Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 252: 252

"Thank you."

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Mu Xinran squeezed out a smile, as if Han Bin was really praising her.

It's not easy for women who can mix in the entertainment industry. Houheixue is a compulsory course, which makes it easier to eat.

"Where is Li hanxuan?" Han Bin asked.

"It should still be in Qindao."

"Do you know about your blackmail?"

"I don't know."

"Call him over and we'll take a note of him." Han Bin said.

Mu Xin hesitated: "I think, he should have no problem, don't doubt him."

"Why do you say that?"


"Then you feel who's taking pictures to blackmail you?" Han Bin asked.

"I'll call him." Mu Xinran answered, picked up the mobile phone and said: "then how can I tell him?"

"Just say you have something to talk to him about."

"What is he going to do for me?"

"It's not convenient to talk on a mobile phone, it's not convenient to talk about an interview."

"That's not good." Mu Xinran hesitated.

"Not everyone is willing to cooperate with the police in handling a case. Some people are against the police. If the person involved does not cooperate with the summons, it may affect the progress of handling a case. You can handle it yourself." Han Bin said.

"OK, I'll contact him now." Mu Xinran finished, walked into the side of the second lying.

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At this time, Lu Wen came out of the master bedroom with a camera and Toolbox: "team leader Han, the camera has been removed."

"Any fingerprints?"


Han Bin put on gloves, took the camera to observe, asked: "how does this camera work?"

"The camera is connected to the power supply and can be monitored all the time. Once the storage space is used up, it will be covered." Lu Wen said.

"How did the suspect get the content of the surveillance video?"

"The memory card can be copied directly or transmitted over wireless network." Lu Wen said.

"How do you think the suspect got the video?" Han Bin said.

"The second kind of wireless network transmission."

"Can we find the suspect through transmission?" Han Bin said.

"As long as the camera is connected to the wireless network, it can transmit the video. It can be either a wireless WiFi or a mobile hotspot. All we can get from the camera's mobile phone is a used network account name."

"What's the name of an online account?" Han Bin asked.

Lu Wen supported his chin with his palm and said, "I love you little Ranran."

"What is it?"

"I love you little Ranran."

Han Bin this time heard clearly, took out the mobile phone to search the WiFi, but did not find the name of the network account.

The suspect either changed the wireless network account name, or used a mobile phone hotspot, which can only be found when it is started.

"Is this transmission fast?" Han Bin asked.

"Not too soon."

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"That is to say, if the suspect wants to transmit video, he should have stayed near the house for a period of time." Han Bin said.

"Yes, the wireless network signal must be able to cover the camera. It should be within a radius of 20 meters."

"Li Hui and Zhao Ming, you two go to the monitoring area to see if there are any suspicious people who have been to this floor." Han Bin said.


"Reuven, you collect the cigarette ends from the ashtray on the balcony."

"I see."

After arranging the task, Han Bin out of the house, began to walk in the corridor, turn around, did not find abnormal.

Then Han Bin went into the stairway and found two cigarette butts in the corner of the stairway platform.

If you want to transfer the video stored in the camera to the mobile phone and computer, the camera must be connected to the network, and the coverage area of the wireless network is only about 20 meters. It takes a certain time to upload the video, and the suspect must have stayed nearby for a period of time.

Stairway is not easy to be found, it is a good hiding place, and the two cigarette butts are likely to be left by the suspect.

Han Bin called a technician to collect the two cigarette butts and take them back to the branch for identification.

Han Bin took off his gloves, and after returning to the hall again, Mu Xinran had finished calling and was sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Li Xia on one side intentionally reminded: "officer Han."

Mu Xinran came back and looked at Han Bin and said, "officer Han, I've contacted Li hanxuan. He's on his way here. He can come here in about half an hour."

"I'll wait for him." Han Bin nodded.

"Officer Han, there is a drink in the refrigerator. What would you like to drink?" Mu Xin Ran asks a way.

"Don't mention it. I'm not thirsty." Han Bin waved his hand, and then seemed to think of something: "how many keys are there in your house?"Han Bin also bought locks. Generally speaking, each lock has several spare keys.

"I don't remember that." Mu Xinran recalled a moment: "however, the spare key should be put in the drawer."

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"You find out and let me see."

"In the master bedroom, I'll get it." Mu Xin Ran gets up a way.

"I'll go with you." Han Bin followed him.

The bedroom of muxinran's home is very large, with a separate balcony and independent bathroom, a row of tall wardrobe and a beautiful dressing table.

Mu Xinran went to the dresser and reached for the drawer.

Han Bin stopped each other: "are you sure it's in these three drawers?"

"I remember putting it here. I'm not sure if it is." Mu Xinran said.

Han Bin put on gloves: "you stand aside, I'll look for you."

"Good." Mu Xinran answered a, stepped back two steps.

Han Bin opened the drawer and began to look inside. In the first drawer, he put some lipstick and cosmetics.

In the second drawer are underwear, socks and some accessories.

The third drawer was a mess.

Han Bin found a transparent plastic box with three keys, one blue handle, one yellow handle and one green handle.

Through the plastic box, Han Bin observed the key inside and asked, "have you ever used or touched these spare keys?"

"I don't think so. I'm very careful about my privacy. I won't give the key to others easily." Mu Xinran said.

"These three spare keys, I'll take them back to the police station to check." Han Bin said.

"You are free. If something like this happens, the lock must be changed. It's useless to keep it." Mu Xinran sighed.

Han Bin took the key, ready to leave the bedroom, Mu Xinran said: "officer Han, what brand is the cigarette end on the balcony?"

"Is it important now?" Han Bin asked.

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Mu Xinran showed a wry smile: "I know that you may have a problem with me, and I did make a mistake, but I didn't mean to deceive you. I hope you can understand."

Han Bin opened his mouth, just ready to speak, Mu Xinran's mobile phone suddenly wanted to ring: "hum."

Mu Xinran opened his mobile phone and said, "it's a message from Li Han. When he arrived, he asked if it was convenient for us to come in."

"Invite him in."

Mu Xinran answered a, after leaving the bedroom, went to the porch, opened the door of the room: "Xiao Li, come in."

"Yes, sister mu." A young man answered, but as soon as he walked into the porch, he saw Han Bin and others in the living room and stopped.

"Sister mu, you still have guests here."

"Well, there's something wrong with me. These police comrades are here to investigate the case." Mu Xinran showed a touch of bitterness.

"Sister, please come to me..." The man asked.

Han Bin walked over and looked at the young man. He was very handsome, quite tall and thin.

"Are you Li hanxuan?"

"It's me." The man answered a, turn head to hope to Han Bin: "who are you?"

"I'm a policeman." Han Bin said.

Li hanxuan said hastily, "Hello, uncle policeman."

"Uncle policeman?" Han Bin laughed and asked, "how old are you?"

"I'm eighteen years old." Li hanxuan said.

Hanbin some surprised, turned to one side of the Mu Xinran, secret way: "city will play."

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