Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 220: 220

"Can it be to repay the society?" Li huidao.

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"You're a foreign bandit. You've seen too many movies." Han Bin joked that he didn't think Qian Guangyue's motive was so complicated. He analyzed it:

"those who retaliate against society are either bitter and bitter, or those who have enough to eat and have nothing to do. Qian Guangyue doesn't belong to these two kinds of people."

"Why do you say that?" Li Hui turned his lips.

"Qian Guangyue is a meat vendor. What he wants to do every day is to earn more money. Now that the price of meat is so high, he certainly hopes to reduce the cost of meat price. He spent 10000 yuan to collect five dead cattle, and sold thousands of catties of beef at 20 yuan per catty. How much money can he earn?" Han Bin asked.

"Sister, at least tens of thousands." Li Hui hit it. Hit it.

"Qian Guangyue's heart is too black. In order to buy low-cost beef, he poisoned other people's cattle." Sun Xiaopeng muttered.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and took a puff: "of course, it's just my guess."

"Binzi, what are we doing now?" Li Hui asked.



Twenty minutes later, an off-road vehicle drove into the courtyard of Xizhang town police station.

Tian Li and Zhao Ming get out of the car.

The police station to see two people, are taking the initiative to say hello.

After this morning's arrest, the police station's attitude towards the second group is more close.

Zhao Ming locked up the car and complained, "ah, I've done another trip in vain."

"We can't just run for nothing. We can only investigate a new direction if we eliminate a clue. Besides, it's not without any harvest. At least we know more about Qian Jinfeng." Tian Li Road.

"That's true. According to Zhang Lei, the old man Qian Jinfeng is not a gas-saving lamp. He has offended people all these years." Zhao Ming snorted.

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At the door of the office, Tian Li patted the dust on her trouser legs.

Zhao Ming also patted like a model, and muttered: "everything is good in the countryside, but the trouser legs are easy to get dirty, so I have to brush my shoes when I go back."

"Creak..." When the door of the office opened, Li Hui strode out and hummed, "you are a hypocritical boy."

Han Bin also followed to walk out, stretched a waist, today's weather is good, the sun shines on the body warm.

Zhao Ming directly ignored Li Hui's words and said to Han Bin: "brother bin, we have made a record for Zhang Lei. He has no time to commit a crime, so we can basically eliminate the suspicion."

"I know."

"How do you know?" Zhao Ming is puzzled.

"I've found the suspect in the cattle poisoning case." Han Bin light said.

"Really? We just went out once, and you caught the suspect? " Zhao Ming was surprised.

"Chief, who is the suspect?" Tian Li can't help asking.

"Qian Guangyue."

"It's him." Zhao Ming's tone is somewhat uncertain.

"Are you sure?" Tian Li asked.

"Lu Wen has just sent a message that Qian Guangyue's fingerprints are completely consistent with those of the suspect in the cattle poisoning case." Han Bin said.

"Damn, it's this old boy. I didn't think of it before." Zhao Ming waved his fist.


In the afternoon, after Wei Zimo sent a search warrant, Han Bin took two groups of people to search Qian Guangyue's home and found half a bag of tetramine from his home.

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Han Bin and Xizhang town police station finished the handover, interviewed with the County Bureau propaganda section, and then took Qian Jinfeng back to Yuhua Branch.

Back in the Bureau, Han Bin immediately brought Qian Guangyue to trial. Under the evidence of fingerprints, shoe prints and tetramine, Qian Guangyue confessed his crime.

As Han Bin guessed, the reason why Qian Guangyue poisoned cattle was to be able to buy beef at a low price. In his words, the price of meat has grown too much, there are fewer people to buy meat, and the business is becoming more and more difficult.

It's just that he was the first time to poison cattle. He was inexperienced. He didn't expect that the toxicity of tetramine would be so severe. People would be poisoned when they ate beef.


The next day, Han Bin and others escorted Qian Guangyue to identify the scene and were surrounded by many villagers in beixizhang village. Zhao Yusheng and the police of the police station maintained order around.

After learning that Qian Guangyue was the suspect in the case, the villagers in beixizhang village felt both angry and aggrieved. It was the behavior of poisonous cattle that was angry, and it was the suspect who was aggrieved was actually from the village.

In addition, the case of Tian Xinjun and others causing trouble can be described as a mixed story for a while.

But with a lesson from the past, no one dares to make trouble again.

After identifying the scene, it's already noon. Yan Dongqi personally invited Han Bin and the team members of the second group to have dinner.

However, Han Bin politely declined, there is the task of escorting the suspect in the body, no matter how good food to eat is not practical.

After greeting Yan Dongqi, Han Bin left Xizhang town with Qian Guangyue. It was more than one o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to the Yuhua Branch. He ate something casually and began to prepare the materials and procedures for closing the case.……

Han Bin is now the acting group leader. He doesn't have to do everything by himself. After assigning a task, he let the team members deal with it. He made a cup of tea and sat on the chair in a daze.

Han Bin is the first time to lead an independent team to handle the case, first the food poisoning case, and then the poison cow case. Although these two cases are not breathtaking, they still give Han Bin deep feelings.

The food poisoning case is related to the safety of the common people. Han Bin must seize the time to seal up the poisoned beef. One minute later, there may be one more victim. He is always in a state of tension.

Although the cattle poisoning case is not so tense, there is an accident in the middle of the way. Villagers gather in the police station to make trouble. If one is not handled properly, it is easy to have an accident.

As soon as Han Bin took office, he encountered two tough cases, which can be regarded as a test for him. Han Bin quickly solved the case, and both Dai Minghan and Zheng Kaixuan were very satisfied.

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"Congratulations to police officer 57733 for successfully solving a serial poisoning case."

"Observation: skill proficiency + 5."

"14 points for merit."

"Congratulations to police officer 577533, who was promoted to acting head of the criminal police force."

"50 points for merit."

"Get an extra gift package."

Skill: note identification

skill level: Advanced

function: to identify the writer's expertise according to the characteristics of writing skills habits, the reflection in writing and painting.

Han Bin was a little surprised. This time, the reward was very rich. He got 64 points of merit and new skills.

Han Bin is in a good mood.

At six o'clock in the evening, Han Bin left work, which is still very rare for him.

As the weather turns cold, it's getting dark earlier and earlier, and it's getting dark on the way home.

In a red QQ car.

"Huizi, come to my house for dinner tonight." Han Bin asked.

"No, I've been busy for several days. I want to go home early and have a rest." Li huidao.

"Whatever you want."

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Li Hui squeezed his eyes: "how are you with that Tan Xiaohua?"

"Drive your car."

"Talk about it, talk about it, it's ok now anyway."

"Not so good. I haven't contacted her much these two days." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

"Why, it's not in your style." Li Hui is in high spirits.

"I don't know if I've been too busy recently, and I don't like dating as much as I used to, especially when I just got to know each other, I feel very tired." Han Bin shook his head.

"You always find what you like. If you find one who likes you, you won't be so tired." Li Hui snorted.

"Yes, I have studied it thoroughly." Han Bin said with a smile.

"The onlookers see clearly."

They chatted with each other and soon returned to Huayuan community.

After Han Bin and Li Hui separated, they went directly to their parents' home.

After opening the door, Han Bin feels a little abnormal. The room is dark and there is no movement.

Han Bin walks into the porch and is about to call someone.

The headlights in the living room suddenly turned on.

Wang Qingsheng suddenly jumped out and yelled, "surprise!" in English that only Chinese can understand

Han Weidong and Wang Huifang also came out, and the restaurant was full of dishes.

"Congratulations to team leader Han, come back from solving the case!"

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