~Lily’s PoV~

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“Why, how……!?”

Holding the chain-bound me in one arm, Takaya Jun was running through the mountains.

He wasn’t retreating while keeping an eye on his enemies, but was instead frantically sprinting with all his strength.

Behind, there were the signs of Berta closing in on him.
If it wasn’t a head-to-head battle, but just a footrace, Berta, who’s a wolf, seemed to be about evenly matched with Takaya Jun. Though he spewed out flames from time to time, he was maintaining a reasonable distance.

If Berta catches up with him, it would be the end.
Because he knew this, Takaya Jun was desperate.

Of course, the thing he’s afraid of isn’t Berta catching up with him.
If he caught up, it would become a battle――and as a result, he would be immobilized.

“Why-, why-, why-, why-”

He was running away with all his might without being able to give any consideration to the carried me.

“Impossible! Why is Iino-san cooperating with Majima!?”

After being confronted by Iino-san, Takaya Jun’s decision was swift.
He created a pillar of earth to conceal himself, and immediately fled the scene.

It was a brilliantly quick decision.
That must’ve been just how much he feared the existence Iino-san.

Given the difference in their combat strength, it was a natural decision, and thinking back, this could be seen in his actions up until now too.

For example, during the time when I had lost consciousness, Master was safe despite having encountered Takaya Jun.

If he had wanted to, he could have killed Master right then and there, but Takaya Jun didn’t do so.
Once he had secured me, he left the scene without pursuing them too deeply.

Considering the behavior that Takaya Jun has shown up until now, it’s hard to think that he overlooked Master because of morality or ethics, and much less sympathy.

It was because he was afraid of the one with Master, Iino Yuna that……the [Idaten], that he didn’t chase them deeply, and prioritized leaving the scene.

And, he was doing that now as well.

“In-, in any case, I have to gain a distance or else……!”
“You’re not getting away”

Takaya Jun flustered and changed direction when Iino-san’s figure appeared on the right of the direction he was heading towards.

Even though he had been running away so desperately, he seemed to have been overtaken.

However, that was a matter of course.
Because no matter how desperate he is, his opponent is [Idaten].

The fastest of the Expedition Force.
The world’s fastest judge of justice.

Unless a miracle happens, it would be hard to escape from her.

Even though he knew this, Takaya Jun had no choice but to keep escaping.

He was insane, but he wasn’t incapable of calculation.
He himself could judge that he was no match for Iino Yuna.

If it becomes a battle, there would be no choice but to just be one-sidedly trampled. Since he knows that, he had no choice but to flee, believing that a miracle would happen.


Every time Iino-san’s figure appeared, Takaya Jun would change directions and run away.


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Driven by the fear of having the meaning of his existence――the Mizushima Miho found within me being taken away, he continued to run.

Takaya Jun’s spirit needs the existence of Mizushima Miho.
There was no mistake that the current situation was despair in itself for him.

So, he was trying to shake off the despair coiling onto him with all his body and soul.

……The one troublesome thing was that he had lost consideration for the [Mizushima Miho] he was carrying.


For me, whose physical abilities have fallen, this escape-play was heavily taxing.

The recoil from kicking the ground with muscles far removed from those of a human resonated in my internal organs.
The bushes we broke through scratched my soft skin.
I felt like vomiting from the shaking.

In other words……This, might be a little problematic.
Little by little, my consciousness was slipping away.

If this situation continues for too long, I could seriously lose consciousness.

‘Just, how long…… .’
When I thought that, I frowned.

“……A, re?”

I felt something out of place about this situation.

Something is strange.
……But, what is it?

I thought for a while with my head that was spinning more poorly than usual.1
I had plenty of time to do so in my current state of being carried by Takaya Jun and unable to do anything.

Yes. ‘Plenty.’


And then, I found a part of what I was feeling unease at.

It was continuing indefinitely, this escape-play.
This is what’s strange.

“I hate it. I hate it! I won’t give you Miho-nee-chan! I won’t lose her ever again!”

Takaya Jun is desperate, but he’s already in checkmate.

After all, he was a mere Warrior against a title owner.
Their difference in combat strength could be said as obvious.

Turning the tables with one big attack using their compatibility with each other was, considering that both of them were close quarters combat types that weren’t good at magic, nearly impossible.

She should be able to end this quickly.
Iino-san has enough strength to do that after all.

This, was like harassment.
The current situation, was somewhat unlike her.


While I was thinking about this, the boy continued to run away.

I wonder how many times that makes it.
Again, Iino-san overtook us.

No matter where he continued to escape to, the miracle that the boy wished for didn’t happen――and it not happening, was the signal for the escape-play ending.

Takaya Jun, who flew off his tangled feet, was finally caught.

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“Wh……the heck, is thiss!?”

What was clinging to his body, was the laid-out thread of a white spider.

Of course, there was no way something like this could be waiting for him naturally――however, Takaya Jun couldn’t afford to think that far.

In the first place, the fact that he had plunged himself into an area covered with spider webs was itself because he was cornered to the point that he had to move on without even checking ahead.

“Sh, shit-”

It’s hard to restrain a Warrior who boasts immense physical strength.

The trees holding the spider threads in place were snapped by force.
Either that, or they were pulled out by their roots.

With a few more seconds, he would be able to tear even the spider threads to pieces.

However, in this situation, those few seconds were a fatal blow.
There was no escape now.

“A……AAa, AaAAAA――!!”

The boy, crushed by despair, let out a dying-like scream.

At that moment, something inside him probably shook loose.
His naturally unrestrained mind lost even its ability to make normal judgments.


It was something that would’ve been better not to do, a vain resistance.
The Warrior Takaya Jun, put all of his magic power into his treasure sword.


The pillar of earth created attacked Iino-san, who held her thin sword ready――and easily snapped her torso.


Takaya Jun gave out a dumbfounded voice.

“What, the heck?”

The crushed Iino-san’s body turned into a pitch-black silhouette out of the corner of his eye.

Surely, even Takaya Jun must’ve heard of this sight before.
However, it was hard for him to quickly connect what happened in front of his eyes to his knowledge.

I knew what it was right away because I’d seen it before.

――The Doppelganger’s, copy ability.

Come to think of it……Master borrowed a hand from that Kudou Riku didn’t he?

Among his kin, is a queen monster who can give birth to a multitude of Doppelgangers: Anton.
There was no mistake that that was that body.

At this point, I was also able to grasp what was going on.

The reason why the Iino-san who had shown up didn’t seem like she was chasing him, as if she was harassing him from beginning to end, was because she was a hollow paper tiger.

Iino-san wasn’t overtaking the escaping Takaya Jun each time, but rather, Berta probably skillfully drove him to places where Doppelgangers were hiding to begin with.

This was a hunting trick, and Berta was a wolf.
He was without a doubt good at this kind of thing.

When I thought back on it after it was revealed, some of it made sense.

My memory was fuzzy since my consciousness was immediately lost, but I’m pretty sure that the last I saw Iino-san, her leg was injured.

To become able to run, she needed a good recovery magic user.

Of course, I can’t say for sure that there aren’t any recovery magic-using monsters among Kudou’s kin. However, if one was able to use recovery magic, then there was no reason for Master to be left with small injuries right now.

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Moreover, if you think about it, Iino-san directed that much hostility towards Master.

Earlier, Takaya Jun also inadvertently said “Impossible,” and that was certainly true. As long as it wasn’t a situation completely out of the ordinary, it’s hard to think that Iino-san would lend her strength to Master.

Everything was planned.

So……from here, it’s the main blow.

“――I am delighted that thou hath arrived, Takaya”

A voice from behind me.

“I shall be taking mine ane-dono back” (TN: Ane-dono = Sister)

The strongest among us kin, the white spider Gerbera, bared her fangs at the lured-in Takaya Jun.

She was injured during the fight with Iino-san, and had lost her prided mobility.
However, if her opponent jumped straight into her pocket, that wasn’t a handicap.

“You, bitch――!!?”

Looking back, Takaya Jun tried to mow her down with his treasure sword.


However, the spider legs that Gerbera let loose before that pierced Takaya Jun’s right arm, which was holding his sword, and snapped one of his two arms.


The boy’s scream echoed through the mountains.
Seeing the magic power-filled treasure sword leave Takaya Jun’s hand, flying off somewhere, my breath was taken away.

Amazing. Seriously amazing.

I never thought that a cheat holder could be cornered to this extent.

‘With this……,’ a beastly scream pierced my eardrums right after I thought that.


Gerbera’s red eyes widened.
Takaya Jun still hadn’t given up yet.


A head-on kick landed squarely on Gerbera’s chest.
In the time you could say ‘Ah,’ her white figure snapped the thin trees and disappeared into the thicket.


It was an instant of violence.

What was absurd was the obsession driving Takaya Jun.
His right arm, which was still impaled by the spider leg, as a result of his unreasonable actions, was half torn off.

It was that obsession that caught Gerbera by surprise and repelled the trump card that Master had been holding onto up until now.


Without a moment’s pause, Berta used a flame attack.
However……it was no good. A beat too late.

“You’re in the wayyY!”

When Berta tried to spew out his flames, he took a roundhouse kick and was slammed to the ground.

“Uu, O!?”

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As a result, Master and Kudou, who were riding on his back, were thrown off Berta’s back.
The two of them, tied together by Asarina, fell to the ground as a single lump.

Takaya Jun turned towards them.

“You’re giving me a hard time……”

The tone of his voice, containing joy, trembled with a cruel-feeling premonition.
Dread ran through my entire body.

Even being mentally exhausted, losing his weapon, and having his arm crushed, wouldn’t hinder Takaya Jun from kicking both Master and Kudou Riku to death.

When I imagined what was going to happen from here, my chest was completely filled with a sense of powerlessness that made me feel faint.

What am I doing?
I can’t just do nothing but watch while exposing Master to this danger.

How powerless.
How unsightly.

What ‘Master’s first kin.’

However, cursing myself like this didn’t change the merciless reality in front of me.
No matter how I cursed my own powerlessness, I couldn’t do anything about these restraints.


As if saying that even my echoing scream was soothing, Takaya Jun shouted in victory and kicked the ground.

The two monster users who lost their dependable kin had no means or anything else to resist.
That was a judgement of common sense――and that’s why, neither I nor Takaya Jun’s understanding could keep up.


In the next moment, the right side of Takaya Jun’s chest was vertically sliced open.
Blood, vibrant to the eyes, spurted out.

Unable to deliver his kick, Takaya Jun fell to a knee.

“What, was……?”

When he raised his head and looked forward, murmuring dumbfounded, he saw the figure of “Kudou,” who was being held by Master from behind, who had drawn his sword.

With a sharp slashing motion, the cloak he was wearing was flung wide open――revealing the body of the girl that had been hidden beneath it.

The bandages wrapped around her left thigh, which was in a kneel, came into view……Aah, ‘So that was what Berta used,’ I had understood.

“Iino……-san? Th-, the real one……?”
“Sorry, Takaya-kun. But, no one will be dying here”

Iino-san’s face, having appeared from underneath the deeply pulled-over hood that was removed, gazed at the completely different Takaya Jun with somewhat sad eyes.


Author’s Notes:
‘◆Iino Yuna joins the battle.
-> I thought, but I was wrong.
-> I thought, and as expected she did join the fight.’

It was a bit of a dizzying development.

There may’ve been a few people here and there that were able to predict this this time.

There were obviously narratively suspicious elements, and circumstantial evidence, but the biggest hint was the difference in tone of voice between Kudou and her when she quietly spoke that one time. Did you notice?

(TN: The only thing I could do was use “I get it” instead of “I know.” Good job past me, for making Iino always use “I got it.”)


When you’re thinking, you’re “spinning” your head, as in, like it’s a motor or something like that. Not 100% sure what this means, but this should be close enough (やらないほうがまだましなくらいの、意味のない悪あがき).

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