Monster Princess

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Translated by Schwarzel
Edited by Schwarzel


Monster Princess

Episode 7


Chloe led me into the garden.


“Sister, let’s go that way! Everyone’s here first and are waiting for us!”


I followed her and fiddled with my hair for no reason before I lowered my hand.


Now I had long hair again. Marina begged with an almost crying face, so I ended up with extensions today. It was because the prepared outfit and my short hair did not go well together.


But it wasn’t that it was just because the short hair was unfamiliar to me, but Marina looked at me with such desperate eyes…


I thought it would be better to give Marina time to get used to my hair, so I stepped back today.


‘Ha, I’m such a good owner.’


In that way, I made an objective evaluation of myself, passed the green pathway, and finally came to the inside of the garden where orange flowers were in full bloom.


Chloe’s tea party today was a standing party.


Originally, the tea party was held in the basic format of sitting around a table, talking, and having refreshments. Therefore, this style of walking around freely and picking up snacks with one’s hands was unusual, especially in the Imperial Palace, where formality was important.


Chloe had always liked to stand out, so it wasn’t unusual. But it was a bit of a surprise that her mother, Lady Catherine allowed this to happen with her feisty temper.


‘…Did you give up? If you look at me before, you can do that.’


“Say hi, everyone! It’s my sister.”


Chloe approached the young children, who were gathered in a group, and spoke triumphantly.


They’re young girls who I’ve already see from other places, so I don’t understand why she’s introducing me on my behalf.


“Oh, hello, First Princess!”


“It’s the first time I saw you at the second princess’ tea party!”


All of Chloe’s close friends had similar personalities to hers.


‘I guess I’m the only one among the royal family with this personality.’

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Did you just send me the invitation? I think Chloe really likes me.


“Nice to meet you all. Chloe was very concerned about the tea party today, and I hope everyone has a good time.”


I responded appropriately to the fussy greetings.


They were all guests of similar age between the ages of 12 and 14, and their personalities were also active, so the tea party was held in a friendly atmosphere.


I was in it too, so I didn’t have to talk much, so it was comfortable. Because I didn’t feel like hanging out with other people today.


‘Huh? Did I just see it wrong?’


Then, suddenly, someone came into my sight, and I turned my attention back to the place I had passed by inadvertently a while ago.


‘It’s true.’


I wasn’t mistaken.


There was a girl standing alone on one side of the table who clearly didn’t fit in here.


A girl with unnoticed black hair, plain clothes, and a small body. It was Judith, the four-year-old daughter.


The moment our eyes met, Judith hurriedly folded her back in half and bowed to me.


I felt uncomfortable at once. This is because Judith has been very irritating to my eyes since I had that crappy dream. Furthermore, I wondered because I didn’t remember seeing Chloe’s tea party in my dream.


‘Why is she here?’


Standing right in front of the table, it looks like the reason Chloe invited me here…


With Chloe’s personality, she could never have called Judith to build a good relationship with her.


When I recalled what is common in society, I immediately got an estimate without much thought.


‘Chloe called her here just to ignore her and shame her the entire party.’


It could have been a reason for making Judith aware of her situation once again.


‘By the way, if I was the villain who threatened Judith’s life in the book, Chloe felt more like a villain’s minion.’


“Judith, how dare you to make sister Bella’s white jade-like forehead crease for an instant! I’ll kill you!”


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So the scene goes like this…


“Judith, you poor bastard! You don’t even know the subject, and you dare try to match sister Bella? Get down on your knees and apologize right now!”


Perhaps because she is the right-hand man of a typical evil woman, everything she does or says while harassing Judith was so obvious and boring.




In any case, realizing Chloe’s intentions made me feel a bit worse.


It wasn’t that Judith, who was going to have a terrible tea party at a young age, was pitiful or sympathetic.


‘How dare you make me an accomplice in such a place where you’re doing such a low-level thing?’


I gave Chloe a cold stare, but she was still laughing and chatting with the other young girls.


Then Judith was seen swallowing while looking at the snacks on the table.


She rolled her eyes and looked at the people next to her.


I searched for the girl in front of me in a cold mood.


Although she looks shabby, that raw-gemstone-like eyes of hers look pretty good enough. She didn’t look so stupid even if she was doing something that seemed a no-brainer.


‘Up until now, I thought it was only half the blood of dirty slaves… It was written in that damn book that Judith’s mother wasn’t just a lowly slave.’


Yes, the descendant of a small magical kingdom that had been destroyed before.


The original amount of mana is determined by nature. But Judith later said the reason why she became a powerful wizard through awakening was in her maternal veins. It is said that Judith, who later became recognized for her noble blood, became even more powerful.


At that time, Judith, who was wriggling with hesitation, carefully reached out to the snack in front of her.




It was then that Count Cannon’s young lady, who was next to her, hit Judith on the back of her hand with a fan.


“There are bugs here, maybe because it’s warm.”


“Oh, really. It must have smelled the sugar.”


“Can you hand me that napkin? The fan got dirty, so I’m going to wipe it.”


Judith’s face turned red at the young children’s conversation. She seemed to have noticed that they were cursing at her and calling her a bug.


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It was a snort and childish thing to do when you were a little older, but at that age, it was quite disturbing.


“Ha, really…”


Why don’t you just leave people alone?


‘If I stay here, wouldn’t it be like I’m participating in that kind of crap?’


I couldn’t reach for the cookies again and approached them as I squinted at Judith’s hand.


Just then, Count Cannon’s daughter was being handed a napkin by a person next to her.


“Here’s the napkin.”


“Oh, thank you…”




I also lifted the fan and slapped the hand.


Surprised, Count Cannon’s daughter looked at me. Either way, I slapped the back of her hand one more time.


Then I said.


“There are a lot of bugs in the garden, maybe because it’s summer.”


There couldn’t have been bugs in the garden of the palace or in the place where they had prepared for the tea party for many days, but they continued shamelessly.


“I slapped your hand away because it seemed like a bug was going to sit on the napkin.”


“W-Well, I see.”


“The bug was so big that I couldn’t make it go away at once. Do you understand? You’ve all, right?”


The young lady’s cheeks turned red because she was hit with a fan by me and because she had experienced something similar to what she had just done.


With Chloe here, I didn’t mean to openly scold a guest. But now that I’ve been through it, I’ll be calm now.


“I didn’t see it, but thank you very much for chasing the bug, First Princess!”


…But why are you shy?


I was a little perplexed.

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The look on the face of Count Cannon’s daughter seemed to think that I had really chased the bug away for her.


‘You didn’t understand that I did the same to you?’


Were you so blatant? By the way, isn’t that what you just did?


Then I remembered something I had forgotten for a while.


Oh, yeah… I forgot.


Chloe’s friends weren’t very smart because they were all on the same level.


“The First Princess is very kind!”


“It was so disciplined and cool when you just flew a fan to chase a bug away!”




When I let out a small sigh unknowingly, Chloe rushed in.


“That’s how my sister is! How kind, sweet and wonderful! Well, this is a secret, but it’s actually more like that for people she’s close with.”


She also said with a smug face that I didn’t know if she was bragging about me or herself. Then Chloe’s face, which found Judith, was wrinkled.


“What, are you that tactless? How long are you going to stand there?”


It was not funny for the most tactless person I knew to say this.


“Oh, I thought Liriana was looking for you earlier. If you don’t have anything to do, you can go to the third palace.”


Unlike Chloe, Judith, who knows how to look at the atmosphere, bowed her head again and ran away like a squirrel.


I whispered in Chloe’s ear in a subdued voice.


“Cloe… Talk to me later.”


“Oh, yeah! All right, sister! I have plenty of time!”




Chloe smiled brightly with a face that still had no idea why I wanted to talk separately.


Seeing that, I was going to have a little doubt about my life again.

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