Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 131: 131

The next morning.

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Han Bin goes down to his parents' house for dinner.

On the table were fried eggs, sauced beef and rolls.

Han Bin ate a piece of sauced beef: "Mom, your cooking is getting better and better."

"Eat more if you like."

Wang Huifang filled a bowl of corn porridge and put it on the table: "yesterday your father told me that you could get off work on time at night, and told me to make something delicious. As a result, I made a table of dishes, and you called to say you couldn't come back."

"Yes, I thought I could close the case yesterday, but I got new clues and got busy again." Han Bin said perfunctorily, knowing that his father didn't tell his mother about the shooting, he changed the subject and said, "I didn't see leftovers this morning."

"I heard you didn't come back, so I called to move the soldiers." Han Weidong laughs.

"My uncle is here?"

"Well, they had another drink. You said they had been drinking for half a lifetime. What's good about it?" Wang Huifang was dissatisfied.

Han Bin laughs and doesn't speak. He continues to eat.

After dinner, Han Bin helped his mother clean up. Before finishing, he was dragged outside by his father.

"Binzi, what's the matter now?"

"Team Zheng went to Dai Ju, and I think it's OK. Dai Ju let me work at ease. He also said that he would recommend our second group to select the star of the police force this month, and team Zheng recommended me to select the individual advanced." Han Bin said.

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"That's good. I'm willing to give you an advanced comment, which means that I confirm your shooting behavior." Han Weidong breathed a sigh of relief and cautioned:

"as long as the robber's crime of obstructing official business is determined and it proves that he has attacked Li Hui, shooting is reasonable and legal."

"Team Zheng said the same thing." Han Bin said.

"Come on, go to work."

Han Weidong reached out and patted his son on the shoulder: "as a policeman, there are many things to come across in the future, which is nothing."


Yuhua Branch Office, group 2.

After the members of the second group came together, Zeng Ping called all the people together for an early meeting.

"We had a busy day yesterday, and there were major breakthroughs in both cases. Let me summarize the progress of the cases and talk about today's task arrangement."

There are a lot of things to do today. Zeng Ping didn't say anything. He directly opened the door to the mountain road:

"first of all, the robber who robbed the bag is Hu Jindong, and the one who was injured is Chen Fangzhou. Chen Fangzhou is out of danger and is still in hospital for treatment."

"Yesterday, Hu Jindong was interrogated. He has admitted the fact of robbing Wang Deli and song Huixin (Jinhua). At the same time, he is willing to testify against Chen Fangzhou in order to perform meritorious service and reduce his sentence."

"What about the victim?" Li Hui asked.

"The victim was discharged from hospital after treatment and has now been arrested." Speaking of this, Zeng Ping reminded: "Tian Li, please pay attention to the situation of song Huixin. This woman is very happy and sad, with twists and turns, and her mood is not very stable."

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Zhao Ming said with a smile: "I think it should be a wave of 40% discount. At the beginning, I was very happy to win the money by gambling. As a result, I was robbed by the robbers before the money became hot. After I woke up, I felt very comfortable and happy when I heard that the robbers were arrested. However, as soon as I stepped out of the hospital, I was arrested in the police station."

"Knowing that it's illegal to block the blog, the state explicitly forbids it, and she has to gamble secretly. Who's to blame?" Tian Li snorted.

"Let's talk about the Bo blocking case again. According to brother Biao, there are more than 40 people participating in the gambling game, as well as six organizers of the gambling game. These people should be arrested as soon as possible." Zeng Ping said.

"This is the number 50. How can we get here by the five of us?" Li Hui showed his hand.

"Han Bin, listen to team Zheng say you have a capture plan, tell me about it."

"My idea is very simple. Let Zhang Hailong open another gambling game and ask all the gamblers he can get. In this way, many people can be arrested and we can be summoned one by one." Han Bin suggested.

"That's a good idea. These gamblers have a lot of fun." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

Zeng Ping nodded, showing appreciation: "let's decorate it and try to catch them all tonight."


At 10 pm, Xiangyun bus station.

A group of people gathered in the bus station square, led by a young man with yellow hair.

Dao looked down at his watch and waved: "it's time to get on the bus."

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Dao Zi's voice is feeble. He is a little less spirited than before.

However, these gamblers are here to play. They are chatting in small groups, discussing their luck and how to win money, but they don't care much about Dao Zi.

However, a few new faces in the crowd have attracted the attention of some old gamblers. It's a good thing to have new players. It's all these people back and forth. Whose money do they win?

When he got into the car, Dao began to collect his mobile phone as usual. Everyone was used to it and didn't raise any objection. He cooperated very well and gave it to Dao.But as the car went on, some people found the problem.

Ma gaochi stood up and yelled, "Dao Zi, where are we going?


"It's not the right way. It's not the way to the mountains." Ma gaochi questioned.

"Yes, I was just wondering why I turned the corner."

"Isn't this the way to the city?"

"What's going on?" Other gamblers also found the exception and asked.

"Brother Biao, you've opened a new casino to let you play in another place. It's better than before." Dao explained.

"Last time I took part in gambling, why didn't I hear from brother Biao?"

"How old do you think you are when brother Biao can tell you such an important thing?" Dao Zi gave a cold hum.

"Daozi, pull over the car for a while. I suddenly remember that I have something to do today. I don't want to play any more." Ma gaochi took his bag and went to the front of the car.

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"If you say play, you can play. If you don't play, you can't play. Play with us." Dao Zi also thought about making contributions to reduce his sentence. How could he let him go like this? He yelled:

"sit back."

"What do you mean, I don't want to play today, you still have to force me to play, do you have such a thing?" Facing Dao Zi alone, Ma gaochi is also a bit of a counsellor, and simply pulls on other gamblers.

If there are too many people, they will not be afraid.

"Pa!" A crisp sound.

Ma gaochi was slapped in the face. Dao Zi pointed to his nose and scolded: "you go back to me, say one more word, and chop you to death."

Ma gaochi covered his face and his eyes were full of anger. But this slap broke his courage. When he looked at the other gamblers, none of them came forward to help.

He pricked his head and sat back in his place.

Other gamblers, although they have doubts in their hearts, don't dare to make trouble easily when they see Ma gaochi's appearance.

Huang Mao is not alone. He has puma behind him. That's a tough guy. There are several thugs under his hands, all with machetes on his body.

Think again, the car suddenly a few more faces, who is not afraid?

Ten minutes later, the car drove directly to the Yuhua Branch. There were dozens of policemen standing outside. All the gamblers looked silly.

Even more dare not move.

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