Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 136: 136

After leaving Yubao hall, Wang Qingsheng couldn't help asking, "binzi, what do you think of this shop?"

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Han Bin thought for a while and said, "the store is OK, but the boss is not so good."

"What do you say?"

"To put it simply, there's something wrong with this store. Don't take over."

"What's the problem?"

Han Bin slightly frowned: "I can't say it well, intuition."

"Son of a bitch, learn from me." Wang Qingsheng was a little bit embarrassed.

"Your antique business is deep and has many rules. If you are cheated, it's called drilling. What else can I say?" Han Bin said helplessly.

"You really don't think this store can sell." Wang Qingsheng confirmed.

"No way."

"You don't feel comfortable with your boss this week." Wang Qingsheng asked.

"When I said I was a policeman, the boss of this week showed a look of fear and fear, which showed that he was guilty and something must have happened." Han Bin explained.

"Why didn't I see that?" Wang Qingsheng was a little puzzled. He had been in the antique business for so long, and he had a bit of insight.

"If it's so easy to see, what are we going to do with the police?" Han Bin is right.

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"You're fat, and you're panting." Wang Qingsheng snorted.

"I can't compete with you in this respect." Han Bin smiles and pats Wang Qingsheng's stomach.

"Go." Wang Qingsheng slapped Han Bin's hand: "smelly boy, no one is right."

"Uncle, I'm not kidding you. This shop can't offer any dishes." Han Bin warned.

Wang Qingsheng was a little depressed. He managed to find a store with suitable location and low price, but his nephew said there was a problem, which made Wang Qingsheng very upset.

Wang Qingsheng wants to set up this store.

And Han Bin is his most trusted, closest person, Han Bin's words in his heart weight is very heavy.

"Uncle, a good meal is not afraid of being late. Anyway, it's still very early now. I'll accompany you around again, maybe I can meet a more suitable one." Han Bin suggested.

Wang Qingsheng sighed: "let's go."

There are more and more people on the street, and many of them are tourists from other places. Most of these tourists are not knowledgeable. They are the easiest to be slaughtered when they come here to have a fresh picture.

Two people in antique street around, vacant and transferred shops also have, but either the location is more remote, or the rental price is too high, in short, around also did not find too suitable.

Seeing that Wang Qingsheng stopped, Han Bin pointed to the front and said, "uncle, there are still several shops in front. Let's go and have a look."

"No, no, I've seen those shops before, no way." Wang Qingsheng waved his hand. He was broad and fat. He was tired after walking all morning:

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"well, it's almost noon. Let's find a place to eat."

"You're familiar with this piece. You can lead the way. I'll just eat." Han Bin said with a smile.

"With that said, your uncle and I are most proficient in antiques, and the second proficient in eating. As far as these friends around me are concerned, they love to eat, know how to eat, and know how to eat, none of them can match me."

"Why don't you just open a restaurant and an antique shop?"

"Tut tut."

Wang Qingsheng smashed his mouth: "you think it's easy to open a restaurant. 90% of the restaurants are hard-earned, and few of them are really able to make a lot of money."

"My mother is here. I'm sure it's time to talk about you again. Before I started, I knew I wanted to be big." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Go, you don't talk here. If your mother isn't here, you don't talk about it." Wang Qingsheng sighed. It's hard to do anything these days.

Behind the antique street is a mountain. At the foot of the mountain is a farmhouse. They strolled all the way to the farmhouse called shanlihong.

The farmyard is very large. You can see the mountains in the distance from the yard. It's quite idyllic. The air around it is good. It's very cool to eat in the shade of trees.

Shanlihong farmhouse menu also has its own characteristics, such as wild mushroom stewed pheasant, shrimp and shellfish, bumper harvest, mountain pig double cooked meat, wild assorted dishes and so on.

Han Bin two ordered four dishes and a soup. Wang Qingsheng asked for a bottle of Baijiu, so Han Bin could accompany him to drink a few cups, but Han Bin was declined.

Han Bin doesn't drink on weekdays, and doesn't drink during the day on rest days. When he's OK at night, he'll drink a few more.

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"Well, you don't have it." Wang Qingsheng drank a mouthful of wine and ate a mouthful of wild mushrooms, with a look of aftertaste.

Han Bin laughed and tasted a few dishes. The taste was good and authentic.

Although Han Bin didn't drink, he ordered a bottle of drink and offered a toast to Wang Qingsheng.

After a few glasses of wine, Wang Qingsheng opened the conversation: "binzi, we have not seen a suitable shop in the morning, so we should not think about yubaotang any more."

"Uncle, you'd better die. The boss must have done something illegal this week. Otherwise, when I heard that I was a policeman, I would show a look of fear." Han Bin said."It's disturbing." Wang Qingsheng takes his glass and Ziliu takes another sip.

"Uncle, you said boss Zhou, if he had done something illegal, what would he have done most likely?" Han Bin asked.

"Binzi, you are preconceived. I'm afraid the police can only say that he has done something bad, but it may not be illegal." Wang Qingsheng said.

"How do you say that?" Han Bin asked.

"It seems to me that the year before last, an upstart came to the antique market and bought a painting of Tang Bohu in a shop, which cost a total of 300000 yuan. At the beginning, he just wanted to buy it for collection, but he couldn't stand the coaxing of his friends, so he ran to identify it."

As Wang Qingsheng said, he laughed:

"this identification doesn't matter. The painting is a fake, modern imitation, and the craft is still exquisite. It can be worth eight thousand yuan. The upstarts were stupid at that time, and they lost face and lining."

"What happened afterwards." Han Bin is curious.

"On the third day, the nouveau riche went to the police station to report to the police, saying that the antique shop cheated and wanted to get back 300000 yuan. Guess what?" Wang Qingsheng asked.

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"You don't want to play it off, just say it." Han Bin picks up the bottle and pours wine on Wang Qingsheng.

"The police came and took notes, but there was not enough evidence to settle the case." After drinking a glass of wine, Wang Qingsheng continued:

"the owner of the antique shop said that this painting of Tang Bohu was collected by him, not from his family. He could not be sure whether it was true or not, and he did not cheat on his subjective will. Moreover, if 300, 000 people wanted to buy Tang Bohu's painting, they would only sell it if they could be 100% sure it was genuine."

Han Bin nodded, antique industry high risk, high income, want to pick up the leak, it is necessary to do drilling preparation.

It's impossible for one person to take all the advantages.

"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, Han Bin's mobile phone rang.

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and looks at it. The screen shows Zeng Ping: "Hello, Zeng team."

"Han Bin, case..."

Before Zeng Ping's words were clear, his mobile phone was disconnected.

Han Bin called back and found that the mobile phone could not be used normally, and the signal was very poor.

"What's the situation?" Han Bin opened two groups of wechat groups and found that the mobile phone had no network and could not accept wechat at all.

Han Bin wants to come to Wang Qingsheng's mobile phone, and finds that his mobile phone signal is also very weak. As soon as he dials the phone, it is disconnected.

"Uncle, please let go of the business of Pandian. I think there is something wrong. I have to contact the police."

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