Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 221: 221

The next day.

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At seven o'clock in the morning, Han Bin got up to wash, and then went downstairs to his parents' house to ask his uncle to go out for exercise.

In the past, Han Bin had the habit of getting up early for sports, but after he went to the criminal police team, he often had to work overtime at night, had irregular rest, and delayed morning exercises.

After several months of running in, Han Bin gradually adapted to the work of the criminal police team, ready to gradually restore the habit of morning exercise, as a criminal police has a good body is very important.

The leg has no endurance, can't run the suspect, the arm has no strength, can't catch the suspect.

As for Wang Qingsheng, whether he can run or not and whether he has strength are the second. He is too fat. He is also a 40 year old. If he doesn't lose weight, his health will be affected.

For this, Wang Qingsheng himself knows that he drank a little wine last night and vowed to lose weight and get up early for exercise in front of Wang Huifang.

This morning, Wang Huifang picked up and ran with Han Bin.

Wang Qingsheng shivered: "it's cold this morning."

"Uncle, it won't be cold when you move." Han Bin began to move his hands and feet.

Wang Qingsheng yawned: "your mother really is. I drank so much wine yesterday. I can't exercise one day later. I have to start today."

"Tomorrow will be tomorrow, tomorrow will be so many." Han Bin said with a smile.

"I mean what I say." Wang Qingsheng snorted.

"If you keep your word, you won't be fat to this day." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

"You are looking for a fight." Wang Qingsheng stares at the bead.

"If you can catch up with me, do whatever you want."

Wang Qingsheng immediately frustrated, waved his hand: "go."

Han Bin looked at Wang Qingsheng: "uncle, have you never exercised?"

"I'm so busy every day that I don't have time to exercise." Wang Qingsheng also follows Han Bin to do some activities.

"Don't run today. Walk a few more laps in the yard. First get used to it for two days, then jog. Step by step, you don't want to be ambitious." Han Bin exhorted.

"I see." Wang Qingsheng nodded.

"I'll run a few laps first, and I'll be back to work later." Han Bin put down a word, began to run around the community.

Wang Qingsheng put on his headphones and walked slowly behind him. His fat figure twists and turns. One person can occupy two people's way.

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Han Bin has run two laps in the community. He is warm. He gets up early and exercises. He will feel energetic all day.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin's watch rings.

Yesterday, in order to celebrate her son's promotion, Wang Huifang gave him a Obsidian GT2 smart watch.

According to Wang Huifang, it's the latest model, but Han Bin hasn't paid much attention to electronic products recently. His mother says it's just a chant and doesn't spend her own money.

This watch can answer the phone, listen to music and measure heart rate. The most important thing is the long standby time. It is said that it can last for two weeks. Han Bin still attaches great importance to this.

The criminal police are busy day and night, and the charging of mobile phones is also a troublesome thing, so many police will bring two mobile phones, one is out of power, and they can also use the other.

But the mobile phone is bigger, so it's not convenient to take it when you go out on a task, while the smart watch is much more convenient.

Han Bin looked at his watch. It was Zheng Kaixuan's mobile phone number. He pressed the answer button: "Zheng team, what can I do for you?"

"There's a case. Get two teams on the scene."

"What case?"

"I'm not sure about the details of the murder case. I'll talk about it at the scene."

"Where is it?"

"Near the subway entrance of anpingli, you can bring people together here."

"I see." Han Bin said.


In half an hour.

Near the subway entrance of anpingli.

Han Bin and Li Hui just arrived by car, and sun Xiaopeng came by subway.

It's not easy to park near here. Han Bin asked Li Hui to park first.

Han Bin bought some breakfast first. It's only eight o'clock in the morning. It's not time to go to work yet. It's estimated that all the members of the group haven't had a meal. The emperor doesn't need hungry soldiers. He can't let the members of the group work hungry.

Each person has a portion of soybean milk, a meat sandwich, a luxury version of stone cake with pepper eggs and bean skin. Anyway, it's the expenses of the group, and Han Bin doesn't care about it.

After Han Bin and sun Xiaopeng have bought breakfast, Li Hui stops the car and sees a familiar BMW coming. Then Zhao Ming and Tian Li walk down from the car.

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Li Hui grew up, pointed to the two hostages and asked, "what's the matter, you two should be honest."

"Brother Hui, don't think about it. I just picked up sister Tian by the way." Zhao Ming smiles.

Tian Li glared at Li Hui: "what do you want to say?"

Feeling a burst of cold light, Li Hui shrunk his neck: "it's OK, eat cake."

"Eat quickly, don't make noise, finish eating and leave the scene." Han Bin said."It's better to be brother bin. I didn't get this treatment before." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

A person has a style of work. Han Bin himself is a foodie. In his opinion, sharpening his knife does not miss the firewood cutter. If he is hungry to handle a case, he must not have enough food to handle a case.

A few people have already learned how to eat. In less than five minutes, a stone cake and a portion of soybean milk will be eaten.

Zhao Ming went to park the car, while Han Bin's four rushed to the scene.

Zheng Kaixuan has sent the detailed address, only a few hundred meters away from the subway entrance.

Walking tens of meters to the subway entrance is a shopping mall. Behind the shopping mall is an open community. After passing through, there is an auxiliary road. Walking tens of meters along the auxiliary road, there is an alley, which is relatively remote.

Although it is close to the center of the city, it is surrounded by old residential areas that have not been demolished. The environment is not very good. The Hutong has been cordoned off and there are many onlookers around.

After arriving at the scene, Han Bin showed his police certificate, and a young policeman quickly opened the cordon to let Han Bin and others in.

At this time, Zheng Kaixuan is talking to a middle-aged man.

Han Bin quickly walked over and said, "team Zheng."

Zheng Kaixuan glanced at Han Bin and others, pointed to the middle-aged man beside him and explained: "this is Director Wei of anpingli police station."

"This is Han Bin, the leader of the second group of the third criminal investigation team."

"Good director Wei." Han Bin said politely.

Director Wei looked at Han Bin for a while and nodded: "young man is very energetic."

Not far away from the three, a man in shabby clothes and covered with blood was lying on the ground, making a crawling movement and extending his right hand forward.

"Wei Suo, please tell us the details." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"At more than six o'clock this morning, we received a report that someone had died in Jing'an Hutong. The police of our police station rushed to check and found a man covered with blood lying on the ground. He was cold and immediately reported to the sub Bureau." Director Wei said.

"Where's the reporter?"

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"The police arrived at the scene, the reporter has left." Wei said.

Han Bin put on gloves, check the body hardness: "should be last night died."

Director Wei spread out his hand: "I'll give it to you next. Call me again if you need to."

"You are busy." Zheng Kaixuan is a guest.

After director Wei left, Li Hui smashed his mouth and said, "tut Tut, the director of the Institute is here. It's rare."

"It's a homicide. The director can't sit still." Zheng Kaixuan said.

Zhao Ming also went to the front to check: "Yo, the dead man is too miserable. His clothes are patched, his trousers are still a big hole, his crotch is almost worn out, and his shoes are glued. The color is not the same."

"No documents were found to prove the identity of the deceased, and there was no property." Han Bin searched on the dead: "however, I think he is likely to be a beggar."

"It's true. There's a white porcelain jar with paint off. It's standard." Zhao Ming pointed to the dead one meter away.

"How to speak? Can you be a little compassionate?" Tian Li snorted.

"The murderer had an obvious knife wound on his back. Judging from the amount of bleeding, this should be the first scene." Zheng Kaixuan analyzed.

"Why does the murderer want to kill a beggar? What's the motive for killing?" Li Hui wondered.

"Could it be a robbery?" Zhao Ming guessed.

Li Hui rolled his eyes: "if you eat too much, who will rob a beggar?"

"Huige, you really don't have much money from beggars." Zhao Ming pointed to the white porcelain jar:

"it's not a decoration. If the deceased died last night, it's close to the subway entrance, and the other party may have just come back from begging, then he must have money. What about money?"

"Daddada..." At this time, forensic Wu brought people.

Han Bin and others said hello, stood to one side, the body to the Wu forensic treatment.

Han Bin looked at the direction of the dead, said: "the right hand of the dead extended to the front, the palm was half grip shape, like grasping something."

"If you want me to say, maybe it's something robbed, and the dead want it back." Zhao Ming guessed.

Han Bin observed for a while, shook his head: "this action is not like."

"I still don't think it's possible to rob. How much a beggar can ask for a day is only a few hundred yuan at most. Who will rob and kill for a few hundred yuan?" Li Hui analyzed.

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"What do you think is the motive for killing people?"

"Can it be a vendetta?" Li huidao.

"There are too few clues now. Let's wait until the end of time." Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand.

They checked the scene again.

After a while, Wu Xia stood up, took off her gloves and said, "team Zheng, the preliminary autopsy is over."

Hearing this, the two groups all gathered around."What is the cause of death of the dead?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"The stab wound stabbed the viscera from the back, causing multiple organ injuries such as heart, liver and lung, as well as massive blood loss and death." Wu Xia explained.

"Time of death?"

"Between 8:30 and 10:30 last night."

"How old is the deceased?"

"About thirty-five."

"Is there any special mark on him, or any place to prove his identity?"

"There is no obvious mark, but his underpants are a little special." Wu Xia said.

"What's the matter?"

"His underpants are vison cable. They're not cheap." Wu Xiadao.

"How expensive." This is the first time that Zheng Kaixuan has heard of this brand.

"I know. I've bought one before. It costs more than 100 yuan, but my heart is broken." Zhao Ming said.

"You're not kidding, are you?" he said Li Hui questioned.

"If you don't believe it, you can have a look at the style and material of the underwear of the deceased." Wu Xia made a please gesture.

Li Hui hesitated for a moment, but still walked over with courage. He pulled the tattered pants on the dead body, revealing a pair of black and gray underpants. The style is very beautiful, and the material is also good.

Li Hui was stunned for a moment, muttering: "Wo Cao, Bi GE's underpants still have shape."

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