Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 264: 264

The trial lasted more than an hour.

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Jiang Erkang still only admitted to the candid shooting, but refused to admit the blackmail.

Jiang Erkang also said that he did not know about Li Xia's planting of Li hanxuan.

If it's only on the charge of secretly taking photos, Jiang Erkang will be shut up for 10 days and a half months at most.

When they got back to the office, others came back one after another.

Zheng Kaixuan holding the thermos cup, glanced at the people: "tell me, how is the case investigation?"

"Jiang Erkang only admits to taking pictures secretly, not extortion." Han Bin said.

"I made another record for mu Xinran, and she couldn't produce any concrete evidence to prove that Jiang Erkang blackmailed her for 10 million, but just urged the police to get back her surveillance video as soon as possible." Tian Li said.

"In other words, do not rule out the suspicion that Mu Xinran lies?" Han Bin asked.

"When you interrogated Jiang Erkang, Tian Li and I interrogated Li Xia. She didn't know whether Jiang Erkang had blackmail." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"How about Jiang Erkang's property investigation?"

"According to our investigation, neither Jiang Erkang nor Guo Jiahui has a formal job at present. Their parents are working families, and their conditions are only average. However, Guo Jiahui just bought a house a few days ago, which is the house we arrested Jiang Erkang." Zhao Ming said.

"In other words, Jiang Erkang may have made a fortune recently." Han Bin analyzed for a while, guessed: "will someone pay, let Jiang Erkang secretly photographed Mu Xinran."

"What's the motivation for that?"

"Mu Xinran is a public figure. Once these photos are posted on the Internet, her career is likely to be ruined." Tian Li subconsciously said.

"In other words, Mu Xinran is likely to offend people, someone deliberately spend money on her." Li huidao.

"Li Xia's two million yuan is worth two or three million yuan to buy a house, and five million yuan to ruin a person's reputation. What's the use of doing such a thing that harms others but does not benefit oneself?" Tian Li shows her hand.

"I'm afraid only the party concerned knows the real reason."

"Dong Dong..." Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

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Xiao Liu at the reception desk stood at the door: "Captain Zheng, Jiang Erkang's wife and lawyer are here."

"Where is it?"


"I see. I'll be right there." Zheng Kaixuan responded.

"Sister, Guo Jiahui is quite capable of tossing." Li Hui spat.

"Binzi, come out with me and have a look." Zheng Kaixuan got up and said.

Then, Han Bin and Zheng Kaixuan leave the office and walk to the reception hall on the first floor. They see a familiar figure, Guo Jiahui, with a man in a suit standing beside him.

"Officer Han, meet again." Guo Jiahui said.

"Miss Guo, what are you doing here?"

"I want to see my husband."

"Sorry, it's still in the stage of investigation. According to the regulations, family members can't see the suspect." Han Bin said.

"This officer, I'm Jiang Erkang's lawyer. I want to see him. That's OK." The man in the suit laughs.

"Yes." Han Bin answered, then turned to Guo Jiahui and said, "Ms. Guo, your husband has just arrived at the police station. Is it necessary to find a lawyer in such a hurry?"

"I've seen a lot of police TV dramas. I'm afraid my husband will suffer losses. I'm sure I'll find a lawyer. My husband will be treated unfairly, and some people will decide for us." Guo Jiahui looked at the lawyer with a smile on her face:

"you're right, lawyer song."

"Yes, as Jiang Erkang's lawyer, I will guarantee his personal safety."

"Ha ha." Han Bin sneered. Guo Jiahui's words were clearly meant for him.

It's even a bit of a threat.

Zheng Kaixuan patted Han Bin on the shoulder and said, "go and be busy. I'll take care of this."

"Yes." Han Bin answered and turned to leave.

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"Well, don't go away." Cried Guo Jiahui.

"Ms. Guo, I'm Zheng Kaixuan, deputy leader of the criminal investigation team. You can tell me something."

"That's about the same."


Back to the office, Han Bin nest a bellyful of fire, the case from the beginning to do not go well.

This is not to say how difficult the case is, but from the reporter, the victim to the suspect, it seems that they are deliberately hiding something, and they do not tell the truth to the police.

"Binzi, what's Guo Jiahui doing here?" Li Hui asked.

"What else can she do? She asked a lawyer to escort Jiang Erkang." Han Bin hummed.

"What are we doing now?"

"Have the mobile phones and computers found by Jiang Erkang been sent to the technical team?"

"It's gone." Li huidao.

"In this way, Tian Li, you go to team Zheng and help cope with Guo Jiahui."

"Yes.""Others are off duty." Han Bin said.

"Not today?" Zhao Ming was surprised.

"Go back early today and check again tomorrow." Han Bin said.


In a red QQ car.

Li Hui turned his head and looked at Han Bin beside him. For the first time, he saw that Han Bin was not very attentive to the case.

"Binzi, it's not like your style to leave work so early today." Li huidao.

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Han Bin shook his head: "it's not that I've changed, but that this case is different from the previous one."

"What's the difference?" Li Hui asked.

"In the past, we dealt with big and important cases, and no one dared to answer the charges easily. But this time, the case is different. The case is small, but the interests involved are large. Li Xia just stole a key and got two million yuan in royalties." Han Bin frowned and organized the language:

"according to my analysis, Jiang Erkang should also be instructed by others, and he gets more benefits, at least more than Li Xia. The punishment for the crime of secretly photographing is very small. At most, he will be closed for 10 days and a half months. If it was you, what would you do?"

"You mean Jiang Erkang will take care of it." Li Hui said subconsciously.

"From the current situation, this possibility is great." Han Bin said.

"Who did Mu Xinran offend? Someone is willing to spend so much money on her! " Li Hui said with emotion.

"Muxinran is not a good product. This woman must have something to hide from the police. She may even be suspected of reporting false police." Han Bin hummed.

"You suspect blackmail is false?" Li Hui was surprised.

"It's impossible for Jiang Erkang to spend so much effort on candid photography just for interest. I think extortion should exist, but the content of extortion should not be money, it should involve other things, just be concealed by muxinran." Han Bin guessed.

"If Mu Xinran doesn't want to let the police know, why should he call the police again?" Li huidao.

"She may want to use the police to catch the behind the scenes, but it's a pity that the other side has a way to survive." Han Bin analysis.

"Also, if it's just for ten days and a half months, someone will give me millions, and I'm willing to carry it." Li Hui muttered.


Yuhua Branch.

Guo Jiahui and lawyer song walked out of the police station.

Guo Jiahui showed a smile: "lawyer song, thank you today. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know about my husband."

"You're welcome, Ms. Guo. This is what I should do. You can call me whenever you have anything to do with Mr. Jiang." Song said.

"When you show your face today, I believe these smelly policemen don't dare to mess around. I'm sure I can have a good sleep tonight." Guo Jiahui said.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal. As long as it's handled properly, it will come out soon." Lawyer Song said with a smile.

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"If my husband has a good attitude to plead guilty, how many days can he be locked up?"

"Has the video taken secretly been spread?"


"Anyone who, in accordance with the law, peeps, taps, eavesdrops on or spreads the privacy of others shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than 10 days and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan." Lawyer song popularized the science for a while and analyzed it:

"Mr. Jiang's situation is a little more complicated, but I will try my best to let Mr. Jiang handle it lightly and try to release it within ten days."

"I feel at ease when you say that." Although Guo Jiahui has known about it before, she is not a professional.

"Miss Guo, it's getting late. Let's see you another day."

"All right."

After they said hello, lawyer song drove away.

Guo Jiahui took a taxi home.

Jiang Erkang was arrested before the new home was cleaned up, and Guo Jiahui was not in the mood to go to the new home, so she went back to her old home several times.

The old home is rented, and the location of the residence is relatively biased. After getting off the bus, you have to go through an alley to get to the community.

The lane is a little narrow, it's not easy to turn around, and the taxi stops on the main road.

Guo Jiahui got out of the taxi and went into the alley alone.

The alley is a bit dark and the ground is uneven. Guo Jiahui frowned and snorted: "in two days, I'll clean up my new home, but I won't live in this shabby place any more.

"Wuwu..." Suddenly, a van stopped by.

Three people came down from the car, wearing silk stockings on their heads. They couldn't see what they looked like. Like hungry wolves, they rushed at Guo Jiahui.

Guo Jiahui didn't have time to call for help, so she was caught by several people, thrown into the van and galloped along the alley

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