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01. The New Monster of the Family


The start of a new volume.


Please take good care of me.




Chapter 1.


I suddenly woke up. It was still dark, about dawn.

In my hazy consciousness, I let out a shiver.


I felt an unusual chill.




The Lily that I usually hug in my sleep is not beside me.


No. That's wrong.

Lily is here.

Cushioning my sleeping body, she has been supporting me as a ‘bed’.


It was just that she was not in her human form.


“Where are you…?”


I was still in a daze.

Lily had pointed it out before, but this sleep-related condition of mine can be said to be one of my weak spots.

My head was completely not working, even my thought processes were working at less than one-tenth of its capacity.


The things that happened before I went to sleep, as well as the coherency of what had occurred until now, mean nothing to me right now.


For now, it was taking all my strength just to think about the fact that ‘Lily isn’t here’, so I mustered my energy and called out.

And she responded.


There was a sensation of a jelly-like thing moving at my back.


From both my left and right sides, tentacles smoothly slid up and wrapped around my body.

If an unknowing person saw me now, he would have completely misread the situation as ‘a pitiful victim who is on the verge of being preyed upon by an unknown animal’.


Of course, I did not panic.


That is because, the Slime that I am sprawled on, is a monster that is a part of my ‘Family of Monsters’.

And I, despite being unqualified, lead them as the Master of Monsters.


The transparent tentacles that were wound around me took on the rough shape of an arm, rippled once, and slowly turned into the arms of a girl.

From the fingertips to the wrist. Then, the lower arm, elbow, upper arm, and the shoulder, the smooth color of soft skin spread out.


While gazing at the scene, I felt my vision flicker.

Perhaps I was still in a sleepy daze. The resulting radiance of the transformation was very beautiful, and I became entranced by the transformation of a Slime turning into a girl.


Two soft and bouncy somethings could be felt through my jersey, pressed against my back.


*Dokun*, *dokun*—the audible rhythm of life could be heard.

I felt the sweet breath of a girl close to my ear.


All of those were products of mimicry.

Yet to me, all of them have the same meaning as the real thing, a proof of life.


“Good morning, Master.”


What turned around to meet me eye to eye, was a girl that had her back half—from ear to lower body—still bonded in the state of a Slime.


“Aah. Lily, I…”


Just as I was about to say something, my lips were suddenly sealed.




My body was turned to the front, and I was given a kiss so passionate that it felt like it was engulfing me.

If I were to put it in other words, it could be said that she was ‘devouring’ me with greed.

Wiggling her tongue like a mollusk, she entangled it around mine as I was still half-asleep.


――Lily seems to like kissing.


That was something I understood from the night I bonded with her.

<TLN: Read: that hot and passionate night of activities - Blesserz>


I wonder if she has a fondness for it.

I pester her whenever possible.

Also, once she starts, she doesn’t seem to stop.


That’s fine. As a man, there’s no reason for me to complain.


However, sometimes I become anxious… All that saliva that I’ve swallowed, was it perhaps from bodily fluids from Lily’s slime form?


Well, saliva is a bodily fluid, but a Slime’s bodily fluids are kinda… different in viscosity.


I like kisses, like them like them―love them very much! an extent where it can be thought of as ‘endearing’, but if it was a type of inclination like ‘knowing the pleasure of becoming a part of your beloved’, even if I admit to being her Master, I have no confidence in responding to that.




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While I have been profoundly thinking of stuff like that, Lily seems to be satisfied.

After changing plenty of kisses, she released me.


By that time, I have woken up completely. …I felt like holding my head. ‘What are you trying to do early in the morning?’ Because I was half-awake, I lost the self-control to ask that. However, that time has passed and won’t come back.


Lily had a strange glint in her eyes for some reason, this presence feels dangerous.

I know from experience that she was classified as a ‘carnivorous woman’.


It was necessary to change gears.


“...Morning, Lily.”

“Mmm. Gochisousama.”

<TLN: Gochisousama - An informal saying for ‘thanks for the food’ after meals. -Blesser>

“Osomatsusamadeshita*. …No. That’s the reply for snacks.”

<TLN: Similar to gochisousama, except that this is for snacks only. -Blesser>

“Ahaha. Good morning, Master.”


Exchanging greetings again, I stood up from the bed that Lily has been serving as.

I lightly shake my head with the intention of shaking off the slightly pink atmosphere that she created. Because it was early in the morning, I put aside the arousing and other bad thoughts she invoked, and turned around to face her.


“By the way, how’s the condition of your body?”


Today was the second day after the death match against the White Arachne.

We had been holing up in the Arachne's nest until now, resting our wounded bodies.


Lily and Rose had both received dire injuries.

Lily had to recuperate her seriously injured body that couldn't be treated even with her third-ranked recovery magic. Rose, on the other hand, had to remake her broken parts for her to move about properly.


This was also the reason why Lily didn't use the form of a girl while I was sleeping.

Even now, when I look closely, her smile is slightly lacking in her usual cheer.


As expected, even though her upper half was naked and her chest was hidden, I don’t feel lustful from looking at the face of Lily, who was in such a bad condition for the sake of changing her figure from a Slime to a human girl.


“Aha. It’s still kinda painful.”

"Then, continue sleeping."


Nodding her head of flaxen hair, Lily narrowed her eyes, seemingly in pleasure.

<TLN: Flaxen: pale yellowish-gray color - Blesserz>


"Mmm. I'll do that..."


Slithering her upper half body sank back into that of a Slime's.

Petting the flat and spacious spot where her head had sunk back into a Slime, I turned and left.


There was a blank face watching our exchange.

...It seems like we were seen.


“Morning, Rose."

"Good morning to you, Master."


The hardworking Rose greeted me with a quiet voice as she one-handedly worked with a utility knife that looked like the usual.

The reason why she lowered her voice was because Kato-san was still wrapped up and sleeping under the sheets.


As I closed the distance, Rose stood and greeted me.


"You're up quite early today."

"I was woken up. Then got up after that."

"Was it Anesama? It can't be helped. Since she wasn't pampered yesterday."

"Putting it that way, it's as if spoiling her is something natural..."


It was true that for the entirety of yesterday, Lily was unconscious as she was focused on recovering her body, so even if I wanted to, I could not have pampered her.


"Yesterday night, Anesama was bullied by Kato-san, you see. Even if she knows that she's in the wrong logically, emotionally, she most likely wanted to be pampered by Master.”

"Because it was impossible yesterday, it became the first thing in the morning, huh. ...Come to think of it, I still haven't heard the details regarding what happened the day before yesterday when I was not around."


I thought that asking Rose what happened between Lily and Kato-san would be the most objective. This was the perfect time to ask, as Lily was unconscious and Kato-san was currently still in dreamland.


I spent about thirty minutes asking Rose about all the happenings during that short time when I was not around.


"It seems that we've troubled Kato-san quite a bit."


After hearing about the events, I unthinkingly let out a sigh.


Kato-san seems to have saved my hide this time round.

Even I, who was slow on the uptake, could vaguely guess at the amount of danger my Family was placed in. It was my fault that I did not prepare an effective plan for this incident. Even so, I still owe her one for taking care of my Family when I wasn’t around—that was something that must be repaid.

I was frustrated that the only thing that I could do was ensuring her protection with those I trust.


Furthermore, I inquired Rose on the progress on her own body’s condition.


"Regarding the parts of my body, I completed retrofitting them yesterday."


Just like she said, Rose's body no longer had any painful-looking cracks.

Her body looked different from when I first met her; the wooden texture no longer looks exposed, it became paler, and looks closer to a mannequin doll now.


I thought about the sword that has been hanging by my waist all this while.

Even though it had also been crafted out of wood, Lily had likened the metallic texture to ‘Damascus Steel’. Even Rose’s body was made by and rebuilt with her own hands. It wouldn’t be strange even if the wooden materials she used took on a number of unusual properties from her own magic.


"Because I also upgraded my arms, their strength has been increased somewhat. I believe that it will be of help to Master."

"I see. I'm looking forward to it."

"The problem are the weapons. The battle two days ago rendered several armors unusable. I would like to request about four days to fix all of them."

"Got it."

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This wasn’t a bad thing. Rose's hands have gotten better. By renewing the entire set of armors, it would lead to greatly increasing our battle strength.


However, if we do that, then Rose won't be able to travel for four days on end, huh.

Lily probably needs time to recuperate from her wounds as well.


That's not exactly an issue. They really have worked very hard and deserved some time to rest.

The problem, is with myself.


Yesterday, I was plagued with fatigue and phantom pains.

Even though they can be said to be non life-threatening, I did suffer some serious injuries. Thanks to the benefits of recovery magic, my wounds were healed, but the stamina that I lost couldn't be restored. That was the reason behind my lethargy, and I guess the phantom pains that I've been experiencing are due to the shock my frail, human body received.


However, when I woke up today, my body had mostly recovered to its normal state.

With this, I should be able to move about well enough. Even though I could, the reason why I’m not working could be attributed to laziness.


"I have a request to ask of Rose."

"All that Master wishes for is top priority. Please speak of any request you have."

"There's no need for that much humility… Ah well."


I let out a wry smile as Rose bent down on a knee and bowed her head.


"My request is just that I want my equipment to take priority."

"That is, of course, possible. Those were my original intentions as well."

"How long would they take to be finished?"

"The production can be completed by noontime today."

"Really? I can start exploring the forest at noon then."

"Do you already intend to commence the search in the forest?"

<TLN: Referring to searching for more monsters for more Family Monsters -Blesserz.>


I nodded in answer to the question which was asked with increasing surprise.


"Ah. It’s because I can move about already."

"I do not mind, but Anesama can not move, as you can see. Shall I switch to working at the night instead? However, if I do so, the enhancements for the equipments will require more time."

"Nah. Rose should continue with what you've been doing. I now have another fighting force to rely on aside from Lily and Rose, right?"


Rose seems to have understood my implied meaning.


"Do you intend to search in the forest only accompanied by her?"

"Why, does Rose object to it?"

"Master is still in convalescence. I have humbly determined that Master should not be overexerting himself."

"Even without you worrying, I don’t intend to do so. My body can really move about without problems already."


I tried twisting my body about—there don’t seem to be any parts that are in pain.

There is no doubt that my body is in good health.


"Just… that certainly seems to be the case. It might be just as Rose said; it’s not good to overstrain one’s body while recovering."


Because of the White Arachne's assault, I’ve only made them worried. It can't be helped that they are feeling especially sensitive now.

I feel apologetic that they have to constantly worry about me. I should give way for now.


"I understand. Then, I'll maturely and properly rest my body for today and watch my body's condition. The departure will be postponed to tomorrow morning. Will that be okay?"



Rose seemed to have more to say, but backed down for my sake for now.

If I didn’t agree to quietly do nothing for the whole of today, she would definitely not have remained silent and nag at me.


Thinking of that, I silently watched Rose as she worked but… Before long, Kato-san woke up, finished breakfast, and I became bored when it passed noon.


I wasn't aware of it until now but, I seem to have an existing obsessive mentality of 'needing to do something'.

The time I took for resting as a precaution, became painful for me instead.




Especially after telling Rose that I will rest my body today, I cannot say that I am going out, nor can I practice my swings to train my body.


“Do you intend to go somewhere, Master?"


The moment I stood up, Rose questioned me with a sharp voice. Perhaps she was looking out for me on Lily's behalf as well.


“I’m just going out for some air."

“Is that so? Please go ahead then."


Perhaps realizing that I felt that I had too much time on my hands, Rose’s thoughts of astoundment and resignation were transmitted to me through the path between us.


I hurriedly departed from that place.




Even though the Arachne’s nest consisted of logs that were just stuck together with spider threads, it was in tatters after the battle two nights ago, and with just some slight reworking by Rose's hands, it became shockingly comfortable for living in.


It takes a lot of effort for humans to walk on it, but it’s now on a level where you won’t fall down from your shoes getting stuck.


I exited the Arachne's nest.

The moment I did so, a white figure came flying into my sight.



<TLN: Gerbera:A genus of plants in the daisy family, flower meanings: innocence and purity -Blesser>


"Aye, Milord."


When I called out its name after leaving the Arachne's nest, the White Arachne――now called Gerbera, showed an embarrassed smile of a young girl.


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'Gerbera' was given to her when she begged for a name the day after the mortal combat.


It was quite hard to come up with.

In the first place, I had already run out of stock of the name of flowers; in the end, Kato-san had to help come up with it.


――How does ‘Gerbera’ sound?

――It has also been called ‘Spider Bloom’ for the way it blooms.

――That's it. It's decided then.


Kato-san finally showed a meager but joyful expression, perhaps due to the curious act of coming up with a name for someone.

With that said, it still doesn't change the fact that I had hassled her again.

I was apologetic and thankful at the same time. If it wasn't for her, there might have been a serious possibility that the White Arachne's name might have become something like 'Tulip'.


Of course, there was no reason to obsess with picking out a floral name. In the first place, I didn't have the intention of choosing from the names of flowers when I picked 'Lily'.


However, even though it wasn't a necessity, there was sufficient reason to do so.

To be the only person without a floral name, that person who was named would hate it.


She dislikes being the only different one.


Notwithstanding that kind of encounter we had... ...No. It was because of that encounter that she values and holds her companions highly.


It’s a good inclination. While thinking favorably of her attitude, I asked a question.


"Oh yeah, Gerbera. That thing I told you about earlier, is it ready?"



In reply to my question, Gerbera returned with a nod.

I had requested something of her.


“It hath just been completed. How doth it fare?”


What Gerbera took out was a white cloth that had a smooth sheen.


To be exact, it was a piece of clothing made from white cloth.

It is of a simple make that can be closed at the front.


This is a product made with spider threads, created by the special ability of the Arachne.

Yesterday, I was only shown a little of it, but by just using a couple of wooden sticks, she showed that she was really good at weaving.

According to Mizushima Miho's memories from Lily, it seems to be something called a ‘backstrap loom’. Gerbera has some tools that were of her own arrangements, but it's essentially the same thing.


For example, the reason why she, a monster, could clad the upper young girl half of her body in thin cloth, is thanks to this ability.

Of course, what I had requested was a tighter and sturdier version of this product.


That was obvious. That could only be something meant for a baby doll. Now isn’t the place for enjoying such assortments. What I wanted was a more fitting sort of clothing.


I checked the clothes in my hands.

However, it seemed different from what I expected of spider threads. It wasn't sticky, and gave off a smooth, silk-like feeling when I touched it.


I heard some trivia in the past that spider threads had different properties from warp and woof. In regard to this cloth, it feels the same as the longitudinal and transverse ones; threads without adhesiveness.<checked>

<TLN: Google ‘warp and woof’ to understand -Blesserz>


“How dost it fair? 'Tis a wonder, is it not?”


Perhaps proud of it, Gerbera stretched out her body.

Such things make her similar to Rose. She too, when she had made something herself and shown it to me, had seemed proudly happy.


In Gerbera's case, she did not have a calm personality like Rose, and simply hugged, or rather, forcefully embraced me.

More than that, it seems like she doesn't know how to maintain distance between herself and others. It's too close. It was so close that, if she wanted to, she could easily steal my lips.


"I also didn't think that it would turn out this well.”

“Indeed, is it not so?”

"Yes. Looks like it. ...I know that, so don't stick so close."


I pushed her shoulder and opened up some distance between us.

My heart skipped a beat when my palm came in direct contact with the delicate girl, but I don't show it on my face.


...But Gerbera would come to know of it either way, so it doesn't really make a difference.


“So hurry up and wear it. How do I say it, your appearance is embarrassing.”


It’s too late to say this now, but Gerbera's appearance is quite provocative.


It has been bothering me for some time now, but the outerwear made of thin cloth is practically see-through under the midday sun, barely hiding one’s skin from view.

Also, speaking of this girl, she isn’t even trying to cover her chest at all.

She looked so defenseless that a man without inhibitions might even forget that her lower half is that of a spider and attack her.


Well... In that case, he would have casually gotten the tables turned on him, and it would be all over though.

Even without attacking her, there is also the possibility of getting killed just upon meeting her.


I should be incredibly grateful to the heavens for letting such a powerful monster become my comrade.


“Hurry up, will you."


However, this and that are different.


Gerbera seemed like she still wanted to be praised more, but when I tell her off strongly, she unexpectedly did not resist; and obediently followed my instructions.


“Fine, fine. Doth not be angered, Milord. …Strange. Was I mistaken that Milord was not displeased with the idea? But Milord hast been gazing at mine figure for quite a while.”



It seemed that my self-control was still lacking.


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If I'm allowed to make excuses for my actions; it wasn't on purpose.

It was done unconsciously.



No. In this situation, it’s still bad even if it's unintentional.


....Could it be that I'm sexually frustrated?


I had been sleeping on the same bed with Lily... ...More like, I had been using her as a bed, and since the first night, I haven't done it with her.

It has been hard just to survive, and not to mention that I felt that it would be bad to surrender my body to such acts in this kind of situation.


Above all, Rose was awake and Kato-san was sleeping nearby. I couldn’t be true to my desires in this open space where one can even freely run about.


…If that was what has caused sexual frustration …I must be a bit more vigilant from now on.

…In one corner of my head, it wasn’t as if I couldn’t hear the whisper of ‘It can’t be helped since I’m a guy’, but if I end up listening to the devil’s murmurings, I’ll end up just like a certain Kaga.

That's not good.


"I hath changed, Milord.”


Recovering from my useless thoughts, I returned to what was in front of me. The figure of Gerbera stood: she wore the thin cloth she has been wearing on top of the translucent clothes she just showed me.




The chest area seems a little too open, but I’m not one to speak about girls’ fashion. Before I came into this world, in modern Japan, I knew of girls the same age as me that wore even more extreme clothes during vacation.


And in actuality, they were very fitting.


With fantasy-like straight, long hair, unnaturally delicate facial features, and mysterious scarlet eyes, what’s above Gerbera’s waist is practically that of a fairy or an elf.

Because such a girl was wearing such fluttery clothes, it is impossible for it not to be fitting.


Now that her skin can no longer be seen directly, her devilish aura had thinned out, and honestly, she was very adorable.


"How is it, Milord? Is it fitting?”

"Ah. It's adorable."

“O-oh? A-adorable...?”


When I casually responded, Gerbera's blindingly white skin was dyed red immediately.

Since her skin is white, I can see the redness up to her chest as it stood out even more.

Even though she's such a beauty, she isn’t accustomed to being praised. Her lips couldn't help but curl up in happiness. It must be because she had always been alone. If she was a normal girl, I would be worried about her getting cheated by bad guys.

As I was waiting for Gerbera to regain her composure, I started to opened my mouth.


"It really is quite something. So, please continue make clothing for us."


By the way, I am currently wearing jerseys for my top and bottom.

It's easy to move around in, and we’re not in a situation where we have to worry about fashion. You can tell what I’m mindful about just by looking at my face. That's another reason why I’m not concerned about this, but Lily only has a jersey to wear,; we simply have no other stock of clothes.


I would rather like to be spared from only having a set of clothes on my body. Also from a hygienic and mental aspect as well.


"I can look forward to its durability as well right?"

“Umu. Since my spider threads were used. It will neither be torn nor be easily pierced.”

"That sounds reassuring."

“I'll let you behold one that shan’t tear even in a Fire Fang's maw.”

"I'm looking forward to it."


In that case, the insides of my body probably wouldn’t hold out against the power of the jaws, but I won’t say something that’ll dampen her spirits. Besides, we’ll proceed further into the forest, so being better equipped is obviously a good thing.


“Ah. That’s right."

"Aye? Milord?"

"I feel bad for asking for another favor now, since I just requested one of you…"

“Take it not to heart. If I am able, I’ll do anything for thee, Milord.“


Gerbera showed an expression of joy while saying that.

For us――perhaps the fact that she could do something for the sake of the first comrades she gained caused her overjoyous atmosphere.


It is really a good indication.

She's hyped up about it. If she’s like this, then it’ll lessen the time needed for us to be familiar with each other.


"Would you like to enter the forest with me tomorrow?"

“Together, Milord? Certainly, if Milord desires, Milord need not go in person, but only command thine servant to retrieve it. Even if ‘tis to gather the carcasses of four Fire Fangs, an easy feat it shall be.”

"I don't need such bad tasting meat. ...It's not something like that; I need to be there in person. My [Monster Tame] ability requires me to be near monsters..."


As I filled Gerbera, who recently joined as a comrade, in on her lack of knowledge, I finally felt something akin to a challenge for the first time since stepping into this world.


Everyone worked together to overcome a huge difficulty and a new fighting force was added.

Surely, from now on, everything will go well. That’s what I believed.

<TLN: ...And he just cursed them all -Blesserz>





◆The second volume has started!


◆With the completion of the first volume, thank you very much for the many reviews!

I look forward to your support from now on as well.




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