Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 182: 182

Not far away, Zeng Ping and Wei Zimo are interrogating Ma Yongfeng.

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"Ma Yongfeng, do you know Miao Xiujie?" Zeng Ping asked.


"Do you know how much money the company owes Miao Xiujie?"

"I know."

"How much is it?"

"About three million."

"Left or right."

"Only my mother knows the exact figures. She has always been in charge of finance." Ma Yongfeng said.

"Did you take part in paying Miao Xiujie back?" Zeng Ping asked.


"Then how do you know that you have cleared up the money and debt with Miao Xiujie?"

"Listen to my mother."

"You are the general manager of the company. You haven't paid back the money, and you don't know what you are doing?" Zeng Ping Road.

"I'm mainly in charge of business, and my mother is in charge of finance. It's all a family. There's no need to divide it too clearly." Ma Yongfeng didn't like it.

"If your mother didn't return Miao Xiujie's money, where do you think she would put it?"

"Officer Zeng, what do you mean by that? Did Miao Xiujie not admit it?" Ma Yongfeng asked.

Zeng Ping was asked.

Miao Xiujie said that he received the money, Shen nianrou said that he paid it back, and Ma Yongfeng and Ma Yongnian also said that they paid it back. Theoretically, Han Bin's evidence is difficult to establish in law.


Words are divided into two parts, one for each.

Miao Xiujie read a message on his mobile phone and left the company in a hurry.

Miao Xiujie walked around the city for more than half a circle, driving fast and slow, and finally turned into Taihang street from a small road.

After entering Taihang street, Miao Xiujie's speed was obviously accelerated. At this time, it was dark and he turned into a village road in the dark.

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The car twists and turns for half an hour and arrives at a goose farm outside the village. As soon as the car gets close to the big white goose, it barks.


A man came out of the goose farm and cried out, "who's there?"

"It's me, Lao Miao."

"Boss Miao, why are you here?" The man was in his forties, naked and wearing a gold chain around his neck.

"Go in and say." Miao Xiujie has no good airway.

If possible, he didn't want to come here at risk, but someone died, so he had to come.

The room is not big, there are only two rooms in total, no decoration, only a few simple furniture and daily necessities.

"Boss Miao, here you are." Said a bald man in his thirties.

"What about people?" Miao Xiujie asked.

"In the cellar, be honest." Said the man with the gold chain.

"Not suffocating."

"How can I? I can't die before I get the money." The man with the gold chain said.

Miao Xiujie looked at each other and asked, "Leizi, did you contact Ma Yongnian to ask for ransom?"

"Yes, everyone has been arrested. Don't ask for ransom. It's in vain." Leizi said with a smile.

"I told you that it's not the time to ask for money. The police have been involved in this case. You're not going to die." Miao Xiujie asked.

"Boss Miao, what do you say to do?"

"Do these two women see what you look like?"

Leizi thought for a moment: "I should not see it."

"If you can't, just let them go." Miao Xiujie suggested.

"Boss Miao, don't be kidding. Although they are blindfolded all the time, they are not deaf. I have so many geese outside. Do they know?" Leizi asked.

"What do you say?"

"What else can we do, that's all." Leizi did a neck wiping action.

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Miao Xiujie sighed, pondered for a moment, said: "for everyone's safety, it can only be like this."

"But before I kill, I have to get the ransom." Said Leizi.

"Why are you so serious? The police have investigated the case again. You went to get the ransom. You didn't go into the net." Miao Xiujie hates that iron is not steel.

"Boss Miao, what do you say to do?"

"Didn't you just say that? Kill them all."

"Will you do it?" Leizi said.

"I can't. I can't do this." Miao Xiujie waved his hands.

"I can't do it either."

"Leizi, don't drop the chain at the critical moment. Before, you didn't say you dare to kill people, but now you don't know what to do."

"Boss Miao, I don't dare to kill people, but I don't want to kill them. It's not worth killing. I didn't get a cent, and I had to carry two lives on my back. Why?" Thunder son hums a way.

"No one knows it's going to be like this. No one wants it." Miao Xiujie sighed, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "in this way, you can solve them both, and I can give you a sum of hard work."

"How much?""Two hundred thousand."

"Boss Miao, you'd better leave it alone. I'm the one who catches people. I'll deal with it myself."

"Leizi, what do you mean by that?"

"You dare not ask for the ransom, I dare."

"You're going to get the ransom!"

"That's ten million."

"You're not going to die? Money or life. " Miao Xiujie stares at Zhu Zi and grabs Lei Zi's collar.

"Boss Miao, I'll sell you this life. How much do you give me, a million dollars? Or two million? "

"What do I want your life for?"

"You're right. I'm just a cheap life, let alone a million. Half a million is not worth it." Leizi pulled the gold chain from his neck and threw it into the water tank. The gold chain floated.

"Ten million, it's worth my life."

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Miao Xiujie pinched his head and looked at another man: "Qiangzi, what do you think?"

"I also want to fight. If I win, I will be popular and spicy in my life. If I lose, I will accept my life." The bald man said.

Miao Xiujie looked at them and felt powerless. Both of them were outlaws. They wanted money but not life.

If they were caught by the police, they would be able to run away.

Miao Xiujie pondered for a long time and held out a slap: "500000, kill these two people and give you 500000."

"Boss Miao, it's too bad."

"Only those who have life to spend are called money, and those who have no life to spend are blind."

Leizi and Qiangzi look at each other. If they are not poor and crazy, who is willing to take the risk to fight with the police.

"Boss Miao, when will the 500000 be given?"

"Deal with this matter and pay as soon as the wind blows."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm a businessman and I'm talking about credit."

"I believe you." Leizi grinned.

Miao Xiujie's cheek twitched for a moment and said in secret: "these two bastards don't really want to get the ransom, but to force themselves to pay."

No matter whether it is true or not, he has no better choice in the face of these two outlaws.

Besides, after Shen nianrou's death, he can get a lot of inheritance, and the wool can be found in the sheep

Not far from the goose farm, four people came over with their waists on.

"Xiaopeng, lower your head. Don't let the goose see you." Li huidao.

"Huige, I'm almost on the ground." Sun Xiaopeng said helplessly.

"Look, it's too tall, and it's not good." Li Hui muttered.

"Be quiet. Don't talk about useless things." Han Bin murmured.

"This big night, Miao Xiujie ran to such a remote place, there must be something very important. Is this the place where the hostages are held?" Tian Li Road.

"It's possible. It's near Taihang street. If you can find the van, you can be sure." Han Bin said.

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"It's getting dark. It's hard to find someone who's not familiar with life and land." Sun Xiaopeng said.

Li Hui looked down at his watch and said, "it's more than eight o'clock now. Why hasn't the kidnapper moved? Can he go to get the ransom?"

"I'll report to team Zheng to see if the kidnappers have contacted them." Han Bin said, slowly back to the distance.

The other three people continued to stare at the goose farm, but the goose was a good guard and didn't dare to get too close.

After a while, Han Bin crept back.

"What does team Zheng say?"

"The kidnappers didn't contact their families any more. Team Zheng asked us to act on the occasion." Han Bin said.

"What do you mean?" Sun Xiaopeng scratched his head.

"If you can make sure that the hostages are not in danger for the time being, don't start, wait for team Zheng to bring people to support you; if the hostages are in danger, rescue them in time." Han Bin said.

"Miao Xiujie has made all his notes. He must know that the police are investigating this case. Since he has come to inform the police, I think it is very unlikely that the kidnapper will go to get the ransom." Li Hui analysis.

"I agree with Li Hui. It's already past eight o'clock. If the kidnappers want to get a ransom, they should take action now." Tian Li Road.

"If the kidnappers don't take the ransom, the hostages will be useless." Han Bin looked dignified and thought in another place:

"if I were a kidnapper, I would certainly dispose of the hostages."

"Or let's rescue the hostages directly." Li Hui proposed.

"I don't know how many kidnappers there are. It's too dangerous to rush in like this." Sun Xiaopeng looked worried.

"The others are not afraid. They are worried that the robbers have guns." Tian Li Road.

When it comes to guns, people's faces are dignified.

"Miao Xiujie came here at risk. There must be something very important, which means that before he came, the hostage should not have died; and the purpose of his coming should be to deal with the hostage."Han Bin said half, but the other meaning is very obvious. When Zheng Kaixuan brings people to support, the hostages may have been disposed of.

The four people present were mainly Han Bin.

But Han Bin is neither the team leader nor the team leader. His words still lack certain prestige. Instead of giving orders under the guise of tiger power, it's better to let the team members choose by themselves.

The hostage's life is life, the police's life is life.

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