Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 277: 277

"Hoo..." Zheng Kaixuan sighed and sat down at the table: "speaking of this case, it will take ten years."

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"After so long, are the police officers in charge of this case still here?" Li Hui asked.

"Can you talk?" Zheng Kaixuan frowned.

"I don't mean that. I want to say whether it's still in our branch." Li Hui laughs.

"What are your two eyes for? You can't see them yourself." Zheng Kaixuan has no good airway.

"Team Zheng, you were in charge of this case at that time?" Han Bin guessed.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded: "ten years ago, I was about the same age as you and Li Hui. When I was transferred to the criminal police team of Yuhua Branch, I took part in the case. We have found the suspect, but the other party has absconded and the case has not been settled. It's a matter of my mind."

Zheng Kaixuan took out a document from the information on the table and handed it to Zhao Ming: "this is the scene photo at that time. You put it on the projector."

Zhao Ming took the document and walked towards the projector.

Sun Xiaopeng ran to the window to draw the curtain consciously.

"I participated in this case, and I still have some impression of the situation at that time. Let me introduce it to you." Zheng Kaixuan recalled for a moment and said: "I remember that I received the task at more than three o'clock in the morning. It was four o'clock in the morning when I arrived at the scene. It was still dark at that time, but the scene was full of fire, just like day."

"Arson?" Tian Li guessed.

"At the beginning, we thought the same thing. The scene of the crime was in xizhaiying village on the outskirts of the city. Five houses were burned down. The Hutong road in the village was narrow, so the fire engines couldn't get in at all. The police had to organize the villagers around to put out the fire first, and the fire was not completely put out until more than five o'clock in the morning." Zheng Kaixuan shook his head and said with a smile:

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"at that time, the police officers who participated in the rescue were all gray and black as if they had gone down the mine and dug up national coal."

"However, at that time, he did not care to take a bath, so he rushed into the investigation, because the fire spread so severely that six houses had been burned, and seven villagers were burned, five of them were slightly injured and two of them were seriously injured. The workload of investigation was relatively heavy. The sub Bureau dispatched a squadron of police, and the local police station dispatched more than a dozen police officers to assist in the investigation."

"I seem to have heard about this case. I remember that three people died." Li Hui said.

"Don't worry. Listen to me slowly." Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand and continued:

"of the seven people who were sent to the hospital, one died of serious injury. In the house where the fire started, two burned bodies were found. The number of victims increased to three dead and six injured. The Municipal Bureau also sent three criminal investigators to guide the investigation."

"That's too stingy, right? Just send three?"

"At that time, the Municipal Bureau had not yet set up a serious crime brigade. There was only one serious crime Squadron, which had two serious crime teams under its jurisdiction. The total number of people was about ten. It was quite a lot to send three people at once." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Team Zheng, the projector has been set up." Zhao Mingdao.


Zheng Kaixuan said, pointing to the image on the wall: "this picture is a perspective at that time. The fire is very strong, especially in the middle of the house, where is the source of the fire. The suspect poured gasoline in the house."

After that, several more photos were changed in the projector.

Looking at the photos on the projector, Han Bin and others look more and more dignified. The scene was burned in darkness, and several injured villagers were also miserable. People's hearts were a little heavy.

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"Stop, this picture is the scene of the fire. Everything in the house has been burned, and the body in the house has been burned beyond recognition. After forensic analysis, the body is a man and a woman, but they are not burned, but burned after death."

Zheng Kaixuan took a deep breath: "in the forensic materials, there are two photos of the corpses. If you want to see them, you will not put them here because they are too cruel."

"Have you found out the identity of the couple?" Han Bin asked.

"We found out that the two dead were the owners of the house, LV Jiawei and Zhang Shufeng."

"Doesn't it mean the body has been burned? How do you recognize it? " Sun Xiaopeng asked.

"The bodies were burned beyond recognition. A lot of evidence is gone. We identified the two dead by DNA comparison with their relatives." Zheng Kaixuan explained and continued to analyze:

"according to the investigation on the scene, LV Jiawei's house was the source of the fire. We speculated that after the suspect killed, he set the house on fire in order to destroy the body. Because of the pouring of gasoline, the fire was too big, and the surrounding houses were also set on fire, which led to the accident."

"Do you have any information about the suspect?" Han Bin asked.

"The suspect, Liang Zhibo, is from dongzhaiying village. The two villages are not far from each other. He is a contractor himself. Some time before the crime, he had a conflict with LV Jiawei in business and had a big fight. At about nine o'clock on the night of the crime, he was seen near LV Jiawei's home." Zheng Kaixuan finds a piece of information from the documents on his desk and hands it to Han Bin"This is the information about Liang Zhibo. At that time, we wanted to make a record of him, but we didn't find him. Some people said that he might have fled to the south, and his suspicion further rose."

"Is there any other evidence that Liang Zhibo has been to LV Jiawei's home?" Han Bin asked.

"Yes, we collected some shoe prints in the courtyard of LV Jiawei's home. After the identification of footprint experts from the provincial criminal investigation team, one of the footprints is likely to be Liang Zhibo's Speaking of this, Zheng Kaixuan said with emotion:

"when the appraisal result came out, it was more than a week after the crime, which affected our judgment of the case to a certain extent. If we could get the appraisal result earlier, we would certainly intensify the arrest of Liang Zhibo, and maybe we could arrest him before he fled."

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"This efficiency is too slow. If we have Bingge, it will take less than half a day." Li Hui hit it. Hit it.

"At that time, there were only two footprints identification experts in the criminal investigation team of Luzhou province. The cases of one province were in custody. Which city didn't have several important cases?" Zheng Kaixuan shook his head and continued:

"in a word, we missed the best time to arrest him. After that, there was no news about Liang Zhibo. Every year when investigating the old case, I would arrange for Liang Zhibo's family to see if he had contacted his relatives."

"Team Zheng, what do you mean this year? Are you going to let our team go to Liang Zhibo's house to have a row?" Han Bin asked.

"No, I hope you can re investigate the case."

"Why? In the past, it's all about arranging. Why should we re investigate today? " Han Bin doubts a way.

"There are three reasons. First, I have to go to the provincial department for training. This case hasn't been solved. I'm not comfortable all the time."

"Second, with you as an expert in footprint identification, I also hope you can confirm whether the footprints found in LV Jiawei's home belong to Liang Zhibo."

"Third, you turn on the computer to search."

"Is this case on the news?" Han Bin guessed.

Li Hui turned on his computer, searched for it, and said in surprise: "more than that, several burn victims and their families, holding banners, went to the district government Fu to petition. Yo, from the pictures, there are still a lot of people."

"What Li Hui said is right. This case was on the news, and it also shocked the leaders of the district. Chen Bureau was also called to a meeting. This morning, Chen Bureau called people above the rank of deputy team leader to a meeting. After some research, it decided to hand over the case to your team for investigation."

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Zheng Kaixuan said, and then pointed to Han Bin: "although you are young, you have solved several big cases in succession. Maybe you lack experience, but there is no doubt about your ability. Moreover, you are still an expert in footprint identification. Dai Ju and I think it is more appropriate to hand over this case to group two."

"Team Zheng, you look up to me too much. I'm not sure about the case you can't solve." Han Bin shook his head.

He is not stupid. Such a big case would have been solved if it had been easy. He dare not talk too much.

"Yes, team Zheng, this case has been going on for so many years. It's really hard to deal with." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

Zheng Kaixuan snorted and glanced at the crowd: "Chen Bureau said that as long as we can solve this old case, we will apply for collective second class merit for your group."

Chen Bureau full name Chen Dongliang, Yuhua District deputy head, and Yuhua Branch Bureau Director, the appropriate branch head.

His words will certainly work well.

"Second class merit doesn't matter. The key is that you and Dai Ju recommended two teams in front of Chen Ju. Our team can't shame you, do you think?" Han Bin's words changed.

"The group leader is right."

"That's it." The members of the two groups were excited.

One by one, he showed the look of abandoning others.

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