Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 130: 130

Han Bin's desire to get off work on time failed.

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In the afternoon, Zheng Kaixuan held a case analysis meeting, and the time was ripe to arrest pumo. In the evening, he began to implement the control.

This time, Zheng Kaixuan, Zeng Ping, Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao Ming were involved in the arrest. They did not ask the local police station to assist in the arrest.

Beiwa village community belongs to self built housing, the community environment is not bad, there are many cameras.

Han Bin and others went directly to the property, checked the camera of the community, found the trace of brother Biao, left yesterday afternoon, came back this morning, and went out again at 4 p.m.

Since brother Biao has not yet returned home, Han Bin and others are squatting around the community. Once brother Biao returns to the community, he will catch a turtle in a jar.

Zhao Ming is in the east gate, Li Hui is in the west gate, and Zheng Kaixuan, Zeng Ping and Han Bin are in the community.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the change. It took three hours to wait. Brother Biao didn't come back until nine o'clock in the evening, and he was accompanied by a little brother.

This little brother is no one else. It's the Yellow haired knife boy in the video.

They got out of the taxi and entered the community from the east gate. Zhao Ming immediately sent a message to everyone. Zheng Kaixuan returned six words and acted according to the original plan.

This time only Zheng Kaixuan and Zeng Ping pistols, Han Bin three are batons and chili water.

Li Hui touched the baton in his pocket: "it's still practical to use this thing."

Brother Biao and Dao Zi walk a little wobbly. They look like they have drunk. They walk side by side on the street of the community and walk slowly to the residential unit.

At the same time, Zhao Ming and Li Hui also returned to the community, ready to join Zheng Kaixuan.

Brother Biao is superstitious. He lives in building 6 and thinks it's easier to open a casino.

Zheng Kaixuan's three men ambush in building 6 ahead of time. When brother Biao and Dao Zai come, Li Hui and Zhao Ming follow.

Seeing that the time is almost right, in order to avoid being noticed by brother Biao, Zheng Kaixuan waves his hand and releases the signal of arrest.

Five people rushed up and threw brother Biao and Daozi to the ground: "police, don't move!"

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Brother Biao and the knife were held down before they could react.

"Click..." A crisp sound, two people were handcuffed.

"What are you doing? Why are you arresting us?" Cried brother Biao.

"What's your name?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Brother Biao."

"I ask your real name?"

"Zhang Hailong."


"Dao Zi."

"Pa!" It's a big noise.

Dao Zi was slapped on the back of the head. Li Hui yelled, "Dao, your sister, tell me your real name."

"Wang Xiaosong."

"Pick it up and take it away." Zheng Kaixuan finished, took out his mobile phone and sent a message: "Tian Li, you can close the net there."

"Yes, I'll report to director Chu right now."

At this time, Tian Li is in Nanqiao town police station. After successfully arresting brother Biao, with the help of Nanqiao town police station, Tian Li also arrested cousin Zhang Hailong.


After returning to the police station, they were put on trial overnight.

Zheng Kaixuan and Han Bin were responsible for interrogating Zhang Hailong.

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Zeng Ping and Li Hui were responsible for the trial of Wang Xiaosong.

Tian Li and Zhao Ming are responsible for interrogating cousin Zhang Hailong.

Entering the interrogation room, Han Bin sat behind the interrogation table with some emotion in his heart.

To tell the truth, he didn't expect to be able to sit in this position so quickly, let alone continue to participate in this case.

Han Bin opens his diary and opens the law enforcement recorder.

Zhang Hailong sat on the interrogation chair with his head down and could not see his expression clearly.

"Name, age, gender, nationality, native place..." Han Bin asked.

"Zhang Hailong, 33, male, Han nationality, native of the city..."

"Zhang Hailong, raise your head." Zheng Kaixuan said harshly.

"Comrade police, did you catch the wrong person?" Zhang Hailong raised his head and asked.

"Zhang Hailong, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears. You are not honest when you are arrested. You want to be sentenced for several more years!" Zheng Kaixuan said coldly.

"Leader, please give me some hints. I really don't know." Zhang Hailong showed up.

"San Dezi, Rong Ge, Bo Zi and Da Chao, you should be familiar with them." Zheng Kaixuan snorted: "do you want me to remind you?"

"No, No." Zhang Hailong had no fluke in his heart and sighed: "these soft bones are very happy when they play. They sell me when they encounter something. It's really not a thing."

"Come on, cut the crap." Zheng Kaixuan directly interrupted him and asked, "how many people are the organizers of the casino, including you?"

Zhang Hailong hesitated: "it's just me and Daozi."

Zheng Kaixuan glared and looked fierce: "I want to be a hero and carry myself, right?""No, I'm telling the truth."

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"Don't talk to me. We all know that you two can't manage such a big casino." Zheng Kaixuan's tone became more and more severe:

"I'm asking again how many people are the organizers of the casino. If you don't tell me, I'll ask Dao Zai. I don't know if he is willing to carry it with you."

Zhang Hailong lowered his head again and remained silent.

"Five seconds to think about it. If you don't speak, it means you don't want to recruit. Maybe Dao Zi has already recruited. I'm just going to listen in and see how people interrogate." Zheng Kaixuan stood up and went to the front of the table:





"don't count, I say, I say." Zhang Hailong raised his head, and his lips were bleeding.

"Don't talk nonsense, say it."

"There are six people in the casino, including me."

"What are they called?"

"Dao Zi, Bao Jiang, Da tou..."

"Tell me your real name."

"Wang Xiaosong, Li jiehui, Wang Yumin..."

"Where are the gamblers?"

"There are more gamblers. There are more than 40 people in total."


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"I'm not familiar with most of the gamblers, only their nicknames." Zhang Hailong shook his head.

"Do you have their contact information and address?"

"No address, they all use Tianshan card to contact with friends." Zhang Hailong said.

"Zhang Hailong, do you want to commit crimes?"


"If you want to help the police, arrest these people." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"More than 40 people, I want to help, but I can't catch them all." Zhang Hailong showed a wry smile.

"Team Zheng, I have a way to catch all the people who take part in the gambling." Han Bin suggested.

"What can I do?"

Han Bin pointed to Zhang Hailong and said, "you can let him open another gambling game."

"Don't make fun of me. I've been caught. How can I..."

In the middle, Zhang Hailong seems to understand it. He glances at Han Bin and says that this young man has enough eyes.

"That's a good idea. You can catch all of them directly, and the provincial police will arrest them one by one." Zheng Kaixuan also understood this and said with a smile:

"Zhang Hailong, are you willing to cooperate with the police to fight for atonement and leniency?"

"Yes." Zhang Hailong is powerless.

He worked hard to earn that little money, and now it's all gone.

Han Bin joked: "then gather your swordsmen and discuss swordsmanship on Tianshan mountain again tomorrow night to see who is the real God of swords!"

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