Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 351: 351

Jinqiao Shuian community.

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The community is built on the Jinshui River, which is also named for the river.

The lovely Garfield that Han Bin wants to capture lives in Jinqiao Shuian community.

Lovely Garfield's real name is Chen Yanfei, 30 years old, living in room 1103, Shuian, Jinqiao.

After getting the information from the network security brigade, Zeng Ping and Han binbing divided into two groups.

Han Bin, Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng went to the scene directly.

Zeng Ping contacted the police of the local police station, who were more familiar with the situation of Jinqiao Shuian community.

Jinshui River is nearly 30 meters wide and about two or three meters deep. There is a thin layer of ice in some places. The recent temperature in Qindao is around zero. Even if there is ice, it is not solid.

Several well-dressed men are standing by the bridge fishing.

Because during the day when the sun is abundant, the cement structure of the bridge absorbs heat slowly and dissipates heat slowly, so it is not easy to freeze around the bridge.

Fish, like people, know the cold and the warm. Moreover, fish are more sensitive to the water temperature. Where the water temperature is suitable for its survival, it will swim to where it is. It is willing to stay in the warm water area.

At this time, there was a noise not far away.

"Kangzi, don't come here. If you come again, I'll jump down." A woman in a green coat stood by the river and cried.

"Sister, don't jump. If you have something to say, there's nothing you can't pass." Not far away, a man in his early twenties advised.

Their looks are a little similar. They are probably brothers and sisters.

"Kangzi, you don't understand. My sister borrowed more than 100000 net loans and can't afford it. I really don't want to live. I'm too tired."

"Sister, now the country has banned illegal online loan companies, you don't have to pay them back."

"But what I borrow is legal, and the loan interest of more than 100000 yuan is not a small amount. My salary goes back and forth, and I don't know how to return it until the age of monkey. I can't afford to repay it in my life, Wuwu..." The woman burst into tears.

"Elder sister, you hurry down, you can always find a way. Besides, there is my brother-in-law. You two can return it together, sooner or later." Kangzi advised.

"Don't mention that Chen Shimei to me. He wants me to die. If I die, he can find a young and rich one..." The more women talk, the more sad they are.

Kangzi couldn't persuade her, so he took advantage of the woman's unprepared and wanted to rush over and drag her away from the river.

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Kangzi's idea is good, but the woman doesn't cooperate at all. When Kangzi rushes to the front, the woman also finds her move, turns around and jumps directly into the river.


I fell into the water.

"Ah The woman screamed and instinctively struggled in the water.

As soon as Kangzi was worried, he hopped along the river and called out:

"help, help."

Several old fishermen also saw it and pointed to the place where the woman fell into the water: "someone jumped into the river! Go and save people

As soon as I heard that someone was jumping into the river, many people came over, some of them wanted to help, some of them wanted to watch.

Han Bin and others are nearby. Hearing the call for help, they rush over immediately.

The Jinshui River is the living water. The woman has been washed into the middle of the river by the current and is still struggling: "ah, help Save I... "

At this moment, she seems very painful, maybe regret.

It could be instinctive.

When Han Bin and others crowded to the river, many people gathered around, but because the river was too cold, and it was living water, most people did not dare to go into the water.

"Come on, help! My sister is washed away by the water!" Kangzi yelled.

Zhao Ming was warm-hearted and courageous. Seeing this, he called out: "brother bin, I'll go down to save people."

With that, Zhao Ming is about to jump into the water.

Han Bin seized him: "just jump down like this, you're not going to die."

"Don't worry, I can swim."

"The water is too cold in winter. When it's excited by cold water, it's easy to have leg cramps. At that time, it's impossible to save people and put yourself in." In the face of this situation, Han Bin is more experienced and more stable.

"Find a rope around your waist and we'll pull you up." Sun Xiaopeng proposed.

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"Rope, is there a rope?" The crowd around also followed.

"Who has a rope?"

"There's a life box by the river." Cried an old fisherman.

A moment later, a man in the distance called out: "the life-saving box is empty, the life-saving rope and life buoy are gone."

"Damn it, every stupid x can't afford to be poor. I'll steal this." Said a young man.

Seeing the women's struggling strength getting smaller and smaller, Zhao Ming was a little upset: "forget it, I will be careful when I find the rope."

Time is pressing, no one will go out with a strong long rope.

"You take off your clothes first, and then you take them off before you go into the water." Han Bin said in a commanding tone.

People certainly want to save, but also to protect the safety of their own team.With the help of Han Bin and sun Xiaopeng, Zhao Ming was quickly stripped naked and only wore a pair of boxer pants.

"Poop Suddenly, Zhao Ming jumped down the river.

Sun Xiaopeng is worried. He can't swim.

Han Bin stands by the river and takes off his clothes, ready to meet Zhao Ming at any time.

Except for those who have winter swimming experience, most people jump into the water near zero and almost give up their lives.

Zhao Ming is really going to be damaged by the water. Han Bin will jump down to save people for the first time.

Sun Xiaopeng asked people to look for the rope and the long stick.

The people on the shore were worried, and Zhao Ming's life was even more difficult.

The water is so cold!

It's freezing!

He felt his bones were frozen through.

To be honest, he was a little bit sorry at the moment.

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Hero is not so easy to be, but he is a policeman. He must save people at the first time.

Zhao Ming tried his best to swim forward. The woman in green coat no longer struggled. With the current, her head was flooded.

"Ah Zhao Ming yelled and swam forward with all his strength.

Five meters, four meters, three meters, two meters, one meter

Zhao Ming grabbed the other side and went back to the destination with all his life.

The woman in the green coat is very heavy. Her clothes are wet through and there is a lot of resistance.

Zhao Ming makes great efforts to swim forward

at this moment, he is very grateful to Han Bin.

In the evening, Han Bin takes him to eat soup noodles and barbecue, otherwise can support really many say.

Beside the river, there was a step. Sun Xiaopeng went down the step, half body into the water, holding a long bamboo pole, and handed the other end to him:

"Zhao Ming seize it!"

At this time, Zhao Ming's physical strength was almost exhausted.

This long stick is his life-saving straw.

He grabbed the stick, put it under his arm, put his other hand around the woman in green coat, and was dragged by sun Xiaopeng to the river.

With the help of the people around him, Zhao Ming climbed the bank from the steps with the woman in his arms.

The man named Kangzi rushed over immediately: "let go, let go of my sister!"

Zhao Ming was frozen at this time, did not hear each other clearly, put the woman on the ground.

Kangzi pressed the woman in green coat on her chest.

I don't know whether it's standard or not, but people are saved.

"Poof Cough... "

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The woman in the green coat coughed.

"Elder sister, you are OK at last, but you scared me to death." Kang Zichang breathed a sigh of relief.

The onlookers relaxed.

Zhao Ming wiped the water on his body with his warm clothes. He was shivering with cold and his whole body was shaking.

After drying, he put on his down jacket.

At this time, Kangzi suddenly stood up. Under the surprised eyes of the people, he grabbed Zhao Ming's collar: "you smelly rascal, where did you touch your hand just now?"

"Who are the hooligans? What are you doing?" Zhao Ming was surprised and angry.

"You still don't admit that just now you were in the river, holding my sister's chest. I can see clearly that you are not a hooligan. What are you?" Kangzi asked aloud.

Everyone around was a little confused.

"Oh." Han Bin also put on his clothes, which one does NIMA sing.

The other side has been holding Zhao Ming's collar, let Zhao Ming feel very depressed, put his hand away: "hands away."

"You Rascal dare to do it! I'll smoke you. " In the eyes of the public, Kang Zi slapped Zhao Ming in the face: "pa!"

The noise was unusually loud.

It's not that Zhao Ming doesn't hide, it's that he didn't expect to be beaten when he saved people.

Not only the others, but also the people present were confused.

Which one is this?

Han Bin touched his nose, even the police who carried out the task dare to fight, so bold!

This Kangzi wants to eat free new year's Eve dinner.

One meal is not enough, just two.

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