Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 353: 353

The elevator door opened, and a man and a woman came out. The man was the policeman Xiao Song, and the woman was wearing the uniform of the property company.

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Han Bin asked the police to take out a pair of headphones and put a rock song on the backpack man's ear.

Xiao song came over and pointed to the woman beside him and said, "team Zeng, let me introduce you. This is manager Zhao of our property company."

"Hello, manager Zhao."

"Good morning, Captain Zeng."

"Manager Zhao, do you know about room 1103?"

"I brought the information. The owner of room 1103 is Ma Jinbao. According to the housekeeper of the unit building, Ma Jinbao and his wife are usually the only two people who live there."

"Is there anything unusual recently?"

"I'm not sure about that, but there's no change in water charges."

Han Bin called manager Zhao to the stairwell, pointed to the man and asked, "do you know this man?"

Zhao manager looked at some: "he is the owner of Mr. Ma, lived here for several years, some time ago to pay property fees, I have seen."

After understanding the situation, Han Bin went to Ma Jinbao and took off his earphone: "don't shout, ask you what, answer what."

The man nodded.

Han Bin motioned to the police to let go of his mouth and asked, "what's your name?"

"Who are you?"

"The police."

"I My name is Ma Jinbao. Comrade police, why did you arrest me? I'm a good man... " Ma Jinbao was relieved to hear that it was the police.

"How many people are there in your family?"

"Two, just me and my wife."

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"What's your wife's name?"

"Chen Yanfei."

"Lovely Garfield, do you know who it is?"

"Yes, yes My wife's QQ account name, what's the problem? "

"Where is Chen Yanfei?"

"At home."

"Besides Chen Yanfei, is there anyone else in your family?"

"No, really no, comrade police, what are you looking for my wife for?" Ma Jinbao looks worried.

"We suspect that she was involved in a kidnapping." When Han Bin talks, he always looks at each other.

Although lovely Garfield is Chen Yanfei's registered account, it's a man who blackmails her. As Chen Yanfei's husband, Ma Jinbao is very suspicious.

"Kidnapping, how is that possible?" Ma Jinbao looked surprised.

Han Bin found that the other side's emotions are not fake.

If Ma Jinbao is also a suspect, then when the police come to the door, he should know the reason and show a look of surprise, indicating that the other party does not know about the kidnapping.

Ma Jinbao's suspicion can be ruled out for the time being.

His words are more reliable.

Hanbin and zengping discussed, now that they have the key, they also find out the situation inside the house, and they are ready to open the door directly to catch people.

After Zeng Ping had arranged, Han Bin opened the door in person.

"Click..." There's a door.

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Zeng Ping, Han Bin and two policemen walked in lightly.

"Baby, you're back." A woman's voice came from the room.

Then, a woman came into the living room from her bedroom and saw Han Bin and others with a look of Horror: "who are you? What are you doing at my house? "

Han Bin looked at each other: "your name is Chen Yanfei?"

"I am. Who are you?" Chen Yanfei is a little nervous. She takes out her mobile phone and dials a common number.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

In the corridor, Ma Jinbao's mobile phone rang.

Han Bin did not beat around the Bush, directly showed the police card: "we are the police."

"What about my husband? What have you done to him?" When Chen Yanfei heard the ring of her mobile phone, she understood that her husband might have been arrested by these people.

"Princess, I'm fine." Ma Jinbao was also brought into the house.

"Why did you catch my husband and break into my house?" Chen Yanfei asked aloud.

"Chen Yanfei, have you ever been to the FT community discussion website?" Han Bin asked.

"I used to go to school a lot, but now I'm busy with my work. I seldom go to school again. What's the matter?"

"Lovely Garfield is your account name."


"The user of cute Garfield's account is suspected of being involved in a kidnapping case, and you are the real name registrant. We have reason to suspect that you are related to this case." Zeng Ping explained.

"I I haven't used this account for a long time. How could it be related to the kidnapping? Did the police make a mistake? " Chen Yanfei's tone is firm.

"Has anyone used this account but you?" Han Bin asked.

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Chen Yanfei recalled for a moment, frowned: "No.""Chen Yanfei, this case is related to a kidnapping case. If you deliberately hide clues, you will bear legal responsibility." Han Bin warned.

Chen Yanfei's eyes twinkled. She took a look at Ma Jinbao and Han Bin. She wanted to say nothing.

"Take Ma Jinbao inside first." Han Bin ordered.

"Why, I also want to listen. I'm the husband of the imperial concubine. What can't I listen to? I want to be with my wife." Ma Jinbao twisted his body and refused to cooperate.

"Baby, the one who cleans up will clean up. Please come in and I'll talk to the police officer." Chen Yanfei said.

"Imperial concubine, what do you call me? I'm here..."

"Bang!" The door closed and the room was quite clean.

"Come on, your husband can't hear you now."

Chen Yanfei sighed: "in fact, I had a boyfriend before I got married. At that time, I often went to FT community website. He should also know the password of that account."

"Why didn't you just say that?"

Chen Yanfei lowered her head: "my husband doesn't know. I have an ex boyfriend."

Zeng Ping frowned, what age, this reason can not be convincing: "now most young people have love experience before marriage, why do you deliberately hide?"

Chen Yanfei bit her lower lip and muttered, "my husband hasn't talked about it before. He It's not very acceptable. I didn't mean to cheat him. I... "

This reason is in the past.

Never talked about, naturally want to find not talked about.

Never talked about, find a talked about, you will feel at a loss, will inevitably feel uncomfortable, human nature.

"What's your ex boyfriend's name?"

Chen Yanfei pinched her forehead, as if unwilling to mention it again. After a long silence, she choked out two words: "Yang duo."

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"Where is Yang duo now?"

"I don't know."

"Where do you work?"

"He used to work in a state-owned enterprise and then resigned."

Zeng Ping touched his chin: "with such a stable job in state-owned enterprises, many people can't squeeze in. Why did he resign?"

"He's sick."

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yanfei pointed to her heart: "he is sick."

"Heart disease?"

"Heart disease."

"What's the problem?"

"How to say, he is a perfectionist, and this kind of person is often more likely to be pessimistic, worried, and get into trouble. Sometimes he looks up things on the Internet, and the search engine will push some difficult and complicated advertisements. When he sees them, he has to be similar to his own situation, and he thinks he has similar problems. The more he likes to get into trouble, the more he feels sick."

Chen Yanfei fell into the memory, showing a helpless color: "he went to the hospital for examination, once, twice, three times After each visit, the doctor will tell him to come for a review after a period of time. As long as the doctor doesn't tell him personally that you are well and don't have to come again, he will feel that his illness is not well and he has to go... "

Chen Yanfei showed a wry smile: "no doctor will pat your chest and tell you that when you are well, you don't have to come again. The doctor won't make that kind of guarantee. As long as you come, as long as you feel sick, the doctor will show you and let you check. The doctor won't be full of words."

"The doctor also has his own worries. If you are well today, it doesn't mean you won't make it again. If the doctor pats his chest and says that you are well, you don't have to come again. If you are ill again, what will you do if you report to the hospital?" Zeng Ping Road.

"I tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen to me. In order to take good care of his illness, he sold all the houses he got married. He was a complete devil!" The sound of these past events made Chen Yanfei a little excited.

"Is he sick or not?"

"Yes." Chen Yanfei tone firmly: "however, he should see a psychologist."

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