Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 352: 352

Han Bin hasn't said a word yet, and the old man next to him can't see it any more.

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"Young man, this young man saved your sister. Why do you beat her?"

"He played a rascal and grabbed my sister's chest." Cried Kangzi.

"I didn't see that he was your sister's savior." The humanity of onlookers.

"One yard to one yard, he didn't have a good idea." Kangzi said, pointing to a young girl beside him: "didn't you take a video? Take it out and have a look. "

The girl was also curious about why Kangzi hit someone. She took out her mobile phone and played back the video. She found that when Li Huigang just saved someone, she put her right hand around the chest of the woman in the green coat.

Kangzi pointed to the screen and asked, "look, where is he going?"

Han Bin also watched the video and hummed: "how can you be a man with a bad mind? People are saving people. You just think about it in a crooked way. You know how difficult it is to save people in the water. How can you pay attention to so much?"

"That is, young man, I have to criticize you. I'm more than 70 people, and I don't see any problem. How can you be more feudal than me?" A fishing old man.

"Yes, the water is so cold. Who has no time to play hooligans in the river? It's already frozen."

"This kid is so frustrated. I haven't seen a woman before. Otherwise, I'm so dark in my heart." All the onlookers said.

Kangzi's face became more and more ugly. He became angry and said, "bah, this is not a woman in your family. Of course you don't care. It's true that he saved people, and it's also true that he caught Xiong. I'll beat him. What's the matter?"

Han Bin laughed: "you admit to beating him."

"What's the matter? You still want to hit me. I'm not afraid of you." Kangzi stares at Zhu Zi, and he has the strength to be generous.

Han Bin showed his police officer certificate and pointed to Zhao Ming: "he's a policeman. He's on duty. You beat a policeman for no reason. Now I'm going to arrest you for the crime of obstructing public affairs!"


Sun Xiaopeng held Kangzi down and handcuffed him directly.

Feeling the cold on the handcuffs, Kangzi was a little confused, and his face showed a flustered look: "I didn't know he was a policeman, you can't catch me."

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"We have to report to you when we carry out our tasks and catch the bad guys." Han Bin said coldly.

"I'm wrong. I apologize to him. Don't arrest me!" Kangzi lost his hard spirit and prayed.

"Police comrades, please let my brother go. He is still young and ignorant. I apologize for him." The woman in the green coat put her hands together and pleaded.

"How are you doing?" Han Bin is concerned.

"I'm fine." Said the woman in the green coat.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, I'm fine."

"If it's all right, just go. Your brother has broken the law and needs to be punished by law. It's not a family. It's useless for you to plead." Han Bin finished and waved:

"take it away!"


In the crowd, I don't know who yelled.

The others followed, "good job!"

"This is Kangzi. He doesn't know why. The police saved your sister. If you don't thank him, you slap her in the face and deserve to be arrested."

"The world is big, and nobody has."

"These policemen are good. It's not ambiguous to save people, it's not ambiguous to arrest people, and they don't live in the mud. With these policemen, we common people can feel at ease."

"I saw it just now. The police officer's certificate says that it's criminal police. Otherwise, I'm so confident."

"This is Kangzi. Even the police dare to fight him. If he goes in, he can have a good life."

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"You didn't hear the policeman say that it's called the crime of obstructing public affairs, which belongs to the penalty. I guess the boy can't get out during the new year."

"If you think about it, you'll probably have to peel it off."

"You deserve it!"


After leaving the river, Han Bin patted Zhao Ming on the shoulder: "it's OK."

"Cold." Zhao Ming showed a wry smile, and now his teeth are still trembling.

Kangzi slapped him just now, but he didn't respond at all, because his face had been frozen.

"Get back in the car and turn on the warm air." Han Bin ordered a, let Zhao Ming and sun Xiaopeng escorted Kangzi back to the car, himself is to Zeng Ping report.

Briefly speaking, Han Bin also returned to the car.

As soon as I opened the car door, I heard a burst of crying: "police comrades, please forgive me, I dare not."

"I didn't mean to hit you. I was in a daze."

"I'll kneel down for you. No, let me go."

Kangzi's face was full of tears, and he kept saying good things there.

Han Bin showed disgust: "you two take him back, you don't have to take part in the arrest."

With the heating in the car, Zhao Ming's face improved a lot: "brother bin, it's OK. We can continue to take part in the operation.""Yes, chief, let me stay." Sun Xiaopeng said.

Han Bin took a look at them. Although Zhao Ming's clothes were dry, his body was still shaking.

In order to meet Zhao Ming, sun Xiaopeng didn't care so much at that time. Half of his body went into the water and his trousers were soaked through.

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"You two take him back. Team Zeng has brought people here. There are enough people to arrest him." "This is an order!" Han Bin said without any doubt



Ten minutes later.

Han Bin and Zeng Ping meet in the Cambridge waterfront community.

Zeng Ping is followed by four policemen, but Han Bin is a bare rod commander.

After meeting, Zeng Ping couldn't help teasing: "you're really good, three people come out, you're the only one left."

"I can't help it. When I meet someone who jumps into the river to commit suicide, I can't help him." Han Bin said helplessly.

After the two sides met, Zeng Ping asked a policeman named Xiao Song to go to the property company and asked the employees of the property company to assist in the arrest.

The other five people went to the suspect's home first to stop him from escaping ahead of time.

Although the network security brigade gives lovely Garfield information, sometimes the information in the file is different from the actual information, especially for some floating population, they often change their places of residence.

Property companies in this area of information, to be more timely, mutual proof, more reliable.

Han Bin and others took the elevator to the 11th floor of the building. According to the information provided by the network security brigade, Chen Yanfei lived in room 1103.

However, Zeng Ping and others did not immediately start, but wait for the personnel of the property company to come, first verify the situation, and then see which way to call the door more secure.

"Ding Dong..." Just then, the elevator rang.

Han Bin and others looked in the past, may be the police song led the property company.

When the elevator door opened, a 30-year-old man came down with a bag on his back. Seeing Han Bin and others standing in the corridor, he was surprised and puzzled. He looked at Han Bin and others.

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The man wanted to talk and stopped, but he didn't speak after all.

He passed Han Bin and others, went to the door of room 1103, and took out the key from his pocket.

"Shit." Zeng Ping dropped the cigarette end on the ground, stepped on it, and then waved.

Han Bin and four policemen rushed directly in the past and pushed the man with the backpack down to the ground.

The man was stunned and wanted to shout, but he was blocked and gave out a sob: "sobbing..."

"Sister, it's been a long time since I met someone to give my head away." Zeng Ping smiles and waves, indicating that Han Bin and others will pull the arrested man into the stairwell.

Two policemen were left in the corridor.

The backpacker was handcuffed and his mouth was blocked by a policeman.

"Team Zeng, this is not the place to ask questions. The boy roared and the people in the room heard him." Han Bin said softly.

"I didn't expect that the boy would go into the trap himself."

"Team Zeng, this boy has a key on him, or we can open the door and rush in directly." One side of the police proposed.

Zeng Ping pondered for a moment: "we don't know the situation inside. No one knows how many kidnappers there are and what weapons they have. It's better to ask clearly."

"Take him to the basement, where no one can hear him." Han Bin suggested.

"Ding Dong..."

Just then, the elevator door rang again.

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