Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 370: 370

"What advice?"

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"It's dark outside now. It's not easy to search the car. Let's investigate the owner together. If the car owner is the murderer, then we can save trouble. If the car owner is the victim's family, we can also ask him to help locate it. " Li Hui proposed.

"Huige's proposal is good. Audi A4 belongs to a mid-range car. Maybe it is also equipped with positioning instruments." Zhao Ming echoed.

Han Bin nods. Li Hui's words have a certain truth. It's impossible to understand the relationship between the car owner and the deceased. It's safer to go to more people.

"In this way, you pack up your equipment. I'll contact Tong'an Road police station and take action in five minutes."



Room 1002, building 7, Shengan Jiayuan community.

It's more than eight in the evening.

Liu Jianhao's family.

A man in his twenties cut a fruit tray and put it on the sofa in the living room. This man is the owner Liu Jianhao.

Liu Jianhao turned on the TV, eating fruit, watching TV, and looking at his mobile phone from time to time.

"Creak..." The door of the toilet rang.

a twenty year old woman came out of the toilet. The girl was wearing a pajamas, a tall figure with a mask on her face and a sofa.

mobile phone mask mobile phone, just played for a while, mobile phone power is not much, the woman called two "MMM", and then referring to his mobile phone.

Liu Jianhao smiles, takes out a power bank from the tea table and hands it to the woman.

The woman made a heart-shaped gesture with her hand, and then took over the power bank.

"Bang Bang..." Just then, there was a sudden sound upstairs, like someone running barefoot.

Liu Jianhao frowned. The voice made him feel uncomfortable.

"Bang Bang..." It wasn't long before there was another sound of footwork.

Liu Jianhao is a little upset, which has affected his mood of watching TV.

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However, this is not the end, every once in a while, footsteps will ring. The woman with

mask pointed to the top of the building.

"Day, which silly x running upstairs, also NIMA barefoot, also not afraid of running thin." Liu Jianhao swears. He can't bear it any more.

"I'll go up and have a look." Liu Jianhao put down a word, put on his coat and shoes, and opened the door.

However, when the door was just half opened, Liu Jianhao almost fell to the ground.

Two men and a woman rushed out on both sides of the door, directly holding Liu Jianhao down.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" Liu Jianhao asked.

"Police, don't move!"

"Ah The woman in the room shouted too loudly, and the mask could not be attended to.

While Liu Jianhao is subdued, Han Bin leads people into the room and searches the room, but finds no one else.

"What are you and why do you want to arrest my Haohao?" The woman who applied the mask was also controlled by Lily Tien.

"We are the police. As long as you don't commit a crime, don't worry." Han Bin showed his police certificate and asked Liu Jianhao, "what's your name?"

"Liu Jianhao."

"Do you have a white Audi A4?"

"Yes, I have an Audi."

"Where's your car?"

"It's in my garage, downstairs."

"When was the last time you drove?"

"Yesterday afternoon, it snowed today, so I didn't have a motor car."

"Where were you between twelve and one last night?" Han Bin asked.

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"I'm at home, right here?"

"Who can prove it?"

"I can prove it." The woman who applied the mask said.

"What's your relationship with Liu Jianhao?"

"I'm Hao Hao's girlfriend. We were together last night."

Han Bin has been observing women. It doesn't look like he's lying.

"What's the matter with the police comrades? Why do you want to arrest me?" Liu Jianhao was puzzled.

"Did you lend your car last night?"


"Is there any sign that your car has been stolen? It was returned the next day. "

"No way. My car is equipped with a positioning system. If my car starts, it will be displayed on my mobile phone." Liu Jianhao said.

"Hao Hao, can't you see the track of the car on your mobile phone? Let the police have a look. " Liu Jianhao's girlfriend reminds me.

"Yes, my mobile phone can check the driving records. I really didn't lie." Liu Jianhao nodded.

Zhao Ming took out Liu Jianhao's mobile phone, opened a car manager software and checked the driving records of Audi: "brother bin, if the software is normal, the car did not move last night."Han Bin frowned. According to Du Qi, the last place where the Audi appeared was at the intersection of North 2nd Ring Road and Mangbing road. If you want to drive back here, you can't miss it from the monitoring.

"Zhao Ming, go down to the garage and see if the car is there."

"Yes." Zhao Ming should be a, with a policeman out of the room.

"Comrade police, what's the matter? What's wrong with my car?" Liu Jianhao was a little nervous and his voice trembled.

"We are tracking down a homicide case. In the surveillance, we found that the white Audi with Lu b5i95v license plate stayed at the scene of the crime for a long time, which is likely to be the suspect's vehicle." Han Bin explained.

Liu Jianhao shook his head: "impossible, this is my license plate number, but my car didn't move at all last night."

"It's self-cleaning. Don't worry. We've come here to find out. If you have nothing to do with this case, the police will give you back your innocence." Han Bin is right.

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"I..." Liu Jianhao patted his forehead, as if thinking of something:

"I remember that I had a ticket before. I remember that I had never been there, but there was a speeding ticket. I thought I had made a mistake. Now it seems that someone will still have my license plate."

"Your heart is big enough, and you don't check it carefully?"

"I asked when I went to eliminate the points. They said it was a white Audi. I took a look at it and thought I had made a mistake. Now I think it's probably a car of the same model and color with my license plate." Liu Jianhao guessed.

Liu Jianhao's girlfriend said angrily: "I have said that for a long time, let you find out, you don't listen, also said that it's not worth it for the sake of a hundred children and eighty children. Now, people have committed a crime, and the police are looking for you."

"I don't want it." Liu Jianhao also looks aggrieved. His family's conditions are good, and his income is not low. It's really not worth running for the sake of a hundred children.

"Come on, don't quarrel. I'll find out later. I'll do what I should do." Han Bin waved his hand and motioned for silence.

He won't believe them until he finds out.

"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin's mobile phone rang. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He pressed the button to answer it

"Bingo, there is a white Audi downstairs with the license plate number of Lu b5i95v. The car is dusty and has no trace of running in the snow. It should not have moved last night." Zhao Ming said.

"I see."

"I'll send you a video. You can see for yourself." With that, Zhao Ming hung up.

Han Bin squeezed out a smile: "untie the handcuffs for Mr. Liu."

Liu Jianhao breathed a sigh of relief: "Comrade police, I didn't cheat you."

"I'm sorry to surprise you. The suspect should have used your license plate. On behalf of the criminal investigation team, I apologize to you." Han Bin bowed slightly.

"Hoo..." Liu Jianhao sat down on the sofa: "it scared me to pee."

"Comrades of the police, it's not easy for you this evening, and you don't need to apologize to us, but I have something to ask you for help." Liu Jianhao's girlfriend is very open-minded.

"Come on, I'll try my best to help as long as I can."

"You see, our car has been registered, but we can't prove it ourselves. Can you issue a certificate so that the people in the vehicle management office can believe us?" Liu Jianhao's girlfriend said.

"Do you want to get back the fine and the penalty?"

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"No, that little money is unnecessary. I'm afraid that the car will use my license plate again and cause trouble later." Liu Jianhao took over the conversation.

"You don't have to worry about this, and you don't have to go to the vehicle management office. I'll do it for you. We will definitely find that car, and we will never let it use your license plate again." Han Bin's tone is firm.

"Then we have to thank you." Liu Jianhao squeezed out a smile.

"Yes, you are welcome." Han Bin should be a, words a turn: "however, I also want to ask you a few questions."

"All right, you say?"

"Do you have any doubts about the use of license plates?" Han Bin asked.

Liu Jianhao lowered his head, thinking: "this, I really can't remember for a while and a half."

Liu Jianhao's girlfriend suggested: "police comrades, you see this line, you go back first, let him think about it in the evening, tomorrow in reply to you."

Han Bin took a look, two people are only wearing pajamas, with a group of people at home, it is not very convenient.

"All right." Han Bin nodded and left a business card: "this is my mobile phone number. If you have any clue, you can call me at any time."

"I'll have a good memory." Liu Jianhao took it. I understand.

After Han Bin apologized again, he left Liu Jianhao's home.

On the way back, two groups of people sitting in a car, face is not very good-looking.

Both leads didn't go well."Team leader, since the licensed car is at the intersection of North 2nd Ring Road and Mangbing Road, shall we go and search it now?" Tian Li suggested.

Han Bin looked at his watch, and it was already more than nine o'clock in the evening: "no, there is a big community over there. It's not easy to find out. I'm afraid it's hard to find out just by us. In addition to the local police station on duty police, it is estimated that other people are also off duty

"I have seen a lot of fake cars, but there are not many fake cars of the same model and color. I think the suspect may have made great efforts in this aspect, or has a certain relationship with Liu Jianhao." Li Hui analyzed.

Zhao Ming smashed it, smashed its mouth: "tut Tut, this suspect really has enough urine, we checked for a day, Leng didn't find a clue."

Han Bin pinched his forehead: "things are not going well today. Sleep and check again tomorrow."

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