Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 119: 119

In the morning, chapter 117 by river crab.

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Kangping community.

Zhou Tianrong yawned, while sitting on the bed wearing socks, while urging: "things ready?"

"Do you really want to leave today?" A woman in her thirties came up.

"My mother called last night, but you didn't hear me. The police are looking for me, so you have to stay out of the limelight." Zhou Tianrong said.

"I'll get you something to eat." The woman sighed, unable to hide her disappointment.

"Li Fen, don't do it. I'll leave when I've packed up."

"Tianrong, when will you come back? I really don't want you to leave." Li Fen was reluctant to give up.

"It's not a big deal for the police to come to me. When they get out of the limelight, they can't find me, so it's OK. Then I'll come back to you." Zhou Tianrong comforted.

Li Fen is not a very beautiful woman. She is a few years older than Zhou Tianrong. She even has a child. It is reasonable that Zhou Tianrong can find a better one.

However, he just likes Li Fen. This woman knows how to hurt others, but also takes care of others. She is comfortable and comfortable with her.

Li Fen grabbed Zhou Tianrong's arm: "Tianrong, I'll wait for you."


Zhou Tianrong felt warm in his heart: "take good care of yourself, I'll be back soon."

With the help of Li Fen, Zhou Tianrong tidied up and prepared to go out with a travel bag. However, as soon as he opened the door, before he could go out, he saw a group of people standing outside.

One by one staring at him, like an eagle to see the prey in general.

Zhou Tianrong, with rich experience, saw the identity of these people at once: "you How did you find me? "


Yuhua Branch.

Han Bin leaned on his chair and stretched his legs: "I can finally have a rest. I'm so tired."

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"It's true. I stayed in the middle of the night last night and got up early today. My eyes are swollen." Li Hui rubbed his temple.

"Our hard work is not in vain when we get them back." Tian Li said.

"Zhou Tianrong has a lot of heart. He almost let him run under his nose." Zhao Ming said with emotion.

"How well Zhou Lixia said yesterday." Li Hui's style of study is as follows:

"" I would rather he was in prison than he was fooling around outside. " As a result, I told my son in the evening. "

"Li Hui, how did you two find Zhou Tianrong's mobile phone number?" Zhao Ming is curious.

"It's a long story to say..." As Li Hui was preparing for a long speech, there was a sound of footwork outside.

Then, Zheng Kaixuan and Zeng Ping came in.

"I hear you've got people back?" Zheng Kaixuan is open to the mountain.

"I've just got it back. I haven't had time for trial." Han Bin said.

"Not bad." Zheng Kaixuan nodded, this capture task he and Zeng Ping did not go, is Han Bin lead the team to catch people.

Although Li Hui came to the criminal police force early, his rank is the same as Han Bin's, and his ability of criminal investigation is not as strong as Han Bin's, so Han Bin is still the main force in his action.

"To tell you the good news, the leaders of the Branch Bureau have approved the plan to use Wang Deli as an informant." Zheng Kaixuan announced.

"Tut Tut, it seems that my idea of being an undercover agent has completely failed." Zhao Ming sighed.

"It's not so easy to be an undercover. You can't take part in gambling without an introduction from an acquaintance." Zeng Ping said.

"Team Zheng, do you want to bring Wang Deli up for trial again?" Han Bin asked.

"Wang Deli was personally tried by me and Lao Zeng."

There are as many as 20 or 30 people participating in the gambling game. It's in the mountains and at night. It's very difficult to arrest. It needs a lot of police to control and arrest. Zheng Kaixuan must understand the details of the gambling game clearly.

Otherwise, if there is a mistake in the process of deployment and arrest, it may cause great mistakes.

"Han Bin and Li Hui, you are responsible for interrogating Zhou Tianrong."



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Twenty minutes later.

In the interrogation room, Han Bin meets Zhou Tianrong again.

Hanbin opened the law enforcement recorder, opened the diary, is ready to start asking, Zhou Tianrong took the initiative to speak.

"Zhou Tianrong, male, 31 years old, Han nationality, from Qindao city and Hanjia village."

"You are quite conscious."

"It is a citizen's duty and my duty to cooperate with the work of police comrades." Zhou Tianrong said with a smile.

"Don't give me a smiley face. Be serious." Li Hui yelled.

In the work of interrogation, there are always people who want to make a bad face.

"Yes." Zhou Tianrong answered: "how do you address the two leaders?"

"My name is Han.""Hello, officer Han."

"Zhou Tianrong, do you know why I arrested you?"

"I really don't know about this. I'll give you some tips." Zhou Tianrong said tentatively.

"What do you mean by that? There are a lot of crimes. I don't know which one to say?"

"No, no, I've been honest recently. I've been living my own life. I haven't committed any more crimes." Zhou Tianrong pleaded.

Han Bin knows that this is an old greasy boy. He won't take the initiative to recruit if he doesn't disclose some information.

"Do you know sandezi?"

"You mean the sandezi in Kangxi Weifu private visit?"

"Bang!" Li Hui slapped the table and stared at the beads: "Zhou Tianrong, what are you talking about? Do you want to explain it well?"

"Think about it." Zhou Tianrong quickly nodded and hesitated: "you are talking about the three virtues who blocked Bo with me."

"Yes, that's him."

"Bah, it's this boy who betrayed me. It's not a thing." Zhou Tianrong spat.

"It seems that you two don't have a good relationship."

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"It's a good relationship. He can give me up." Zhou Tianrong sighed: "I'm just a little bit back. I've not only lost money, but also been overcast by this boy. When I go out, hum..."

"Zhou Tianrong, who are you talking to?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't mean anything else, but I think this boy is too shameless." Zhou Tianrong licked his face and said with a smile.

"You lost a lot of money that night."

"Yes, that son of a bitch won and betrayed me in the end." Zhou Tianrong has no shame on his face.

"So you robbed him."

"Ah! What did you say? " Zhou Tianrong thought he had heard wrong.

Han Bin got up, went to the table and asked, "did you rob sandezi yesterday morning?"

Zhou Tianrong raised his eyebrows, widened his eyes and opened his mouth slightly, which lasted less than half a second.

"San Dezi has been robbed!"

In micro expressions, this is a typical surprise expression.

Before that, Zhou Tianrong did not know what was robbed of sandezi. In other words, Zhou Tianrong was not the suspect of robbing sandezi.

"What kind of garlic do you have? Do you have a motorcycle?" Li Hui asked.

"No Zhou Tianrong shook his head: "it has nothing to do with me. I haven't robbed sandezi."

"Between six twenty and six forty yesterday morning, where were you?"

"Breakfast is downstairs where I live. Many people can prove it for me."

"Officer Han, you really wronged me this time. The robbery has nothing to do with me." Zhou Tianrong showed up.

"Where's Dubo?"

"It's my punishment, it's my fault." Zhou Tianrong's attitude towards confession is excellent.

Although Zhou Tianrong may not be a robber, Han Bin still hopes to learn more about gambling from him.

"Then tell me about the gamble."

"You want to take this casino?" Zhou Tianrong asked.

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"This is not nonsense. The police can not care about this kind of thing." Li Hui snorted.

"Hey, with all due respect, you can't handle this casino." Zhou Tianrong is determined.


"Well..." Zhou Tianrong hesitated for a moment, his eyes turned: "I want to say, is it meritorious?"

"As long as the police adopt it, it will be considered meritorious."

Zhou Tianrong smile: "I want to ask two leaders, how do you want to end this casino?"

"The police need to report to you what they want to do." Li Hui sneered.

"I can't run here. You're afraid I can't tell you." Zhou Tianrong shrugged his shoulders.

Li Hui thought for a moment and said, "we will mobilize the police force to carry out control around the casinos."

Li Hui knows the importance and informant, so he will not disclose it.

"I don't want to say that. The casino is in the mountains. You may not be able to find your way." Zhou Tianrong said with a smile.

Li Hui said, "don't worry about this. We will ask the police of the local police station to assist in the arrest."

"Pa!" Zhou Tianrong clapped his hands and said mysteriously, "yes."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know who is the organizer of the casino?" Zhou Tianrong did not answer the rhetorical question.

"Brother Biao."

"You don't know your real name, do you?" Zhou Tianrong said with a smile.

"You know?"

"Of course I know, and I also know that he has a distant cousin who runs a small shop near the local police station. She can see any big action in the police station for the first time." Zhou Tianrong said.

"Is that true?" Han Binzhi asked.

This news is too important. The casino is located in a remote place. We must ask the local police station to assist in the arrest and mobilize the police force on a large scale. Brother Biao's cousin will notice.And once you beat the grass to scare the snake, it's hard to catch it again

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