Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 118: 118

The one who opens the door is the neighbor with the lantern.

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A man came out of the door. Through the moonlight, he could see that the man was very old. He was estimated to be 50 or 60 years old. He walked along the road in front of the door to the south wall of the family with the lantern hanging, and squatted down.

One minute later, five minutes later, the man squatted under the south wall, motionless, closed his eyes and didn't know what he was doing.

"Zhou Lixia has just entered the house where the lanterns are hung. This man is eavesdropping. Is there any secret hidden?" Li Hui guessed.

Han Bin also some wonder: "if this say what secret words, it is impossible to shout, how does he know Zhou Lixia is coming?"

"Is there a connection between the two families? In fact, it's one family. This man came out to watch the wind." Li Hui guessed.

Han Bin couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"If only we could go in and have a look." Li Hui whispered.

"How can I get in without a search warrant?" Han Bin asked.

"Shall we just do it?" Li Hui sighed.

Han Bin spread out his hand, he is also very helpless.

"Do you think the man at the bottom of the wall will know something?"

"I'll go and have a look." Han Bin gets up and walks to the wall. He sticks to the wall and goes to the house where the lantern is hung.

That man is about fifty or sixty years old, still closed eyes, as long as Han Bin light step, the other party will not find him.

Han Bin crept up to the man and heard a sound in his ear.

"Creak Creak... "

"Well Ah... "

It's the shaker and the woman's voice.

Han Bin smiles. Zhou Lixia is also busy. She should come to find her lover.

It's not the first time that this man has been so skillful in listening to the movements of the wall.

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Zhou Lixia should be doing sports in the south room, only separated by a wall. Han Bin is afraid of startling the other party, but does not call the man, and quietly returns.

"Binzi, what's the situation?" Li Hui asked in a low voice.

Han Bin took a look at him, hesitated to tell him, this little brother is still a place, big night to hear this kind of thing, I will not be happy.

"Come on, let's go around. Don't disturb the man. Go to his door and wait for him." Han Bin said.


"Let's go first." Han Bin waved to Li Hui to follow.

The man is still listening with his eyes closed. Han Bin's steps are very light. He doesn't find it.

After a while, they went to the door of the man's house a little farther away. Li Hui asked softly, "what happened just now?"

"Zhou Lixia has come to meet her old lover." Han Bin whispered.

"What are they doing?"

"That's all you want." Han Bin said with a smile.

"I I'll go. It's too... " Li Hui blushed: "the man squatted at the bottom of the wall, just listening to them do that."

Han Bin nodded.

Li Hui pinched his forehead and muttered, "abnormal."

"It's unlikely that Zhou Tianrong will be in this family." Han Bin said.

"It's not necessarily. For a house of this type, the courtyard is separated between the south house and the north house, but it's not easy to hear." Li Hui squeezed his eyes.


After a while, the man breathed a sigh of relief, slowly opened his eyes, stood up against the wall, and walked towards his own door.

See Han Bin two people stand not far from their own door, he can't help but Leng for a while, whispered: "what are you doing at my door?"

Li Hui took out a cigarette: "take a step to talk."

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The man was also afraid of loud voice, alerted the neighbor, went to catch the cigarette: "what do you do?"

"And you?"

"I didn't do anything!" The man choked his neck.

"Nothing, you squat in the corner, or let's go in and talk to them." Li Hui snorted.

"No matter what you do, you'll listen to me." The man is a little guilty.

"Nonsense, think we're as sick as you are." Li Hui said contemptuously.

"What are you doing?"

"We are the police." Han Bin shows his police certificate.

"I I didn't do anything. You're here... " Man's words are not sharp, just like a child who has done something wrong.


"Package learning."

"What do you learn from school? "Self study?"

"Yes, yes."

Li Hui pointed to the corner of the wall and said, "this is what you learn."

"For the first time, for the first time."

"For the first time, I think you are very skilled." Li Hui snorted.

"It's the first time. It's the first time."

"No matter how many times you do it, it's wrong for you to do it, understand?"

"Yes, I'll change it later." Bao Xuexue nodded."How many people are there in this family?" Han Bin asked.

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"Four people, three of my son's family are in the south, leaving Zou Huaiyuan."

"What's the relationship between Zou Huaiyuan and Zhou Lixia?"

"What else can we do, mistress? Come here every ten days and a half months." Bao Xuexue sighed, looking a little complicated, envious and jealous.

"Do you know Zhou Lixia?"

"It's all from the same village. I haven't known each other for decades."

"His son Zhou Tianrong."

"I met him, but I didn't say anything."

"Has Zhou Tianrong ever been to Zou Huaiyuan's house?" Han Bin asked.

"I haven't seen it." Bao Xuexue shook his head: "Comrade police, what's the matter with you?"

"Come on, follow us in." Han Bin pointed to Zou Huaiyuan's home.

"For what?"

"Go and apologize to others. You are not guilty of eavesdropping outside their walls." Han Bin said.

"I I'm wronged. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. " Bao Xuexue takes a step back. If he admits this kind of thing, will he have the face to live here in the future?

"What are you doing at the bottom of the wall?"

"I can listen at home, just..." The bag study wants to say but stops.

"It's just that you can't hear clearly, can you?" Li Hui sneered.

"No, it's not like that. I didn't want to eavesdrop at the beginning. If you go out and inquire, I'll learn to be decent." Bao Xuexue poked his fingers at his chest and looked aggrieved:

"the two of them often toss about like this. I can hear it in my yard. I'm an old bachelor You said, "how disturbing."

Li Hui sighed and suddenly sympathized with each other.

He also rented a house, or only rented a room. He understood the hardship.

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"If they affect your life, you can complain about them." Han Bin suggested.

"This kind of thing can also complain?"

"Article 46 of the law on the prevention and control of noise pollution stipulates that the volume of indoor entertainment activities shall be controlled or other effective measures shall be taken." Han Bin pauses for a moment and continues to explain:

"in case of violation of this provision, according to Article 18 of the law on punishment for public security administration, those who make noise to interfere with other people's normal life shall be given a warning; those who do not correct after warning shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan."

"Can the police take care of it?" Bao Xuexue still doesn't believe it.

"The purpose of our police is to serve the people."

"Do I have to apologize?" Bao Xuexue asked.

"If he first affected your life, you need to call the police to deal with it, then you don't have to apologize; if he didn't affect your life, then the family you eavesdropped on first, naturally you have to apologize." Han Bin said.

Bao Xuexue was stunned for a moment, and then understood: "I want to warn him that making noise will affect my normal life."

"No problem. I'll take care of it for you tomorrow morning." Han Bin is right.

Zhou Lixia and Zou Huaiyuan have a close relationship. It is possible to contact Zhou Tianrong and find a proper reason to enter Zou Huaiyuan's home for further investigation.

"Can I go now?" Bao Xuedao.

"Yes." Han Bin waved his hand.

"Wait a minute." Li Hui stopped.

"Comrade police, what else can I do for you?" Bao learned to be timid.

"Go back and take a shower. Don't think about it so much. Have a good sleep." Li Hui warned.


Although I don't know why the police officer suddenly cared so much about himself, Bao Xuexue agreed in a hurry.

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