Monster Princess

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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Translated by Schwarzel
Edited by Schwarzel




Monster Princess 

Episode 5



‘I’m just going to check one last time.’ 


It’s not my cup of tea, but shouldn’t people do things that they don’t usually do sometimes? 


“Marina, don’t you hear anything in the woods?” 


“I don’t.” 


When we arrived at the hunting ground of Blovis Forest, I asked Marina a question and she answered with discontent. 


At times like this, she’s such a dastardly maid. 


“Are you going to keep doing that?” 


“Why isn’t this a big deal? How could you get your pretty hair, first princess, like this!”


Marina shuddered with disappointment again as she saw my hair that had become so short that it’s just almost touching my shoulder. 


Still, her response has improved a lot. 


Yesterday, Marina’s wailing inside the palace was ringing all day long.


“You’re so mean. No matter how dirty you feel your hair is, you didn’t have to cut it this short! Isn’t it such a waste?”


Oh, she’s about to cry again. 


After screaming at my behavior yesterday, I think it’s really upsetting to see her keep making such a fuss for over a day. 


“First princess? Oh, no. What are you doing here all of a sudden?” 

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However, as soon as someone else appeared in front of us, Marina returned to her cold-hearted maidservant appearance with a strong look in her eyes. 


Baron Weston, the owner of the hunting ground, was seen running fast with his mustache waving. 


He must have been very surprised to hear the news of my sudden visit. 


Well, I’m sure he was stunned that a royal came to visit without telling him. 


Of course, there must be another reason for his contemplating attitude. 


I also saw the man with a mustache approaching, returning to the usual form of a solemn princess.


“Oh, you’re the owner of the forest, Baron Weston?”


“Yes, yes! Yes, first princess!” 


I laughed, loosely waving my gold cane in my hand. 


“Nice to meet you, but have I come to a place I shouldn’t come? Why do you look so unhappy? It’s making me sad.” 


“Well, of course, it is a great honor for the First Princess to have made such a visit! However, you look a little different from what I knew, so I think I sent a rude look at you because I was unfamiliar with your appearance. Well, I’m so sorry.” 


He’s trying to say empty words. I don’t have any excuse to make, but do people need to make excuses for cutting their hair? 


I walked past Baron Weston towards the forest. 


Baron Weston followed me in a hurry, looking restless. 


“You’re surprised I came all of a sudden, aren’t you? 


“Oh, no.” 


“This summer’s hunting festival is near. I heard that the hunt will be held in this Floris forest? So I stopped by to see while I was passing by.” 


“It’s not Floris forest, it’s Blovis forest. First Princess..” 


“Oh, really? Isn’t this Floris Forest?”

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As if I did not notice, I opened my eyes and showed an exaggerated expression.


“I guess I was confused because all the forests names around here are similar. I guess there’s a hunting event right now?”


Just in time, I turned my head slowly at the sound of a hound barking in the woods.


Baron Weston now sweating profusely enough to be seen. 


Even the attendants who followed me seemed to have felt strange when he looked extremely anxious. 


In that sharp atmosphere, I moved forward as if I were going for a walk first. 


“I also have a hunting hobby, so can I take a look around while I’m here?” 


“Gee, it’s dangerous now! The hunt has already begun, and if you enter the forest, you might get hurt.” 


“Baron Weston, are you trying to make me laugh?” 


I smiled dryly as if I had heard a boring joke and stared coldly at Baron Weston, who dared to block me.


“I don’t just have the name of Kamulita, I’m also a Supreme Wizard, who would dare to hurt me?” 


As I moved my magical energy and created a powerful protective magic circle, my short hair blew out leaving a golden trail.


I went into the woods leaving the mustache man in contemplation. 


* * * 


‘Oh, it’s ominous, it’s ominous.’ 


When I entered the forest, I felt like I was going to sigh in a different way than Baron Weston. 


Perhaps the reason why the contents of the book I saw in my dream seemed to fit too well was that the events in the imperial palace were so common. So this time, I was going to check the big incident outside the palace with my own eyes, rather than the small ones.


‘It was said that nobles were playing a cruel game with little boys and girls as their prey.’


The genius princess had a great memory, so she could easily recall the contents of the book she had recently read.


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「The terrible human hunt in the Blovis Forest made headlines all over Kamulita. On the last day of June, nobles engaged in illegal human trafficking in the shadows were arrested by the imperial knights who unexpectedly raided the Blovis Forest owned by Weston. The spark of this incident also spread to Judith. Baron Weston, the owner of the Blovis Forest, was on the side of the second wife of the emperor, Lady Catherine and Chloe is the daughter of the second wife who torments Judith the most. Chloe’s grudges increased along with the nervousness of her mother, and she began to take it out to Judith and torment her more severely. So Judith was very depressed…」


But honestly, as soon as I saw Baron Weston’s face earlier, I knew this was true. 


Just by looking at his expression, he seemed to be shouting, “I’m hiding something so lame here!” in all directions. 


In addition, my detection magic kept sensing something suspicious. 


Keung keung! 


The sound of the hounds getting closer convinced the doubt. 


The next moment, a white and black figure popped up in front of my eyes. 


The boy, who was covered in leaves or grass, was fighting fiercely with a black hound, tossing and turning on the ground. 


While I stopped, the decision was made in a flash. 


The hound strangled in the boy’s thighs drooped faintly. 


No, when I saw the animal that had stopped moving, it was not a hound but a wolf. 


“Ha, what’s this?”


After hearing the sound from my mouth, the boy looked up with a wary gesture. 


Blood was oozing out of his body, which was clearly cut by something sharp and bitten by an animal. 


The silver-gray eyes seen through the red hair shone brightly under the shadow of the tree. 


His eyes were as scary as if he could split the top of a person’s head and kill him with his eyes only. 


But the next moment, the boy’s eyes, which were fixed on me, opened wide as if he saw something that couldn’t be pushed. 


“…Rabbit Lady?” 


Suddenly he uttered silly words at me. 


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Before I could understand the meaning, another wolf jumped out from the side and attacked the boy. 


But it soon fell under my spell into the bushes with a crackling sound. “That’s…!” 


“I found it first.” 


The people who were watching found me and stopped. 


“What, what?”


“Hyuk, First Princess?” 


None of the Kamulita people doesn’t know who I was, so they quickly recognized me and were astonished. 


“No, her hair is short!” 


“So you’re not the first princess?” 


But wasn’t Baron Weston’s mention of my hair a simple excuse? 


Maybe because long, shiny blond hair was like my symbol, when one person pointed out my short hair, the others were confused. 


I wanted to raise my hands and wrap my head. 


‘…Why is this really happening?’ 


It was a real human hunt, as it was in the book in my dreams. 


It was an expected sight, but I wasn’t happy at all. 


Rather, I felt like I had a migraine and a headache combined. 


“Hey, why are you doing this to me?” 


I was so annoyed that I swept my face roughly with my hands. Then I gritted my teeth and ordered my entourage behind me. 


“Get Lord Auguste of the Imperial Knights now.”


My mana, which contained anger, exploded everywhere.

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