Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 251: 251

"Don't be nervous, Miss mu. I'll make a note for you first." Li Hui said and turned on the law enforcement recorder.

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Mu Xinran squeezed out a smile and nodded.

Li Hui began his routine inquiry: "name, age, gender..."

"Mu Xinran, 30, female..."

"Wait a minute." Han Bin waved his hand and interjected: "is mu Xinran the name on your ID card?"

Mu Xinran hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "no"

"the information for taking notes must be the same as the information on your ID card, do you understand?" Han Bin said.

"I see." Mu Xinran answered.

Li Hui asked again: "name, age, gender..."

"My real name is mufang, 34 years old, female..."

Zhao Ming eyebrows a pick, some surprised saw Mu Xinran one eye, name also just, how even age is also false?

"When did you get the blackmail call?" Li Hui then asked.

"Yesterday, the eighth of November."

"The exact time."

"At ten o'clock yesterday morning, as soon as I got up, I got a blackmail call."

"What did the blackmailer say at that time?"

"He said," I have a private video on hand. If you want to go back, prepare a ransom of 10 million. Otherwise, I will put it on the Internet. " Mu Xinran recalled.

"Did you say how to pay the ransom?"

"He said let me get the money ready and wait for his call."

"How many times has he called?" Han Bin asked.


"Blackmail video, show me." Han Bin suggested.

Mu Xinran hesitated for a moment and said awkwardly, "this is my personal video. I was changing clothes at that time. It's not convenient."

"It's no inconvenience. I'm a policeman. I'm here to solve the case. I have to check all valuable clues myself." Han Bin is right.

Mu Xinran hesitates for a moment, unlocks his mobile phone, finds a video and hands it to Han Bin.

Han Bin opened the video and looked at it carefully.

Li Hui and Zhao Ming are also curious, but their professionalism is obviously not as good as Han Bin's. They still have no good intention to look around and have a feeling of scratching their heart with cat's claws.

Han Bin glanced at Li Hui beside him: "what are you doing in a daze? Continue to take notes."

"Well Li Hui answered, but he couldn't make any effort.

"Is it in this house where the video was taken?" Li Hui asked.

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"Yes, in the master bedroom." Mu Xinran said.

"According to your estimation, which day did you take the photo secretly?"

"I don't know exactly which day, but I bought this new set of pajamas. It should have been taken after I went back to Qindao this time." Mu Xinran said.

"When did you go back to Qindao?"

"November 3rd."

"That is to say, the time of candid shooting is between November 3 and November 7." Han Bin said.

"I think so." Mu Xinran said.

"Zhao Ming and Lu Wen, go and check the door lock for any signs of being prized." Han Bin said.

After they got up and left, Han Bin continued to ask, "do you often come to live in this house?"

"No, I usually live in the capital. I usually come to Qindao to relax when I'm not filming. I come here about six or seven times a year, which adds up to about a month." Mu Xinran said.

"Who knows when you go back to qin island this time?" Han Bin asked.

"Agency, my parents, my husband, my assistant." Mu Xinran said.

"Who was there when they were secretly taking pictures?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm the only one who bought this house for the sake of cleanliness. I seldom invite friends to come here."

"Your wife doesn't live here?"

"He's in business. He's busy at work and has no time for me." Mu Xinran explained.

At this time, Zhao Ming came over: "brother bin, we have checked, the door lock is intact, there is no sign of being pried."

Han Bin nodded and continued to ask Mu Xinran: "when you come back this time, do you find any traces of damaged windows?"


"Who has the key to this house?" Han Bin said.

"Just me, and my husband." Mu Xinran said.



"Where is your husband now?"

"Still out of town."

Han Bin touched his chin: "didn't you tell him that you were blackmailed?"

"My husband is talking about a very important project. I don't want to distract him, so I haven't told him for the time being." Mu Xinran explained.

"When you return to Qindao this time, who has been to this house?"

"Just me and Li Xia.""Does Li Xia live here, too?" Han Bin asked.

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"I like to be quiet, so I ordered a hotel for Li Xia. I usually come to her when I have something to do." Mu Xinran said.

"Did you move the camera in the bedroom?" Han Bin asked.

"I don't dare to let too many people know. If I can't do it myself, I won't move."

"Are you not afraid of being monitored?" Li Hui doubts.

"The one monitored is the master bedroom. I changed to the second bedroom." Mu Xinran said.

"Where is the master bedroom?" Han Bin asked.

Mu Xinran pointed to the back of the sofa: "this is the room."

Han Bin looked at the orientation of the room and said to Lu Wen: "according to the monitoring angle, the monitoring should be above the door, probably near the central air conditioning."

Reuven nodded.

"Find the camera, collect fingerprints, and just take it down." Han Bin said.

"Tear down directly, can you disturb blackmailer, detect Mu Xinran called the police?" Li Hui asked.

"Even if Mu Xinran doesn't call the police, she will dismantle the camera. It's impossible to keep it all the time. It's not directly related to the police." Han Bin explained.

Muxinran is not a person, she has money, behind the brokerage company, to deal with a camera is not difficult.

"Miss mu, I hope you can inform your husband and come to the police station as soon as possible to make a record." Han Bin said.

"You suspect my husband?" Mu Xinran frowned.

"There's no doubt, just a routine inquiry." Han Bin said.

"However, he hasn't been to Qindao during this period of time, which has nothing to do with it. There's no need to ask him." Mu Xinran said.

"There is no sign that the door lock has been pried. Only you and your husband have the key to the house. We asked him to make a record. We just wanted to ask if he lost or lent the key to others, so as to rule out some possible accidents." Han Bin said.

"I see." Mu Xinran answered in a low voice.

"I'd like to check your house again to see if I can find any other clues." Han Bin said.

"Whatever you like." Mu Xinran got up and made a gesture of please.

Han Bin in the living room around, did not find suspicious clues, and went to other bedrooms around, still did not see anything unusual, however, when he went to the balcony, found an ashtray, which put some cigarette ends.

At this time, Zhao Ming and Li Hui also went to other houses to search.

In the living room, only mu Xinran and Li Xia sat on the sofa.

Han Bin walked over and sat down beside Mu Xinran: "Miss mu, have you committed any crimes recently?"

"No, I never take the initiative to offend people."

"Do you have any suspects?" Han Bin asked.

"No Mu Xinran shook his head.

Han Bin shows a thoughtful look, takes out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, and hands them to Mu Xinran.

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"Thank you. I don't smoke." Mu Xinran declined.

Han Bin hands the cigarette to Li Xia again.

"I won't either." Li Xia refused.

"Since you don't smoke, I won't smoke either, so that you won't get used to it." Han Bin smiles and puts the cigarette away.

"By the way, has the house been cleaned recently?" Han Bin asked.

"On the morning of November 3, I cleaned the room. Because it was vacant for a long time and the dust in the room was not small, I was glad to clean it. I would clean it every time before I checked in." Li Xia said.

Han Bin's face doesn't show, but he has some doubts in his heart.

He saw the ashtray on the balcony, which left cigarette ends. If both of them didn't smoke, then there must be a third person who had come. When taking notes just now, Mu Xinran said that only she and Li Xia had come to the house, obviously lying.

"From November 3 to today, you are really the only two people who have been to this house?" Han Bin reconfirmed.

"Yes." Mu Xinran answered.

Han Bin turned to Li Xia and said, "did you clean the balcony on November 3?"

"I cleaned it. The balcony was very clean. There was no debris, so I wiped the floor." Li Xia said.

"I went to the balcony just now and found an ashtray on the balcony with cigarette ends left in it." When Han Bin talks, his eyes stare at Mu Xinran's expression: "since you two don't smoke, who left the cigarette end?"

Mu Xinran frowned slightly, lowered his head and said: "sorry, I lied."

"Look up and answer me, who smokes?"

Mu Xinran took a deep breath: "it's me."

"Why lie?"

Mu Xinran pinched his forehead, showing a helpless look: "I'm an actor. When I'm filming, I need to play all kinds of roles and socialize with all kinds of people. I'm under a lot of pressure and can't talk to others. Occasionally I smoke to relieve pressure.""I'm not interested in the reason why you smoke. Why do you lie?" Han Binzhi asked.

"I am a public figure. I am a good wife and a good actor. My image does not allow me to smoke. This is also the rule set by the brokerage company. Once I violate this rule and am photographed by the media or paparazzi, I will face compensation for breach of contract." Mu Xinran said.

"I'm a policeman, not a paparazzi. I'm not interested in your smoking, but you deliberately conceal or cover up some clues related to the case, which may affect the police investigation." Han Bin warned.

"Yes, I know it's wrong. I will never cheat you again." Mu Xinran said sincerely.

Han Bin has been staring at each other, and did not find the signs of muxinran lie.

"What are you smoking?"

"Ah Mu Xinran was surprised.

"I asked you what kind of cigarette you smoked?" Han Bin repeated.

"I..." Mu Xinran recalled a moment and said, "Yunyan, what I smoke is Yunyan."

"Bang!" As soon as Han Bin patted the tea table, he scolded: "nonsense, the cigarette end in the ashtray is clearly China, and you dare to lie!"

Mu Xinran took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm too nervous. I generally like to smoke Yunyan, but this time I came to Qindao, I didn't bring a cigarette, so I took a box of my husband's Zhonghua from the cupboard. My husband prefers to smoke this brand."

"Ha ha." Han Bin laughed.

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Han Bin's laughter, let Mu Xinran some bottomless, asked: "officer Han, what's the problem?"

"The cigarette end in the ashtray is not Zhonghua, it's Yunyan." Han Bin said.

Mu Xinran was stunned, and the forehead was covered with fine sweat beads. It was already winter yesterday, and today there was no heating. At this time, I was sweating. It was definitely not hot.

"Officer Han, you're really joking."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Han Bin asked.

Li Xia got up and walked towards the balcony.

"Stop." Han Bin scolded, warned: "to provide false clues to the police, mislead the police to handle a case, but to bear criminal responsibility."

Li Xia stopped, turned around and said, "officer Han, I'm going to pour you a glass of water."

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm not thirsty." Han Bin said.

Li Hui saw the situation here and went to Han Bin.

"Miss mu, you voluntarily report to the police. Our police are here to help you solve the case. If you deliberately provide false clues, you are indirectly helping the suspect." Li Hui said.

Mu Xinran's face was a little ugly, biting his lower lip: "I didn't provide false clues, I really didn't do that."

"Who left the cigarette ends on the balcony?" Han Bin asked.

Mu Xinran bowed his head and said nothing.

"If you don't want to say it here, let's change places." Han Bin got up and said to the crowd, "take them back to the police station to take notes."

"Officer Han, please wait a moment, I said, I'll tell you everything." Mu Xinran quickly gets up and holds Han Bin's arm.

She is a public figure. Once she goes to the police station with Han Bin, she will make headlines the next day. It doesn't matter whether she is a victim or a suspect. It's not good for her.

Han Bin turned and pulled out his arm: "say."

Mu Xinran frowned and remained silent for a while. She said, "besides me and Li Xia, there are other people who have been here."


"It's a friend of mine."

"Be specific."

"His name is Li hanxuan. He came here to see me. He smoked the cigarettes on the balcony." Mu Xinran said.

Han Bin sat down, opened his diary and said, "why do you hide it on purpose?"

"Li hanxuan is also an artist, but he and I are not the same brokerage company. He also wanted to come to our brokerage company, so he wanted to help introduce through me, because it involves the company's secrets, so I didn't tell you." Mu Xinran sighed, as if afraid of Han Bin's disbelief, and added:

"once the brokerage company knows about his private contact with me, it is likely that he will be blocked, and his contract has not expired, so he can't come to our brokerage company immediately. After being snowed by the brokerage company for a period of time, he may not sign him again, so I dare not expose it Contact with him. "

Han Bin stares at Mu Xinran and praises: "for the time being, you are a good actor."

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