Monster Princess

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

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Translated by Schwarzel
Edited by Schwarzel


Monster Princess

Episode 6


“You’re amazing, First Princess! It’s a great sight to see Baron Weston’s crime accurately by intuition! What’s more, you hit the scene so fast!”


The Imperial Knights, who had just arrived in the Blovis Forest, were puzzled at first when they saw me. But when I threw the men and the predators in the mana chain, they seemed to realize the situation quickly.


The children, who were victims of illegal human trafficking, were also protected and handed over to Sir Auguste, the head of the Imperial Knights. In admiration of the First Princess’ performance, the sound of scrambling praises for me rang in my ears.


Other times, I would have enjoyed the situation more, but now I’m not in the mood.


I left them to finish everything and returned to the palace.


“Oh, my, First Princess!”


And of all things, I ran into the face that I hated the most in the Imperial Palace.


“Oh, hello!”


A girl with long black hair and dandelion-like gold eyes.


“Is there no maid in your palace?”




Unknowingly, I choked up and snapped back.


Why is she walking around alone every time I see her?


“From now on, go around the palace with your maid.”


If you’re sensible, you’d not dare to hang around in front of me and stop from getting on my nerves.


But Judith squirmed as she blushed at my words.


“Yes, thank you for your concern. I’ll do that next time.”


What concern, I couldn’t understand what the hell I should be concerned about.


Anyway, I turned around after looking down at Judith, who was wriggling her fingers with her head down in front of me.


“Oh, I…!”


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Judith seemed to have something more to say to me. But I ignored it.


As soon as I arrived at my palace, I fell on my bed and hit my pillow with my fist.


“Why! Even this! Are you serious?”


That crappy book!


That damn book!


You cursed book!


I wanted to curse at him, but unfortunately, I couldn’t think of any suitable swear words for a long time as an elegant and noblewoman.


“Marina, get me all the mana stones!”


“Yes, First Princess.”


Marina came back from the job that would otherwise make me cringe, she seemed to have no idea why I’m doing this. However, she brought the labeled mana stones and piled them up on the table.


I hastened to activate the nearest one for mental and physical stability.


—Now, look at this. First Princess.


A pretty girl, about four or five years old, appeared in front of me.


The blonde girl, who sat dangling her feet in a big chair hugging a zebra doll, was seriously cute and pretty enough to make a person want to bite her soft cheeks.


—Can you introduce yourself?


—No, that’s not funny.




—You’ve done it so many times that you’re sick of it. There are a lot of people waiting for you. Please look over here and tell us your name.


The girl, who was looking elsewhere and was looking away, finally turned her head forward when the person who was not in the video asked her to do so.


The little girl, who was fumbling her lips for a moment, sighed deeply and looked forward as if she couldn’t do it.


Then a lovely smile bloomed on the face of the girl with a sullen expression as if she had put on honey and cream.


—Hi, I’m Arbella! My birthday passed last week, so I’m five years old now. I came with a new friend today. Nice to meet you.


“It’s a new thing, but this collection of ‘Smile of the Angel’ is lovely no matter how many times you watch it.”


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Marina, who was still in her bedroom, was also amazed by the video of a cute girl holding the front foot of a zebra doll and shaking it.


Yes, that was me as a child.


“As expected, it would have been the highest-selling collection from every imperial princesses and princes.”


There were even many collections in the Mana Stone that contained my image.


As I said before, I have been popular since I was born as a Princess, who has the best bloodline, beauty, and magic power, and I used it strategically in the imperial family.


So since I was a baby, I put the growth process in the mana stone and sold it to the imperial people on a trial basis.


The result was a big hit.


As I was greatly loved as an imperial woman of all the Kamulita Empire people, the recognition of the royal family rose sharply, and at the same time, the national treasury was overflowing as I swept money from the video mana stone trade.


From then on, it became a trend to fill a mana stone with the video of the growth of Princesses and Princes, and furthermore, it has become a culture these days.


In particular, the Mana Stone, which contains scenes of me eating, washing my hands, singing children’s songs, and doing puzzles since I was a baby, was also used as a teaching book for parenting.


So, now you know how popular I am and where I stand in this Kamulita Empire?


But how can I not be the heroine of this world?


Marina seemed to think that I was narcissistic again and was rewatching past videos.


But that wasn’t the only reason this time.


—Princess Arbella, can you tell me how to use the drip-floating magic today?


—Well, that’s the thing. Take off some mana and wrap it around the water droplets and lift it up! It’s easy, right?


I felt like my strangely anxious mind was stabilized again while watching the video.


Yeah, I’m really the best!


There’s no way I’m going to end up like what’s in that sham of a book.


The transmission from the Mana Stones has just ended.


“Do you want me to run another mana stone? Which one would you like to see? I also like the collection of “The Princess’ Dangerous Playtime” and “Summer Star Palace Vacation.”


“Okay, turn anything on.”


There were still many mana stones left, and I felt like I needed more time to recover completely. So Marina fell in love again with the videos from the Mana Stones.


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But I know the truth. Even if I don’t face the ending of being a monster due to the side effects of having too much mana, like in the book, there will be no shiny future in front of me anyway.


The Wizard’s Fever


Because of this damn incurable disease that’s been eating at me for a long time ago.


“So if I have to die without holding anything in my hand…”


“This world that was supposed to be mine, I’d rather destroy it all so that no one could covet it.”


The spiteful voice of the woman I saw in the nightmare overlapped with the image of Mana Stone.


Strangely, now I feel closer to the woman in my dream, who is like a vision, than the little girl in the video.




Monster Princess and Dandelion Princess


The children of the human hunting exploits found in the Blovis forest were rescued and returned to where they were supposed to be.


The dream book originally said that one out of four children died, but in reality, they were all safe because they were discovered quickly.


I was fortunate enough to have that fact. At least I’ve confirmed that the future I’ve seen in my dreams isn’t absolute.


Come to think of it, the boy I saw in the woods called me, “Rabbit Lady.”


I tilted his head when I suddenly remembered while walking in circles.


‘Is he talking about that video from the Mana Stone? When I was young, I made my mother a flower crown with a rabbit.….’


But the sudden thought of my mother made me feel like I was about to feel a little upset. So I shook my head lightly and shook off my thoughts and walked towards my destination.


* * *


“Sister Bella, come on!”


Chloe’s tea party was held at the site of the largest fountain of the 18 flower gardens in the Imperial Palace. The mermaid-shaped statue was decorating the fountain, which we call the mermaid garden.


“Chloe, good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me today.”


“Thank you so much for coming! I’m so glad sister Bella is here!”


Chloe’s face, which was fierce when she persecuted Judith, was smiling at me now and is very bright.


“Welcome, First Princess.”

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“Hello, Second Queen. Good afternoon.”


Chloe’s mother, Second Queen Catarina, also stood next to her daughter. I also greeted her.


Catarina was a sharp-looking beauty with deep blue hair and light green eyes that curled like waves. Chloe had a very similar impression, like cookies printed in the same mold.


“Yeah, it’s even better to see the First Princess after a long time. Somehow, I heard that you have been stuck in your palace for a while now, so I thought you might not be able to attend Chloe’s tea party today…”


But unlike Chloe, the difference was that she hated me.


I am also accustomed to Catarina looking at me as if she’s observing me with that thin smile like now.


Katarina had one more child besides Chloe, the First Prince Ramiel, who was the same age as me. Katarina was looking at me as his rival.


Perhaps because it was revealed that I was involved in the recent Blovis Forest incident a while ago, Catarina’s eyes stung today.


‘But I was told that Baron Waston was quickly cut off, so there was no damage to the second Empress or her nephew Marquis Graham.’


I smiled at Catarina pretending to be innocent.


“Because I have a special passion for learning, I sometimes lose track of time while I study magic formulas. I’ve been scolded by my mother.”


“That’s right, Mother! Sister Bella is so smart and sincere! I wish you could relax and play with me more.”


Chloe didn’t even know what was going on and helped me with my compliments.


Catarina’s eyebrows wriggled.


“Really? I heard our Ramiel stayed up all night studying magic formulas last night.”


“Oh, no, it’s not. I saw my brother this morning and he said he slept for 14 hours and that his face was swollen he needed an ice massage.”


“What’s wrong with him…….It’s swollen because of an allergy.”


“And mother, don’t you know that brother’s hit a wall in his magic formulas? Just two days ago, the teacher quit because he couldn’t do it anymore.”


“Well, a new teacher is here today!”


Catarina stared at her tactless daughter, but Chloe tilted her head as if she didn’t even notice it.


Catarina, who drew a harder smile than before, left the seat in a hurry.


“Then I’ll go and have a good time, First Princess. Chloe…… have fun, too, and see you in the evening.”


Somehow, her words to see her in the evening sounded grim, but Chloe was just excited and didn’t notice.

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