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Master’s figure appeared in front of the abducted me.

He was covered in mud and small injuries.
However, considering that he has encountered Takaya Jun, who has been driven into madness, once before, it could be said as fortunate that he at least still had all of his limbs.

Though, it feels like a bad joke that he, who is supposed to be protected, would come to save me, who is supposed to protect him.

He came, as expected.
Or rather……he has come.1

When I saw Master, what came out of my heart was unfeigned delight, as well as the regret and fear at how I had brought him into danger――and also, unexpected bewilderment.

But, I think that that can’t be helped.

For some reason, the current Master didn’t bring any of his own kin with him, with the exception of Asarina, who he physically can’t be separated from.

At the time up until I lost consciousness, Rose should’ve been near Master, but…… .

I wonder what happened to her.
If there was a chance for anything to have happened, could something have happened to her body during their moment of contact with Takaya Jun?

She’s my important little sister. I’m worried.
However, perhaps it was an effect of the chain binding my body, or because the path isn’t working effectively, I don’t know anything about the current situation of my sisters, including Rose, other than Asarina, who was within my sight.

What bewildered me the most, was the mount substituting for my unseen kin that Master was riding: a giant wolf with the atmosphere of a king.

It was a grotesque wolf, with two ferocious heads, and five tentacles extending from its torso.

Although his outer appearance has changed, I immediately recognized him as the individual named Berta.

However, Berta isn’t Master’s kin.
He is the other monster user’s――Kudou Riku’s kin.

What happened for that Berta to end up together with Master?
The answer to that, seemed to lie in the person sitting in front of Master.

“Two-headed wolf……what did you say your name was again? Ahー. I kind of don’t remember”

Takaya, who seemed to have the same question as me, looked at “the person who hid their whole body with a hooded cloak” sitting in front of Master, said that, seemingly satisfied.

“Well, it’s fine. If that’s here, then you’re the other monster user……Kudou Riku, right?”

The hooded person didn’t answer. I wonder if they can’t answer.

So, it seems that that’s really Kudou.
I don’t know why Kudou is here, but it seems that Master is borrowing a hand from him to save me.

Seeing the silent Kudou, Takaya Jun shrugged.

“I never thought you’d come out here. It’s been a while, Kudou. ……Is what I say, but we’ve never talked until now though”

Takaya Jun and Kudou Riku were classmates.
From what he said, it seems that they didn’t interact at school, but they still knew each other’s faces.

I see. That’s why Kudou is hiding his face like that.
Though at this point, it seems to have been useless.

“You thought that if you hid your face and stayed silent, I wouldn’t recognize your identity? That if you did that, you could take me by surprise? Too bad then. I know about you now, you know. I probably know more than Majima over there”
“What do you mean?”

The one who asked, was not Kudou, but Master.

“You found out about Kudou because the information about my fight with Kudou at Fort Tilia reached Fort Ebenus, right? There’s no way you could know more than that”
“It’s true that Iino-san delivered the information to Ebenus, and I myself also received the same information from Iino-san when I met up with her in Seratta. But you see, I got to know about Kudou before that”

“There’s no w……”
“Way? That’s not the case”

Takaya smiled awfully provinkingly.

“Because the [Voice of Heaven] told me”
“……[Voice of Heaven]? What’s that?”
“Would it be easier for you to understand if I said this? ……’[Collaborator of the attack on Fort Tilia]’”

As I heard the two’s conversation, I unconsciously opened my eyes wide.

“It can’t be……”

In the shadows of the attack on Fort Tilia, there was a collaborator who connected Juumonji Tatsuya, who joined the First Expedition Force and was at Fort Ebenus, with Sakagami Gouta and Kudou Riku who were left behind in the depths of the Sea of Trees.

In the end, I didn’t know who the collaborator who wasn’t there was, but I did at least know that they were a cheat holder with a long-distance communication ability, and that they were an individual of the First Expedition Force that went to Fort Ebenus.

They were working behind the scenes this time as well.

I was horribly surprised, but on the other hand, Master’s reaction was a little different from mine.

He was surprised, but it was minimal. As if convinced by Takaya’s words, he clicked his tongue with a bitter expression.

“It’s no wonder……so that’s how Lily’s consciousness was removed with such confidence. I thought it was weird. Because without knowing that, that would’ve been an impossible performance”

I thought for a moment, wondering what he meant, and then I realized what Master was trying to say.

I myself don’t remember the moment when I lost consciousness, but Takaya himself said that my head was stabbed by his sword.

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The shortest procedure. The best method.
To do that, he needs to have the right knowledge.

However, how did Takaya know it?

Not much of our information circulates in the outside world.

Considering that we’re a group of monsters who must hide our identities as much as possible, this was only natural.
That’s to say nothing of the fact that I wouldn’t even dare publicize something like the conditions for me to lose consciousness.

Given that, it could only be thought that that information had been passed on from someone who had actually seen it.

The number of times I’ve lost consciousness are not many.
One of those times, was at the battle with Juumonji at Fort Tilia.

At that time, I was cut down by Juumoji from the front, and then my mimicked head was crushed by a blow from his fist and I lost consciousness.

The important thing is that one of the people there was in contact with the one Takaya calls the [Voice of Heaven].

“……Sakagami Gouta”
“Ah. Has nee-chan also realized?”

Overhearing my murmuring, Takaya smiled brightly.
That’s right. The boy that the monster user Kudou used as cover, was at that place.

After everything, he fainted from the pain of his injuries, and while he was being transported to the Alliance Knight Order, he was recaptured by Berta, and, in the end, he was eaten and killed by Kudou’s order.

In the time up until then, there was plenty of time for him to share the information he had witnessed with his collaborator, the [Voice of Heaven].

Thinking about it deeply, it’s possible that Sakagami didn’t choose to escape from that situation, as well as stayed close to the fort to take revenge on Master, because he was incited during his interactions with the [Voice of Heaven].

If I had to choose, rather than calling it the “[Voice of Heaven],” the “[Whisper of the Devil]” would be more fitting.

Whether it was the previous attack on Fort Tilia, or the attack this time, the way they were handled was so malicious that a chill ran down my spine.

Who in the world are they?
It seemed that Master was thinking the same thing. He opened his mouth with a grim expression.

“Takaya. Do you know the identity of the [Voice of Heaven]?”
“Well? When I asked for their name, then answered with the blatantly vague name of [Voice of Heaven] you see. I knew right away that they weren’t going to give me an honest answer. As for me, I wasn’t interested in anything else as long as I got information about nee-chan, so I didn’t really care~. So, I don’t even know if they were a boy or a girl, let alone their real name”
“……Even though you were talking to them?”
“The [Voice of Heaven] was what they called themselves until the end, and I couldn’t hear their voice as if it was with a telephone. It was like they were talking directly through my mind……should I say it as telepathy? It felt like that. They didn’t talk about themself at all. Well, they talked non-stop about other people in proportion to that though. For example――”

Takaya Jun turned his gaze to Kudou, who was sitting in front of Master.

“――Kudou. About you and Todoroki Miya”2

Todoroki Miya?

I was confused by the name that suddenly came up.
I felt like I had heard it before somewhere, but I couldn’t remember it right away.
Master also had a puzzled expression.

However, the other person reacted differently.

Kudou, still wearing his hood, flinched his shoulders.
Berta’s was more blatant.

“……Bastard. Are you mocking our king?”

The wolf’s snarl was filled with clear hostility and anger.
It was so murderous that he seemed to be ready to pounce at any moment.

As a kin myself, there was something that could be conveyed.
It was the unbearable fury against those who trampled into the sanctuary of his Lord.

Seeing that reaction, I was a little surprised.

Kudou’s ability is to force his kin to obey him.
For him, everything is a tool. This shouldn’t change even if he was dealing with a monster with a will.

However, Berta was currently angry for Kudou, his Lord and King. That meant that the relationship between the two was not just one of obedience.

Right now though, it seemed to be backfiring.

“Calm down, Berta”

The one who called out to Berta, who was about to burst at any moment, was Master, the only one who had kept his composure.

“And you too”

He continued by ‘pon’ tapping Kudou, who was sitting in front of him, on the shoulder.

“He’s just trying to fluster you. What’re you shaking for?”
“……I get it”

His voice was muffled and inaudible.
It was hard to tell with his hood up, but Kudou seemed to have nodded.

Seeing the exchange within Master’s group, Takaya snorted, uninterested.

Like Master, who was trying to get even the smallest bit of information from this conversation, Takaya Jun was also trying to fluster Kudou through this exchange if he could.

Currently, the ones beside Master, were not us kin, who have a bond between us, but a hastily constructed team.
The slightest thing could rattle their fighting ability.

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To aim at that area even though he’s insane; Takaya Jun was maintaining proper judgement.

It was troublesome.

As long as he’s able to make calm decisions as he is now, it will be difficult for Master to overturn the dimensional difference in ability between him and Takaya Jun by exploiting openings. Even if my presence is a burden, how much of the gap would be closed?

We needed to somehow stumble upon a winning strategy but… that his original plan had gone off track, Takaya Jun had no reason to continue the conversation.

“It would’ve been simpler if you had just flown into a rage and attacked me though~. Well, whatever. So……what was that?”

Takaya asked Master in a voice filled with murderous intent.

“Return Miho-nee-chan, was it? Naa, MajimaaA……”

‘You’re putting your hands on something important to me’――hatred overflowed and oozed from the boy who felt that way.

He was like a boiling witch’s cauldron.
His stirring emotions became thick, and his seething fury encroached on the area.

However, Master didn’t falter.
As if to say he had already been prepared for this by the time he had arrived at this place, he replied with a calm attitude.

“Aah. I’m taking her back. For that reason, I’ve come here”

Takaya’s expression twisted.
The ‘giri giri‘ sound of his grinding teeth resounded.

“……Don’t misunderstand. Nee-chan isn’t yours”

Master lightly shook his head.

“Lily is mine”

I was involuntarily startled by what he said.

“Lily is my kin, and I am Lily’s Master. No one else has a say in this”

It’s not like a master to speak so forcefully.
He’s going into this with at least that much resolution in his heart.

I’m happy about that.
I’m happy but…… .

But, his opponent is a Warrior. A cheat holder.
It seems to be too reckless an enemy for the current Master to take as an opponent.

The one that’s currently beside Master is Kudou’s kin.

Due to the nature of his ability, there’s an upper limit to the strength of individual monsters that obey Kudou.
Berta seems to be stronger than when I met him before, but even so, his combat strength is probably lower than mine.

In addition, even if we add in Master and Asarina, it will be tough to take on a Warrior as an opponent.
If at least Gerbera……with her as well, if she was in perfect condition, they might’ve been able to fight evenly, but.

……It’s no good. It’s too reckless after all.
Reaching the obvious conclusion, I bit my lips.

Is there no way to break through the current situation?
I thought frantically while Takaya was carrying me in one of his arms.

A way to protect Master.
A way in which the current me can help.

I don’t care what happens to this body. If I can’t find it, Master will…….So, what can I…… .


My name was called.

I raised my face. My eyes met with Masters’.
I think that my face must’ve been horribly tense.

Perhaps interpreting that as a sign of anxiety, Master smiled at me.

“It’ll be fine, so wait just a bit longer”

I tried to reply back.

But, before I could――the boy’s anger and madness exploded.

“Stop messing……around. STOP MESSING AROUNDDD!”

Takaya Jun’s expression as he shouted was horribly distorted.
It was as if it was excruciatingly painful for us to exchange even a single word with each other.

I guess that’s also a matter of course.
He can only see what he wants to see. He doesn’t want to recognize the actual reality.

For the boy who wishes so, every single word of our conversation is just the striking of a wedge, opening cracks in his own illusion.

“I won’t give nee-chan to anyone anymore! No one! NO ONE――!”

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Takaya Jun roars.
By doing so, he denies the reality in front of him.

The treasured sword let off a light――glimmeringly calling for death.

“Dodge it!”

Master issued a warning.
Immediately after that, a pillar of earth sprouted from the ground directly below Berta, who was carrying him on his back.

Berta avoided the thrust by twisting his body.
However, the attack didn’t end there.

“He’s coming, Berta!”
“……I know. Grab on”

Berta, complying with Master, broke off into a run. In the time you could say ‘Ah,’ his figure became a gray wind.

It was a speed that ordinary people couldn’t keep up with. While having a body one size larger than a normal Fire Fang’s, the grotesque wolf ran through the forest at a speed that was several percent faster.

However, it didn’t surpass a Warrior’s kinetic vision.

“For a long time, I’ve! Disappear, MAJIMAAA――!”

The enormous amount of magic power of a cheat holder is poured into the treasure sword.

The pillars of earth that rose up from the ground attacked Berta as he ran.
The disorderly sight of the pillars of earth rising one after another was like a mix of Takaya Jun’s rage and madness; like it was the embodiment of a mass of viciousness.


Turning his huge body of over three meters, Berta sprinted to dodge the pillars of earth.

On his back, Master seemed to be holding Kudou from behind, desperately clinging onto him.
Berta’s tentacles wrapped around both of their waists, fastening them on his back. On top of that, Asarina bound Master and Kudou’s bodies together.

If they didn’t do that, it wouldn’t be unlikely for them to be shaken off.
The pillars of earth that continued to grow in pursuit of Berta’s shadow as he continued to run across the earth, transformed the ordinary mountain scenery into that of another world.

Berta seemed to be trying to somehow get closer, but Takaya Jun’s attacks did not allow that.
A long-distance attack using magic, filled with an excess of magic power. At first glance, it might seem like he was unthinking, but by doing this, Takaya Jun is able to maintain his one-sided attack.

Berta will eventually be unable to avoid it. At the moment, the situation is slowly becoming worse and worse.


Perhaps Berta decided that things weren’t going to get anywhere, one of his two heads opened its mouth towards us.

Flames poured out from his mouth, heading straight towards us.
At this rate, I’ll be caught in its course, but as long as there was enough distance between them, an attack of this level wouldn’t reach Takaya Jun.

“Hah! This level!”

A pillar of earth grew, blocking the flames’ path.
The flames that Berta had spat out were very easily defended against.

This was the difference in ability of a cheat holder. It was a cruel reality.

Seeing this attack as nothing but a good opportunity, Takaya Jun sneered.

“Eat this!”

A pillar of earth flew out diagonally from the earth, attacking Berta from his blind spot.
Berta, who had just spat out his flames, was just a moment late in his reaction.

The pillar of earth landed a direct hit in the giant wolf’s gut――


――A green protective membrane had taken and stopped the blow.

It collided with the pillar of earth, cancelling each other out, and then the green sludge splattered about.

“Nice job, Caesar!”

The time earned was only a moment. But, in that moment’s time, Berta had run past it.

Takaya Jun, who was probably convinced that his attack would definitely hit, froze.
With that opening, Berta quickly closed the distance.

By the time he returned to himself, it was too late.
――If he was an ordinary person, it would’ve been too late.


With the physical capabilities of a Warrior, he won’t allow the enemy to approach so easily.

Takaya Jun took a big leap backwards to take distance from Berta, who was trying to attack him from the side.

With that, the battle shifted into a dizzying one while moving around on the mountain.


Berta’s flames licked at the forest.

Using the pillars of earth and trees as shields, Takaya Jun continued to avoid the flames.

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With a devilish movement that made it hard to believe that he was carrying me under his arm, he didn’t allow Berta to approach.

“You think something like that will hit!?”

If he can maintain this distance, he’ll be able to avoid it endlessly.

“That’s the same for me”

His opponent, Berta, also didn’t take any direct hits from the pillars of earth Takaya Jun was summoning.

Takaya Jun’s treasure sword didn’t seem to be able to raise two or more pillars at the same time, but the treasure sword, filled with the enormous magical power of a Warrior, formed the next pillar of earth without pause the moment one was evaded.

Berta couldn’t avoid this.
However, every now and then, the green sludge that clung to the wolf’s body protected it by taking the hit.

That thing called Caesar was probably also one of Kudou’s kin.
The green defensive membrane flew apart under the pressure from the earth every time it was hit, but it was enough to just buy time for Berta to dodge it.

The battle fell into a stalemate, where neither side had a decisive move.
As long as they maintain this distance, the situation won’t change no matter how much time passes.

Takaya Jun himself, who was fighting, probably knew this best.
More annoyed than earlier, the ‘gari gari‘ sound of his grinding teeth echoed.


He groaned in a low voice.

“Annoying, annoying, ANNOYING……!”

Suddenly, inertia struck me, and crushed my lungs.
Takaya Jun, irritated, stepped forward.

“……I’ll kill you”

From the fighting strategy that prioritized safety so far, to fighting with a spoonful worth of risk.3
With just that, the scale that had been balanced up until now, tipped heavily in favor of death.


Contrary to up until this point, where the only option was to retreat, Berta intercepted the oncoming Takaya Jun with flame breaths spewed from his two heads.

Despite the narrow timing, Takaya Jun created a pillar of earth in front of him, defending against it.


Furthermore, he broke and kicked the pillar he created forward.


Berta, who was in front of us, realized that his flame breath attack could only scorch the falling pillar of earth, sidestepping it just before getting crushed under its weight.

In that time, Takaya Jun “ran straight over the falling pillar,” and arrived right next to Berta, who was escaping away.


They were already in the sword’s maai.4
The originally not-strong-at-magic Warrior Takaya Jun’s maai, which could also be called a sure-kill maai.

I could do nothing but watch what was happening in front of me.

Takaya Jun attacks.
Berta, stopping to intercept him, opened his mouth lined with fangs wide.

On his back, Master was glaring at Takaya Jun.
His face was tense from the desperate situation. But, his eyes haven’t given up. No. On the contrary, his twitching lips were confidently raised――


――It was at that very moment, that a new figure flew out from the shadow of the tree standing beside where Berta had stopped.

Seeing that figure, Takaya Jun made a big gasp.

The hem of her pleated skirt flutters.
In one hand, she holds a beautiful thin sword.
Her long, glossy, black hair swayed in the wind, and her straightforward eyes reflected the image of the boy who had fallen.

“U-, OooOO!?”

With a scream, Takaya Jun jumped back with all his might.

“It’s, a lie. Why are you!?”

A dignified gaze glared at the panicked Takaya Jun.
The situation was reversed in an instant. It was only natural. She, who was placed on one of the plates of the scale of war, had at least that much weight.

“Why are you here, Iino-san!?”

――The [Idaten], Iino Yuna.
A combatant of the strongest class in this world appeared before the boy who had fallen into madness.


The author is using fancy conjugation tricks here and I’m too dumb to understand them. For those who forgot (like me), Todoroki Miya was the character with the title [Void Beast], who’s in the same grade as MC. Spoonful probably means a lot of risk, since it’s well, a spoonful, not a spoon-half or a spoon-empty. Basically the range. Here’s the Wikipedia page about it:

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