Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 181: 181

At this time, it was already 4:35 p.m., more than four hours before the ransom time.

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Under the command of Zheng Kaixuan, the deployment of control operations began in full swing.

Ten million is not a small amount. If the money is robbed by the robbers, it is estimated that it will become the second news of Qindao city tomorrow.

The number one news, of course, is national day.

If Zheng Kaixuan is in the news because of solving the case, he will be very happy; if he is in the news because of this kind of thing, he will not want his old face.

Similar to the deployment of kidnapping cases, it is extremely difficult.

First of all, we should ensure the safety of the hostages. If the deployment is too large and the scope is too wide, it is likely to be found by the kidnappers. At that time, not only the arrest operation fails, but also the safety of the hostages will be affected.

Taihang street is a newly built highway, which extends in all directions and has a wide range of roads, which increases the difficulty of control. With fewer people, it is impossible to effectively encircle the kidnappers.

As for the specific arrangements for the deployment, Zheng Kaixuan also had a real headache. He not only temporarily recruited a group of people, but also asked comrades from Taihang police station to help arrest them.

Finally, three schemes are determined.

First, let the police ambush around the van to pay the ransom. As soon as the robbers show up to get the ransom, they will immediately arrest them. At the same time, they will try to find out the whereabouts of the hostages.

Second, in Taihang street, the implementation of several trunk road, once the suspect appeared to intercept, arrest.

Third, the location tracker is placed in the ransom bag. Once the first two plans fail, an additional layer of insurance can be provided.

After the three plans were determined, it was already more than six o'clock in the evening, and Zheng Kaixuan had already ordered takeout to let the police officers who participated in the arrest eat.

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After the meal, we began to implement the control.

"Ding Ling Ling..." At this time, Zheng Kaixuan's mobile phone rang.

Zheng Kaixuan took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Han Bin's mobile phone number. He pressed the answer button: "Hello, where's your boy?"

"Team Zheng, we just came out of the bank."

"What did you do at the bank?" Zheng Kaixuan has some doubts. He has asked Tian Li to inform Han Bin that they should pay the ransom in Taihang street at 9 p.m.

"I made a note for Miao Xiujie. I always felt that the other party had something to hide, and the debt repayment was unreasonable, so I came to the bank to investigate."

"Shen nianrou paid off Miao Xiujie's debt. Ma Yongfeng and Ma Yongnian can prove it. Didn't Tian Li tell you?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Yes, but I doubt the credibility of the brothers' testimony." Han Bin said.

"What do you suspect?"

"I made a record for Ma Yongnian. I know something about him. He has some ego and doesn't care about things he's not interested in. I asked him about qianjinmen factory, but he didn't know it at that time. Why do you remember it so clearly?" Han Bin analysis.

"Did you go to the bank and find any clues?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Two clues. Half a month ago, Qianjin door company's account did withdraw three million yuan in cash." Han Bin said.

"It's just the right thing to do with paying back the money." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I thought the same at the beginning, but I went to the bank with a suitcase of similar size according to Miao Xiujie's description and found that I could not hold three million yuan in cash at all." Han Bin continued.

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"According to you, it's really a bit of a problem. Now it's so convenient to transfer money. If Shen nianrou wants to repay the debt sincerely, why do she have to do anything else? It's not a trouble for her." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I think that although Shen nianrou took three million yuan, it's not necessarily to repay Miao Xiujie's debts. The reason why Miao Xiujie said so is to eliminate his kidnapping motive and let the police not suspect him." Han Bin's bold guess.

"If Miao Xiujie is a suspect, why does Ma brothers want to cover for him? Are the two brothers also accomplices?" Zheng Kaixuan was confused for a while.

"I suggest that we should be more cautious. Even if one of the brothers is an accomplice, the rescue of the hostages will not be successful." Han Bin said.

Zheng Kaixuan pondered for a moment: "let me handle the matter of brother ma. You are responsible for continuing to investigate Miao Xiujie."


"I will ask Tian Li and sun Xiaopeng to support you." Zheng Kaixuan finished and hung up his cell phone.

Seeing Zheng Kaixuan's face a little ugly, Zeng Ping couldn't help asking: "Zheng team, what's the matter?"

Zheng Kaixuan glanced around and called Zeng Ping aside to give a brief narration.

"If we don't control these two brothers first, if they secretly transmit information, our capture operation will not be successful." Zeng Ping proposed.

Zheng Kaixuan looked at his watch: "don't eat. You are in charge of interrogating Ma Yongfeng, I am in charge of interrogating Ma Yongnian, and Zhao Ying is in charge of dispatching the scene."

"I'll arrange it now."

Half an hour later, he was in a police van.

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Zhao Ming turns on the law enforcement recorder, while Zheng Kaixuan sits by and smokes.Ma Yongnian was a little embarrassed and sat opposite: "officer Zheng, what's the matter with you calling me on the bus?"

"Ma Yongnian, do you want to save your mother?"

"Yes, of course." Ma Yongnian said without hesitation.

"Then you answer my question honestly."

"Officer Zheng, it's time. What's the use of asking me questions if you don't go to Taihang street to catch the kidnappers?" Ma Yongnian was puzzled.

"Ask you again, do you want to be your mother?"


"If you want to answer honestly, don't talk nonsense."

"I see. Ask." Ma Yongnian nodded.

"Have you met Miao Xiujie?"


"Do you know how much money Qianjin gate owes Miao Xiujie?"

"I don't know."

"You don't even know how much money you owe. How do you know you have paid off Miao Xiujie's debt?"

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"I listen to my mother."

"How to say it, describe it."

"That morning, the three of us had dinner together. My brother first mentioned it and asked my mother, did Miao Xiujie pay back his money? My mother said it was paid back; my brother asked how much it was paid back, and my mother said it was all paid back. " Ma Yongnian scratched his head and tried to recall:

"at that time, my mother and my brother talked about the company, but I didn't interrupt. I just heard it on the side."

"I tell you, if you are telling lies now, not only can you not save your mother, but also you have to bear legal responsibility." Zheng Kaixuan warned.

Ma Yongnian stretched out three fingers in his right hand, pointed to the sky and said, "I swear, what I said is true. If there is a lie, I will die."

After the trial, Zheng Kaixuan and Zhao Ming got out of the car.

Zhao Ming can't help but say: "team Zheng, if Ma Yongnian is telling the truth, how do I think Ma Yongfeng and Shen nianrou's question and answer seems to have been deliberately told to him."

Zheng Kaixuan thought for a moment: "things are so big, Shen nianrou certainly won't kidnap herself. It should be Ma Yongfeng who intentionally leads to this topic."

"In other words, Ma Yongfeng is likely to be involved in the kidnapping." Zhao Ming said subconsciously.

Zheng Kaixuan couldn't understand: "if Shen nianrou didn't pay off Miao Xiujie's money, why would she lie?"

Zhao Ming opened his mind and said, "is that the reason why she was kidnapped?"

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