Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 345: 345

"Officer Tian, what should we do now? Shall I answer the phone? " Xiao Shan looks nervous.

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Tian Li did not answer, turned to look to the side of the technical team: "Yuexi, mobile phone positioning is no problem."

Yuexi didn't answer and made an OK gesture.

Tian Li took Xiao Shan to the sofa and said, "take it. Just say it as usual."

Xiao Shan nodded and took a deep breath. Then she pressed the answer button: "hello."

"Where are you, Xiao Dong?" The voice of the kidnapper came from the mobile phone.

"I'm at home."

"Ha ha, don't lie to me. I know you are in the police station."

"I'm not. I'm trying to raise money. I won't call the police."

"Don't lie to me. I know you're in the police station again."

"I'm really at home, not at the police station. If you don't believe me, I can video with you. I'm answering the phone in my bedroom." Xiao Shan said.

Tian Li a pick thumb, this sentence is very good.

If the other party can make a video, they may be able to see some clues from the video, so as to find out where the bound person is being held.

"Ha ha, then I will trust you again." The man laughed and continued, "is the money ready?"

"I'm trying to raise money."

"That's none."

"I'm really working very hard to raise money."

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"Who are you cheating on? Your company with tens of billions of dollars is there, and you can't even take out a hundred million dollars. I don't think you want a son." The man threatened.

"Gufeng is a listed company, not my own company, and my shares only have a market value of more than one billion yuan. The key is that the shares can not be realized immediately. The Securities Regulatory Commission has already focused on me. Now I am ready to sell the villa at a low price. I will make up one billion yuan as soon as possible. Believe me." Xiao Shan said sincerely.

"Give me the right time."

Xiao Shan gritted her teeth: "the day after tomorrow, I can definitely put together a hundred million in cash."

"I'm a man of integrity. I also hope others can be honest. If they don't, I'll be very angry. Do you understand?"

"I understand that it's the same with our business, which is based on honesty." Speaking of this, Xiao Shan asked: "when the money is raised, how to pay the ransom and where to pay it?"

"Wait until you have the money ready."

"My son, I want to listen to his voice."

"You don't have the money ready, and I'm in a bad mood. I don't want to talk to your son today." The man snorted and laughed again: "however, in order to encourage you, I sent you another gift. I will send someone to your company later. It is estimated that you will receive it when you go to work."

"What gift? I don't want a gift. I don't want a gift. " Cried Xiao Shan.

"The gift has been sent back, but it can't be collected. If you don't want more gifts, you should raise the ransom earlier." With that, the man hung up his cell phone.

Xiao Shan's eyes were red and her hands trembled. She had already guessed the so-called gift.

She wished she had guessed wrong.

"Is the phone located?"

"The other party should not have started the location service, the time is too short, and the location can not be located." Yuexi shook her head.

Tian Li sighed, the police real-time positioning can not be found, can only wait for the communication company to go to work, let them locate the base station according to the signal transmission.

However, Tian Li was worried that, like the previous two times, when they determined the scope of the base station, when they arrived at the scene, the suspect had already run away.

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Xiao Shan took a deep breath: "officer Tian, what should we do now? The kidnappers sent people to Gufeng company to deliver things again. "

Tian Li looked at her watch: "what time does your company go to work?"

"Nine o'clock."

Tian Li showed a touch of excitement: "it's only seven o'clock, that is to say, we have enough time to arrest."


Forty minutes later.

Yuhua Branch, office of group 2 of the third criminal investigation team.

After receiving Tian Li's call, Han Bin immediately informed the team members to rush to the branch.

Han Bin, Li Hui, Du Qi and Zhao Ming all arrived at the office.

Everyone did not have breakfast, some instant noodles, some coffee, some tea.

"Creak..." Let's hear it.

The door of the office was pushed open, and Tian Li came in in a hurry.

"Oh, here we are."

Li Hui yawned: "I'll wait for you."

Han Bin holds a cup of coffee and leans on the table. While stirring the coffee, he asks, "Tian Li, talk about the situation."

"Let me have a drink first." Tian Li yawned, went to the water dispenser, mixed a cup of warm water, and dried up.

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"I'm so thirsty."

"At Xiaoshan's, she didn't let you drink?" Zhao Ming is concerned.

"I'm afraid I'll fall asleep and drink coffee all night. The more I drink, the more thirsty I get." Tian Li yawned again."I worked hard last night. I'll go back to sleep later." Han Bin said.

Tian Li didn't answer. Now that she has a chance to catch the suspect, she doesn't worry about going to bed.

Then, Tian Li tells Han Bin and others about Xiao Shan's phone call from the kidnappers.

Han Bin was silent for a moment: "you were at the scene, what do you think?"

"The kidnapper said that he would send someone to give Xiaoshan a gift. Xiaoshan's Gufeng company will go to work at nine o'clock, which is more than an hour away from now. We can arrest him completely. Even if he is not a suspect, he is probably an accomplice of the suspect." Tian Li suggested.

"What's the present for the kidnapper?" Asked duchy.

"He didn't say it clearly, but considering that the first time he gave it was fingers, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing this time." Tian Li shrugged her shoulders.

"Tut Tut, the kidnapper is cruel enough to cut off one finger a day." Li Hui muttered.

"Brother bin, I think this is an opportunity. As long as we can catch the person who gave the gift, we may be able to catch the kidnapper and rescue the kidnapped as soon as possible." Zhao Ming agreed.

Han Bin frowned tightly. As the actual person in charge of the case, he thought more than ordinary players.

If you catch the person who gave the gift and then ask for the whereabouts of the suspect, it is naturally the best.

But what if it's a trial for the suspect?

Once the gift giver is arrested, whether the suspect will tear up the ticket directly when he learns about it in some way.

This is what Han Bin needs to consider as the person in charge of the case.

Once the hostage is torn up, Han Bin has to bear the responsibility.

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Han Bin let the players ready equipment, he is contact Zeng Ping.

Zeng Ping also went to the branch, and Han Bin went directly to his office.

Time is pressing, Han Bin no nonsense, directly described the situation again.

Zeng Ping asked: "what do you think?"

"If the gift giver is arrested, it is naturally the best way to find out the whereabouts of the suspect and the hostage. But I am afraid that this is a trap. Once the gift giver is arrested, the police will expose him in front of the suspect, thus affecting the safety of the hostage." Han Bin is right.

"There is a certain reason for your worry. This clue is provided by the suspect, not by us." Zeng Ping nodded and continued: "however, now that we know the news, we can't do nothing, otherwise, Xiao Shan will have an opinion on us."

"You can tell her about the powerful relationship. She is a business elite and a strong woman in the IT industry. I believe she will understand."

"You're not married yet. You don't understand how it feels to be a parent. She's a mother now, which is related to her son's safety. It's hard for her to make a calm judgment." Zeng sighed that for a mother, her children are more important than the whole world.

There are also irresponsible parents, but only a few, otherwise, they will not be on the news.

Han Bin is also hard to refute. As Zeng Ping said, he is not married and has no children. He really has no say in this respect.

"Team Zeng, what do you think we should do?"

"In this way, let's go to the scene to arrange control first. As for whether to arrest or not, we can act according to the circumstances. We can also ask Xiao Shan what she thinks. After all, she is not an ordinary person. If she can really make a calm judgment and make a choice, it's OK for her to make up her mind. In a word, we should be well prepared."

Han Bin nodded in agreement.

Zeng Ping's proposal, though not brilliant, is the safest.

In dealing with kidnapping cases, we should focus on stability.

The safety of the hostages is the most important.

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