentions, I have done. Dictated by the spider instincts within."

"Even so, the one who triggered that, was my wish. It doesn't take away my responsibility."

“...Truly, thou art far too magnanimous a man, Milord.”


The White Arachne was dumbfounded.


“Doest thou comprehend, Milord? Thine thoughts art too precarious. If thou shalt shoulder e’ery burden that accompanies the winds, Milord will surely crumble.”

"He will not."


The one who answered this was Lily.


"We will support Master so that he doesn’t. It is for that sake that we are here."


Her semi-liquid lower body flowed over here and piled up beside me to stand.


"What about you? Would you support Master together with us?"

"Woe is me... ...For I am not worthy."


The White Arachne shook her head.


“I have wounded ye with my selfishness.”


Anyone who sees her depressed form, will understand that it was not as though she did not want to come with us.

I can see that her heart was tangled with guilt, with the threads like that of a spider.


It was because of that, that I thought that it was too early to give up on reaching out to this girl.


She has indeed committed sins. However, there was no irreversible damage was done. No one had died, no one had been lost. Instead, if we abandoned her here now, that will cause this strife to end in a tragedy.


I won't let that happen.


"You have only just attained your heart. If I have to say, the incident this time is something like a child's tantrum."


No matter what, to seriously judge a kid's actions and not allow them a second chance is overdoing it.


"To forgive, is the natural action as an elder."


When I said those words, the white girl distorted her neat features.


“...For how many seasons dost Milord think that I have lived. Alas, Milord’s years art lesser than a tenth of mine.”

"In that case, do you at least know how to apologize?"

“I know not. Milord knowest of my hollow existence.”


A thin breath was let out from the mouth of the girl.


"Henceforth, I will need know such needful courtesies."


Saying that, a single, clear teardrop spilled out from her eye.




After this night, a 3rd monster belonging to my Family, has been added to our party.

◆And thus volume 1 of 'Master of Monsters' is complete.

Following this, we’ll move on to volume 2.


◆Thank you very much for reading to this point.

I thought that this work was too deep, in many ways, for ‘becoming a light novelist’ site, but it’s being read more by more people than what I had initially expected, making me feel extremely thankful about it.

<TL note: This work is published on a site for LN authors called ‘Let’s become a light novelist’ -Blesser.>

For those who have favorited and reviewed, I once again give my thanks.


◆Again, receiving so many reviews, makes me really happy.

I generally respond to every comment. I may be slightly late but I’ll respond approximately after the next round of updates.





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