Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 354: 354

"Ding Ling Ling..." Zeng Ping's mobile phone rings.

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He took out a mobile phone to see, to the side of Hanbin whispered: "network security brigade."

With that, Zeng Ping took his cell phone to one side to answer.

Before long, Zeng Ping came back with a dignified look on his face: "two minutes ago, lovely Garfield sent a post again."

Han Bin takes a look at his watch. It should have been six or seven minutes for them to enter Ma Jinbao's home. That is to say, Ma Jinbao and Chen Yanfei are not the posting people.

"Miss Chen, thank you for the clue. You and Mr. Ma have been surprised. On behalf of the criminal police, I apologize to you." Zeng Ping said solemnly.

Han Bin nodded: "Miss Chen, I'm sorry."

Chen Yanfei sighed with relief: "I hope you don't tell others what we are talking about today."

"I promise." Zeng Ping is the right person.

Han Bin seems to think of something: "Miss Chen, I want to ask you another question."

"Go ahead."

"What search engine does Yang duo use?"

"This..." Chen Yanfei frowned and thought, "it's like Gu Feng's search."

"Can you tell us the details of Yang Duo?"

Chen Yanfei hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly.

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Get to know the situation.

Zeng Ping and Han Bin apologized to Ma Jinbao.

Zeng Ping took the initiative to take the responsibility on himself.

After the matter was handled clearly, the party left Jinqiao Shuian community.

At the gate of the community, Zeng Ping, Han Bin and several policemen separated, and several policemen had to go back to the police station.

Han Bin and Zeng Ping drive back to Yuhua Branch.

In the car.

Zeng Ping sat in the co pilot's seat and lit a cigarette: "binzi, do you think the kidnapper will be Yang Duo?"

While driving, Han Bin said: "I think it's very possible that Yang duo and Wang Tongtong have similar motives. It's because the search engine pushed some bad content that they suffered a major setback, but Wang Tongtong just made a mistake, and Yang duo's personality is the reason."

Zeng Ping took a breath: "next, we will focus on Yang duo."

"What did the network security brigade tell you?"

"Lovely Garfield left a message for Wang Tongtong and asked her to go to Zhongshan Road and friendship street at 8:30 tomorrow morning to pick up the box 300 meters east as the third gift for Xiao Shan."

"Tut Tut, Yang Duo is very cruel."

"Yes, the first time is fingers, the second time is ears. This third time, it will not be a good thing. Once people are in despair, they can do anything." Zeng Ping said with emotion.

"Since he's going to Zhongshan Road tomorrow morning to deliver the boxes, we can make an arrest ahead of time." Han Bin suggested.

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"Work harder tonight. I'll treat you to coffee." Zeng Ping said with a smile.

No one knows when the suspect will put the box on Zhongshan Road, or it may be 12 p.m. or it may be tomorrow morning. To be on the safe side, we need to start preparing now.

After returning to the branch office, Zeng Ping first sent someone to contact the communication company and lock the mobile phone number under Yang duo's name. As a result, the mobile phone was not in the service area and lost the possibility of active arrest, so he had to wait.


The next morning, after six o'clock.

Near Zhongshan Road.

A man got out of the car with a bag on his back, a hat, a mask and gloves. He wrapped himself tightly and was a little fat. After getting off the car, he walked south along Zhongshan Road.

Men stop and go, from time to time to see the green belt, it seems that there is something on the mind in general.

After a long walk, the man saw that there was no one around, so he took a box out of his backpack, put it in the green belt, and covered it with a black plastic bag.

After finishing all this, the man seemed to be relieved a lot. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, inserted the card, turned it on, and made a call: "Hello, it's Xiao Dong."

"It's me. My son. I want to talk to him." Xiao Shan's voice came from the mobile phone.

"And the money?"

"Ready, 100 million in cash."

"Oh, yes."

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"I beg, tell me quickly, where is my son?"

"Don't worry. I'll wait until I get the money. If I say it in advance, I'm afraid it's not the money but the police. Do you think I'm so stupid?"

"Well, I can give you the money anytime. Please let me hear my son's voice." Xiao Shan pleaded.

"Find a truck, put the money in, don't connect numbers, don't track, don't monitor, wait for my call." The man didn't answer the question and ignored Xiao Shan's stubble.

Xiao Shan could only step back and ask for the next: "I want to know what is in the box this time?"

"Ha ha, good thing, very interesting! I'm sure you'll like it. " With that, the man hung up his cell phone and skillfully took off his cell phone card.The man went to the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

The driver is a man in his thirties: "where are you going?"

"The intersection of Taihang street and Xifeng road."

The taxi started and took advantage of the green light to cross the road.

Then a car came not far away, turned right and stopped at the side of the road. Han Bin, Zhao Ming, Tian Li and Xiao Shan stepped down from the car.

Han Bin went to the green belt, took away the black plastic bag: "Xiao Dong, you open the box, or let me."

Xiao Shan took a deep breath, looked at the box in the green belt, and looked at the direction of the taxi: "team leader Han, you can't lose it."

"No, don't worry." Han Bin comforted a, they have already arranged ahead of time to control.

The reason why we didn't immediately arrest the suspect is that the other party still refuses to let go after the suspect has been arrested. If we can't find the hostage in time, we may still be torn by our accomplices or starved to death.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Shan went to the green belt, took out the box carefully, and opened the plastic bag with the key. There was still a box in it.

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Xiao Shan licked her dry lips and slowly opened the box when she was ready.

Then, she froze.

Under the surprised eyes of the people, Xiao Shan began to laugh.

Han Bin thinks that the other party has been stimulated, so he goes to check and finds that the box is a U disk.

The boxes and boxes sent by the suspects have been identified by the technical team. Only the fingerprints of the person who sent the boxes, not the fingerprints of the suspect.

Han Bin puts on gloves, takes the U disk out of the box and hands it to Zhao Ming: "look what's inside."

"Yes." Zhao Ming took the hard disk and plugged it into the tablet.

Open the interface of U disk, there is only one video saved.

Xiao Shan, Han Bin and Tian Li all gathered around and wanted to know the content of the video.

Zhao Ming opened the video, looking like it was taken in a hotel.

The room has a large area, luxurious decoration, a lot of roses scattered on the ground, red carpet, oval bed, the whole room is full of a strange atmosphere.

Han Bin feels that this hotel room is very familiar.

To be exact, he has.

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