Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 346: 346

Pearl commercial building.

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Zeng Ping and Han Bin bring their team members to Gufeng company for control ahead of time.

Among them, Han Bin and Zeng Ping dispatch command in the monitoring room.

Li Hui and Du Qi are in the lobby on the first floor.

Zhao Ming is monitoring in the corridor.

Sun Xiaopeng was too tall and too eye-catching, so he stayed in Gufeng company.

Tian Li is with Xiao Shan, responsible for keeping in touch with Han Bin.

Han Bin observed some monitoring, and found nothing unusual: "Zeng team, how about the situation of the post?"

Zeng Ping shook his head: "there is no news from the network security brigade. We don't know much about the network. Wait."

"I think Gufeng company should also have network experts, who can ask Xiao Shan to ask employees who are proficient in the network to help investigate the IP address of the posting person." Han Bin suggested.

"That's an interesting idea. Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Han Bin showed a smile: "I just remember."

Network security brigade has no news, the case does not wait, do two hand preparation is always good.

"By the way, just now Lu Wen called me. The DNA identification results of that finger have come out. It's really a mother child relationship with Xiao Shan." Zeng Ping Road.

Han Bin nodded, this will be able to eliminate the suspicion of Xiao Tianchen's self directing and self acting, to crack the case.

Han Bin two people talk at the same time, also has been staring at the monitoring screen, at this time is already 9:2, after the peak of work.

"Yiyi..." Interphone sounded Li Hui's voice: "binzi, found a suspicious man holding a box into the south side of the elevator."

"Roger that, all of you. Don't do anything without my orders." Han Bin finished, will look at the south side of the elevator monitoring.

There were three people in the elevator, two men and one woman. One of them was wearing a mask and carrying a box in his hand.

Han Bin has been staring at each other from the monitoring, the man down the elevator, carrying a box into the valley abundant company.

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"Team Zeng." Han Bin hands the walkie talkie over.

Zeng Ping waved his hand: "grasp is sure to grasp, but not now."

"When are you going to arrest?" Han Bin asked.

"Do you think the man who sent the box is a kidnapper?" Zeng Ping answered the wrong question.

"I don't know if he's a kidnapper, but it's not the same person who sent the box last time."

"If he is a kidnapper, the sooner he is arrested, the better. But I think as long as the kidnapper has a little brain, he won't come to give a gift in person." Zeng Ping pointed to the screen and continued to analyze:

"assuming that the other party is not the kidnapper, but is sent by the kidnapper, then after the box is delivered, it is very likely that he will contact the kidnapper in some way. The best time to start is after he reports the kidnapper's safety."

"In what way do you think he will give the kidnappers peace?"

Zeng Ping lit a cigarette and said, "I don't think this method is too complicated. The first method is likely to be by telephone. The second method is likely to be that the kidnapper is observing around secretly. Once the police arrest him, he will be detected by the kidnapper."

"Bingo, a man wearing a mask put a box on the front desk, and now he has left Gufeng company." Sun Xiaopeng said.

Han Bin also agreed with Zeng Ping's analysis and replied, "I see. Li Hui, Du Qi and Zhao Ming are responsible for secretly tracking. Be careful not to be found by the suspect."


"When will the arrest be carried out?"

"Wait for the news."


In Gufeng company.

Not long after the box was sent to the front desk, Secretary Yao came over and carried it to the door of the chairman's office.

"Dong Dong."

"Come in."

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Secretary Yao opens the door of the office. There are two people standing in the room. One is Xiao Shan, the chairman of the company, and the other is Tian Li, a police officer.

"Chairman, here comes the box."

"Put it on the table."

Secretary Yao answered, put the box on the desk, and then left the office.

Xiao Shan took a deep breath and asked Tian Li, "officer Tian, is the person who sent the box the kidnapper?"

"No one can guarantee that." Tian Li shows her hand.

"Police, just let him go?" Xiao Shan is not reconciled.

"It's also for Xiao Tianchen's safety. Once the man who sent the box was arrested immediately, the kidnapper might have noticed that if the other party tore up the ticket, there would be no time to rescue him." Tian Li explained.

"That's right." Xiao Shan answered, then went to the table, her hands trembling slightly.

Leng for a while, just picked up the knife to open the box, as before, there is still a small box inside, Xiao Shan carefully opened the box.

There's a bloody ear in it.

……After the suspect left the building, Li Hui, Du Qi and Zhao Ming tailed behind. In order not to be found by the other party, the three did not dare to follow too close.

Soon after, Han Bin and Zeng Ping also drove up.

In order to avoid the kidnappers observing in secret, Han Bin did not use the walkie talkie, but used his mobile phone to make a call to Li Hui: "what's wrong with the suspect?"

"Out of the building, he made a phone call."

"Keep tracking."

After leaving the building, the suspect did not take any transportation, but walked to a nearby Internet cafe.

Li Hui and others did not directly arrest people, but inquired with the boss of the Internet bar, and learned that the suspect often came here to surf the Internet.

Li Hui and Zhao Ming each opened a machine and sat next to the suspect.

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The suspect has been playing games.

Li Hui and Zhao Ming watched for 20 minutes without exception. Han Bin decided to arrest them.

There are many people in Internet cafes, so it's not convenient to arrest them here. Han Bin lets the owner of Internet cafes control them remotely, making the suspects unable to access the Internet.

"Damn, I still have two hours to surf the Internet. Why did I stop all of a sudden?" The suspect's angry voice came, and then went to the counter and asked: "boss, I'm machine 26. I have two hours left. How can I turn off the machine?"

"Well, there may be something wrong with that machine, so I'll open a machine for you on the second floor." Internet cafe owner said.

"Damn, I'm playing very well just now. I won't be able to play again later." The suspect complained.

"Don't worry, the machine on the second floor is easy to use." The owner of the Internet bar said that and took the suspect to the second floor.

There are not many people surfing the Internet at this point. The second floor is empty, with only three men standing not far away.

See the suspect walked on the second floor, the three men happened to come around.

The suspect seems to be aware of something and turns around to go downstairs. However, at this moment, two more people go up the stairs and block the entrance.

"Excuse me." Cried the suspect.

Li Hui directly showed his police certificate: "we are police. We have something to ask you."

"Ask me, what's the matter?" The suspect stuttered.

"Have you been to Gufeng company just now?"


"What are you doing?"

The suspect hesitated for a moment, glanced at the five people around, and his head drooped: "give something."

"What is it for?"

"I don't know."

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"What's your name?"

"My name is I... " The suspect hesitated.

"Say it Li Hui yelled.

"My name is Hao Feihu."

"Why do you send things to Gufeng?" Han Bin asked.

"I was hired."

"Who hired you?"

"It's a young girl, and I don't know her. She gave me 500 yuan to send the box to Gufeng company." After Hao Feihu finished, he was worried and said, "Comrade police, what happened? I'm just a giver."

"How did that girl get in touch with you?"

"I met her on Fangchun road. It's my first time to see her."

"Do you have her contact information?"


"Can we still find her?"


Li Hui frowned: "you should always remember her appearance, right?"

Hao Feihu shook his head. "She's wearing sunglasses and a mask."

Li Hui

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