Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 319: 319

"Binzi, what shall we do now?" Li Hui asked.

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Han Bin frowned and thought, but did not answer.

"Otherwise, sun Chuanxi will be tried again." Li Hui suggested.

Han Bin shook his head: "first bring up Zhang Daquan."


Ten minutes later, Zhang Gadan was taken to the second interrogation room.

Zhang Daquan is only 19 years old this year. His mental quality is not strong, and his face is always anxious.

"Zhang Daquan, are you used to staying in it?" Han Bin asked.

"I'm not used to it, comrade police. I'm really wronged. Please let me go." Zhang Daquan prayed with a trace.

"If you want to leave the police station, you can tell me what you did in the botanical garden on December 9. As long as you make it clear, I will let you leave." Han Bin is right.

"Police comrades, I have said that we are just cleaning up the garbage. We didn't cheat you." Zhang Daquan choked.

"Zhang Daquan, you are an adult. You should be responsible for what you do. It's no use trying to escape. Since we police dare to arrest you, we have enough evidence. Don't make mistakes."

"I've said all I have to say." Zhang Daquan sighed, then lowered his head.

"Zhang Daquan, to tell you the truth, sun Chuanxi has already recruited." Han Bin tried.

"No way."

"Nothing is possible."

"We have nothing to do with Zhang Zihan's case. What can he recruit?" Zhang Daquan's tone is firm.

Han Bin feels that the other party doesn't seem to be lying. He picks up sun Chuanxi's mobile phone from the table: "do you know what's here?"

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"I don't know."

Han Bin handed Li Hui his mobile phone: "show it to him."

Li Hui rolled his eyes and thought, "why don't you go?".

However, Li Hui, despite his reluctance, went over with his mobile phone, opened the video of the two in the botanical garden and showed it to Zhang Daquan.

Zhang Daquan looked for a while and then closed his eyes.

"Have you seen this video?" Han Bin asked.

"Now that you all know, what else can I say?"

"We know what it means. Let's make it clear."

"That's what you see." Zhang Daquan said perfunctorily.

"Bang!" Han Bin hit the table and scolded, "I want you to make it clear."

Zhang Daquan trembled and looked at Han Bin with some fear: "this video was taken in the afternoon of December 9."

"Why did you make this video?"

"Stab Ji."

"Why did you mention Zhang Zihan when you took the video?" Han Bin asked.

"When Zhang Zihan saw us together, he laughed at us and had a conflict with brother Chuanxi. But brother Chuanxi didn't really say to kill her. Instead, he was scratched on the back of his hand by that woman." Zhang Daquan said.

"Are you sure this video was taken on the afternoon of December 9?" Han Bin reconfirmed.

"Yes." Zhang Daquan nodded.

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"Falsifying evidence, but you're going to jail." Han Bin warned.

"I didn't falsify the evidence. If you don't believe me, you can watch the video background. It was taken in the botanical garden." Zhang Daquan snorted.

Han Bin sneered: "Zhang Daquan, give you another chance, this video is really taken on December 9?"

"Yes, if you ask ten more times, I'll still answer that." Zhang Daquan sighed and said with a wry smile:

"I know that you policemen look down on us as anchors. You are iron rice bowls and regular jobs. You can't see us making more money than you. You think we are a cancer of society and we are too easy to make money. But I want to tell you that we make money by our own efforts. We don't steal or rob. Please don't steal Prejudice against us. "

"Also, please don't look at me with colored eyes. Although my education is not high, it doesn't mean my quality is poor. I never lie."

"Pa pa..." Han Bin clapped his hands and said to Li Hui: "I'm not moved."

"Ha ha..." Li Hui couldn't help laughing and pointed to Zhang Daquan's nose:

"you can only represent yourself, not other anchors. I believe there are good anchors and high-quality anchors, but you are absolutely not."

Zhang Daquan was very excited, as if he had been insulted: "why do you say that to me? Is it because you are a policeman?"

"Come on, don't act. You're the anchor, not the actor." Han Bin waved his hand and picked up the mobile phone on the desk: "we have confirmed that the video in this mobile phone was not taken on December 9 at all."

"How can it be? Why do you say that? What evidence do you have?" Zhang Daquan clenched his fist and looked angry.

"Sun Chuanxi has already recruited. This video is what you are going to use to cheat the police. Moreover, this video was made later, not on December 9 at all." Han Bin tried."No way. You lied to me." Zhang Daquan shook his hands.

Han Bin smiles: "if it's not for sun Chuanxi, we don't know whether the video is fake. We can only say that it's because you've met people who are not well behaved."

"Brother Chuanxi won't be like this. He won't be." Zhang Daquan shook his head, looking very excited.

"I know you don't want to believe it, but it's true." Han Bin got up, went to the table and said: "Zhang Gadan, I'm still used to calling you by this name. I have a younger brother who is about the same age as you. I don't want you to make mistakes. I just gave you the opportunity to be frank."

Zhang Gadan began to cry and shook his head: "stop talking. I don't know anything now. I'm in a mess. Please don't ask."

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"Zhang Gadan, I'm asking for you. If you recruit yourself now, I can help you apply for a certain commutation policy. But if we two go out of this interrogation room, you'll be convicted of forging evidence, and you'll have to go to jail. Do you understand?" Han Bin is sincere and sincere.

"Yes, Gadan, as long as you take the initiative to tell us what happened at that time, we can count you as taking the initiative to confess." Li Hui advised.

"Don't ask. I'm really confused." Zhang Gadan covered his head and sobbed in a low voice.

Han Bin directly got up and went to the door of the interrogation room: "Zhang Gadan, I'll give you another ten seconds. If you don't want to move, I'll go."

The interrogation room was very quiet. Although it was only ten seconds, it seemed that a long time had passed.

"Zhang Gadan, it's time."

Zhang Gadan raised his head fiercely, glared at Han Bin and Li Hui, and cried, "I believe brother Chuanxi!"

Han Bin did not speak, directly out of the interrogation room.


Li Hui took a long breath and wondered: "Zhang Gadan would rather go to prison than confess. I think they are more suspicious. Zhang Gadan may have been involved in the killing of Zhang Zihan."

"By the way, binzi, how do you know this video was made up?" Li Hui was a little puzzled.

"It's not nonsense. It's not a remake. Can it be taken in advance?" Han Bin asked.

"But isn't the botanical garden closed?"

"Because of the suspension of business, so no one disturb, as long as the risk of crossing the wall into smaller." Han Bin hummed.

"Shit, that's true." Li Hui murmured.

Han Bin looked at his watch: "let's go."

"Where to?"

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"To interrogate sun Chuanxi." Han Bin said.

Li Hui rubbed his hands, eager to try: "binzi, can I be the chief judge this time, you record."


Ten minutes later, interrogation room three.

Sun Chuanxi sat on the interrogation chair and looked down at his hands.

Han Bin and Li Hui are sitting at the interrogation table opposite.

Han Bin opened the law enforcement recorder, and the trial officially began.

"Cough..." Li Hui coughed and asked: "name, gender..."

"Sun Chuanxi, male..."

Li Hui, with a serious face, stares at Sun Chuanxi and asks, "do you know why you were interrogated again?"

Sun Chuanxi shook his head: "I don't know."

Li Hui's eyes turned, and he wanted to be a pioneer: "do you know who was sitting in your chair ten minutes ago?"

Sun Chuanxi shook his head again: "I don't know."

Li Hui snorted: "I can tell you that the chair just now was made of a Gadan!"

"No way." Sun Chuanxi sniffed his nose and said, "there is no smell of the egg."

Li Hui "..."

Han Bin "..."

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