Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 129: 129

It wasn't long before the scene of the robbery was sealed off.

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A lot of people came to the police station and the procuratorate. Li Hui counted them, at least a dozen people.

"Well, if there were so many people in our group, the case would have been solved."

"Well, go back and write the report." Han Bin stretched himself. He had a clear conscience.

If you can't even protect your colleagues, what kind of police are you?

Han Bin had a meal and returned to the branch.

During this period, Han Weidong also called. Han Bin told him the truth about the situation. Han Weidong comforted him not to worry, wrote a good report, cooperated with the investigation, and made the situation clear to the leaders.

Han Bin doesn't want his father to worry and agrees.

After returning to the sub Bureau, Zeng Ping and Zhao Ming tried the suspect.

Tian Li took Jinhua to the hospital.

Han Bin and Li Hui return to the office to write a report.

Li Hui chewed gum and asked, "how do you write this thing?"

"How do I know? You've been working in the criminal police force all these years, but you haven't written about it." Han Bin asked.

Li Hui said with a smile: "well, I haven't fired yet."

When shooting, only Han Bin and Li Hui were present. Han Bin shot to save Li Hui, so Li Hui also needed to write a report.

"Why don't we check it on the Internet?" Han Bin asked.

"Can this be found online?" Li Hui didn't believe it.

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"Look for it and learn from it." Han Bin doesn't think so. Anyway, he has plenty of time to write slowly.

The longer you write, the more sincere your attitude will be and the more profound your review will be.

He estimated that he should be able to get off work on time tonight, and he didn't know if his mother would make something delicious.


Bureau office.

Dai Minghan and Zheng Kaixuan are sitting on the sofa. Dai Minghan takes out a box of cigarettes and hands them to Zheng Kaixuan.

Zheng Kaixuan takes out a lighter and lights Dai Minghan.

Dai Minghan took a puff of his cigarette and asked, "is the situation clear?"

"Found out, the suspect attacked Li Hui, Han Bin shot warning, the other side ignored the warning, Han Bin shot the suspect." Zheng Kaixuan only sat on half of the sofa.

Dai Minghan flicked the ash and said with a smile, "this boy is accurate enough to hit the suspect with one shot."

"Aim at the leg, hit the lower abdomen."

"That's good. I remember the first time I shot, I aimed at this." Dai Minghan pointed to his chest: "there's not a hair on it."

"This boy is a criminal policeman, and he is decisive enough." Zheng Kaixuan echoed.

"What about the injured suspect?"

"It has been sent to the hospital for treatment and is undergoing surgery."

"Although it's a little bit troublesome, it's better for the suspect to be injured than for our own people. This boy did the right thing." Dai Minghan expressed his attitude.

Zheng Kaixuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Dai Ju, Han Bin shot in time and saved his companion. How can you reward him?"

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"Don't say you're fat and you're panting. As long as you shoot, how many media will stare and how many netizens will post, it's a big deal. No one knows how it will end." Dai Minghan snorted.

"Then you have to say that Han Bin's shooting is in line with the regulations of the police force. If you don't reward, criticize or make a statement, what will other police officers think?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Don't tell me about the other police officers, just what do you think?"

Zheng Kaixuan hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll tell you the truth. I'm tired of seeing guns."

"What's the trouble? Why's the trouble? Make it clear." Dai Minghan snuffed out the cigarette end and lit a new one.

"One is for fear of losing, the other is for fear of accidents, and the third is for fear of shooting."

Zheng Kaixuan sighed and said: "after firing the gun, you need to retrieve the cartridge case, write down the material of the incident, find the leader in charge to sign, and then report it to the municipal bureau level by level and register it in the register..."

"All right." Dai Minghan waved his hand and interrupted Zheng Kaixuan: "if you are afraid of this or that, you are not a competent policeman."

"You see, you didn't ask me to say it." Zheng Kaixuan showed his hand.

Dai Minghan also knows that police officers are somewhat resistant to guns. They are afraid of guns, and they are also afraid of not carrying guns.

He also wants to change this situation, but it's not a personal matter. Even if he works hard in that direction, he also needs to bear certain responsibilities.

Dai Minghan smoked another cigarette and said, "well, as long as the two cases are handled properly, the stars of the police force in September are all advanced. I recommend you three teams and two teams."

"What about that man?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"As last time, you recommend it."

"Thank you, Dai Ju."

"Tell Han Bin, don't think too much, handle the case well, nothing." Dai Minghan said.

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"It's Dai Ju."

Dai Minghan picked up his tea cup and drank: "what are you doing here?""I promised Han Bin that he would apply for a third-class merit as long as he could get personal advancement twice in a row." Zheng Kaixuan said with a bitter smile.

"At the beginning of this month, you're talking about next month. Go away." Dai Minghan scolded.

Zheng Kaixuan didn't dare to talk back, and left in ashes.


Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zheng Kaixuan, holding a thermos cup, entered the second group office with a serious face.

He glanced at the office. There were only Han Bin and Li Hui in the room.

The two are sleeping on the table.

"Hey, working hours. What are you doing?" Zheng Kaixuan squatted the cup on the table.

Han Bin and Li Hui were startled and quickly raised their heads.

"Team Zheng."

"Team Zheng, why are you here?" They got up and said.

"What about the others?"

"Team Zeng took the suspect to identify the scene." Han Bin said.

"The scene of the robbery against Wang Deli?"


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"What are you two doing?"

"Write a report." Han Bin laughs.

"Fart write a report, lie on the desk can write a report, you think I did not write?" Zheng Kaixuan scolded.

Han Bin and Li Hui bowed their heads and did not dare to answer.

"Look what you've got." Zheng Kaixuan hated the iron and said, "I'm ready to give up such a thing."


"We are..." They didn't know how to answer.

"OK, put your heart in your stomach. It's OK." Zheng Kaixuan sat down on the chair and said to Li Hui, "go and pour me a cup of tea."

Li Hui couldn't wait to find a chance to stay away. He picked up the cup and slipped away.

"Team Zheng, it's OK for me to shoot." Han Bin asked in a low voice.

"I reported to Dai Bureau. Dai bureau understands the following police officers very well, especially our criminal police team. You are nothing. Dai bureau also said that as long as these two cases are handled well, he would recommend you two groups to select the stars of the police force this month."

"True or false?" Li Hui has been paying attention to the movement here, and immediately gets excited when he hears the news. He shouts from a long distance:

"who is the first?"

Zheng Kaixuan stretched out his hand and pointed to Han Bin on one side: "I'm going to recommend you as an advanced individual. Whether you can be selected depends on your own ability."

Han Bin is both happy and moved. A responsible leader is more important and admirable than a leader with outstanding ability

Han Bin is lucky, he met!

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