Chapter 8 – The White Spider and the Doll’s Clothes

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Synopsis of the last chapter:

The Otaku factor is slowly eroding.

~Gerbera’s Perspective~

“Oh! There really is a monster here!”

What came into view along with those words were three people—two boys and one girl.

“Thou art……” (Gerbera)

I remembered their faces. As with milord, these three were transferees.

Their names were……what were they?

Thinking back on it, I had never heard them. As they were people we had yet to interact with, that was hardly surprising.

Why were they somewhere like this? I felt more confused than I did suspicious.

“Woahh. This is the first time I’ve seen a monster so close up.”

The faces of the boys as they stared at me were unbelievably cheerful.

I felt no traces of evil intentions.

I sometimes felt a physiological disgust that I could not handle from the knights, but contrary to this, I could call what they were showing me some kind of “friendly attitude”.

But, strangely, these gazes felt very uncomfortable for me.

“Amaziiing. It’s really a monster.”

“H-Hey. Isn’t it dangerous?”

“It’s fiiine. They’re Majima’s monster, you see. There’s an elf girl next to them, too, so she would’ve been killed long ago if they were dangerous.”

They approached whilst discussing something.

The two boys had red faces. A peculiar smell hit my nose.

“……Are they drunk?” (Kei)

Kei muttered next to me, and my eyebrows knitted.

I did not fully understand this『drunk』that Kei spoke of, but I still caught the gist of the situation.

This area was being cleared of people by the Alliance’s Knights, who were friendly to milord.

Neither the soldiers nor villagers could approach.

However, the knights could not be too strict towards the transferees like milord……that is, the heroes.

In fact, behind them were knights with confused looks.

It seemed the ropes of reason were loose on the boys right now. Perhaps, this was an effect of the alcohol.

Therefore, I was not unaware of the situation.

They were feeling out of it from the alcohol they’d drunk. Due to that, their bodies were performing actions they would not normally take.

Though, I had not a clue what they came to do…….

“What dost thee in-……” (Gerbera)

“Your lower body really is a spider, huh.”

I tried to ask them, but the boys did not hear my words.

“How’s it feel?”

On the contrary, the boys got as close as right in front of me, and one of them reached out with his hand.

Mistakingly, my reaction was delayed towards the overly rude and unexpected action.

His rude hand was about to touch the lower half of my Arachne body. A spider body covered in white hair.

“……!!” (Gerbera)

Could he touch this body?

The hand of a man that wasn’t milord?

I felt goosebumps run down my entire body from the physiological disgust. My spider hair stood on end.

My spider legs reflexively wriggled, and——

“What are you doing!”

——A reprimanding voice came to be, shattering the silence of the forest.

The boy’s hand stopped. Everyone immediately looked around.

A short girl walked up to me, her shoulders shaking.

“……Katō-dono?” (Gerbera)

The girl’s name slipped from my mouth.

If I remember correctly, Katō-dono should’ve been watching the training of her friend Rose-dono.

It appeared she had come back here.

While no one else could react, Katō-dono stopped moving and, with a stern expression, glared at the boys who were about to touch me.

“Are you trying to touch a girl’s body as you please!” (Katō)

“G-Girl? This is a monster.”

“So what. She is unmistakably a girl. Are you aware of how nonsensical what you are trying to do is!” (Katō)

Pressed by her blown up anger, the boys took a step back as if they’d been soaked in water.

However, that too, was for only a moment.


They must have realized they were afraid of a girl.

They would be ashamed of the events that led up to this point, if only their reason was working properly. I knew by watching them that their tiny pride had been set alight.

This——was going to go off.

Thinking so, I raised myself, making a *kichiri* sound. It was best to stop them, even if I had to use a somewhat rude method.

“S-Stop. The both of you.”

However, the girl that had come with them to here pulled on the cuffs of the two boys’ shirts.

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“L-Let’s go. Okay? We did something bad, we’re in the wrong……”

Her eyes were fixed on the thing hanging from the left side of Katō-dono’s waist.

It was a large knife.

The other day, milord spoke to Rose-dono and had her make it for Katō-dono to protect herself.

The ultra-thin knife was light for its size, and terribly sharp to boot.

Katō-dono’s left hand was attached to the grip of the knife stored in its sheath.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“……” (Katō)

When Katō-dono took an imposing stance a little ways away from the us, she motioned with her chin to leave quickly, remaining silent all the while.

The girl floated a forced smile, and with a pale face left as though running away.

Albeit dissatisfied, the boys left with nothing more than a tongue click before chasing after the girl.

As soon as the knights also left with apologetic expressions, I sighed.

The spider hair on my lower body that had been on edge finally regained its calmness.

They were a rude bunch. That whole affair left a bad aftertaste.

However, that it ended without anything happening could be called good.

Naturally, I knew that if I—a monster—caused a violent event, the event may have worsened milord’s position.

I turned to Katō-dono.

It was thanks to her cutting in that nothing happened.

“I thank thee, Katō-dono.” (Gerbera)

“……” (Katō)

There was no reply.

Tilting my head, I peeked at her expression.

Her face, which had a slight innocent impression to it, was deathly pale.

“……Katō-dono?” (Gerbera)

There was no reply to my call.

Katō-dono suddenly collapsed.

Fortunately, Katō-dono’s condition was not severe.

Having collapsed with a pale expression, she lied on her side and fell asleep for a while, following her statement of “I’ll be fine as long as I rest for a little”.

Around the time Kei replaced the wet towel placed over her forehead for the umpteenth time, Katō-dono awoke.

“……I apologize for the inconvenience.” (Katō)

“Don’t worry about it.” (Kei)

Humans were just so fragile; I could only watch on despite how bad for my heart it was.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I shrugged my shoulders a little.

“However, it’s not like it was made for assisting in a fight, I won’t overdo it.” (Katō)

When I heard about it later, it seemed that Katō-dono had only been able to take an imposing pose in front of the rude boys; she had been unable to take even a single step.

Thinking back on it now, her touching the knife was probably more because she wanted to rely on the object given to her by milord and made by Rose-dono, than it was『I’ll use this if something happens』.

Katō-dono looked a bit sad as if she knew she overdid it.

“That’s true……but, I believe there is value in just doing that.” (Kei)

“Thank thee.” (Gerbera)

I appreciated it as well.

How would my spider legs have reflexively moved one second later if Katō-dono had not interrupted?

It was an unconscious behavior, so I could hardly assert it would have been fine.

I could have jumped back instantly.

If I were to do so poorly, there was a chance the rude boy’s hand would’ve been cut off. It made me shiver.

“If a girl has their body touched suddenly by a member of the opposite sex, it isn’t impossible for them to hit back reflexively……” (Katō)

Katō-dono said in a bitter tone.

“Gerbera-san’s specs are on a whole nother level, too. They might have gotten hurt a little.” (Kei)

“……Yeah, just a『little』.” (Gerbera)

I averted my gaze.

That was a delicate way of looking at the situation, but I thought to keep quiet about that. It was a trivial problem.

Katō-dono, making a slightly curious expression after seeing my reaction, continued speaking.

“Well, he probably didn’t think it didn’t matter to us, but normally that would be sexual harassment so you should give him a death-stare, but……” (Katō)

“As a result, it might inconvenience milord.” (Gerbera)

Katō-dono showed her approval with a nod.

“It’s a good thing it ended without becoming a problem.” (Katō)

“Indeed. ……However, what was that?” (Gerbera)

When I complained in a naturally quiet tone, a crease formed in Katō-dono’s eyebrows.

“They got drunk. It made them start to do things unconsciously.” (Katō)

Her tone was icy and filled with anger towards the thoughtless boys.

“It’s not limited to you, but I think there’s a part where they unconsciously look down a bit. So, when they lose a bit of reason, they start to do rude things they wouldn’t do normally……” (Katō)

When I heard this remark, I suddenly thought back to the 2 monsters serving Riku Kudō, the other Monster Tamer.

They, given the names Anton and Berta, seemed to have been treated as mere game pieces.

Perhaps the reason I felt the boys from earlier to be uncomfortable was because their emotions were similar.

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It was not “fine if they have no ill will”.

A frank curiosity. Simply put, the boys had stared at me like I was some kind of thing.

Monsters were monsters. Not humans.

Transferees lacked the hatred for monsters that the residents of this world possessed, but that didn’t necessarily mean they would treat us equally.

We were extremely lucky to have met milord.

“Though, once they sober up, I’m sure they’ll recognize the mistake they made. After all, they don’t want to pick a fight with Majima-senpai.” (Katō)

Katō-dono continued.

“Moreover, from what I heard, Miyoshi-senpai seems to be the leader of that group. The incident happened somewhere he wasn’t, and if he knew of this, he would definitely act in a way so as to make sure his relationship with Majima-senpai doesn’t grow worse. So in that sense, it might be good we nipped this in the bud quickly. If Rose-san got dragged into it like that, I wouldn’t be able to bear watching.” (Katō)

“Unlike me, Rose-dono art calm. If it would cause trouble for milord, she might just sit there and let herself be touched. Even if deep down, she hated it.” (Gerbera)

“Please don’t say such horrid things. Only Senpai can touch Rose-san.” (Katō)

Making a face of pure disgust, Katō-dono spoke.

The same as ever, she was a good friend.

“Hmm?” (Gerbera)

I then raised my face.

Another person was approaching.

I stood up reflexively, reason being because most likely the incident from a little while ago was unconsciously leaving a lasting effect on me. Fortunately, it was a needless anxiety.

The person approaching with rhythmatic footsteps was an eye-patched elf girl dressed in white armor, her golden hair bundled all together and swinging——it was Silane.

Though she was newest member in milord’s family, milord treated her that way because she had lived as a person prior to that.

Therefore, we family, including me, followed that. I personally had a strong impression that she was more of milord’s friend and Kei’s older sister than she was my younger sister.

Katō-dono tilted her head a little at her appearance.

“Oh? Silane-san, why are you here?” (Katō)

“I heard from my subordinates that there was trouble here.” (Silane)

Making a slightly stern face, Silane approached us looking whilst around.

“Though it was just a dispute and not anything important, Takahiro-dono and Mikihiko-dono were still concerned. I came to see the situation and apologize.” (Silane)

“So that’s why. It’s fine. It’s not the knights’ faults, so you don’t have to apologize.” (Katō)

“But……” (Silane)

“It’s okay. I felt a bit sick, but Kei-chan took care of me.” (Katō)

Katō-dono gave a smiling face towards Silane’s anxious look.

Seeing that, I wondered.

Her smile seemed a bit stiff.

“Yup. I think I’ll be good to move soon. Thank you, Kei-chan.” (Katō)

When Katō-dono made a fist and cheered, Kei cast down her eyes.

“No way. I couldn’t do anything earlier……” (Kei)

“It’s okay. A child shouldn’t worry about such things.” (Katō)

Katō-dono got up, stroking Kei’s head as she lamented.

She didn’t look to be forcing herself, even from my eyes.

Exactly as she said, she seemed to have recovered in this short time. Much quicker than before.

Was the rehabilitization Mikihiko-dono was helping with gradually showing its effects? Or, perhaps the good relationship she had with milord was exerting a good influence on her mind.

Silane stared fixedly at her.

Katō-dono herself also noticed her gaze. She stared in wonder, and then returned a beautiful smile.

“What is it, Silane-san?” (Katō)

“No. I apologize if this is my fault, however……” (Silane)

Silane had a slightly awkward expression.

“……I feel something like a wall in your attitude, Mana-dono. Have I perhaps done something?” (Silane)

I had thought it strange, but it seems Silane had noticed it, too.

Well, I noticed it while watching her from the side. There was no way she herself would have failed to notice it.

“If I have done something that bothered you, I wish to apologize.” (Silane)

Just like a knight, Silane had a sincere attitude.

“No, that would be……” (Katō)

Katō-dono began speaking, but then noticed Kei and I were staring at her dubiously, and her eyes went round.

An unclear smiled showed on her face.

“……Did it show in my attitude?” (Katō)

“Even I could tell.” (Gerbera)

“Ah. That’s unexpectedly blunt.” (Katō)

Her shoulders dropping, Katō-dono turned to Silane.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware……” (Katō)

“No. You don’t have to apologize.” (Silane)

“It seems I was being a bit distant unconsciously. But, that’s for personal reasons. It’s not your fault, Silane, so please don’t worry about it.” (Katō)

“Personal, you say?” (Silane)

“……It’s pitiful.” (Katō)

Katō-dono gave a bitter smile.

“I’m happy you are worried about me. I’m happy you trust me. But, I wanted to be the impetus to make him change if I could.” (Katō)

She sighed.

“Jealousy won’t get me anywhere, I know that…but. For some reason it’s difficult……” (Katō)

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Her words were minced, but I felt like I knew who Katō-dono was talking about.

She looked so happy-looking recently that even someone as estranged as I could tell.

“So, Silane-san. By no means do I hate you. In fact, I find your personality likeable. I’d be happy if you would be my friend.” (Katō)

Katō-dono spoke in a smooth tone.

Even though she knew it was pitiful, enviable things were enviable.

A person’s heart was beyond one’s control.

And yet, Katō-dono was trying to get rid of the ill-will within herself.

As she looked at her, Silane suddenly gave a smile—a friendly one.

“I don’t understand why you are jealous……but of course, I don’t mind being your friend. Please treat me favorably.” (Silane)

Katō-dono also smiled in response to Silane’s words. Her smile was more natural than before.

“According to Takahiro-dono, you are trying to learn magic, correct? I may be able to assist you in some way.” (Silane)

“Truly? I’d be grateful. I’ve finally become able to perceive magical power recently and have wanted to advance to the next step.” (Katō)

“Then, let’s talk when you come back from subjugating the surrounding monsters at noon. After dinner should work with me.” (Silane)

Kei happily watched the two exchange words.

She was probably happy that the older sister she loved and the foreigner she’d recently made friends with were now linked by a bond of friendship.

Having felt a little chilly as I watched, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“……Oh, that reminds me.” (Silane)

With a look of sudden remembrance, Silane then reached into the cuff of her clothes.

“I forgot to ask. Do you recognize this?” (Silane)

“Ah!” (Gerbera)

I reflexively shouted.

What Silane held out was the piece of paper I’d been given by Mikihiko-dono.

“Where did thou……” (Gerbera)

“On the way here I found something that’d been blown away by the wind. I knew immediately that it was something not from this world, so I was sure it was Mana-dono’s, but it was yours, Gerbera-dono?” (Silane)

“Indeed. It appears I carelessly let go of it when I was entangled with the transferees, or when Katō-dono collapsed.” (Gerbera)

I hadn’t noticed in the slightest.

“I see. I’ll give it back, then.” (Silane)

“Much appreciated.” (Gerbera)

I breathed a sigh of relief, taking the folded up paper from Silane.

That was too close. Mikihiko’s hard-worked goodwill was just about wasted. This time, I had to make sure I didn’t lose it…….

“……Hmm. Actually, perhaps this art a good chance.” (Gerbera)

As I tried to put up the paper scrap, I suddenly thought of something just before I did, and looked at Katō-dono.

“I have something I want thee to see.” (Gerbera)

“Me?” (Katō)

I nodded grandly.

“Mhm. I consulted with Mikihiko-dono about the clothing design that Rose-dono asked of me before.” (Gerbera)

“Eh……? With Shumoku-senpai? Is that the paper?” (Katō)

Katō-dono rarely had changes in her expression, but this time unusually clear and exquisitely subtle emotions showed in her voice and face.

“Heehh. Him, huh. ……I somehow only have a bad feeling about this.” (Katō)

“What dost thee mean? Mikihiko-dono looked to be confident, and Kei also said it was cute. It’s good they said that after seeing it.” (Gerbera)

“That is true……all right. Then, may I see it?” (Katō)

“Mhm.” (Gerbera)

Ushering her, I spread out the paper and showed her.

As soon as she gazed at the page, Katō-dono’s eyes opened a small bit——


“Hey! Isn’t this a maid outfit!?” (Katō)


——Katō-dono cried out, pointing at the page.

“Oh! So thee art knowledgeable about it, too?” (Gerbera)

I gave a sigh.

Apparently, it was a very popular garment that Katō-dono knew of.

And, her surprise. It was more than I expected.

Perhaps the man really did deserve to be called milord’s friend. My choice to believe and leave it to him seemed to be a correct one.

“‘In my world, every man likes this’, or so he said. Milord will surely be satisfied.” (Gerbera)

However, while I declared so full of confidence…hmm? I tilted my head in my mind.

The only one whose eyes were lighting up…were just the childlike Kei’s.

The reactions from the other two were weak. Especially Katō-dono’s. I wanted to think that she was holding her forehead and staggered because of how moved she was, but this seemed to be different.

“Isn’t it amazing, Ane-sama. There’s so many frills and laces. It’s so cute!” (Kei)

“Y-Yeah. But isn’t it a bit over-decorated? Maid clothes…are they? They’re lacking in practicality, and are too flashy……” (Silane)

“Ah, now that you mention it, that is true. I didn’t think about it that far.” (Kei)

……Hmm? Huh? What?

As I listen to the elven sisters converse——especially the older sister’s slightly withdrawn words, a cold sweat dripped down my cheeks.

“The skirt is too short, and the chest area is too open. It is hard to say this, but it even has a slightly indecent atmosphere to it……” (Silane)

Perhaps…I’d done it now.

No no. Something like that…….

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“……Gerbera-san?” (Katō)

Then, the last person opened their mouth.

My spider legs jumped. Timidly, I peeked at Katō-dono, and almost screamed.

“……Were you seriously going to put these clothes on Rose-san?” (Katō)

She was mad. No doubt about it; she was mad.

Her quiet voice, contrary to appearances, was scary.

Her clenched hands trembled slightly.

……I’ve done it now. This is not good, I realized.

It seemed I’d made an error in my judgement.

“C-Calm down. Katō-dono. I was not going to make this without changing it.” (Gerbera)

Swaying, Katō-dono approached as I piled up sentence after sentence in a panic, trying to explain myself.

“……” (Katō)

In silence, she stared fixedly at the paper I’d spread out.

I felt dread.

The memory where『I’d been outdone』by her before was stimulated, and the scenery before my eyes spun round and round a little.

Something, I have to do something……that sole thought in mind, I began speaking.

“This art just one of many ideas. In fact, I was going to ask thy opinion, if I had the chance to. If thee were to say ‘you wouldn’t have shown it without this kind of opportunity’, then I could not deny such, but……!” (Gerbera)

“……Hmm? Maid clothes…just might not be a bad thing.” (Katō)

Having just been frantically making excuses, I tilted my head.

What…did she just say?

“Please lend me this.” (Katō)

“Ah!” (Gerbera)

The paper was swiftly taken from me.

Holding the paper with the picture on it in one hand, Katō-dono stared at it with a pondering look.

“Are you serious, Mana-dono?” (Silane)

Silane stared at her with a questioning look.

“Leaving aside normal maid clothes, this is……I am not aware of how it is in your world, but it might prove slightly difficult to wear that everyday……” (Silane)

“No. Please don’t misunderstand, this is not casual wear in our world, either. I don’t know about『Shumoku-senpai’s world』, but…” (Katō)

“……Didn’t you two come from the same world at the same time?” (Silane)

“That is…a deep conversation. Anyway. I am not aware of the particulars, but this…this is the outfit of a hobby establishment……” (Katō)

I did not understand a word of what Katō-dono was talking about.

But, I was certain of one truth: I had apparently escaped my death sentence.

Knowing that was plenty.

Sighing in relief, I questioned Katō-dono, who had a serious face.

“Art it fine to make it, then?” (Gerbera)

“No. This won’t work for everyday clothing.” (Katō)

“Oh?” (Gerbera)

She was resolute.

If I looked, Silane was also nodding. It seemed it wouldn’t do.

“Something cute like this is fitting for Rose-san, not something lewd. A more chic, mature design. Instead of that, this design just doesn’t work. It tends too much towards his tastes. Since he knows everything, it’ll be interesting……” (Katō)

Speaking with an amazed expression, Katō-dono neatly folded the paper and put it in her pocket.

“I’ll make a plan.” (Katō)

“Sounds good to me.” (Silane)

Silane agreed with Katō-dono’s words.

Kei also nodded.

It was the moment Mikihiko-dono’s work, filled with male passion, was to be put away. It felt a bit sad…….

“I want to get dyes when we reach town.” (Katō)

“I will arrange it, Mana-dono.” (Silane)

“Oh? Thank you, Silane-san. That reminds me. It might be good to take the chance to prepare long gloves and knee-high socks, too.” (Katō)

“Ah! Then, you can hide Rose-san’s doll body?” (Kei)

“Exactly, Kei-chan. If all goes well, Rose-san can go into town with Majima-senpai……I’m kinda looking forward to this.” (Katō)

Listening to their harmonious exchange, I dropped my shoulders.

I felt bad for Mikihiko-dono, but……Hmm, can’t be helped.

His proposal wasn’t being outright rejected. I would have to thank him for his help later.

For example….Ah, that’s it, I thought of a good idea.

How about I give clothes with the old design to that strong amazon of a woman he was so infatuated with?

Since Mikihiko-dono knew milord would be pleased if I made that for Rose-dono, then Mikihiko-dono himself would surely feel the same.

Mikihiko-dono would definitely be pleased, I imagine.

“Well. Now that that’s settled, let’s resume, shall we, Gerbera-san?” (Katō)

Having decided on my future plans, I titled my heads at Katō-dono’s words.

“What dost thee mean?” (Gerbera)

“Your choice of weapon, Gerbera-san.” (Katō)

Katō-dono spoke as though it was obvious.

“I came here to help you with that.” (Katō)

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