Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 137: 137

The landlady of farmhouse is about thirty years old. She is tall and plump. At first sight, she is a person who can do things.

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Han Bin waves.

The landlady came over with the menu: "what else do you want?"

"Madame, what's your wireless password?"

"Two FF, one two three four five six."

Han Bin found Nongjiale's wireless network, while inputting the password, asked: "your signal here, has been so bad?"

"That's not true. Although our location is a little bit off side, it's close to the mountain in the back, but there's a base station on the mountain, and the signal is no worse than that in the urban area." Said the landlady.

"Yes, I'm also a little puzzled. In the past, the signal here was very good. What's the matter today?" Wang Qingsheng took another sip of wine.

"I don't know what's going on. Anyway, when I got up this morning, the mobile phone signal was very poor. The customers couldn't get in when they called to book, and the business was affected." The landlady sighed.

"Buzz..." As soon as Han Bin connected to the Internet, wechat kept ringing. When Han Bin opened it, there were many information prompts.

There is Li Huifa's personal information: "binzi, where are you? Why can't you get in touch?"

There are more news in wechat group.

The first news was from Zeng Ping: "here comes the case."

"Got it." Li Hui responded.

"Got it." Tian Li responded.

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"Team Zeng, what happened?" Zhao Ming made an expression of doubt.

"The base station theft is near antique street."

"Isn't the ordinary theft under the control of the police station?" Zhao Ming asked.

"At the beginning, I did report to the police station, but the police station has been unable to catch people, and similar situations have occurred in other places. Now it belongs to a series of theft cases, and the police station can't handle them at all. It can only be transferred to our Branch Bureau." Zeng Ping made a speech.

"Even the base stations are stolen, this group of gangsters is enough." Tian Li snorted.

"There's just a base station stolen in Antique Street, but the scene hasn't been damaged. Let's go and investigate the scene and get to know the actual situation." Zeng Ping Road.

"Team Zeng, brother bin seems to have not responded." Zhao Mingdao.

"Li Hui, call Han Bin."

"I just called. I didn't get through."

"Come on, I'll call him." Zeng Ping Road.


After reading these chat content, Han Bin understands the general situation. No wonder his mobile phone has no signal. It turns out that the nearby base station has been stolen.

Han Bin sent a message and responded: "team Zeng, I'm near the scene. My mobile phone has no signal. I just connected to the Internet."

"Send a seat and we'll pick you up."

“OK。” Han Bin made a mountain red farmhouse location.

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Contact properly, Han Bin continue to eat, next meal, also refers to uncertain when.

"Binzi, what's the matter?" Wang Qingsheng couldn't help asking.

"The nearby base station has been stolen. The case has been assigned to our team. Our team leader will come to pick me up later." Han Bin said.

"I say, the signal is so bad. These people are poor and crazy. They even steal the base station. How many people will be affected." Wang Qingsheng was dissatisfied.

To some extent, Han Bin and he are both victims.

"It's hateful. Maybe any girl who loves me secretly can't get through if she wants to call me." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

Wang Qingsheng "..."

This kid is more cheeky than me. It's a pity not to do this.


Forty minutes later, Zeng Ping and his party arrived at shanlihong farmhouse and pulled Han Bin to drive directly to the mountain.

"Binzi, why did you come here?" Li Hui doubts.

"My uncle wants to open an antique shop. Let me help him check it out." Han Bin took out a few bottles of mineral water and gave them to several people in the car.

"It didn't delay you." Zeng Ping Road.

"No, we've seen it in the morning, and we'll continue to work on the case in the afternoon. It's just a seamless connection. We'll even save going to the police station." Han Bin answered with a smile and asked:

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"team Zeng, how many base stations have been stolen?"

"It's the seventh time in a row." Zeng Ping took out a document and handed it to Han Bin: "this is the file handed over by the police station. Have a look."

There are two files in total, one is Jinshan police station, and the other is Tongan Road police station. For such cross regional theft, if the police station can't catch the suspect, it will report to the sub Bureau for handling.

The first theft occurred on September 3 in the jurisdiction of Jinshan police station;

the second and third theft occurred on September 4 in the jurisdiction of Tongan police station, and the suspect stole two base stations in succession.

The fourth theft occurred on September 6 at Jinshan police station.

The fifth theft occurred on September 7, and the sixth theft occurred on September 8, both in the jurisdiction of Tongan police station.Today is September 8, the local police station received a report that the base station was stolen.

Zhao Ming also came over and looked at the file. Subconsciously, he asked, "there are so many theft cases, but we can't find any clues in the surveillance?"

"The base stations are generally built in remote places, especially in the suspected candidates' places. They are basically in the mountains, where few people can see, let alone monitor." Zeng Ping explained.

"Is there anything valuable in the base station stolen by the suspect?" Tian Li doesn't have a clear concept of base station.

"There are wires, cables and batteries in the base station. The most valuable one is the battery pack, which is worth tens of thousands of yuan." Han Bin poured out a piece of chewing gum and threw it into his mouth:

"these are just the price of the battery and the losses caused to the communication companies and the common people, which is immeasurable."

"That's true. Let's not talk about other things. Isn't our group also affected? I almost couldn't get in touch with bingo. " Zhao Ming said.

"As soon as I received the case, a leader called and told me to solve the case as soon as possible, so that this series of theft cases could not affect the development of Qindao city and the normal life of the people." Once the plane color condenses the heavy road.

Han Bin will read the file to one side, with the clue now, the suspect is likely to continue to commit the crime.

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"The technique profession has the specialty, the police station's police maintenance public order is good, solves this kind of matter to have to hand over to our criminal police." Li Hui said with a smile.

Tian Li couldn't help nodding. She agreed with this.

From a long distance, you can see the tower of the base station. After driving for a few minutes, the car stopped near the base station, and the people got off the car one after another.

The base station tower is surrounded by a yard, and there is a computer room beside it. When the party came near the yard, a man in a blue vest and a yellow helmet came over.

"Some of you are comrades from the Public Security Bureau." The man in the helmet asked.

Although Han Bin and others are wearing casual clothes, they are driving police cars.

Zeng Pingliang a police officer card: "how do you address?"

"I'm an employee of the communications company, Li Weili."

"This base station is maintained by you?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Yes, I am responsible for regular maintenance." Li Weili said.

"When was the theft discovered?" Han Bin asked.

"In the morning, some residents contacted our company and said that the signal nearby was not very good, so the company sent me to check. I arrived here at about 9 am." His shoulder trembled as he spoke.

Han Bin frowned slightly, which showed that he was not confident in what he said. It was a kind of lie.

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