Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 139: 139

The base station is built on the mountain, so no one lives around it.

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To visit, it is also to visit the radiation area around the base station.

Han Bin and others go down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain are some farmhouses, and further ahead is antique street.

Nongjiale is on both sides of the road, some of which are also equipped with cameras. Han Bin is going to inquire nearby and copy a copy of the surveillance by the way.

As for Tian Li and Zhao Ming, they are separated from Han Bin and go to other places to inquire.

Han Bin and his wife went to a farmhouse called fat sister-in-law first. Now it's past the meal time. There are few guests in sight. They are cleaning up.

"What would you like to eat, gentlemen?" Asked a stout woman in her forties in an apron.

"We're police. We want to know something." Han Bin shows his police certificate.

Hear Han Bin's words, fat strong woman Leng for a while, other several waiters also stopped the work at hand.

Fat woman looked at Han Bin two: "police comrades, what's the matter?"

"The base station nearby has been stolen, do you know?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't know. What does this have to do with us?" Fat women don't like it.

"Mom, it doesn't matter. Don't our mobile phones have no signal? It's because the base station was stolen. " A young man of seventeen or eighteen reminds me.

"Well, it turns out that's the case. I don't know how to get through." The fat and strong woman suddenly realized.

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"We investigate this matter in order to catch the suspect and recover the communication of the base station as soon as possible." Han Bin explained.

People, such advanced animals, have a strong subjective consciousness. If they are willing to cooperate with you, they may get twice the result with half the effort. If they are not willing to cooperate with you, they will not say that they will provide you with information, even if they don't pull your hind legs.

It is in their own interest to make things clear and let them understand the whole story, so they will take the initiative to cooperate with the work.

"Ask. We are willing to work together." Chubby woman straightforward way.

If the mobile phone can't get through, it will also affect the business of Nongjiale. Naturally, she hopes that the base station can recover as soon as possible.

"Do you know the exact time when the cell phone doesn't have a signal?" Han Bin asked.

"Last night, I remember that there was still a signal when I called at more than 10 o'clock. This morning, I found that my mobile phone couldn't get through until more than 8 o'clock. I can't say exactly when there was no signal." Said the fat woman.

"I know the exact time." Said the young man.

"What time?"

"12:25 in the morning." The young man recalled.

"How do you remember so well?" Han Bin was a bit surprised.

"I like to play king glory, this game is most afraid of cards, our home network cable is not very good, often cards, I open traffic to play games." As the young man said, he glanced at the fat woman with Yu Guang and said with courage:

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I was late to meet the glory of the king. Originally, I played very well. Under my leadership, I was about to go up to the highland. Suddenly, the line was blocked and the traffic of my mobile phone couldn't be used. When I switched the wireless network, I looked at the time at 12:25, so I remember to compare More clearly. "

"Win or lose?" Li Hui said with a smile.

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The young man laughs: "won, super God and MVP."

"Yes." Li Hui has a thumb.

Fat strong woman is some dissatisfaction: "how do you play so late, not to say let you go to bed early."

"I had a little insomnia last night." The young man said timidly.

"If you don't sleep at night or get up in the morning, just do it." The fat woman snorted.

"Did you see any suspicious vehicles going up the mountain between 12:00 and 1:00 last night?" Han Bin asked.

"Don't be kidding. It's all that time. What else do we go out for? We go to bed early." The fat woman answers.

"Do you have surveillance?"

"In the yard."

"Can you photograph the road outside?" Han Bin asked.

"That certainly can't, we are afraid of thieves into the yard, the camera angle is limited, if you shoot to the road, the yard will have a dead angle." The fat woman said,

Han Bin asked a few more questions and then said goodbye.

After leaving the farmhouse, Han Bin inquired about the exact time when his mobile phone didn't have a signal.

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If the mobile phone has no signal, it means that the base station has been stolen. We can infer the approximate time of the crime.

After asking around, Han Bin didn't find anyone who could tell the exact time like that young man. Not everyone cared about the mobile phone signal so much. Many people found it later.

However, after another inquiry, Han Bin found that the last time these people used their mobile phones was not more than 12 o'clock last night, and the time they found that their mobile phones had no signal was after 2 o'clock in the morning.

Indirectly speaking, it is also a proof of the young man's words that the possibility of the cell phone signal being cut off at 12:25 is very high.It can be inferred that the time of the suspect stealing the base station should be between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m., and the focus of video surveillance investigation will also be around this time period.


By the time Han Bin and his wife finished their visit, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon. There were six other theft cases that needed to be investigated again. The workload of Han Bin and others was very heavy.

In a police car near Nongjiale, Zeng Ping, Han Bin, Tian Li and others met.

"Team Zeng, what are we doing now?" Li Hui asked.

"Summarize the clues collected, and then go to the golden beach base station. It's closer to here." Zeng Ping opened the door and took out a cigarette.

He is an old smoker. He couldn't smoke at the scene of the crime just now, which almost choked him.

Han Bin, Li Hui, and Zhao Ming also took out cigarettes from their pockets.

"Team Zeng, brother bin, brother Hui, smoke me." Zhao Ming takes a packet of Zhonghua cigarettes and distributes them to the public.

Han Bin took out a lighter, first to Zeng Ping point on a, and then point on their own eyes, took a sip.

Han Bin is no stranger to Zhonghua cigarette. People often give gifts during New Year's holidays. Han Weidong thinks that the influence is not good, and he doesn't like smoking this cigarette very much, so he won't let people give it away.

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"Ah, Zhao Ming, give me one." Tian Li opened her hand and said.

"Sister Tian, what do you want cigarettes for?" Zhao Ming did not understand.

"I'll try it, too. It's so attractive."

Zeng Ping waved his hand and reprimanded: "don't give it to her. A woman smokes any cigarettes and wants to get married."

"Team Zeng, you are old-fashioned. Now there are many women smoking in the street." Tian Li shook her head.

"What do you do with them? Those women who smoke, who don't have a tattoo, you can get a tattoo." Zeng Ping snorted.

Tian Li makes a face. She is a policeman, so she can't get a tattoo.

"Team Zeng, did you report to team Zheng? Have you sent more people to us, but there are still six scenes that haven't been checked? " Li Hui made a gesture.

"Team one has a case now. We can't support it. Team Zheng is coordinating with team one and team two. It's unlikely. Don't hold too much hope. We have to rely on ourselves." Zeng Ping said.

"Well, I'm busy this time." Tian Li said helplessly.

"Don't look sad. It's OK for criminal police to be afraid of hardship?" Zeng Ping reprimanded him, and the words changed a little:

"by the way, I'd like to tell you some good news. Group two is going to add new people."

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