Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 320: 320


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Li Hui coughed slightly, embarrassed: "Zhang Gadan was interrogated in the second interrogation room."

Han Bin glared at him: "you are responsible for recording."

Although Li Hui was reluctant, he did not dare to refute, and his momentum was lost.

Can only continue to be the green leaf honestly.

"Officer Han, I've said all that I need to say, and I've given you the video. Is it time to let me go?" Sun Chuanxi said helplessly.

"Originally, I wanted to let you go, but Zhang Daquan has already recruited. The video you provided is fake." Han Bin said.

Sun Chuanxi was stunned: "impossible."

"Zhang Daquan also said that you made up that video later." Han Bin continued.

Sun Chuanxi clenched his fist, and his face became ugly.

"Zhang Daquan also said that you pay attention to making fake videos and perjury, and he is willing to testify against you." Han Bin tried.

"Ha ha, I believe Gadan, he won't do it."

"If it wasn't for him, how could we know the video was fake?" Han Bin asked.

"You don't have to cheat me. Gadan can't identify me. The video is real." Sun Chuanxi bites to death.

"Believe it or not, we have enough evidence to prove that the video is fake." Han Bin said coldly.

Sun Chuanxi was silent for a while, showing a firm look: "you are right. The video is fake. It's all my idea. I asked Gadan to forge it. The main responsibility lies with me."

"Why fake the video?"

"Because I had a conflict with Zhang Zihan, I was afraid that the police would suspect me, so I asked Gadan to take a video for me, just to let the police remove my suspicion."

"So you admit killing Zhang Zihan."

"I didn't."

"If not, why do you have to fake the video? Do you know it's against the law?"

Sun Chuanxi shrugged: "I don't know, I'm illiterate."

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"Don't insult illiteracy. Low education doesn't mean ignorance of the law." Li Hui snorted.

"Don't waste your time on me. I have a conflict with Zhang Zihan, but I didn't kill him." Sun Chuanxi said solemnly.

"What do you do after three hours in the botanical garden?" Han Bin asked.

"Chatting, watching scenery, playing with mobile phones, that's all."

"You think we're three years old?" Li Hui was dissatisfied.

"I don't believe it. You can check. I didn't kill Zhang Zihan. I have a clear conscience." Sun Chuanxi cried out.

Li Hui knocked on the table: "with a clear conscience, do you still forge evidence?"

"I admit that I'm wrong. I'm willing to bear the consequences and I won't do such a stupid thing in the future." Sun Chuanxi closed his eyes.

"Your attitude makes us more convinced that you are the murderer!"

"If so, I can't help it." Sun Chuanxi said helplessly.

Han Bin asks again, but Sun Chuanxi is still reluctant to cooperate.


After Han Bin and Li Hui got out of the interrogation room, they had a discussion.

"Binzi, I think sun Chuanxi and Zhang Daquan should be the killers." Li huidao.


"Sun Chuanxi's skin debris was found in the fingernails of the deceased. Isn't this the best evidence?"

"This can only show that there is a conflict between the two people, but it can not prove that he killed Zhang Zihan." Han Bin shook his head.

"If they were killers, where would they hide their weapons?" Li Hui analyzes the situation.

"Not only the murder weapon, but also the mobile phone of the deceased has not been found." Han Bin said.

"Then how do you find out?" Li Hui asked.

"Send the cell phone back to the technical team and let them thoroughly investigate the mobile phones and computers of the two suspects." Han Bin finished, returned to the second group office.

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At 2 p.m., Tian liduqi and others returned one after another.

Han Bin gathered the crowd together and said, "have you found Tian Ruini's whereabouts?"

"Tian Ruini has no record of buying train and air tickets." Tian Li said.

"What did Tian Ruini find at home?"

"Tian Ruini's home is very clean. We checked the monitoring of the community. She was walking with her suitcase, and she was the only one who ruled out the possibility of kidnapping and accidents." Tian Li said.

"Do you have any clues from flying fish?"

"Because Tian Ruini has been broadcasting live at home, she seldom comes to the company. Since the crime, she seldom communicates with her colleagues online, and other people don't know her situation." Said duchy.

"In this case, Tian Ruini may have fled for fear of crime." Li Hui guessed.

"Where's Tian Ruini's cell phone?"

"The mobile phone is not in the service area, there is no way to locate it." Tian Li said."In this way, the other party may have fled for fear of crime." Han Bin pinches his forehead. From the existing evidence, it's not clear what role Tian Ruini played in this case.

"You pack up your equipment. I'll report to team Zeng and ask him to apply for the arrest of Tian Ruini." Han Bin said.

"Bingo, where are we going?" Zhao Ming asked.

"Botanical garden."


An hour later, the crowd came to the botanical garden.

The botanical garden has been temporarily closed at the request of the police.

In addition to the security guard at the door, the inside is empty, and occasionally a few birds can be heard.

Declined the security escort, since entered the botanical garden, Li Hui couldn't help asking: "binzi, what do we come here to check?"

"Duqi and sun Xiaopeng, go to the first scene and the burial scene."

"Tian Li and Zhao Ming, together, have a repeat of the case to make sure whether our guess of the time of the crime is accurate."

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"Li Hui and I went to the place where sun Chuanxi and Zhang GA cleaned the garbage."

"Yes." Everyone answered and acted separately.

Li Hui and Han Bin compare the scene in the video to find the location where sun Chuanxi and Zhang GA's egg white sweep the garbage.

Li Hui scanned the surrounding environment and said with a smile, "it's luxurious for us to have such a large botanical garden."

As the person in charge of the case, Han Bin's pressure is much greater than that of the ordinary players, and he doesn't have the heart to play garrulous words with Li Hui.

After walking to the east of the botanical garden for a few minutes, I saw the place where sun Chuanxi and Zhang Gadan took the video.

Han Bin turned around and looked at the sun again. He said, "you're right. That video is 100% fake."

"What new clues have you found?" Li Hui said curiously.

"I just compared the scene environment with the background of the video and found that the direction of the sun in the video is in the East, that is to say, the video was shot in the morning." Han Bin said.

"If I say that they must have killed Zhang Zi, otherwise they would not have taken such a fake video at risk." Li Hui said.

"Look for evidence. Everything is based on evidence." Han Bin said.

Then, Han Bin and his wife were around for half an hour, but unfortunately they didn't find any useful clues.

"Do you want to call the search dog again?" Li Hui proposed.

Li Hui's words reminded Han Bin.

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and found the photo of Zhang Zihan cleaning up the garbage: "look, Zhang Zihan was wearing a scarf before he died, but this scarf was not found at the burial site."

"In other words, Zhang Zihan was probably killed by his scarf." Li Hui was surprised.

"Yes, both scarves and mobile phones are stained with the smell of the dead. If these things are hidden in the botanical garden, the search dog should have found them last time." Han Bin said.

"It seems so." Li Hui muttered.

"Let's go and see what they find." Han Bin will search around, still did not find new clues, can only give up temporarily.

A few minutes later, Han Bin and Li Hui went to the burial site.

Tian Li and Zhao Ming are still repeating the case. Han Bin doesn't disturb them.

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"Do you have anything new, Ducky?" Han Bin asked.

"No Duchy shook his head.

Han Bin nodded: "you three also join in the case replay, looking for a person to play the dead, the other two groups play the suspect, to see if our speculation on the time of the crime and the time of the suspect leaving the park is correct?"

"Yes." The public responded.

Han Bin climbs up the rockery and overlooks the actions of the people. Tian Ruini can't find anyone. She probably absconds for fear of crime. But according to Han Bin's conjecture, she has no time to commit the crime.

Han Bin wants to repeat the case to determine whether his speculation about the time of the crime is correct.

Investigation is a hard work. People stay in the botanical garden all afternoon.

More than five in the afternoon, Han Bin is preparing to close the team when his mobile phone rings.

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Lu Wen who called. He pressed the answer key: "hello."

"Team leader Han, I recovered the files in Zhang Daquan's and sun Chuanxi's computers and found some new clues." Lu Wen said.

"What clue?"

"I found out what they were doing on the afternoon of December 9th?"

"What for?"

"It's live!"

Han Bin some wonder: "if they live, why to hide."

"Because the content of their live broadcast is consistent with that of the video, you should understand what I mean." Lu Wendao.

Han Bin suddenly realized.

Making videos is a hobby.

It's against the law.

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