Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 231: 231

Surveillance is a boring job, but it is indeed the most commonly used and effective means of investigation by the police.

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There are more than 20 surveillance cameras to be investigated, and Han Bin has also joined in the investigation work. He can watch the surveillance much faster than other team members.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Sun Xiaopeng's cell phone rings.

After receiving the mobile phone, sun Xiaopeng said to Han Bin, "team leader, Li Rukuan, the contact person of the dead, is here."

"You go down and take it." In Han Bin's opinion, those who are willing to cooperate with the police are good comrades.

Soon after sun Xiaopeng left, he returned to the office with a man in his thirties.

The man was wearing a pair of gold glasses and a big head. He was wearing a black suit and a briefcase in his hand. His shoes were polished, which made him look like a successful man.

Han Bin got up and said, "Hello, I'm Han Bin, the leader of the third criminal investigation team."

"Hello, my name is Li Rukuan, a lawyer."

"Lawyer Li, please come here today. It involves a criminal case. I'd like to ask you to make a record." Han Bin said.

"No problem. I'm willing to cooperate with the police." Li Rukuan showed a professional smile.

"That's great. If we all spoke so kindly to you, we would be able to do our work." Han Bin smiles and asks Li Rukuan to sit on the opposite chair.

After that, Han Bin was in charge of the trial and sun Xiaopeng was in charge of recording.

Han Bin inquired about it, and then said, "lawyer Li, do you know fan Zhenye?"

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"Yes, we have work contacts."

"Have you been in touch recently?"

"I contacted him a few days ago. I had made an appointment to meet him today, but he didn't come and his mobile phone couldn't get through. The police just contacted me, so I wanted to come and see if something happened to him." Li Rukuan said.

"When was the last time you and fan Zhenye met?"

"Just a few days ago, he went to my law firm, there is monitoring to check." Li Rukuan said.

"What kind of lawyer are you and what can he do for you?"

"Divorce lawyer." Li Rukuan.

"He wants to divorce his wife?" Han Bin asked.

"It's not convenient for me to disclose the customer's privacy, but he did consult me about some things and also wanted to ask me to help with the lawsuit." Li Rukuan said vaguely.

Although Li Rukuan didn't say it clearly, he admitted it indirectly.

"What happened to fan Zhenye?" Li Rukuan said curiously.

"He's dead."

"What, he's dead!" Li Rukuan showed a look of surprise: "how did he die and when?"

"Two days ago." Han Bin said.

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"This It's too sudden. Originally, he asked me to meet today. Who knows that all of a sudden... " Li Rukuan sighed.

"Why did he divorce?"

Li Rukuan hesitated: "it's not convenient for me to disclose the customer's privacy."

"Fan Zhenye is dead, lying in the morgue. Now for him, privacy is not important. The important thing is to find out the real murderer and avenge him." Han Bin said.

"Ah How can things be like this? It's really changeable. " Li Rukuan said with emotion.

"Lawyer Li, the reason for fan Zhenye's divorce is probably related to his death. I hope you can cooperate with our police work and catch the murderer who killed fan Zhenye as soon as possible." Han Bin advised.

After pondering for a moment, Li Rukuan said, "fan Zhenye came to me just to divorce his wife and ask me to be his lawyer."

"Why divorce?"

"At the beginning, he told me that he didn't have a good relationship with me and consulted me about the division of property. I asked him if he had made up his mind. He said he would think about it again. He came here several times, but he couldn't make up his mind. It was only last time that he made up his mind to divorce and told me that his wife would kill him." Li Rukuan said.

"Are you sure he said his wife would kill him?" Han Bin asked.


"Did you say how to kill him?"

"No," he said Li Rukuan shook his head.

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"Is there any conflict between them?"

"According to him, their husband and wife have no feelings for a long time. He also suspected that his wife was keeping a small white face outside. He also asked me if I could share more of my property if I caught the traitor." Li Rukuan recalled.

"Did he mention the name of the little white face?"

"I didn't ask. I didn't need to know." Li Rukuan shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you believe what Fan Zhenye said?"

"I believe it." Li Rukuan said: "although he had the intention of divorce before, he still hesitated and couldn't make up his mind. The last time I met him, he was determined to divorce. It must be something his wife did that stimulated him."

After a few more questions, Han Bin let Li Rukuan go first without getting more clues.Li Hui and Zhao Ming came together.

"Binzi, it's a windfall." Li huidao.

"Brother bin, if what lawyer Li said is true, then Cai Xiuyan is very suspicious. Shall we summon her to take notes again?" Zhao Ming proposed.

Han Bin felt his chin and didn't answer immediately.

It can be seen from Li Rukuan's words that fan Zhenye's husband and wife are already in deep conflict, and they have two hearts for each other. However, fan Zhenye's accidental death before divorce is also the biggest harvest of his wife, Cai Xiuyan.

Choi's motivation has risen further.

"Chief, I found something in the surveillance." Cried Tian Li.

"What's going on?"

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"The day before yesterday, a woman in a hat appeared near the scene of the crime."

Han Bin walks over and looks down at the screen. The video shows a screenshot of a woman. At night, the light is a little dim and the shooting is not very clear.

The woman was wearing a top hat with a round top and a long skirt with decorative patterns. She was tall and couldn't see clearly with her head down.

"When did this woman show up at the scene of the crime?" Han Bin asked.

"I entered Jing'an Lane from Jing'an North Lane at 7 p.m. and left Jing'an lane at 11 p.m. along the same route. Because it was two hours before and after the time of the crime, I almost missed it at the beginning. Later, you said that I should focus on the investigation of women, so I paid attention to her again. I felt suspicious." Tian Li explained.

"There is no monitoring in Jing'an Hutong. It's hard for us to know what this woman did during this period." Zhao Ming analyzed.

"Does she have a vehicle?" Han Bin asked.

"She took a taxi at 7 p.m. and she took a taxi at 11 p.m. and she kept her head down and wore a bowler hat. It's hard to get a picture of her face." Tian Li said.

Han Bin stares at the computer screen: "the figure of the woman in the top hat is not like Xiuyan."

"Could it be fan Zhenye's junior?" Li huidao.

Han Bin hesitated for a moment and asked Tian Li, "did you take a picture of the taxi driver's license plate number?"

Tian Li looked back at the video and read: "the camera caught it. The license plate number is Lu. Bu3h55."

"Check, find people by car!"

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