Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 295: 295

"What's your name?" Han Bin asked.

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"Ma Haoran." Cried the bald man.

"Search him!" Han Bin said coldly.

The bald man has been handcuffed, and sun Xiaopeng and Li Hui are responsible for body searching.

Li Hui found a leather bag from the bald man's trouser pocket, in which was an ID card with the name of Cao erhu.

"What is this?" Li Hui waved his ID card.

The bald man sighed and lowered his head.

"What's your name?" Han Bin asked.

The bald man was silent.

Zheng Kaixuan pinched the bald man's chin and observed it carefully. He said firmly: "this boy is Liang Zhibo!"

Strangers may believe that he is Cao erhu when they see the bald head and the scar on his face. After all, these two characteristics are too eye-catching.

Zheng Kaixuan has been tracing for ten years, and Liang Zhibo's appearance has already been engraved in his mind.

No mistake.

"Yes, no wonder I can't catch you. It turns out that you always use Cao erhu's identity." Han Bin said.

The bald man remained silent.

"Take it back!" Zheng Kaixuan waved his hand and couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, he has been waiting for many years.

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"Team Zheng, would you like to talk to team Ding?" Han Bin reminds.

"It's about reporting in time." Zheng Kaixuan agreed. Otherwise, Ding Xifeng would not feel comfortable to hear the news from others.

Zheng Kaixuan hesitated for a moment and patted Han Bin on the shoulder: "you report to the Ding detachment. Lao Zeng is coming back soon. I should go to the training."

Han Bin understood each other's meaning, also did not shirk, picked up the mobile phone to Ding Xifeng reported some.

Ding Xifeng heard the news, tone can't hide joy, to Hanbin a praise.

The first is that Han Bin caught the murderer. The second is that the murderer he wanted was not wrong.

Hang up the phone before also said, will give Han Bin and two team members for credit.


After catching the suspect, Han Bin and his party directly returned to Qindao.

Take the suspect to Yuhua Branch for trial.

Han Bin and others arrived in Quancheng yesterday. After finding the suspect, they laid charges overnight and arrested him the next morning.

Back at the Yuhua Branch, everyone was sleepy, thirsty and hungry.

Just in time for dinner, Zheng Kaixuan took two groups of people to the canteen.

After dinner, Han Bin took a lunch break for half an hour.

Then he washed his cold face, poured a cup of tea and put the suspect on trial.

Li Hui walked into the interrogation room with a teapot. In his opinion, this boy will not easily confess. He should be prepared for long-term struggle.

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Han Bin looked at the bald head sitting on the interrogation chair and asked: "name, male..."

"Cao erhu, male..." The bald man said.

"Bang!" Li Hui slapped the table and scolded, "Cao erhu's brother is not dead yet. Would you like him to come and identify him?"

"Name?" Han Bin asked again.

"I'm Cao erhu. It's also written on my ID card." The bald man said.

"Do you think that if you leave a bald head and a scar on your face, everyone will treat you as Cao erhu?" Han Bin said coldly.

The bald man lowered his head again.

"Speak up."

The bald man remained silent.

Han Bin frowned and showed his displeasure. He said to Li Hui: "inform Liang Xi and Liang Zhibo's father to come and recognize them."

"I see." Li Hui responded and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Wait, stop fighting, I said..." The bald man quickly interrupted and took a deep breath: "I'm Liang Zhibo."

"Why did you say you were Cao erhu just now?"

"The police have been looking for me. At the beginning, I was hiding in remote areas, but it has become more and more difficult in the past two years. It's hard to move without an ID card, and I can't even find a serious job. I really can't live any longer, so I falsely used the other party's name and ID card."

"What have you done for a long time? With such advanced technology, once you are wanted by the police, you will never have a good life in your life." Li Hui snorted.

"I just understood that I used to think that the world was so big that I couldn't go. When it came to an end, I found that this society had no identity. I didn't want to live in a dark corner like a mouse for the rest of my life." Liang Zhibo showed a touch of bitterness.

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He also knew that using Cao erhu's ID card would bring some risks, but it was too difficult for him to escape. He would rather take some risks than live a hard life.

"How did you get the scar on your face?" Han Bin asked.

"I scratched it to disguise as Cao erhu." Liang Zhibo sighed.

He and Cao erhu are not very similar. At first, he was worried that he would be seen through. Later, he found that strangers first saw the two characteristics of bald head and scar. In addition, he deliberately fattened himself. The validity period of his ID card is 20 years. It's normal for people's appearance to change. As long as they don't meet acquaintances, they won't be seen through.The most important point is that this ID card is real. Even if the photo of a fake ID card looks like it again, it doesn't work well and it's easy to use.

"Did you kill Cao erhu?" Li Hui asked.

"This officer, you have to talk about evidence." With a shrug of his shoulders, Mr Leung neither admitted nor denied it.

Han Bin winked at Li Hui and motioned him not to ask, because the evidence of Cao erhu's case was too little, and they could not even confirm whether the body was Cao erhu.

Han Bin has applied with the superior leaders to use the skull of the deceased for facial restoration identification. However, this identification can not be done in this city, and experts from the public security department should be asked to help. As for when it can be restored, no one can say for sure.

Han Bin turned and asked, "did you kill Zhang Shufeng and Wang Jinbao?"


"Have you ever been to LV Jiawei's house?" Han Bin asked.


"Have you met Zhang Shufeng?"


"Since you haven't done anything, why run?" Li Hui turned his lips.

Liang Zhibo hesitated for a moment and said slowly, "I'm timid. The police are looking for me. I'm afraid I can't tell you clearly, so I run away. But that doesn't mean I've done bad things."

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Han Bincai didn't believe his nonsense: "from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. on July 15, 2009, where are you?"

"Two police officers, are you kidding? It's been more than ten years. How can I remember that?" "If I really remember, that's the problem," he said

This case has passed for a long time, and time is the best cover for him.

After thinking for a moment, Han Bin said, "since you know that the police are looking for you, you should know what it is, right?"

"I heard that on July 15, 2009, LV Jiawei's house caught fire and many people died, but it has nothing to do with me. I dare not even kill chickens. How can I kill people?" Mr Leung quibbled.

"Does this matter have a great influence on you?"

"Big, it can be said that it has affected me all my life." Liang Zhibo said, biting his teeth.

"Other people may not remember what happened on July 15, 2009, but you are different. You have just said that it has a great impact on you. It can be said that it has changed the rest of your life. I don't believe you will forget what happened on that day!" Han Bin analysis.

Liang Zhibo's words seem to be reasonable, but they can't stand scrutiny.

As soon as Li Hui's eyes brightened, he also reflected that most people can't remember what happened one day ten years ago, but Liang Zhibo is different.

Regardless of whether he is guilty or not, the case that happened on July 15, 2009 has changed his life. Even if he forgets his birthday, he can't forget that day.

Liang Zhibo's face turned ugly.

Before he came here, he had already thought about the countermeasures. He thought that the police might ask him questions, but the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and the fake would show his feet.

Han Bin is more determined: "Liang Zhibo, you are lying!"

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