Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 250: 250

"I can't figure out what's going on in the entertainment industry. You should take notes yourself." Zheng Kaixuan said.

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"Where is muxinran?" Han Bin asked.

"The reporter was her assistant Li Xia, who didn't come to the police station herself." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Tian Li, go and call her assistant." Han Bin said.

"Yes." Tian Li answered and went out of the office.

"I have a lot to do these two days. Keep an eye on this case. After all, I'm a public figure. I'm more flexible in handling cases." Zheng Kaixuan warned.

"I see." Han Bin nodded.

"You are busy. Call me if you have any information." Zheng Kaixuan put down a word and left the second group office.

Han Bin's ability to handle the case, he is very assured.

He believes that even without him here, Han Bin can handle the case well.


Before long, Tian Li returned to the office, followed by a 30-year-old woman with short hair and strong body.

"Han Zu, this is mu Xinran's assistant, Li Xia." Tian Li said.

Before Han Bin spoke, Li Hui pointed to the chair beside him: "sit down, I'll make a note for you."

Han Bin laughs. This product is gossip. When he hears about stars, he can't sit still.

"Well Li Xia answered, looking a little nervous.

Li Hui turned on the law enforcement recorder and asked routinely, "name, age, gender, occupation..."

"Li Xia, I am 29 years old, female, star assistant..."

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"What's the relationship between you and muxinran?"

"I'm Mu Xinran's assistant."

"Mu Xinran asked you to call the police?" Li Hui asked.


"Where is muxinran?"

"At home."

"Why didn't she report it herself?"

"Xinran's identity is not very convenient. Paparazzi often take pictures secretly. In case his coming to the police station is spread, it is likely to let the blackmailer know, for fear of affecting the police investigation." Li Xia said.

Han Bin smiles. Li Xia is very good at speaking.

"Tell me what happened."

"I'm not very clear about the specific process. I know that someone made a blackmail call to Xinran and sent a video to Xinran to prepare a ransom of 10 million yuan. Otherwise, Xinran's video will be sent to the Internet." Li Xia said.

"Ten million! How dare you take it. " Li Hui hit it. Hit it.

"When did the kidnapper call?" Han Bin asked.

"Listen to Xinran say it was yesterday."

"I made a blackmail call yesterday. Why did I call the police today?" Li Hui asked.

"The star is a public figure. Xinran is very afraid that this matter will be disclosed by the media. Originally, she wanted to spend money to buy Ping'an, but the brokerage company is not willing to help out with the money. Xinran can't afford so much money at a time, so she had to let me call the police." Li Xia said.

"What's the blackmailer's cell phone number?" Han Bin asked.

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Li Xia turned on her mobile phone and read: "134524621xx"

"yesterday, when did the blackmailer call?" Han Bin asked.

"Well I don't know exactly when. "

"What about the blackmailer's accent? Is it a man or a woman? "

"I don't know." Li Xia shook his head.

"Where are the stolen devices installed?" Han Bin asked.

"It should be in the bedroom."

"Is there a listening device?"

"I don't know."

Han Bin frowned, and Li Xia didn't understand many details of the case, which were very important. He asked, "where is mu Xinran? We need to make a record for her."

"Gladly at home."

"We need to make a note for her and search her home." Han Bin said.

"Yes, I'll contact her."

"In this way, you tell her everything is as usual. We will send the technical team to check whether there are monitoring and monitoring equipment in the living room. If not, we will make a record in the living room. As for the camera in the bedroom, we will deal with it when I arrive." Han Bin said.

"OK, I see." Li Xia goes to one side and calls Mu Xinran.

"I'll arrange the task." Han Bin glanced at the team members of group 2: "Tian Li and Xiaopeng, you go to the communication company to check the cell phone number of the blackmailer."


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"Zhao Ming, you inform Lu Wen of the technical team to come out with us."

"All right."


Pengxin home.

This is a high-end community, are large houses, very close to the seaside, can afford to buy a house here is rich or expensive.

In an SUV.

Li Hui rubbed his hands and asked Han Bin, "binzi, when I see Mu Xinran, can I have an autograph?""When did you start chasing stars?" Han Bin surprised way.

"Hey, stars, there are always people who like them. It may be useful to ask for a signature." Li Hui said with a smile.

"Huige, you're trying to please someone you just met." Zhao Ming guessed.

"Go ahead, it's none of your business." Li Hui snorted.

Li Xia said to the security guard that the two cars went directly out of the garage.

Li Xia takes Lu Wen upstairs first, and Han Bin and others wait in the car.

"Why do I suddenly feel a little nervous?" Zhao Ming took a deep breath.

"Nervous what?"

"It's the first time I've ever seen a star when I'm so old. I used to see it on TV. Today I suddenly saw myself. I always feel strange." Zhao Ming said.

"Look at your promise. Stars are human beings. They can have more brains." Li Hui turned his lips and seemed to have forgotten what he had just wanted to ask for someone's autograph.

Han Bin smiles. He doesn't pursue stars, but it's the first time he's seen a star, and he's looking forward to it.

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After a while, Lu Wen calls Han Bin to go up.

Han Bin and others on the elevator, directly to the seventh floor.

Li Xia stood at the door of the elevator waiting, leading Han Bin and others into room 701.

A door, is a spacious living room, a large area, you can see from the living room, the house is at least a four bedroom.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room is a 30-year-old woman with long hair and a shawl. She is very beautiful. Han Bin also feels familiar. She is mu Xinran, the star of the entertainment industry.

"Xinran, this is officer Han of the criminal police team." Li Xia said.

"Hello, officer Han." Mu Xinran stood up and said politely.

"Hello." Han Bin nodded.

"Comrades of the police, please sit down." Li Xia said.

Han Bin sat on the sofa and asked Lu Wen, "is there any monitoring and monitoring equipment in the living room?"

"Nothing." Lu Wendao.

Han Bin nodded and said, "the technical team will have a rest first. After a while, we will finish the recording, and then check the camera in the room."

“OK。” Lu Wen should habitually hold his glasses with his palm.

After explaining his work, Han Bin looks to Mu Xinran, who is the first time to get in close contact with a female star. He can't help looking at each other.

Muxinran is very beautiful, but she is very thin, flat and has no beauty of lines.

This figure may be more photogenic, but Han Bin still likes to be forward and backward.

To tell you the truth, Han Bin is a little disappointed. Mu Xinran is a beauty in the entertainment industry, and her face is really beautiful, but in terms of her figure, she is not as good as Han Bin's ex girlfriend.

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