Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 256: 256

"The head of new era entertainment?"

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"Yes, Mr. Ma."

"Why did Ma pengkun send you a mobile phone?" Han Bin asked.

"At that time, Apple's mobile phone just came into the market. Ma pengkun said it was welfare, and the company's star staff had a share." Mu Xinran finished, some doubts:

"officer Han, what's the problem?"

Han Bin glanced at the direction of the kitchen, whispered: "we found eavesdropping software in your mobile phone."

"Eavesdropping software!" Mu Xinran showed a look of surprise: "that is not to say that my every move has been monitored."

"That's not true. It's just monitoring your calls." Han Bin said.

"Damn, Ma did such a disgusting thing." Mu Xin spat a breath.

"How do you know he did it?"

"He gave me his cell phone. Who else Mu Xinran gritted his teeth.

"Is there any evidence?" Han Bin asked.

Investigation is about evidence. Even the mobile phone Ma pengkun sent can't prove that it's the eavesdropping software he installed. Anyone who has contacted the mobile phone is suspected.


"This matter, our police through technical means to trace, for the time being do not disturb Ma pengkun, lest he be alert." Han Bin reminds.


Han Bin pointed to the direction of the kitchen: "let's not talk about Li Xia for the moment."

"I understand." Mu Xinran nodded.

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Li Xia is also a member of the new era entertainment company.

Han Bin's suspicion of Li Xia has risen a little, but because there is no direct evidence, he has not taken action against her.

Half an hour later, there was a door opening sound outside.

"Click Creak... " A sound, the door opened from the outside, a tall man came in.

The man is very handsome, tall, wearing a casual suit, a black baseball cap, carrying a suitcase.

"Ran Ran." The man strode in.

"Gengmin." Mu Xinran stood up from the sofa and quickly ran to the porch.

The man hugged Mu Xinran and turned a circle in situ: "Ran Ran Ran, I miss you so much."

"Gengmin, I miss you too." Mu Xinran's voice choked.

"However, I'm not good. When you need me most, I'm not by your side. It's all my fault." The man said piteously.

"Gengmin, it's not your fault, as long as you come back."


See these two people's behavior, Han Bin was stunned, some speechless.

According to Han Bin's guess, this man should be mu Xinran's husband.

Li Hui tugged Han Bin's arm: "binzi, the relationship between the two is very good."

"They are husband and wife, and you are in charge."

"Hey, hey." Li Hui, with a smile, replied: "this man's hat has a good style. It's just the color. Tut tut..."

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Han Bin is too lazy to pay attention to him and ignores Li Hui's words.

This kid's mouth is short.

I guess it's no wonder in my life.

Mu Xinran showed her love as if no one else. Then she pointed to Han Bin beside the sofa and said, "Geng min, this is Han Bin, the police officer in charge of my case."

"Hello, officer Han. I'm Ranran's husband, Zhao gengmin."


"Thank you for taking care of Ranran while I'm away." Zhao gengmin took the initiative to shake hands with Han Bin.

"It's not care, it's duty."

"Officer Han, have you caught the bad guy who blackmailed Ranran?" Asked Zhao gengmin.

"Not yet. Please come back. I hope you can assist the police in the investigation."

"If there's anything I need to do, it's OK." Zhao gengmin said.

"Please cooperate with us to make a record in the study."

"No problem." Zhao gengmin happily agreed.

"Gengmin, have a cup of tea first." Mu Xinran quickly poured a cup of tea and brought it to Zhao gengmin.

"Well, that's very kind of you." Zhao gengmin said with a smile.

"Ah..." Li Hui sighed, always feeling ironic.

He always felt that it was a very sad thing that he had been single for so many years.

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Now seeing Zhao gengmin, Li Hui has some balance in his mind. He is more handsome and taller than himself, and he is not wearing the same hat.

"Dalao, have a cup of tea first."


Twenty minutes later.

Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao gengmin entered the study.

Li Hui turns on the law enforcement recorder, and Han Bin routinely asks, "name, age, occupation..."

"Zhao gengmin, 34, businessman..."

"Mr. Zhao, have you been back to Qindao recently?" Han Bin asked.

"No"Have you ever used the key to this house?"

"It's impossible. How can I give the key to an outsider?" Zhao gengmin shook his head.

"When did you know that Ms. Mu was secretly photographed?" Han Bin asked.

"I didn't know until yesterday."

Zhao gengmin took a deep breath and clenched his fist: "I was almost angry. Which bastard actually did such shameless things. If I knew, I would not let him go!"

Han Bin has been observing Zhao gengmin. Through micro expression analysis, his anger is true.

"It seems that you love Ms. Mu very much." Han Bin has always thought that the love just now has something to show, but when it comes to muxinran being secretly photographed, Zhao gengmin is very angry and obviously cares about it.

If Zhao gengmin really loves Mu Xinran, then this love will be a little heavy.

"Yes, I love her very much. She's the love of my life." Zhao gengmin finished, the right corner of his mouth slightly tilted up.

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It's a typical look of contempt.

Han Bin frowned. The concern in front and the contempt behind were two different attitudes.

If we use Han Bin's analysis to explain, Zhao gengmin is very concerned about muxinran's being photographed, and he is angry about it, but he doesn't love muxinran very much, and even ridicules it.

"Do you have any doubts about Ms. Mu being secretly photographed?" Han Bin asked.


Zhao gengmin sighed and frowned: "the entertainment industry is a vanity fair. There are all kinds of people. I have advised her to quit the entertainment industry for a long time. I raised her, but she just doesn't listen. She likes acting and guessing roles, and money is the second."

"You haven't answered my question. Are there any suspects?"

"I'm a businessman. I'm not very clear about the entertainment industry. You'd better ask Ranran." Zhao gengmin shook his head.

Han Bin is still a little puzzled. If Zhao gengmin doesn't love Mu Xinran, why do he care so much about her being stolen?

What is the relationship between the couple?

"What's your business, Mr. Zhao?" Han Bin tried.

"Develop real estate."

"How did you come to Qindao?" Han Bin asked.

"When I learned about this, I flew over for the first time. No job, contract or meeting was as important as our family." Zhao gengmin's zhengse road.

Han Bin touched his chin, feeling that Zhao gengmin's attitude was somewhat deliberate.

Li Hui sat on one side without saying a word, but his eyes were always involuntarily glancing at Zhao gengmin's head.

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