Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 278: 278

Zheng Kaixuan shakes his head and laughs: "a group of slicks."

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"Team Zheng, I don't understand. This case has been over for ten years, and nothing happened before. Why did someone suddenly petition this year?" Han Bin asked.

"That's what I can't figure out. The group of people were not received by us, but by the petition office. The documents also contain the materials they sorted out, asking the police to catch the murderer of the case. What's the matter? You two groups need to investigate." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Team Zheng, will you join us in this case?"

"I know all the basic information about this case. You should first visit the victim and get to know the situation. When you have any clues, I will participate in the case. Lao Zeng is coming back soon. I have to get the work in hand." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

"It's true that once the team left, it's not a short time." Li Hui said.

"Lao Zeng used to be the Deputy squadron leader and the leader of the second group. When he comes back from training, he will take over the position of the squadron leader of the third criminal investigation team. You used to talk to him, and I don't need to say anything more. Let's do a good job." Zheng Kaixuan said.

Hearing this, everyone was a little sad.

Li Hui couldn't help asking: "team Zheng, you have retired as the squadron leader. Which department will you go to in the future?"

"Don't worry about it. Even if I'm not the leader of the squadron, I'm still the vice captain. I'm your leader." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

Han Bin knows that Zheng Kaixuan is going to the provincial department to attend the training, and he is not worried about Zheng Kaixuan's future.

"I've put all the materials here. I suggest you look at the materials first, and then visit the families of the victims to find out the situation before further investigation." With that, Zheng Kaixuan left the office.

"Team Zheng's words have been heard by all of us. We have started to check the materials separately, and strive to have a thorough understanding of these materials today. Tomorrow we will visit again and make notes." Han Bin arranged.

Han Bin specially found out the material of Liang Zhibo and compared the footprints on the scene with his shoes prints. After a detailed comparison, Liang Zhibo has indeed been to LV Jiawei's home.

This case had a great influence in that year. A special case team 715 was specially set up. There were as many as nine victims. In addition to LV Jiawei, the main suspect, there were several suspects.

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There is a difference between investigating old cases and investigating new cases. Han Bin hopes to find out the key points and the source from many materials.

On this day, the two groups did not go out and stayed in the office to look at the materials.


The next day.

Nine in the morning.

Han Bin held a meeting in his office.

"I read the file all day yesterday. You can tell me what you think." Han Bin said.

"I think the key to the case lies in Liang Zhibo. He is the most likely murderer. If we can find him, the case will be solved." Li huidao.

Han Bin didn't answer the phone. It's easy to say when he finds something. It's useless if he can't find anything. What's more, Liang Zhibo is so easy to grasp, and he won't wait so long.

"The scene of this case was burned down, and a lot of evidence was also burned down, but after all, two people died at the first scene. I think the suspect may be a gang. It is difficult for one person to kill LV Jiawei and his wife." Tian Li analysis.

"According to Tian Jie's analysis, we can check the people who have a close relationship with Liang Zhibo to see who is suspected of committing the crime and when." Zhao Ming said.

"It's been ten years. It's not easy to investigate Liang Zhibo's clues, and his family may not cooperate." Sun Xiaopeng said.

Han Bin goes to the front, pulls out a whiteboard from the wall, pastes the photo of Liang Zhibo on the left side, pastes the photo of LV Jiawei and Zhang Shufeng on the right side, and then marks the words of suspect and victim with a whiteboard pen.

The whiteboard was taken from the logistics department yesterday. It's more convenient to use than the projector.

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"Our current understanding of the 715 case is limited to information and files. I plan to start from two aspects in the actual investigation, one is to investigate the suspect, the other is to investigate the victim." Han Bin said and pointed to Li Hui on one side:

"the situation of Liang Zhibo will be investigated by Li Hui and Xiaopeng; Zhao Ming and I will be responsible for investigating the situation of the victim."

"Chief, what about me?" Tian Li asked.

Han Bin took out another photo, put it under liang Zhibo, and fixed it with red magnetic particles: "this is a blood fingerprint found at the scene of the crime. The blood has been proved to be Zhang Shufeng's blood, but whose fingerprint is hasn't been found."

"Ten years have passed since the case. Just because the fingerprints were not compared successfully at the beginning, it doesn't mean that they can't be compared successfully now." Tian Li Road.

"That's right. You'll send your fingerprints to the technical team in a moment, and let Lu Wen compare with the database again." Han Bin ordered.


"Liang Zhibo has a wife and a daughter. You can check their correspondence records to see if there is anything unusual."

"I see." Tian Li nodded.

"OK, let's split up."……

Forty minutes later, xizhaiying village.

Han Bin before investigating the victim, ready to look at the original scene of the crime, after all, the file is only information, no immersive feeling.

Ten years have passed. Xizhaiying village has already recovered its former calm.

Xizhaiying village is near the urban area of Qindao. All the villagers work in the city, and the conditions are good.

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Han Bin and Zhao Ming arrive near the scene of the 715 case. According to the image in the photo, they find the lane where the case happened.

Zhao Ming looked around, pointed to not far away and said: "brother bin, the front seems to be the scene of the crime, you see, there are two houses destroyed."

Han Bin nodded, his eyes were on the alley, two old men sitting in Maza, basking in the sun.

One of the old men is bald.

Another old man, with a scar on his hand, looks like a burn mark.

Han Bin walked over, took out a box of cloud smoke and handed it to two old men, one for each.

"You two, let me ask you something." Han Bin said with a smile.

The bald old man glanced at Han Bin and Zhao Ming and pinned the cigarette to his ear: "what's the matter?"

"I think the houses in the Hutong are very well built. How come those two houses are black and there is no one to live in." Han Bin asked.

"Those two houses were burned to death. The family in the East was unlucky and moved to live in the city. The adults in the family in the West were burned to death, and there was only one child left. If they wanted to turn over, they couldn't do it." Said the bald old man.

According to the old man's words, combined with the facts of the case, the house in the West should belong to LV Jiawei and Zhang Shufeng's family, and the house in the East should be a person who was burned and seriously injured.

"What do you do?" Asked the bald old man.

"Sir, what do you think we want to do?" Zhao Ming asked with a smile, holding a briefcase in his hand.

The bald man turned his lips. He looked like I ate more salt than you did: "you're here to buy homestead."

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"How can you tell, sir?" Han Bin asked.

"We are about to land acquisition. As soon as the news gets out, the price of homestead is going up. In recent days alone, there have been several waves." Said the bald man.

Han Bin himself also lit a cigarette, turned to look at the old man with scars on his hands, the other side has not spoken.

"Sir, what do you think we do?"

The old man with scar on his hand took a look at Han Bin and Zhao Ming and took a deep breath: "are you police?"

Han Bin a thumb: "uncle, good eyesight!"

"Are you really policemen?" The old smoker's hand trembled and the ash fell to the ground.

Han Bin showed police officer card: "you see for yourself."

"It seems that the boy is right. It's really useful." The old man with a scar on his hand said to himself.

"What's your name, sir?"

"I don't need your surname, Lin."

"Who is the boy you just said?" Han Bin asked.

"It's the boy of the LV family. Let's go to the district government to petition, saying that as long as we go, the police will deal with the case again, and then we can find the son of a bitch who set fire to it." Uncle Lin touched the scar on his hand and squeezed a word from his teeth.

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