Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 372: 372

Han Bin did not answer. He took other documents from Li Hui, including a driver's license and a driving license.

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The information on the driver's license is also Xue Mengjiao's. The owner of the driver's license is Xue Lipeng.

"Xue Lipeng was born in 1980. This year, she is just 40 years old. She is 21 years older than Xue Mengjiao. Is she her father?" Li Hui guessed.

Zhao Ming also came over: "it's too early to have a child at the age of 21."

"What do you know? People in those days all got married early, so they got a wedding wine." Li Hui didn't like it.

Han Bin waved his hand: "don't argue, Tian Li, you go back to the branch to check the situation of these two people in the system."

Then, Han Bin found Tian Junhai again: "Sergeant Tian, please collect the monitoring nearby."

"No problem."

After the arrangement, Han Bin went to the Toyota car and observed around. Then he asked the man beside the car, "Hello, did you call the police?"

"Yes, it's me. Are you a policeman, too?" The man asked.

"I'm from the criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch. What do you call me?"

"My name is Xu Renhui. This is my car."

"Mr. Xu, when did you find the car stolen?" Han Bin asked.

"At seven o'clock in the morning, when it was still getting dark, I went out to buy breakfast. I glanced at the car and saw that the glass of the car was smashed. I was very angry at that time. I found that the Audi next to me also opened the door, so I went to have a look, which scared me a lot. The back row of the car was full of blood and women's clothes. When I thought it was broken, something must have happened, So I called the police Xu Renhui said.

"Was there anyone else close to the scene besides you?"

"Although I'm not a policeman, I've also seen TV dramas. I know that I can't destroy the scene. The neighbors who want to come and watch are all stopped by me." Xu Renhui said.

"Well done."

"In fact, everyone knows these things, but it's not their own business, and they don't care about it. They just want to watch the fun..." Xu Renhui shook his head, glanced at the neighbor standing in the distance, and didn't say anything.

"When you found the car stolen, did you see any suspicious people?"

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"Did you hear anything unusual last night?"

"It's a cold day, it's night, who can think of this, ah..." Xu Renhui sighed: "not only change the glass, but also feel bad in his heart."

"When did the Audi next to you stop here?"

Xu Renhui recalled: "I can't remember that. When I stopped yesterday afternoon, this car was here."

"Is there a lot of car smashing and theft in your community?"

"It used to be. The community was big and the people were in disorder. There were not enough regular parking spaces. There was no camera in this alley. I didn't like to park here before. I came back a little late yesterday. In addition, it had just snowed and other places were full. So I put it here." Xu Renhui explained.

After Han Bin asked, he observed Xu Renhui's shoes. He wore a pair of black shoes.

Then, Han Bin began to study the footprints around Toyota and Audi cars. According to the scene, he simulated the scene at that time, and then combined with the underground shoe prints to analyze which footprints might be left by the theft suspects.

It wasn't long before the technical team came and began to investigate the interior of Audi.

According to the simulated scene, Han Bin quickly found footprints in line with the track of the theft suspects, of which two groups of footprints are consistent, Han Bin guessed that the suspects are probably two.

Han Bin in the vicinity of the cab, found a group of suspected killers parking, left the cab to step out of the footprint.

But the footprints were badly damaged. The murderer parked his car here early yesterday morning. It was still snowing and the footprints were covered. In addition, the temperature rose at noon yesterday and there were some signs of melting, which made it difficult to identify the murderer's footprints.

The footprints of the suspects are less than 10 hours away, and the temperature at night is relatively low, so they are better preserved.

Lu Wen came over and said, "team leader Han, the interior of Audi has been preliminarily inspected. To do further inspection, we need to transport the car back to the sub Bureau."

"What do you find?"

"There are fingerprints of the dead in the car and on the documents. As for whether the clothes with blood belong to the dead, they need to be taken back for DNA comparison."

"Anything else?"

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"In the drawer in front of the co pilot's cab, we also found several unused escape cases. Fingerprints were also found on the package, not the victim's."

"Compare the fingerprints on the Dodge suit as soon as possible. This clue is very important. It may be left by the murderer."

"I see. When the appraisal report is out, I'll send it to you." Speaking of this, Lu Wen seems to think of something again, turning back: "Audi's dash cam is gone.""What do you mean?"

"There's a base, but there's no camera."

"I see. I'll check it out."

Han Bin got into the co driver of the car and found that the dash cam was attached to the glass base, which was movable and similar to the one installed on Han Bin's car.

Han Bin's dash cam once showed that the memory card was full and he couldn't shoot new videos. Han Bin also found that the base of the dash cam was not normal. To put it bluntly, when the dash cam was installed at this angle, it couldn't shoot in the front, but in the back.

In other words, what happened in the back row is likely to have been recorded by the camera. Now that the camera is gone, the biggest possibility is that the killer took it away, and then there is another possibility that the car thief took it by hand.

This evidence is very important.

Later, Han Bin called a trailer to help the technical team transport the white Audi back to Yuhua Branch.

Police chief Tian Junhai also collected monitoring data from nearby areas.

Han Bin returns to Beixin police station with the other party to check the monitoring.

After seeing the footprints of the scene, Han Bin has a general understanding of the two suspects, shoes, height, age, step distance, and walking posture. As long as he sees the suspects in the monitoring, he believes he can recognize them.

The two thieves have entered the car and probably took things away from the scene. Therefore, Han Bin is sure to find these two people. In case they take important evidence, it is likely to affect the detection of the case.

After arriving at the police station, Han Bin proposed to check the monitoring.

Then, in the eyes of the two team members and the police station, Han Bin sped up the video playing speed by 16 times.

Others are dazzled, while Han Bin's eyes are fixed.

Others began to check the monitoring separately, but the speed was far from Han Bin.

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Many police are whispering, some said Hanbin cattle, some doubt whether Hanbin really can see clearly.

Half an hour later, Han Bin knocked the space bar.

There are two figures in the video, one is tall and the other is short. The short man is carrying a bag.

Han Bin played this video at normal speed. It was ten o'clock last night. The two men left in a hurry, especially the short man, who nearly slipped to the ground.

Han Bin watched the video of the two walking three times and said: "Sergeant Tian, these two people are likely to be the suspects in the broken window theft case."

Tian Junhai came over and looked at the two people on the screen. He was puzzled: "leader Han, how do you know that they are suspects?"

Not only Tian Junhai, but other people also showed a look of doubt.

The scene of car theft is not monitored, and there are no witnesses. People's impression of the suspect is still in a vague state.

How can Han Bin judge that these two people are suspects.

"I have investigated the footprints of the car theft scene. The suspects should be two people. The height, posture and walking style of the two people in the video are very consistent with the footprints left at the scene. They are probably the suspects of the car theft." Han Bin explained.

"Team leader Han, with your footprints and walking posture, you can judge the identity of the suspect, which is too powerful." Tian Junhai is a pun.

Han Bin smiles and doesn't answer. He says to Li Hui and Zhao mingphen: "based on this video, find out the trace of these two people, or find their high-definition screenshots."

For Hanbin's words, Li Hui and Zhao Ming have no hesitation. Whether they trust Hanbin's ability or obey Hanbin's leadership, they will do whatever Hanbin says.

In order to be able to find the two people as soon as possible, Han Bin also sent the video screenshot to Duqi, let them help search in Skynet monitoring.

Based on Han Bin's video, we can already determine the time, place, body shape and clothing of the suspect. It's much easier to check.

"Chief, I found a high-definition image, but both suspects were wearing masks." Li Hui pays more attention to address in front of outsiders.

"Keep looking."

After a while, Zhao Ming pointed to the screen: "brother bin, two suspects enter an Internet bar, the name of the Internet bar is not very clear."

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"Let me see." Tian Junhai came over and observed the computer screen: "I know this place, it's Bingbing Internet bar."

"Chief Tian, please send a policeman with me." Han Bin said.

"I'll take you." Tian Junhai also wants to see whether Han Bin is a real bull or a boaster.

"Leave one person to watch the video and see when the suspect left the Internet bar." Han Bin exhorted.

Tian Junhai nodded and arranged for a policeman to continue to check the monitoring.

Ten minutes later, Han Bin and others drove two cars to Bingbing Internet cafe.

See a few policemen into the Internet bar, the boss quickly from behind the counter to welcome out, took out a box of cigarettes, give Hanbin and others cigarettes: "a few police comrades, what's the matter?""We are looking for people. At 10 o'clock last night, two people came to the Internet bar to check their identity." Han Bin said, opened his mobile phone: "this is a video capture of two people."

The owner of the Internet bar took a look: "these two people, I really want to have an impression. I'll check them for you."

The owner of the Internet bar went to the back of the counter, without Han Bin and others showing relevant evidence, he had a crackling operation: "yes, there were two people who came at 10 o'clock last night, and they covered the night."

"When did you leave?"

The owner of the Internet bar shook his head: "I haven't left. I'm still playing upstairs."

"Take us up." Han Bin said.

"Well The owner of the Internet bar answered and took a look at Tian Junhai. He didn't know Han Bin, but he knew Tian Junhai.

Knowing that this man is here, you can do as you are told.

The owner of the Internet bar took another look at the seat number of the computer and led Han Bin and others to the stairway.

"Comrades of the police, they have two machines. One is number 43 and the other is number 42, so I won't go up." The boss of the Internet bar is in a bit of a dilemma. He is open-door in business. He doesn't want to offend people and tries not to offend them.


Suddenly, there was a sound of footwork on the stairs.

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