Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 128: 128

The taxi goes two blocks ahead, turns on the turn signal and stops at the side of the road. Nvjianshen comes down from the taxi. There is a breakfast stand next to it. The delicious fried dough sticks just come out of the pot.

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After leaving the bus, Wang Deli sent the information of the female sword God. Her nickname is Jinhua. She won more than 60000 RMB last night, plus the principal of nearly 80000 yuan.

Jinhua swallowed her saliva and looked at her bag again. She had a very good fortune in gambling last night. She won several games in a row and naturally refused to leave the gambling table. Let alone eat, she couldn't even take a sip of water.

At this time, Jinhua is thirsty and hungry, but there is a huge sum of money in her bag, so she can't eat safely. She goes to the breakfast stand: "boss, two fried dough sticks, a bowl of soybean milk and a bowl of bean curd are packed and taken away."

The fried fried dough sticks man did not lift his head, shouting to the middle-aged woman behind: "a bowl of bean curd, a bowl of fried dough sticks."

"Boss, how much is it altogether?" Asked the golden flower.

"Two fried dough sticks and one stick, two pieces of bean curd and one and five pieces of soybean milk. That's seven and five pieces in all."

After buying breakfast, Jinhua contentedly carries it home, turns right from the intersection and enters the auxiliary road. At this time, it's just more than 6 a.m., and there are only one or two pedestrians on the auxiliary road.

A motorcycle followed up, followed for a period of time, and missed one or two pedestrians. Then, a man on the motorcycle quickly chased Jinhua.

The man put his right hand into his arms and stared at the golden women's bag.

There is a red light at the intersection. There is a car in front of it. It's useless for Li Hui to honk the horn a few times. The car in front can't run through the red light at all. In desperation, Han Bin and his wife left their car and ran directly into the auxiliary road.

Li Hui stops his car at the side of the road, gets out of the car with Han Bin, and quickly chases the man wearing the helmet.

Jinhua, with a satchel in one hand and breakfast in the other hand, is walking happily by the side of the road. Suddenly, she feels that someone is pulling her bag and turns to look back.

"Ah, robbery." Jinhua shouts and grabs the bag with both hands.

The man wearing the helmet only used one hand to pull, which is not as strong as her.

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"To die." The man wearing the helmet took out an electric stick from his arms and stabbed it hard at Jinhua's chest.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Jinhua was shocked by the electricity. As soon as her hand was soft, the bag was snatched away.

"Money doesn't kill." The man with the electric stick spat, kicked the golden flower to the ground, and ran to the motorcycle with his bag.

"Police, stop it!"

Han Bin and Li Hui are very surprised by such crazy behavior. The last time they just robbed in the corridor, this time they dare to shoot in the street. The robbers have more and more courage.

The robber who took the electric stick saw Han Bin and heard the word "police". He was obviously guilty and ran to his accomplice, ready to escape by motorcycle.

Both sides are racing against time. Once they are allowed to drive their motorcycles away, Han Bin and Li Hui can't catch up with each other. This arrest is likely to be a complete failure.

Han Bin was so quick that he used a pistol to shout to the robber with the electric stick: "don't move, police!"

The man with the electric stick was startled. He was a little nervous when facing the pistol, and his action was a little slow.

"What are you doing? The police dare not shoot. Come on up." Urged the man on the motorcycle.

He often heard people in the street mention that the police did not dare to shoot because of the regulations, the public doubts and the uncertainty.

The robber with the electric stick responded and rushed up to the motorcycle: "drive, drive!"

At this time, Li Hui also arrived in time, a flying kick, kicked the robber who took the electric stick, the motorcycle tilted, also fell with it.

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Li Hui rolled in the ground and kicked the electric stick away. The two robbers wanted to get up and run away. Li Hui also ran up and pushed the robbers to the ground.

They fight and roll together.

Another robber came to help and wanted to save his accomplice. He raised his foot and stepped on Li Hui's head.

This step down, it is likely to kick Li Hui dizzy.

Only by injuring Li Hui will they have a chance to escape.

As for the policeman with a pistol, he was not afraid.

"Grass Mud Horse!" Han Bin a look at this posture immediately fire, directly pull the trigger shot, followed by a second shot.


The robber on the motorcycle was shot in the stomach, fell back and failed to step on Li Hui's foot.

With two shots, the surrounding area was quiet, and the gangsters fighting with Li Hui were scared. They dare to continue to resist. They were directly pressed to the ground by Li Hui and put on handcuffs.

"Ah..." The assailant in the shooting, covering his stomach with both hands, wailed in pain on the ground.

"Thank you, binzi." Li Hui looked grateful.

"You're welcome, Mao." Han Bin snorted, and his right hand trembled slightly.

"This son of a bitch should have attacked the police!" Li Hui spat and convicted him directly.

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Li Hui made up his mind not to accuse him of assaulting the police, and not to wear his uniform.Not for himself, but for Han Bin.

Han Bin takes out a cigarette and asks Li Hui to light it for him. After taking a few deep puffs, he calms down. This is the first time he has shot someone.

At this time, Zeng Ping and others also arrived at the scene and were surprised to see the scene.

However, the previous gunshot, also let the three people guess some.

"Are you two OK?" Zeng Ping had some remorse. He didn't expect that the robbers would dare to rob on the road. His reaction was slower.

Tian Li and Zhao Ming are also confused.

Zhao Ming, in particular, seemed to blame himself: "they all blame me for not being able to provide support at the first time."

"Nothing." Han Bin shook his head: "the accident happened too fast."

The real fighting time is very short, less than half a minute, and the speed of their support is not slow.

"It's a small matter. I've scratched my skin, but the son of a bitch lying on the ground almost kicked me to death." Li Hui looked angry.

"The boy assaulted the police?" Zeng Ping pointed to the wailing man on the ground.


"I wish you two were OK." Zeng Ping turned his head, eyes fell on Han Bin: "bin Zi, you shot."


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Zeng Ping went over and whispered: "call 120 in person."

Han Bin understanding, take out the mobile phone to call 120 for help.

"Come here, you two, and tell me what's going on." Zeng Ping frowned.

Han Bin and Li Hui reported the situation to Zeng Ping.

Zeng Ping nodded and concluded: "the robber attacked Li Hui. In order to protect his teammates, Han Bin fired a warning shot, but the robber didn't listen, so he fired a second shot and hit the robber. Is this the case?"


"Where was your second shot?"


Zeng Ping breathed a sigh of relief, hammered Han Bin's chest: "are you all right, don't have any psychological shadow."

"At the beginning, I didn't get used to it. Now it's OK." Han Bin showed a wry smile: "it's just that we have to practice shooting more in the future."

At that time, the situation was too dangerous to fire a warning gun. In fact, Han Bin fired two shots, aiming at the robber's chest, but one shot failed and the other shot hit him in the lower abdomen.

As for the so-called aiming and shooting leg, unless the distance is very close, more than 90% of the old police officers can't do it, not to mention Han Bin, a new member of the criminal police force.

It's not easy for Han Bin to shoot for the first time

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