Chapter 9 – The White Spider and the Girl Moving Forward

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Synopsis of the last chapter:

Dark clouds are hanging over Mikihiko’s future.

Will he be able to survive this harsh fate……!

“For reference, could you tell me how they’ve felt so far?” (Katō)

“Good idea. First, I tried a sword like what milord uses, but I found it quite difficult to fight while being cautious of the blade’s path¹. Though not impossible, it dost weaken quite a bit.” (Gerbera)

“So swords are out.” (Katō)

“I also tried axes, but the feel for them was rather lacking. Currently, I art trying out spears. They look to be a lost cause as well. In fact, I feel like I might be better off breaking the trees somewhere and spinning them around instead.” (Gerbera)

“I’ll say this just in case, but it isn’t like trees will just be growing wherever once we leave this forest, you know?” (Katō)

“I can carry one around then.” (Gerbera)

“……Ah, jeez. I don’t even know where to begin retorting.” (Katō)

After that kind of conversation, the search for my weapon resumed.

Katō-dono first got into the car along with Kei.

“There’s quite a lot here. Heehh. I kinda feel like I’m looking at a manga or something.” (Katō)

“You think so? But, I think there are many things that aren’t weapons in your world. For example. Regrettably, there are no shuriken-whatsits used by the Ninjas that have lived in the darkness of the world since time immemorial.” (Kei)

“……Who did you hear that from? Ah, nevermind. You don’t have to reply. I know who.” (Katō)

“Umm?” (Kei)

“Hmm, I’m sure he joked about it to entertain you. ……But, you don’t, huh? That might be one method…” (Katō)

“What are you talking about?” (Kei)

“Nevermind. It’s nothing. For now, let’s search what’s in here.” (Katō)

——Katō-dono, who should have been watching over Rose-dono’s training originally, had apparently come here knowing this would be a difficult task.

As quick-witted as ever, you could say.

Though, it seemed even she hadn’t been able to predict that she would run into the other transferees when she returned.

“Was the timing good or perhaps bad, I wonder.” (Gerbera)

“I think it was good.” (Katō)

Katō-dono replied from within the car parked next to me.

“They’re looking down on you guys like that, so it’s easy for me to turn them down without worsening our relationship since I am in the same position as them for now” (Katō)

The sound of hard objecting clanging together rang out alongside Katō-dono’s voice.

Next to Kei, who was taking out things inside the car at random, Katō-dono was hunting for weapons. Incidentally, Silane had already returned to milord and Mikihiko.

“Besides, even if I do create ill will between us, the brunt of it will be towards me and not Majima-senpai.” (Katō)

“Art that a good thing?” (Gerbera)

“It’s a good thing. I have no fighting power and therefore cannot do much for Senpai. If I don’t do this much, he won’t know why I’m on his side.” (Katō)

I turned to look at the car, but unfortunately, I could not see her from here.

Instead, I saw Kei getting out from the car, weapons in her arms.

I put the weapon I had in hand—neither a spear or an axe—on the ground.

Kei, having collected several weapons including that one, put the next weapon in its place.

“If I could at least awaken to my power as a transferee, then the story would be different.” (Katō)

“Your ‘cheat ability’, yes? Lily-dono has been saying something similar.” (Gerbera)

“Yes. The other day, I consulted Lily-san about it. ‘Why can’t I handle my cheat ability’.” (Katō)

“In reality, it seems impossible?” (Gerbera)

“……I wonder. I’ve been thinking about a lot.” (Katō)

She returned a pondering voice.

“Lily-san is only mimicking Mizushima-senpai. She isn’t a transferee itself. So, she won’t wake up to her ability, or so she thinks. ‘I’m a fake, so I can’t do what the real can’……her thinking that isn’t impossible.” (Katō)

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“Not impossible?” (Gerbera)

“That is Lily-san’s complex. It seems she has overcome her anxiety about her someday not being able to stay by Majima-senpai’s side. As far as her inferiority complex goes, it’s not something that will disappear overnight.” (Katō)

“Hrmm. Inferiority complex?” (Gerbera)

I wasn’t sure what Katō-dono was saying.

If you asked me, I had a strong impression that Lily-dono was watching over everyone as the older sister.

I couldn’t imagine she was worrying over her own problems.

But, maybe that was just because of her constant efforts.

“Lily-san’s idea has a certain persuasive power to it. Sure, Lily-san’s mimicry cannot avoid the degradation of ability. What’s more, Mizushima-senpai died before her cheat ability manifested, so there is no cheat ability to reproduce in the first place.” (Katō)

“Certainly, that does sound plausible.” (Gerbera)

“But……” (Katō)

The continuous clanging sounds paused.

“The degradation in Lily-san’s mimicry is normally not『cannot do』, but『can do albeit incompletely』. And, the very quality of ‘able to be a cheat holder’ should have existed in Mizushima-senpai—a transferee.” (Katō)

“Umm……what thee mean to say art that『Lily-dono should be able to mimic the very quality of ‘manifesting a cheat ability’』? If that art true, then the reason Lily-dono cannot manifest her ability lies elsewhere.” (Gerbera)

“I think there exists that kind of possibility. See. I’m might not be Lily-san, but even I, a transferee, have not awakened to my ability, you know?” (Katō)

“Now that thee mention it……those boys from before art in the same situation. I art not aware of if everyone has the same reason, but having said that, art it not a bit rash to decide it art due to her mimicry that Lily-dono cannot manifest her ability?” (Gerbera)

“You have a point. It’s not too late to give up, even after plenty of consideration……” (Katō)

As her speculation deepened, Katō-dono’s words gradually changed into her speaking to herself.

“The powers of us transferees are influenced by our wishes. So, if there was never a wish welling up from the bottom of their hearts to begin with, or if there is a wish but the emotion is weak, the ability won’t manifest, I think.” (Katō)

I reminisced about milord.

There was a time where he, too, had no ability.

No one other than Lily-dono knew about that time, but as far as I heard, milord had apparently met her in an extremely terrible condition.

That was precisely why milord woke up to his ability.

On the other hand, milord would not have awakened to『his ability to lead monsters』otherwise.

When I thought about it like that, I had mixed feelings.

His unhappiness was, in a sense, tied to our happiness.

Be that as it may, milord would not want me to think about it like that.

So, I stopped thinking. The past unhappiness was unhappiness. The current happiness was happiness. As a result, milord was there and I was here. That was all that mattered. I knew milord thought so, too.

“I lack a wish strong enough to awaken my ability. Maybe this is the case for the majority of the transferees. But, maybe that doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone.” (Katō)

Alone, Katō-dono was sinking into a lake of thoughts.

Her tone was serious; it was clear she was thinking about it seriously.

That wasn’t all. She was forming baseless suspicions about many things.

There was something in her that just made her do so.

“Now that I think about it, cheat abilities themselves still have parts to them yet to be properly understood. I wonder why us transferees have something like this. No, that feels a bit off the mark——” (Katō)

“Hey, Katō-dono.” (Gerbera)

“——Hm? Ah, yes? What is it?” (Katō)

When I called out to her, she returned a voice as though she’d just come to her senses.

What should I do? I was at a loss.

I had a small question in my chest. But, I did not know whether or not I could voice it.

Well, I guess it’s fine, I concluded such because it was Katō-dono I was talking to.

It was also stupid to focus so hard on this and that when the person I was talking to was several times smarter than me. I decided to ask about what I was thinking as is.


“Dost thee not intend to push down milord?” (Gerbera)


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A *clatter* rang out.

Quite the loud sound. Katō-dono had apparently knocked over a weapon she was searching for. “A-Are you okay, Katō-san!”, Kei’s panicked voice rang out.

I was also concerned, but Katō-dono immediately gave a reply in a groan, “……I’m all right.”

Mhm, I sniffed.

“Be careful when handling armor, Katō-dono. Did you hurt yourself?” (Gerbera)

“Why did you say that!” (Katō)

Katō-dono got out from the car. She was red down to her neck.

“Gerbera-san? Just what did you say……” (Kei)

“Hmm. Did I say something strange?” (Gerbera)

Hmmm, I tilted my head.

“I want to push down milord. Dost thee not feel the same?” (Gerbera)

“That’s too frank!” (Katō)

“Thee art getting too flustered. I’ve thought about it for a while now, but when it comes to milord, art not thou too fragile?” (Gerbera)

“Ergh……” (Katō)

Katō-dono faltered, her words clogging up.

Behind her was Kei, who was holding her reddened cheeks with both hands. “A-An adult conversation” she muttered, quickly drawing back.

Once again, Katō-dono and I came face to face.

It was quite rare to have a situation where I was calm and Katō-dono was flustered.

Harbouring this strange emotion, I tilted my head.

“But the real problem is, I believe milord will not see thee in that way unless thee push him down or something.” (Gerbera)

“……You may play innocent, but you sure can say some unexpectedly sharp things, Gerbera-san.” (Katō)

“In this case, sharpness art irrelevant, no? I art connected to milord by the path, so I can tell by looking. And, I don’t intend to convey the passion thou stare at him with to my other sisters.” (Gerbera)

As far as I saw, milord did not view Katō-dono as a partner.

Of course, milord was a bit dense, but he wasn’t unfeeling. He did seem to think something was off, if a little.

However, it did not look like he would arrive at the answer.

But why?

What then came to mind was Katō-dono’s figure from earlier, disgusted from being in contact with a man.

“Of course, it art only natural. Milord would never imagine a person that weakens like that from just speaking to a man would want to push him down.” (Gerbera)

“Pardon me, Gerbera-san. Can you please stop speaking in your own words?” (Katō)

“To take it to the extreme, it art『like that』. I, at least, dost not want to be pushed down by any man other than milord. Should it remain like this, milord will stray even farther from the answer. If thee art honest, the choices in which the brutality of man art shown, even if the tiniest bit, will disappear from thy mind. The act in itself of seeing him as the opposite sex might very well be taboo.” (Gerbera)

I sighed.

“This art something thee know all-too-well even without me telling thee.” (Gerbera)

I was still a little scared of this girl even now. She had taken me—the White Arachne—down.

It was because she was like that that she was trying to figure out how much I knew.

“So, let me ask thee. Art this fine for thee? Thou share the same feelings as I.” (Gerbera)

I asked her directly.

Katō-dono sighed as if she was accepting it.

“……The same feelings, you say? I’ll say this now, I don’t want to push him down like you do.” (Katō)

Her lips formed a bittersweet smile.

“But, I never thought you were aware of my feelings.” (Katō)

“As I have said, I do not plan on losing to my other sisters in staring at milord. However, thee art quite something thyself.” (Gerbera)

We were staring at the same thing. Not noticing would be for the best.

Once noticed, however, it would be strange to not doubt it.

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“Why dost thee not convey the feelings in thy chest? Thee were the one to once stand before me. Surely it art not because thee are shy.” (Gerbera)

“But, that is why.” (Katō)

“……What?” (Gerbera)

My eyebrows raised at her words, spoken with the bittersweet smile still on her face.

Such was a natural reaction. The image inside my head of her was that of a『monster』void of fear.

But, she didn’t look like that standing before me now.

Perhaps, I was mistaken?

No, that was different. Back when I met her, she was definitely a dreadful monster.

There existed someone who returned the monstrous Katō-dono back to how she was originally.

Katō-dono smiled at me as I convinced myself of such.

“I’d given up on everything. I lost everything, had nothing, and therefore could do nothing. I feared nothing. That was why, back then, I could do it. Because I was like that, I could be of use to Senpai. ……And yet, Rose-san told me to not give up.” (Katō)

Katō-dono took a long breath.

A troubled yet happy-looking feeling leaked into her smile.

“After that, I became scared to do anything.” (Katō)

“So thee say, but it looked like thee were acting the same as before.” (Gerbera)

“Fufu. Yep. Contradicting, isn’t it?” (Katō)

Nodding at my point-out, Katō-dono gently shut her eyes.

“But, I guess it can’t be helped. Thanks to Rose-san, I was able to tell Senpai『You saved me』and『Thank you』. If I made him happy, would I be happy? If I could earn his trust, would I be fortunate? I’ll keep on doing my best, I thought.” (Katō)

Floating a thin smile, Katō-dono touched her chest as if to confirm the feeling of what was there.

“A person’s heart truly is beyond their control. I want to give up on everything, yet once I decide to not give up for once, greed comes out. So……” (Katō)

“I see.” (Gerbera)

That was the driving force which moved this cowardly girl.

I let loose an understanding sigh.

……Then, she should convey her feelings quickly, yet… I thought, but that would surely be an impossibility.

She was scared, after all.

She feared losing what she had obtained at long last by moving forward, so she hesitated taking a step forward; it would take time for her to muster her courage.

Yet, she didn’t stop moving.

The doll girl who had once before pulled her hand was now guiding her, and though slowly, she was moving forward.

At an irritatingly slow speed if you asked me, but moving forward nevertheless.

If such was the case, then she really was scary.

She was so very weak in both mind and body, yet she was strong.

It was something I could never hope to understand.

Her smile suddenly vanished as I thought how admirable that was.

“I fully understand. Thee art that.” (Gerbera)

What was her existence like? Thinking back, I nodded once.

“A coward only when it comes to milord.” (Gerbera)

Her eyebrows jolted, and she stared fixedly at me.

“……You seem to be very informed about that expression.” (Katō)

“I heard it from Mikihiko-dono.” (Gerbera)

“That man……” (Katō)

Exhausted, Katō-dono pointed a bitter expression.

“Whatever. Because I am like this, there are sure to be things I can help Senpai with. ……So, how about we do this?” (Katō)

“Hmm?” (Gerbera)

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“Earlier, I got out when I knocked it over. So, could you help me with it?” (Katō)

I agilely took the heavy-looking weapon Katō-dono was holding with both hands as she descended from the car.

“What art this?” (Gerbera)

It was neither a sword or a spear.

A large lump of metal was attached to the end of a rod about the length of an arm.

Firm-looking protrusions were on the lump of metal which, in a sense, gave it a more dangerous air than a sword.

“This is a mace.” (Katō)

Rushing over, Kei gave an explanation.

“It’s a weapon that strikes the opponent with the pommel at the end. In Viskum, one of the Three Eastern Countries, it is often used because there are many monsters that cannot be pierced by blades.” (Kei)

“Rose-san has only made weapons with blades so far. Haven’t you also had the idea of a blunt weapon, Gerbera-san? How is it? I think it’s better than breaking off a nearby tree and using it as a makeshift club.” (Katō)

“Certainly. At least I dost not have to worry about the blade’s path.” (Gerbera)

While I nodded to Katō-dono’s query, my heart had been half-stolen by the weapon in my hand.

Maybe with this…….

I took some distance from Katō-dono and Kei, and brandished the mace.


Putting power into the hand holding it, I swung without reservations.

The stricken air burst open the area as a strong gale.

Feedback came to me.

Reflexively, a smug smile formed on my face.

This is good. I must become familiar with it.

Above all, the structure was simplistic. Though, it was interesting that it had a contrivance unlike a mere rod.

By utilizing the weight of the pommel, its natural centrifugal force could be used as a weapon. Even from just swinging it, I could expect a certain level of power. Of course, mastering it as a martial art would be another story.

“If I had to point out an issue, it would be that it’s way too light.” (Gerbera)

For humans, this might have been fine. For me, however, it was a bit unsatisfactory.

“So, it being more heavy would be for the better. I want it to be longer, too. Perhaps I should consult with Rose-dono about that.” (Gerbera)

Pleasant feelings danced in my chest.

A smile naturally formed on my face.

“Kuku~. I art looking forward to it.” (Gerbera)

“Um, Gerbera-san?” (Katō)

“……What might it be, Katō-dono? And right when I art finally feeling good, too…” (Gerbera)

When I turned my face, dissatisfied, Katō-dono was there, frowning.

She spoke, pointing her finger.

“Isn’t that mace kinda bent in the handle?” (Katō)

“……Oh.” (Gerbera)

A dumbfounded voice leaked from my mouth.

Flustered, I looked down at the mace, now bent from me getting swept up in the moment.

After this, it was bent way too much due to me putting too much power into trying to fix it in my panic; I agonized as I reported it to milord and apologized together.

In the end, my weapon remained unsettled. That fact hurt to look at.

However, I believe I managed to grab hold of a plan.

Perhaps I should consult with Rose-dono about the rest? Katō-dono seemed to have thought of something as well, and was apparently moving to do it.

Even though it was just one weapon, it was quite difficult. I sighed.


When I later asked Rose-dono “in any case, something hard and heavy”, she was very confused, but that is a story for another time.

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