Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 229: 229

Huang Qiang stopped a bus. He was lucky and had a seat in the back row.

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As soon as he put the black backpack on his leg, his mobile phone rang again: "Ding Ling Ling..."

Huang Qiang took a look at the mobile phone, or Huang Wei called, pressed the answer button: "what else?"

"Did you get on the bus?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Are you really not coming back?"

"Of course, I'm going to stay in the south for a while. I'm tired of staying in Qindao." Huang Qiang said.

"Qiangzi, listen to my brother's advice, you'd better turn yourself in. There's really no need for that little money." Huang Wei has a bitter heart.

"That little money, do you know how much I sold?"

"How much?"

Huang Qiang whispered: "70000."

"For this money?"

"This money?"

Huang Qiang repeated a sentence and said in a low voice: "I've never seen so much money in my life. I can't save it if I don't eat or drink for a year. Now I don't have to do anything. With the 70000 yuan, I can spend a year smartly, and I can play whatever I want."

"After that year, have you ever thought about it? Listen to my brother's advice and turn yourself in." Wong Wai Road.

"Don't say any more flowery words. I don't like to hear them."

"Bitter medicine is good for illness, harsh advice is good for action. If you don't like to say it, I have to say it. It's for your own good." Yelled Huang Wei.

"There's no need for you to preach. If you say these words again, I won't answer your phone, and I won't spend the thousand yuan." Huang Qiang snorted.

"I've sent you a thousand dollars. I have to take responsibility for your thousand dollars." Wong Wai Road.

"Well, you don't want to. I just don't want to transfer. When the phone bill is used up, I'll shut down, and you don't want to call me again." Huang Qiang said.

"For seventy thousand dollars?"

"As for it?"

Huang Qiang snorted: "when you say this, you first pat yourself on the chest. Do you have 70000 yuan in your card? If not, you have no right to say me. "

"As long as we work hard, we'll have money sooner or later. I still say that. I'll turn myself in as soon as possible..." Huang Wei's words did not finish, the mobile phone has hung up.

Huang Qiang took out his mobile phone card and threw it directly out of the window, muttering: "I hate being preached, but my parents can't do it. You're a ball!"

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"Wu Wu Wu..." Just then, a siren sounded outside the car.

A police van quickly passed, directly in front of the bus, and with a certain safety distance reserved, it slowly slowed down and forced the bus to stop.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop?" One passenger complained.

"There seems to be a police car ahead, which has forced us to stop."

"Damn, there won't be bad people in our car."

"I've only seen this on TV." The passengers began to talk, and many people were looking around with their bags in their arms.

"Bang!" At this time, Huang Qiang, who was sitting in the back row, jumped out of the window.

"Police, don't move." Han Bin scolded.

Huang Qiang a listen to this words, slip faster, SA Ya son to run forward.

Maybe it's because he ate too much. After a few steps, Huang Qiang felt some pain in his stomach. He was still carrying a black backpack, so he couldn't get up fast at all.

However, at this time, he could not take care of it. He continued to run with his teeth biting and pain. He never thought that the police would come so fast.

In order to accurately locate Huang Qiang's position, Han Bin has been busy all morning. He doesn't eat anything except water. Although he is hungry, it doesn't affect his action.

After a distance of several tens of meters, Huang Qiang was pushed to the ground. Li Hui and others arrived one after another. Huang Qiang had no room for resistance.

"What's your name?"

"Huang Qiang."

"Do you know why I caught you?"

"I don't know. You've got the wrong man."

"I dare to quibble." Li Hui grabbed his hair and pulled him off the ground: "who did you sell the Mercedes Benz to?"

"It's Huang Wei who betrayed me?" Huang qianghong's focus is on answering the wrong questions.

"Cut the crap and answer my questions."

"Damn it, I said I would give him a thousand. Why is it so bad? I still call him brother all the time, bah." Huang Qiang scolded.

"Ha ha, you're so funny. After selling the car for 70000, you'll give it to someone else for 1000. It's a good thing to say." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"What's the matter? That coward is shivering at the sight of the dead. It's good to give him a thousand." Huang Qiang disdains the way.

"Cut the crap and take it back to the police station." Han Bin waved his hand.

It's also a windfall. After listening to the dialogue between Huang brothers, Huang Qiang should have sold his car to a gang of stolen cars. If he can sell his car to a gang of stolen cars, it will be a great credit.The Huang brothers were taken back to the police station, and the technical team extracted Huang Qiang's DNA sample.

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Han Bin poured a cup of tea, regardless of the cold drink, directly carrying tea into the interrogation room, ready to immediately bring Huang Qiang to trial.

Han Bin is in charge of the trial and Li Hui is in charge of the record.

Han Bin opens the law enforcement recorder and makes a routine inquiry.

Huang Qiang snorted, turned his head aside and did not respond.

"Huang Qiang, since we've caught you, we have evidence to convict you. Don't take chances." Han Bin hummed.

"Huang Wei that son of a bitch betrayed me?" Huang Qiang hates the way.

"Huang Wei didn't betray you. To be exact, you implicated him."

"Nonsense. If it wasn't for him, how could the police have found me?" Huang Qiang didn't believe it.

"Have you ever been in contact with the dead?"

"Well, don't try to set me up." Huang Qiang is still uncooperative.

"The police heard the conversation between you and Huang Wei very clearly. There is no way to argue about the fact that you resell Mercedes Benz." Han Bin said coldly.

Huang Qiang lowered his head and trembled involuntarily.

"I'll give you a chance now. It's one thing for you to take the initiative to explain, and another thing for you to be accused. It's not a short sentence for you to go on a errand." Han Bin reminds a way.

Huang Qiang slowly raised his head, swallowed and said: "I, I want to follow the cigarette."

Han Bin stood up, lit a cigarette and handed it to him.

Huang Qiang took a few puffs. After a while, his mood calmed down: "you're right. I sold the car."

"To whom." Han Bin asked.

"One thing I want to make clear is that I picked up this Mercedes Benz. It should not be illegal to sell it." Huang Qiang's answer is not what he asked.

"Are you sure it was picked up, not stolen?"

"I'm sure." Huang Qiang said aloud.

Han Bin frowned: "where did you pick it up?"

"Jing'an Hutong."

"Did you know it was the victim's car?"

"I don't know."

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"Is the key to the car on the victim?" Han Bin confirmed.

Huang Qiang looked at Han Bin and said with firm eyes: "no, the car key is one meter away from the dead. I picked it up on the ground."


Li Hui slapped the table and scolded: "nonsense, you stole the Mercedes Benz, and the keys were also taken from the dead."

"What proof do you have that I stole the car?" Huang Qiang asked.

Han Bin laughed: "the smoke is not white, calm down, still quite able to avoid the heavy."

"I'm telling the truth. I picked up the car keys from the ground. I didn't steal them." Huang Qiang said.

"Yesterday morning, there was no direct contact between you and the deceased fan Zhenye?" Han Bin confirmed.

"No Huang Qiang's answer is very straightforward.

Picking up the car keys from the ground and taking the car keys from the dead can be said to be two kinds of cases. There is no camera at the scene. As long as Huang Qiang bites to death and refuses to admit it, it is really possible that the suspect will never be convicted.

"Huang Wei saw with his own eyes the car keys you took away from the dead and the cash of several hundred yuan. You dare to argue." Li huidao.

"Police comrades, you are wrong. You were not at the scene at that time. Huang Wei was very timid and scared away at a glance. He didn't dare to look at it carefully. The money and car keys were picked up at a distance of one meter around the dead. The reason why he said I stole them was due to jealousy." Huang Qiang said.

"Even if you picked up the car key on the ground one meter away from the deceased, didn't you think that the Mercedes Benz car key might belong to the deceased?" Li Hui asked.

"No, he's a poor beggar. His clothes are even worse than mine. I never thought he could drive a Mercedes Benz. Naturally, I don't think the key to a Mercedes Benz is his." Huang Qiang said more smoothly, but also more confident.

"Yes, there are many reasons." Han Bin hummed.

"Officer, I'm telling the truth." Huang Qiang is serious.

"Let's not discuss this issue. Who did you sell Mercedes Benz to?" Han Bin's words changed.

"Officer, I think it's better to decide the nature of stealing and picking up cars first, and then talk about selling cars." Huang Qiang said.

"I'll ask you again, who did you sell the car to?" Han Bin said harshly.

Huang Qiang takes a look at Han Bin. He doesn't dare to talk back or answer back. He lowers his head.

Make it clear that you want to avoid the heavy and take the light.

Han Bin won't let him, sneered: "OK, let's wait to see who has patience."

The interrogation room fell into silence.

Huang Qiang was silent.

Han Bin sits opposite and drinks tea.

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Li Hui looked at his watch and said in a soft voice, "binzi, I've been waiting."

"Don't be impatient. There are times when this boy cries." Han Bin doesn't think so.They are not the only two in the police force. Although they are resting, others are still investigating at the same time.

After a while, there was a knock on the door: "Dong Dong."

"Come in." Han Bin said.

Lu Wen walks into the interrogation room, takes a look at Huang Qiang sitting on the interrogation chair, and hands a copy of the information to Han Bin: "the DNA comparison is successful. It's a complete match."

Han Bin opened the file, looked at it, and said with a smile: "glasses are hard, I have time to invite you to dinner."

"Han you're welcome." Lu Wen answered and went out of the interrogation room.

Han Bin went to the interrogation table, looked at the opposite Huang Qiang, and said, "Huang Qiang, did you have direct contact with the dead yesterday morning?"

"I've said it all, No." Huang Qiang shook his head.

"Where were you at nine the night before yesterday?" Han Bin continues to ask.

"What do you mean, what happened the night before yesterday?" Huang Qiang did not understand.

"At 9 p.m. the day before yesterday, the deceased was killed in Jing'an Hutong. We extracted the suspect's dander from the fingernails of the deceased. After testing and comparison, it is completely consistent with your DNA. We have enough reasons to suspect that you are the suspect who killed the dead." Han Bin is right.

"I didn't. don't be unjust." Huang Qiang is in a hurry.


Han Bin slapped the table and scolded: "there is your dander between the dead's nails, which means that he may have fought with you before he died. How dare you say that you are not suspected?"

"The night before yesterday, I didn't see the dead at all. I was wronged. You can't talk nonsense." Yelled Huang Qiang.

"Then why is there your dander between the dead man's nails?" Han Bin asked.

"I, I This... " Huang Qiang showed a look of embarrassment.

"It's homicide. If it's settled, it may be death penalty." Li Hui squeezed his eyes.

"I didn't kill anyone!" Huang Qiang clenched his hands into fists and smashed the interrogation chair.

"DNA comparisons don't lie." Han Bin said.

"I said, I said everything..."

Huang Qiang put his hands over his forehead, and his voice choked: "I stole the car key. Yesterday morning, the car key was in the dead man's hand. I just wanted to break his fingers to take the car key. His fingers were hard at that time, so I tried my best to take it away from him, and his nails also scratched my hand. I really didn't kill him."

Li Hui spat: "bah, what did you do earlier?"

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