Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 140: 140

"Is there a new member in our group?" Tian Li was surprised.

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"Yes, our group was set up late, and the number of people is relatively small. Team Zheng has been thinking about it all the time. If there is a suitable one this time, we will give it to our group first." Zeng Ping said.

"Male or female?" Li Hui asked.

"Is it a beauty?" Zhao Ming looks forward to it.

"What do you think in your mind every day? You come to the police station to handle cases, not to pick up girls." Tian Li snorted.

"Sister Tian, I'm not joking. Besides, you are a beautiful woman." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

Tian Li is not very beautiful, but she has delicate features, tall figure, short hair, and is also a good-looking type.

"Well, I said how to show off your wealth every day. It turned out that it was our idea to hit sister Tian again." Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

"Huige, don't talk nonsense. That's what I said..." Zhao Ming said with a cry:


Originally, Tian Li stepped on his feet.

"Shut up."

Tian Li yelled, then waved her fist at Li Hui: "and you, if you talk nonsense again, I'll beat you."

"Sister Tian, calm down. I'm kidding." Li Hui apologizes in a hurry. It seems that he is really worried about Tian Li beating him.

Han Bin looked at the three people laughing, and did not interrupt.

He is very clear about Li Hui's cheap mouth. Everyone dares to tease him a few times, but with his understanding of Li Hui, he seems to be afraid of Tian Li.

As for the reason, Han Bin is not clear.


Zeng Ping coughed lightly and reprimanded: "don't make trouble. I don't know when it is. The case hasn't been solved. I still have this idea."

"Team Zeng, I also want to mediate the atmosphere. Let's have a rest, change our thinking and combine work with rest." Li Hui laughs.

"This idiom is well used. Just now you are free. Now please tell me what clues you have found." Zeng Ping snorted.

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Li Hui organized a speech: "we visited the neighborhood. The exact time of the disappearance of the mobile phone signal is likely to be 12.25 am. It is estimated that the time of the crime should be between 12 am and 1 am."

Zeng Ping flicked the ash: "has anyone seen any suspicious vehicles and people in this period of time?"

"It's quite remote and wild in the neighborhood. When it comes to the night, everyone stays in the house, and few people go out. There are no witnesses for the time being." Han Bin replied.

"Well, it's also important to be able to determine the specific time period of the crime." Zeng Ping affirmed for a while, to the side of Tian Li asked: "do you have found there?"

"We contacted the traffic police monitoring center, asked them to help copy a nearby surveillance video. As for some private surveillance nearby, we also found two roads that can be photographed, but that road is far away from the base station, which is not the only way." Tian Li said.

"It's no problem. If it's a series of cases, you can cross compare the videos. Even if you don't have a car on the scene, as long as the car appears near each scene, it's also very suspicious." Han Bin analysis.

"Han Bin is right. Try to collect the monitoring of nearby roads, even if it's a little far away." Zeng Ping nodded his head. The reason why he was called a series of cases is that the cases have a lot in common.

As long as these common points are compared, they can be used as clues to clarify the direction of investigation.

"Tian Li, does Li Weili have time to commit a crime?" Han Bin asked.

Tian Lisi asked: "no, according to his own account, he was on duty in the communication company last night, and colleagues can prove it."

"That is to say, his suspicion can be ruled out for the time being." Zhao Ming showed his hand.

"Now that the investigation here is over, let's go to the scene of golden beach." Zeng Ping said, "Zhao Ming, go and drive."

"Team Zeng, there are two scenes in golden beach. Which one shall we go to?"

"Look at the one on September 3. It's the first theft. The suspect may leave evidence." Zeng Ping said.

Generally speaking, the development process of serial cases can be divided into three stages: the initial stage, the development stage and the crazy stage. In the initial stage, there is no crime style, less experience and the greatest possibility of making mistakes.


It's four o'clock in the afternoon when we get to the base station of Jinshan.

Zeng Ping and others in the Golden Beach police station with the assistance of the police, re examined the site of the base station stolen.

As soon as he entered the computer room, Zeng Ping frowned: "was the computer room damaged?"

The policeman who led the way explained: "after we investigated the scene and took photos to collect evidence, the communication company applied for the maintenance of the computer room. Considering the special nature of the base station, the superior leader agreed."

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"Now that the computer room has been restored to work, it is estimated that the scene has also been damaged. If we come back to see it, it will be meaningless." Li Hui took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

"In the materials we handed over, there were also photos of the computer room, which were basically taken in every corner." Police said."Two different things." Zeng Ping put down a word, and then out of the computer room.

See out, Zeng Ping some dissatisfaction, Han Bin polite two, to the police handed a cigarette, let him first back to the police station.

"Team Zeng, what shall we do now?" Tian Li asked.

"Visit and monitor."

Han Bin and others were divided into two groups and began to investigate separately.


The visit lasted until more than six o'clock in the evening. Zeng Ping called all the people together and summed up the case. Today's investigation is over.

When Han Bin returns home, Wang Huifang has already cooked the meal.

Han Bin originally had a rest today. Wang Huifang bought a lot of ingredients when she went out in the morning. There were four dishes and one soup, meat and vegetables, fish and meat, which were quite rich.

"Son, don't you go to see the shop? Why did you go to handle the case again in the afternoon? " Wang Huifang put three bowls of rice on the table.

"You have to ask. There must be a case in the middle of the way." Han Weidong came over with a bottle of wine.

"Drink again, you can't drink less." Wang Huifang snorted.

"One or two, one or two." Han Weidong should be a, the front of the conversation a turn, looking at the side of Han Bin: "shop to see how?"

"The location of the shop is not bad, and the transfer price is acceptable to my uncle. I just feel that the boss of the shop has a problem." Han Bin came over with chopsticks and sat down to the side of the table.

Han Weidong poured a glass of wine and asked, "what's the problem?"

Han Bin ate a stewed prawn: "I don't know what's the problem, but the boss of the shop shivered when he heard that I was a policeman."

"Can that be a good man?"

Wang Huifang frowned, just picked up the chopsticks, and put on the table: "your uncle what do you mean, that shop still rent?"

"Uncle still thinks that shop is more suitable, but I told him not to let him rent it." Han Bin said.

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"Can he listen to you? Don't be cheated again. " Wang Huifang sighed and looked worried.

"My uncle is so grown-up, and he has worked in the antique shop for so long, so it's not so easy to be fooled." Han Bin said.

"No way."

Wang Huifang still felt unreliable, got up and said: "I have to make a phone call, he just owes to knock."

Looking at his mother out of the restaurant, Han Bin Yang Yang chin: "Dad, you do not advise."

"Advise what, your mother now menopause, temper is big, don't with her the same opinion, endure a few years passed." Han Weidong laughed and said in a low voice:

"with your uncle sharing, we can be more relaxed and less scolded."

As expected, Comrade Han Bin has experience.


The next morning.

Han Bin arrived at the Yuhua Branch in the red QQ car.

Han Bin and Li Hui carpool to work. Basically, Li Hui drives every time. Han Bin suggested that they could drive with Li Hui instead, but Li Hui declined.

This is his most valuable property, and he is reluctant to let others touch it.

Han Bin is also relaxed.

In the office, Han Bin found a box of gum on his desk. To be exact, everyone had a box of gum on his desk.

"What's the situation?" Li Hui picked up the gum, and his box was unopened.

"Team Zheng has not only our team, but also a team." Tian Li said with a smile.

"It seems that I can't smoke in the office any more." Zhao Ming said with a bitter smile.

"The welfare that leader sends, still polite what." Han Bin opened a box of gum and planted two in his mouth.

Zeng Ping walked into the office and said to several people, "clean the office, and the new colleagues will come soon."

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"Pa pa." Li Hui slapped: "if you have a prize, do you want to guess, male or female?"

"Man." Han Bin said without hesitation.

"Bingo, I'm so sure. There's some inside information." Zhao Ming is curious.

"Guess." Han Bin said.

The proportion of male criminal police is much higher than that of female criminal police, and the probability of correct guess is very high.

"Tut Tut, I think it's a woman." Li Hui said.


"Now we are paying attention to equality between men and women. There are more and more policewomen. Maybe one will be assigned to us." Li Hui showed his hand.

"OK, OK, I'll start to talk nonsense as soon as I'm free. I'll clean up as soon as possible, and team Zheng will come over later." Zeng Ping waved his hand.

The room is so big that there is nothing to clean up. Tian Li sweeps the floor, Li Hui cleans the table, and Zhao Ming collects the garbage, so the room is almost cleaned up.

The door of the office rang soon after everyone had finished cleaning up.


The door opened from the outside and Zheng Kaixuan came in, followed by a man.

"Team Zheng."

They all got up to say hello, but they all looked behind Zheng Kaixuan.Behind Zheng Kaixuan stood a man, tall and burly, a circle bigger than Zheng Kaixuan, 177cm in height, just like a door god.

"Don't you have too few people in the yelling group all day long? I've brought you people. " Zheng Kaixuan reached out and patted the man on the arm:

"Xiao Sun, introduce yourself."

"Good team leader Zeng, good senior brothers and sisters. My name is sun Xiaopeng. I will be a member of our second group in the future. Please take care of me." The tall man bowed slightly, still higher than those present.

Zhao Ming raised his head and looked up at his new colleague. He was nearly a head higher than himself. He said in secret, "my sister, this is sun Xiaopeng. Then I'm Zhao Xiaoming."

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