Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 230: 230

"Where were you at nine the night before yesterday?"

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Huang Qiang recalled for a moment: "sleeping in the Internet bar."

"Nonsense, which Internet bar starts to pack at 9 pm." Li Hui snorted.

"Yes, you're right. The Internet bar was packed at 10 p.m., while Huang Wei and I arrived at 8 p.m., playing for two hours first, and then packed." Huang Qiang said.

"Do you have time to commit a crime? We'll send someone to check. First, who did you sell the car to?" Han Bin asked.

"Li Wei."

"Who is Li Wei?"

"Before, when I washed the car in a car shop, Li Wei was our foreman. He has worked in this business for a long time and has many ways. I've heard him mention that he has such ways before." Huang Qiang sighed with regret:

"to tell you the truth, I'm an honest man, and I didn't think I would steal a car before. Who knows that day, I saw the beggar lying on the ground and died. At first, I was very afraid. Later, I saw the beggar holding the key of a Mercedes Benz car, and I just..."

Huang Qiang sobbed in a low voice for a while and wiped his tears: "a smelly beggar is holding a key to a Mercedes Benz. That's a Mercedes Benz. Why is a smelly beggar? I didn't know what I was possessed by at that time, so I wanted to get that key and drive a Mercedes Benz around. I wanted to try the feeling of driving a luxury car. Later, I wanted to do nothing at all. Anyway, no one else saw it."

Han Bin ignored his complaint and asked, "where is Li Wei?"

"I don't know now."

"How can I get in touch with him?" Han Bin asked.

"I'll call him."

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"Cell phone number?"


"Is there anything else in the car?" Han Bin asked.

Huang Qiang recalled: "half a box of Maotai, a mobile phone, a suit and a half Chinese cigarettes..."

"Where is the cell phone?"

"Throw it away."

"Where did you throw it?"

"Into a green belt near the southern suburbs."

"How did you give the car to Li Wei?" Han Bin asked.

"I drove to the southern suburb near Zhangma village, where there was a piece of wasteland. Li Wei took two people to dismantle the GPS, and then gave me 70000 yuan to drive away the Mercedes Benz. He also warned me to leave Qindao immediately." Huang Qiang said.

Han Bin tried again for a while, but Huang Qiang's knowledge was limited, so he didn't ask for more useful information.

Han Bin out of the interrogation room, Zheng Kaixuan also came out from the observation room.

"Team Zheng is involved in a case of reselling stolen cars. There are many clues to investigate. I'm afraid our team is short of staff." Han Bin said.

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"Now the most important thing is homicide. The impact of street killing is too bad. According to Dai Bureau, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau have asked about the case and asked the Branch Bureau to solve the case as soon as possible, otherwise, the Municipal Bureau may let the first criminal investigation team take over." Zheng Kaixuan's face is heavy.

The first criminal investigation brigade is directly under the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. It is specially responsible for handling major and important cases in Qindao city. There is also a popular name "serious case brigade".

Qindao city has seven districts and three entrusted counties. One criminal investigation detachment has eleven criminal investigation brigades, ten of which belong to each regional bureau. If there are major cases that can not be handled by the Bureau, they will be reported to the Municipal Bureau.

The Municipal Bureau will send a criminal investigation team to take over the case or send criminal investigation experts to guide the investigation.

"What about the case of bootlegging stolen cars?" Han Bin asked.

"In this way, one group has no case right now. I'll let one group take over the case of reselling stolen cars, and your group will wholeheartedly crack the street murder." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Yes, but I have a request."

"You said

"After a team takes over the stolen car case, they need to send someone to look for the mobile phone of the deceased and the GPS of the car. I need to use it." Han Bin said.

"No problem. It's all about homicide. I'll let one team cooperate with you. If there are not enough investigators, you can tell me. I'll assign one team to you." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Well, with your words, I have nothing to say." Han Bin said.

"But I'll put it to the front. The people of the third criminal investigation team will call you, but the case must find a breakthrough as soon as possible. I don't want to let the people of the first criminal investigation team interfere in the case of our team." Zheng Kaixuan's zhengse road.

"You can rest assured that I will do my best to solve the case." Han Bin is right.

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"OK, I ordered takeout for your group. Let's have dinner first. I'll arrange a task for one group." Zheng Kaixuan pats Han Bin on the shoulder and then leaves.

Han Bin and Li Hui return to the office. As soon as they open the door, they smell the smell of food.

"It's delicious. What's good to eat?" Li Hui can't wait to shout.

"They are all hard dishes, big cakes, mutton soup, stewed chicken with mushrooms and pig's feet." As Zhao Ming said, his mouth was full of saliva.

Han Bin did not come back, the team members naturally feel embarrassed to eat first."Team leader, team Zheng has made us so many delicious food. They should attach great importance to this case." Tian Li asked.

Han Bin laughed, waved his hand and said, "don't be stunned. Eat while it's hot. Let's eat and talk at the same time."

Han Bin made a speech, and everyone naturally did not hesitate.

Zhao Ming took a bite of the cake first.

Tian Li took a sip of mutton soup.

Sun Xiaopeng sandwiched a piece of chicken.

Li Hui picked up half a pig's hoof and chewed it.

Han Bin also took half a pig's hoof and took a bite: "it's delicious. It's melting and chewy."

"It's not bad. Some sellers cook pig's hooves hard for weighing, so they have to bite them." Li Hui muttered as he ate.

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"That's pretty good. Some pig's hooves are full of tendons, except skin, which is bone." Zhao Ming snorted.

"A bunch of eaters." Han Bin can't laugh or cry.

After eating a few meals, Han Bin said: "team Zheng said that the case of profiteering of stolen cars was taken over by group one, and group two tried their best to solve the murder."

"There is a certain connection between these two cases. If we give up investigating the case of illegal car trading, will we miss some key clues?" Tian Li raised questions.

"Don't worry about that. I've already said hello to team Zheng in advance. After a team takes over the case of reselling stolen cars, they will cooperate with the investigation of homicide first. Once they find clues related to homicide, they will inform us as soon as possible." Han Bin said.

"Xiaopeng, summon the contact on the correspondence list of the deceased to make a record."

"Other people check the surveillance and check the time of the crime."


After dinner, everyone began to act separately. Sun Xiaopeng began to call the contacts on the correspondence list one by one and summon them to the police station to take notes.

The reason why there is no door-to-door summons is that some people's addresses are not detailed or they have moved away, so it will be difficult to find them.

If you are willing to take the initiative to come to the police station to cooperate with the police to make a record, you can further eliminate the other party's suspicion; if you are not willing to come to the police station to cooperate with the police in handling a case, the suspicion will further rise.

Han Bin will also focus on targeted investigation.

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