Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 294: 294

Yuhua Branch.

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After returning to the office, Han Bin held a meeting, Zheng Kaixuan also listened in the office.

Han Bin glanced at the crowd and concluded: "because the murder case has been too long, the evidence has been burned, and the identity of the dead can not be determined for the time being. You can say what you think."

"The identity of the dead in the 715 case has not been fully identified. Now there is another corpse. Our team has done something with the corpse." Li huidao.

"Who said that the identity of the dead in the 715 case has not been ascertained." At this time, Lu Wen's voice came from the door of the office, and he also had a document in his hand:

"after DNA sample comparison, Wang Jinbao's daughter and the deceased were father daughter relationship, and the accuracy rate was as high as 99.9%."

"You're here. You're short of a real hammer." Han Bin said with a smile.

Although according to the previous evidence and speculation, there is a great possibility that Wang Jinbao is the dead, without the results of DNA testing, everyone is not sure.

As the old saying goes, the basis of police investigation is evidence.

Zheng Kaixuan took a look at the document: "since it has been confirmed that the deceased is Wang Jinbao, it shows that our previous inference is correct."

"Wang Jinbao is also unlucky. The grudge between Liang Zhibo and LV Jiawei killed him." Zhao Ming said.

"When it comes to bad luck, isn't Lu Jiawei bad luck? He has been raising a son for others, and the king's family name deserves his evil. " Li Hui snorted.

"I think that Wang Jinbao's death is not unjust. Before, we have been paying attention to the grudge between LV Jiawei and Liang Zhibo. In fact, there must be conflicts between Liang Zhibo and Wang Jinbao. Wang Jinbao is a man who eats his family and eats his family. Can Liang Zhibo not hate him?" Han Bin said.

"Judging from the existing investigation evidence and results, Liang Zhibo is likely to be the murderer, while Cao erhu is his helper. There must be some conflicts between the two people. Only Cao erhu's yard has one more body." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Dong Dong." Sun Xiaopeng came back from the outside and knocked on the door of the office: "team leader, Liang Zhibo's family has come to identify the body."

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"Invite them in." Han Bin said.

"Team Zheng, you are busy. I'll go first." Lu Wen said hello to everyone and left the office.

Before long, two women came in, one in his forties and the other in his twenties. They looked like a mother and daughter.

Li Hui went to Han Bin and reminded him, "this is Liang Zhibo's ex-wife and daughter. Because Liang Zhibo's father is old, I didn't inform him."

Han Bin nods. Although he hasn't met him, he knows about them. Liang Zhibo's ex-wife is Yang Ximei and his daughter is Liang Xi.

"Miss Yang, Miss Liang, please have a seat."

"Comrades of the police, are you sure my father is dead?" Liang asked.

"We found a corpse in the home of a person involved in the case. We are not sure whether it is Liang Zhibo. Please come and help us identify it." Han Bin said.

"I'd better go. Although we're divorced, after all, we've lived for so many years, which can be regarded as the last way to send him." Yang Ximei patted her daughter's hand.

"Before recognizing the corpse, I have to tell you something, because ten years have passed, the body of the deceased has been decomposed, and now there is only one skeleton left, so it will be more difficult to distinguish." Han Bin said.

"What, it's just the skeleton shelf!" Yang Ximei was surprised.

Liang Qian covered her face and sobbed.

"Well, didn't you leave any other evidence?" Yang Ximei sighed.

"The things of the dead have been burned down, and they don't even have clothes. Moreover, the place where they were buried is a yard. After years of wind and rain, the evidence has long gone with the wind." Han Bin said helplessly.

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"Then how do you know it's my dad?" Liang asked.

"we are not sure. We only asked two people to identify it based on the speculation of the previous investigation." Han Bin said.

"I can't recognize it. My daughter was only ten years old, and she couldn't recognize it." Yang Ximei said. "Is there any characteristic in him?" Han Bin asked.

"He had a cut in his leg and a scar." Yang Ximei said.

Han Bin spread out his hand: "the dead now only have bones."

"He broke his arm once."

"Which arm?"

"Left arm."

"Any other clues?"


Han Bin nodded: "Xiaopeng, you take them to the forensic room."

"Yes." Sun Xiaopeng answered and took them out.

After seeing the three people leave, Li Hui said: "from the current evidence, the dead is likely to be Liang Zhibo."

"Team Zheng, since Cao erhu's position has been located, I suggest that we start to arrest him immediately." Han Bin said.

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Spring city.Lujiaxiang.

There are many breakfast shops on both sides of lujiaxiang. There are many kinds of snacks.

In a breakfast shop selling mutton soup, a bald man sat at a table with a bowl of mutton soup and half a jin of pancakes in front of him.

Eat pancakes, drink a mouthful of soup, the taste that is called a beauty, the cold in the morning have been driven away.

After dinner, the bald man paid and left humming a tune.

"There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village. She is beautiful and beautiful..."

As soon as the bald man came to the mouth of the box, a voice suddenly rang out: "Cao erhu."

Hearing this voice, the man was stunned and looked up. I found two men coming in front of me.

The bald man was startled and turned to run back.

There are breakfast stalls on both sides of lujiaxiang. It's crowded and lively. The most important thing is that he knows the place well.

"Get him out of the way." The bald man yelled and pushed away the man in front.

A woman with short hair was standing not far in front of him. The bald man was pushing and swearing: "Damn, you are blind."

The woman with short hair quickly hid aside, and the bald man ignored him and ran straight ahead.

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Just as he was about to pass the woman with short hair, the other side suddenly extended his leg to the front.

In a panic, the bald man didn't see it at all and fell to the ground: "bang!"

"shit!" Bareheaded man hands on the ground, is ready to get up and continue to run.

A burly man with a height of more than 1.9 meters came over and directly pressed on the bald man. His weight and weight were like a hill.

"Ah Bald man issued a scream, was dead on the ground, unable to move.

Li Hui pinched each other's neck, stared at the scar on each other's face and asked, "Cao erhu!"

"I'm not Cao erhu. Who are you?" Cried the bald man.

"We are the police." Han Bin shows his police certificate.

"Comrade police, you have caught the wrong person. I'm not Cao erhu." The bald man was pulled up.

"Pa!" Li Hui stretched out his hand and slapped each other in the head: "Ya, you dare to lie!"

Han Bin stares at him carefully. His bald head and scar on his face are the characteristics of Cao erhu. However, Han Bin thinks that his facial features are more like another person.

Liang Zhibo!

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