Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 369: 369

"Don't worry. We're not sure if it's your daughter. It's just that her age and time of disappearance are close to your daughter. It's probably just a coincidence." Han Bin comforted.

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"What's the matter? Do you have any photos? Let me see them." Cried Zhang Dagang.

"Look, it must be for you to see, but before we see it, we need to make it clear so that you can be prepared."

"What's the matter with the preparation?"

"Well, we are investigating a case. Now we can only confirm that the victim is a female surname. She is 18 or 19 years old. She had an accident last night." Han Bin explained.

"What, my daughter died, Wuwu..."

Zhang Dagang began to cry and sat down on the chair: "I have only such a daughter and such a relative. Why..."

"Mr. Zhang, please calm down. It's not sure that the deceased is your daughter. Please tell us her physical characteristics first." Tian Li advised.

"Wuwu..." Zhang Dagang is still crying, crying like a child.

People around me feel a little uncomfortable.

Han Bin waved his hand and motioned to the others to stop talking and let them cry for a while.


After crying for a few minutes, Zhang Dagang gradually stopped crying: "I want to see her, I want to see with my own eyes is Yiyi..."

Han Bin took out several photos of the victim's back from the drawer and put them in front of Zhang Dagang.

With shaking hands, Zhang Dagang took the photo and looked at it carefully: "this How could this be Who is so cruel... "

"Mr. Zhang, is that your daughter?"

"This How can I recognize my daughter when she is so old Who is so cruel... " Zhang Dagang touched his tears.

"Look carefully."

"My daughter is more than one meter six. How tall is she?"

"The body of the deceased has been stiff, and the forensic medicine has not yet measured the specific height. Take a look at the body shape, skin color, hair and other characteristics."

"Why don't you show me the front, why?"

"I can't recognize the front."

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Zhang Dagang closed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. His face had been twisted and he tried to hold back his anger.

After a while, he was looking at the red eyes and continued to observe the photos carefully. After accepting the worst situation, he calmed down and recalled the characteristics of his daughter.

"My daughter's hair seems to be a little yellow."


"It seems that I don't usually pay much attention to this."

"What about the other features?"

"My daughter has a black spot on her neck. It doesn't seem to be in the picture."

"It's true that there are no black marks on the neck of the deceased." Han Bin said.

"Wheezing..." Zhang Dagang breathed a sigh of relief: "does that mean that she is not my daughter? My daughter is probably not dead."

"If what you said is true, the deceased is not your daughter."

Zhang Dagang patted his chest and cried with joy: "scared to death, scared to death, where did this smelly girl go?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure your daughter will be lucky. She has her own way." Tian Li holds a cup of hot water and puts it in front of Zhang Dagang.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhang Dagang took the cup, his face looked like crying and laughing.

Seeing a runny nose and tears on Zhang Dagang's face, Tian Li suggested, "Mr. Zhang, let me take you to the reception room for a rest."

"No, no, I'm not going anywhere." Zhang Dagang put down his tea cup and said, "criminal police, please help me find my daughter. Don't drive me away."

"Mr. Zhang, Tongan Road police station has accepted your case."

"I don't want the police station. We're looking for the criminal police. I don't want my daughter to have an accident. I don't want white hair people to send black hair people. Don't let me see this kind of picture again. I can't stand it." Zhang Dagang covers his chest.

Zhang Dagang made up his mind. Since he came to the criminal police team, he would not leave. Seeing these photos, he was even more worried if his daughter should become like this

He couldn't accept it. He made up his mind to stay here today.

At this time, Han Bin is also in a bit of a dilemma. At present, the case is being followed by the police station. Tongan Road police station has not been handed over to the criminal police force, and Han Bin is not easy to directly intervene. More importantly, he is still investigating the homicide case, so he can't spare any staff.

However, it's not good to refuse Zhang Dagang directly. It's their trust to let the criminal police team deal with it. They can't recognize the body with their front feet and turn their face away with their back feet.

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Just when Han Bin was in a bit of a dilemma, a mobile phone ring rang: "Ding Ling Ling..."

"I, it's my cell phone..." Zhang Dagang took out his mobile phone and saw that a strange landline number was displayed on the screen: "officer Han, it's a strange landline. Can it be a kidnapper?"

Zhang Dagang has already started brain tonic.

"Kidnappers seldom use landline phones. Moreover, your daughter has been missing for so long. If she was kidnapped, it is estimated that the kidnappers would have called long ago." Han Bin shook his head and said, "calm down, turn on the voice. If there's anything wrong, I'll remind you on the whiteboard.""Yes." Zhang Dagang took a deep breath, and then pressed the answer button: "hello."

"Do you know Zhang Yiyi?"

"I know who you are and what happened to my family?" As soon as he heard about his daughter, Zhang Dagang was immediately confused and forgot Han Bin's instructions.

"What are you from Zhang Yiyi?"

"I'm Zhang Yiyi's father. Who are you?"

"We are from the police station. Zhang Yiyi has been detained according to law. According to the regulations, we have to inform her family." The man in the phone said.

"You talk nonsense. I just came from the police station. How could Yiyi be detained? What are you Cried Zhang Dagang.

"We are from ningbei Road police station. No one deceives you. When the detention period expires, Zhang Yiyi will be released."

"Yiyi, you let her on the phone. I'll tell her myself."

"Zhang Yiyi is suspected of selling silver. We detained her in accordance with the law. Now we can't answer your phone." The man in the cell phone said.

"What did you say my family Yiyi did?" Zhang Dagang looked unbelievable.


Zhang Dagang was confused.

"Hello, do you hear me? We have informed the family members according to the regulations. If it's OK, I'll hang up. "

Zhang Dagang shook his head and yelled: "no way, you must be cheating me. How can our family Yiyi do such a thing?"

"What are you shouting! Trying to deafen me. " The man opposite the cell phone complained.

Han Bin reached for Zhang Dagang's mobile phone and said, "Hello, I'm Han Bin from the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch."

The man in the mobile phone was stunned for a moment, and then he responded: "Hello, elder martial brother Han."

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"When was Zhang Yiyi arrested?"

"Last night, we joined forces with the security brigade to sweep the emperor and caught Zhang Yiyi in a club. She was trading with a man at that time."

"Stop it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it..." Zhang Dagang patted his head hard.

"Zhang Yiyi's family went to Tongan Road police station to report missing. Please communicate with the police station over there." Han Bin reminds.

"Yes, Zhang Yiyi has not been willing to say the contact information of his family. We just asked, and we will inform the local police station in a moment."

"Hard work." Han Bin finished, hang up the phone.

"What evil have I done? She might as well die." For a father, it's not much different to kill his daughter when he hears that his daughter is engaged in this kind of thing.

Han Bin handed the mobile phone to the other side, comforting: "your daughter is not old enough to form a correct outlook on life. It's not too late to have a good education."

"Wuwu..." Zhang Dagang sat on the ground, crying like a child.

Han Bin and others also sympathize with Zhang Dagang and come forward to comfort him.

After that, Li Hui and Zhao Ming took charge of him going to the reception room to have a rest. A big man had already cried to the point of breaking away.

Afraid that Zhang Dagang couldn't think of it, Li Hui accompanied him in the reception room and continued to persuade him.

An hour later, Li Hui sent Zhang away and returned to the office of group two.

"Is Zhang Dagang in a better mood?" Han Bin is concerned.

"What's the matter? No one can think of such a thing for a while." Li Hui sighed.

"Zhang Yiyi's mother, how come she hasn't seen her all the time?" Zhao Ming asked.

"I just asked. When Zhang Yiyi was ten years old, Zhang Yiyi's mother passed away. It's not easy for Zhang Dagang to be a father and a mother these years. When his daughter is older, it's not convenient for him to ask about many things. If he doesn't care enough, Zhang Yiyi is a little rebellious."

Li Hui said with emotion: "it's not easy for anyone."

Han Bin took out two pieces of chewing gum and put them into his mouth: "sympathize with each other, the case has to continue to be handled, and the source of the corpse has to continue to be investigated."


"Ding Ling Ling..."

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A burst of mobile phone ringing, Han Bin took out a mobile phone to see, is a call from Durge: "hello."

"Chief, we found a suspicious vehicle in Skynet monitoring."

"What car?"

"It's a white Audi A4. We intercepted the surveillance video of two intersections and found that the car had stopped for nearly half an hour at the scene of the crime."

"What time period?"

"Twelve thirty to one in the morning."

"Who is the driver?"

"The people in the Audi cab put down the sun visor and wore hoods, sunglasses and masks. They couldn't see clearly." Said duchy.

"What's the license plate number?"

"The license plate is Lu b5i95v. I checked the owner's identity. His name is Liu Jianhao. He is from the city. His mobile phone number is 1324854xxx. His address is room 1002, building 7, Sheng'an Jiayuan community, Tong'an road."

"Well done." Han Bin encouraged a, continue to ask a way: "that suspicious Audi car finally drove to where?""That car finally appeared at the intersection of North 2nd Ring Road and Mangbing Road, and never appeared after that." Said duchy.

"Has this car ever been reported missing?"


"I see. You and Xiaopeng will continue to stay in the traffic police monitoring center and continue to track the whereabouts of the car, not only to see where the car went, but also to find out where the car came from."


After the end of the call, Han Bin looked at his watch: "now we have the clue, let's work harder tonight."

"Bingo, you can arrange the task." Zhao Ming is full of energy.

Han Bin nodded, very satisfied with Zhao Ming's attitude: "Li Hui, you and Tian Li go to the intersection of North 2nd Ring Road and Mangbing road to search the suspected vehicle; I'll take Zhao Ming to investigate the owner's situation."

Li Hui hesitated: "binzi, I have a little suggestion."

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