Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 263: 263

According to Mu Xinran, she received a blackmail call on October 7, and since then, she has never received a blackmail call.

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There was no blackmail call, and the police did not record the call, so there was no direct evidence to prove that Jiang Erkang blackmailed.

For this point, Han Bin has always been confused, according to the general case of blackmail, blackmailers can not be three days without a phone call.

"Bin elder brother, discovered a key, suspect is mu Xinran's home." Zhao Ming said.

Wearing gloves, Han Bin took the key to have a look and asked, "Jiang Erkang, how do you say this?"

"It's Mu Xinran's home." Jiang Erkang readily admitted.

"You're quite right." Zhao Ming snorted.

"No matter whether you are taking pictures secretly or blackmailing, it's a crime. Come with us." Han Bin said.

"Wait a minute. There should be no need for the criminal police to take such a small matter. Even if I have to take my husband to investigate, it should be a matter of the police station." Guo Jiahui stopped.

"Do you think it's reasonable for your husband to install videos in other people's bedrooms and secretly take pictures of other people's privacy?" Zhao Ming asked.

"As long as people make mistakes, it's impossible to correct them if they know what's wrong. Haven't you heard of that?" Guo Huijia did not show weakness.

"What's his crime? It needs further investigation. You don't need to teach us how to do it?" Han Bin put down a word, way: "handcuff him up, take away."

"Wife, I'll go with the police comrades. You look good at home." Jiang Erkang said.

"Don't worry. I'll get a lawyer. You'll be out soon." Guo Huijia comforted.

"Thank you, wife."

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"Husband, I love you." Guo Jiahui gives Jiang Erkang a kiss on the cheek.

"Me too." Jiang Erkang hugged each other.

This couple's performance is very abnormal, Han Bin guessed that Guo Jiahui should be related to the case: "Miss Guo, please also make a record with our police station."

"This case has nothing to do with me, and I don't have time." Guo Jiahui showed her hand.

"Comrades of the police, I did it by myself, not by my wife." Jiang Erkang stands in front of Guo Jiahui.

"Binzi, the search has been finished." Li huidao.

"Close up."


In an hour.

Yuhua Branch Office, group 2.

Jiang Erkang has been taken to the sub Bureau, but Han Bin did not immediately interrogate, but called everyone to the office to gather clues.

In addition to Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao Ming, Tian Li and sun Xiaopeng also returned to the office.

Han Bin turned to one side of Tian Li, a brief introduction: "Jiang Erkang has been caught back, he only admitted to secretly photographed, do not admit extortion."

"We checked the accounts of Jiang Erkang and Li Xia. Jiang Erkang transferred 2 million yuan to Li Xia some time ago. He spent so much money just for the purpose of taking pictures. I don't believe it." Tian Li Road.

"I also think there is something wrong with this case. The key is that we have no evidence now." Han Bin said.

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"I think there is something wrong with Guo Huijia. When a woman hears about her husband's candid shooting, she will feel ashamed and disappointed. She may even reprimand her husband in front of the police. Guo Huijia is very calm and supports her husband. I don't think it's so simple." Li huidao.

"This Guo Huijia is probably also an accomplice." Zhao Ming said subconsciously.

"Evidence, what we lack now is evidence." Tian Li spread out her hand and continued: "how can we prove that Jiang Erkang has blackmail, and how can we prove that Guo Jiahui is related to the case?"

"I'll rearrange the task." Han Bin thought for a moment:

"Zhao Ming and Xiao Peng, go to check the financial situation of Jiang Erkang and his wife, where the two million Yuan Jiang Erkang transferred to Li Xia came from, and they are moving, and check the situation of the house."


"Tian Li, go to Mu Xinran's house and make a note for her to help provide evidence of Jiang Erkang's blackmail."


Han Bin and Li Hui walked into the interrogation room one after another with a teacup.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Erkang nodded: "good leaders."

"It's all right for you to worry about it." Li Hui snorted.

"I'm willing to cooperate with the police investigation, and I'm willing to do meritorious service and commute my sentence." Jiang Erkang is right.

After sitting at the table, Han Bin made a routine inquiry and said with a straight face, "then tell me what crime you have committed."

"I shouldn't have photographed other people. I was wrong."

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Han Bin took a pen and knocked on the table: "why do you secretly take photos of Mu Xinran?"

"Like her, want to know more about her." Jiang Erkang road.

"The way you like people is quite special. Install cameras in people's bedrooms." Li Hui snorted.

"I'm a man. I don't know what happened at that time. I went to the bedroom on impulse." Jiang Erkang said with a smile.

"It's impulsive of you to transfer two million yuan to Li Xia?" Han Bin asked."There's nothing we can do about it. Otherwise, it can't be done."

"Do you think it's worth spending two million on it"

"it's worth it."

"Have you ever blackmailed Mu Xinran?"

"I called her, but not blackmail." Jiang Erkang said.

"Tell me about the call."

"Ah..." Jiang Erkang sighed: "I especially like the kind of women who are good wives and good mothers. I have seen Mu Xinran's TV dramas, all of which are roles of this kind. I especially like her, and I am not afraid of your jokes. Besides my wife, she is my favorite woman."

"You're a married man. You're not ashamed to say that." Li Hui snorted.

"I didn't do anything wrong to my wife. I just want to see her more." Jiang Erkang rubbed his nose and said with emotion: "I didn't expect muxinran to be a woman with different appearances. Seeing her like a little boy, I was very angry, really very angry."

"And then you blackmail her?"

"I didn't blackmail her. I just felt that she had tarnished Wu's image as a good wife and mother. I felt that she was cheating. She shouldn't play such a role any more. I called her and asked her not to make films and TV dramas in this field. It's better to study abroad, reflect on her cheating behavior over the years, improve her moral standards and be a person who looks the same as she looks." Jiang Erkang said.

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"What if she doesn't?"

"It's just my suggestion. I didn't think so much about it at the time."

"But mu Xinran reported that you sent the video to her and asked her for 10 million blackmail." Han Bin said.

Jiang Erkang shrugged: "I don't have it. I'm not stupid. I'll be shut up for a few days at most for taking secret photos and extorting ten million yuan. But I have to be sentenced. My wife is so beautiful. I can't bear to leave her at home alone."

"Do you think muxinran is framing you?" Han Bin asked.

"It should be."

"Do you know each other? Why did she frame you up? "

"If she doesn't lie, it's an ordinary case of candid shooting, which should be handled by the police station. Do you think the police station can catch me?" Jiang Erkang asked.

Han Bin frowned slightly, his face a little ugly.

Is Jiang Erkang lying?

Or is mu Xinran lying?

Or are neither of them telling the truth?

What are they hiding!

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