Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 255: 255

Eight o'clock the next morning.

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Han Bin and others rushed to the branch office.

Zheng Kaixuan also returns from Mu Xinran's home, Tian Li and the technical team are still staring at Mu Xinran's home.

In order to save time, people gathered the facts of the case while having breakfast.

Han Bin handed Zheng Kaixuan a cup of hot soybean milk and asked, "team Zheng, was there anything wrong last night?"

Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand, took a sip of soybean milk first, and then slowly said, "it was a calm night. Tian Li and I had a rest in shifts."

"The suspect made a blackmail call at 10 a.m. the day before yesterday. It's been two days. He hasn't contacted Mu Xinran any more. It's not in line with common sense." Han Bin said.

"Can it be the reason for the large amount of extortion? It will certainly take time to raise 10 million in cash." Li Hui guessed.

"I'm a little curious about how to pay the 10 million ransom." Zhao Mingdao.

"If you want me to say, it's too fast to be a star, or you won't be targeted." Sun Xiaopeng said.

Zheng Kaixuan ate half of the fried dough sticks, padded his stomach and asked, "is there any news from the technical team?"

"When I came here, I went around. Ruven was busy in the lab, and I think the result would come soon." Han Bin said.

"Mu Xinran's husband should be able to arrive today. Make a note for him." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"I see."

"When I left today, Mu Xinran begged me not to tell her husband about her and Li hanxuan." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

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"As long as it has nothing to do with the case, no one will chew the tongue." Han Bin said with a smile.

The criminal police team deals with criminal cases, and family disputes are not their responsibility.

At the beginning, there was an online dating homicide case. The husband of a person involved in the case asked Tian Li about the relationship between her wife and the suspect. As a result, she was directly rebuffed by Tian Li. She wanted to know how to go home and ask her wife.

Tian Li's approach seems inhuman, but it is the right choice.

Tian Li understands the facts of the case. Even if she sympathizes with her husband, she can't reveal anything. This is discipline.

Unlike the police, the criminal police need to maintain enough dignity to deter criminals.

The family of the police and the people refers to the grass-roots police. The service object is the common people in the community. It is necessary to serve the people.

If the criminal police also learn this, the common people will have no sense of security.

After dinner, Zheng Kaixuan went home to sleep.

Han Bin packed the equipment, ready to take people to Mu Xinran home to replace Tian Li.

Just walked to the office door, just met Lu Wen.

Lu Wen has a black eye and a stack of documents in his hand.

Han Bin went back to the office, asked Lu Wen to sit on the chair and asked, "I stayed up late last night."

"Yes, I haven't even returned home, so I've been in the dormitory for more than three hours." Reuven yawned.

"Hard work." Han Bin said politely: "Xiaopeng, go and pour a cup of tea."

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"No, I'll give the test report to your group, go back to sleep for a while, don't drink tea and give the whole spirit." Lu Wen said with a bitter smile.

"Well, that's enough. We've checked all the evidence."

"Only three copies have come out for the time being." Lu Wen said and handed the report to Han Bin.

Han Bin took a look, a material identification, a DNA identification, and a mobile phone.

Lu Wen or according to the Convention, a brief introduction: "the cigarette ends in the balcony ashtray and Li hanxuan's DNA match, it's really his cigarette."

"Only muxinran's fingerprints were found on the plastic box of the equipment key, and no one's fingerprints were found on the three spare keys. However, I did a detailed test, and found SiO2 and Al2O3 residues on the green handle keys, but the content was very small and difficult to detect with the naked eye." Lu Wen said.

"What do these two substances represent?" Li Hui doubts.

"The main components of aluminosilicate are SiO2 and Al2O3." Lu Wen explained.

"I said glasses, can you pain faster, one step in place." Li Hui rolled his eyes and said as if he knew what aluminosilicate was.

"Aluminosilicate minerals form clay after weathering on the earth's surface." Han Bin continued.

Lu Wen was a little surprised and gave a thumbs up: "team leader Han, you are professional enough."

"Chief, what does clay on the key mean?" Sun Xiaopeng didn't respond.

"The main component of key inkpad is clay." Han Bin answered and continued to analyze:

"there is no fingerprint on the key, which usually means that no one has touched the key or worn gloves; and clay is found on the key. I think the second one is more likely. Someone uses the key to match the key."

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"There are only three people in Mu Xinran's family recently. Except for her, only Li Xia and Li hanxuan are suspected." Li Hui said.

"Tut Tut, this is a major clue. The key bearer is an accessory, if not the principal offender." Zhao Ming said with a smile.Lu Wen interrupted the discussion and continued: "in another case, when I was trying to recover the video, I found that there was a hidden software in Mu Xinran's mobile phone, which could eavesdrop on incoming calls."

"Who did Mu Xinran offend? Even his mobile phone was bugged." Li Hui said.

"Can I use this software to find the IP address of the monitoring mobile phone?" Han Bin asked.

Lu Wen shook his head: "I don't know much about this either. I can only try to find someone proficient in programming in the technical team. It's not sure if I can trace it."

"In addition, the cigarette end DNA found in the corridor has not been compared successfully, and the video has not been recovered. When there is news, I will inform you to stay."

"Hard work." Han Bin said.

"In this way, we all serve the people." Lu Wen stood up and stretched: "well, you can investigate the case. I'll go to sleep."

After watching Lu Wen leave, Han Bin thought for a moment: "we are divided into two ways. Li Hui and I go to Mu Xinran's house. One is to wait for the blackmailer's phone call, and the other is to take notes for mu Xinran's husband."

"Zhao Ming and Xiaopeng, go to the place near mu Xinran's house to find the key and see if you can find any clues."



Half an hour later, Han Bin and Li Hui arrived at Mu Xinran's home.

Li Xia is busy in the kitchen.

Mu Xinran seems to have just got up, wearing a thin pajamas in the living room to eat, but his face is made up.

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Han Bin doesn't matter. Mu Xinran's legs are beautiful, but his overall figure is flat.

In summer, there are many beauties who show their thighs. Han Bin hasn't seen them before. He's already seen them.

However, Li Hui was a little bit worse. He was a little bit unnatural and his eyes were a little bit evasive. He didn't dare to aim at Mu Xinran.

Han Bin looked at Mu Xinran and joked: "Miss mu, you dress so casually. You really don't treat us as outsiders."

"The heating may be on these two days. The house is very dry." Mu Xinran answered and continued: "officer Han, can I go out today?"

"What's the matter?" Blackmailer may call at any time, muxinran out, Hanbin also have to follow out.

"Ah." Mu Xinran sighed: "yesterday, your technician took my mobile phone. I want to buy a new one. I'll be back soon."

"He gave you a spare cell phone." Han Bin said.

"That phone is too old for me to use." Mu Xinran shrugged his shoulders.

Referring to mobile phones, Han Bin asked: "where did you buy your previous mobile phone?"

Mu Xinran recalled: "it's not bought, it's given by others."

"Who sent it?"

"Ma pengkun"

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