Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 265: 265

The next morning.

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Yuhua Branch Office, group 2.

Han Bin poured a cup of coffee, drinking coffee while browsing the news on his mobile phone.

Generally, when there is a case in hand, Han Bin is seldom so idle, but now the case is different. In a word, it's a pity to give up when the food is tasteless.

The rest of the team members perform their duties and are sorting out the work at hand.


A burst of footwork sounded, Zheng Kaixuan walked into the office.

"Team Zheng." They said.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and glanced at the office. His eyes fell on Han Bin: "you are very leisurely. Yesterday I dealt with Guo Jiahui and the lawyer song. When I got back to the office, I found that all the people were gone."

"Team Zheng, sit down." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Don't make fun of me. How are you going to end this case?" Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Jiang Erkang admits to taking pictures secretly, but he doesn't admit extortion. Mu Xinran can't provide evidence of extortion. The evidence we have is not enough to convict Jiang Erkang of extortion." Han Bin said.

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"I know all this. How do you close the case?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"I want to make another record for mu Xinran and continue to collect the evidence of extortion. If I can't find enough evidence, I can only presume that the suspected crime will never happen."

Zheng Kaixuan thought for a moment: "do you think Jiang Erkang has blackmail behavior?"

"Yes, otherwise Jiang Erkang won't spend so much effort secretly taking photos, but the content of extortion, I think Mu Xinran may not be telling the truth." Han Bin said.

"Since there is, regardless of the content of blackmail, Jiang Erkang must be guilty." Zhao Ming said.

"This is not necessarily, according to the provisions of the law, the crime of extortion must reach the standard of filing." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"In my opinion, Jiang Erkang's words are somewhat credible in terms of blackmail content." Han Bin said.

"What did Jiang Erkang say?"

"According to Jiang Erkang's confession, he admitted that he called Mu Xinran. He felt that Mu Xinran didn't do his duty as a good wife and mother. If he didn't allow Mu Xinran to make movies and TV plays with the role of a good wife and mother again, he had better study abroad, reflect on his deception over the years, improve his moral standards, and be a person like what he looks like." Han Bin recalled.

Zheng Kaixuan thought for a while, analyzed: "that is to say, Jiang Erkang used surveillance video to force Mu Xinran to give up his career and study abroad."

"Mu Xinran is an actor. Once he goes abroad, he has no drama to shoot. When it comes to influence, it's more than 10 million. However, Jiang Erkang's statement is more obscure. According to the domestic law, this threat does not constitute the standard of blackmail." Han Bin said.

"That makes sense. In order to find the blackmailer, Mu Xinran deliberately changed the content of blackmail to 10 million yuan. In this way, it will become a major criminal case, and our criminal police team will take over and deal with it." Zheng Kaixuan said subconsciously.

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"This explains why the blackmailer hasn't called all the time, because he doesn't ask for money and doesn't need to urge the victim to pay the blackmail money, but is waiting for muxinran to go abroad." Han Bin said.

"What good is muxinran going abroad for Jiang Erkang?" Li Hui was puzzled.

"The interests of the entertainment industry are too great, and the water is too deep for us laymen to understand." Zheng Kaixuan showed his hand.

"This is the key to the case. Mu Xinran will not say it, because once he says it, he will admit that he will report false police, and will be punished by law, which will affect her image. As for Jiang Erkang, he has gained huge benefits, and will certainly shoulder the crime of taking pictures secretly. As for the real purpose of blackmail, he may not be clear. To put it bluntly, he is just a chess piece." Han Bin said.

"What are we? Have you become the pawn of this group? " Li Hui snorted.

"These people are so brave that even the police dare to take advantage of them." Zhao Ming was dissatisfied.

"In the face of huge interests, there is nothing you dare not do." Han Bin doesn't think so.

"Some of the robbers, taking such a big risk, are just robbing thousands or tens of thousands of yuan. Jiang Erkang can get millions of benefits as long as he is shut up for ten days and a half months. He is sure to be willing to do so." Li Hui hit it. Hit it.

"What? You're out of balance. " Zheng Kaixuan snorted.

"See what you say, how can you do it?" Li Hui scratched his head.

"What we just said is just our guess. How to investigate the case? We have to continue to investigate. Do you understand?" Zheng Kaixuan snorted.

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"Yes." All agreed.

"Dong Dong..." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

"Creak..." As soon as the glottis opened, Reuven came in.

"Team Zheng is also here. I've done one more trip." Lu Wen laughs.

"What test results have come out?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"In the cigarette butts found in Mu Xinran's corridor, the extracted DNA matches Jiang Erkang. At the same time, in Jiang Erkang's computer, Mu Xinran's surveillance video was found." Lu Wendao."The second video of extortion has also been restored. It's a video of Mu Xinran with a young man." Reuven looks like you know it.

"Muxinran's monitoring software on her mobile phone, have you found any clues?" Han Bin asked.

"It's a bit difficult. It's still under investigation." Reuven shrugged his shoulders.

Lu Wen simply said the situation, left the office, Han Bin and others continue to discuss.

"With the evidence of DNA and the video in the computer, Jiang Erkang's charge of secretly photographing is settled, and now he is mainly charged with blackmail." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Mu Xinran looked at a woman who was very knowledgeable and reasonable. She didn't expect to be like this with an 18-year-old boy." Li Hui sighed with emotion: "his husband is still in the dark. This is going to be made public. It is estimated that the greatest blow to her husband will be.

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"Your boy's point of view is so different every time." Zheng Kaixuan was a little bit embarrassed.

Zhao Ming said with a smile: "Huige has always been more enthusiastic about the relationship between men and women."

Han Bin directly ignored two people, to the side of Zheng Kaixuan said: "Zheng team, I think this case can wait."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Mu Xinran has an eavesdropping software on her mobile phone. Regardless of whether the software is related to this case, it is possible that she has monitored the content of that blackmail call." Han Bin said. "Yes, with this content, we will know who is lying between Jiang Erkang and Mu Xinran." Sun Xiaopeng echoed.

"I'm going to invite Mu Xinran to the branch and make a record for her again. If she is suspected of reporting false police, she will also be punished by law." Han Bin is right.

"Mu Xinran is a public figure, very concerned about his reputation, I'm afraid not willing to come to the police station." Tian Li said.

"If other people can come to the police station, she is superior. The police station is not for her family." Han Bin hummed.

Before, Han Bin agreed to go to Mu Xinran's home to take notes, considering that once the media leaks information, blackmailers are likely to know Mu Xinran called the police, which will affect the investigation of the case.

Now that Jiang Erkang is arrested, this worry no longer exists.

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